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Standing athwart the absurdity of treaties


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[quote name='Rooman33' timestamp='1296449150' post='2612054']tl;dr: GOP is two years old today. Treaties - and chaining treaties in particular suck - reject them :smug:

iSupport. :smug:

Thanks for the wub guys. :wub:

Also, YAY US! :awesome:

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I myself have fought in two wars - took ten nukes :nuke: and watched our benefactor the Old Guard get slaughtered for a treaty in a war they didn't really believe in. Honestly I miss the fighting and was very cranky in our alliance when I missed out on a war v. a nuclear rogue. However we will get our chance to fight, and in the meantime we are having a jolly old time.

A friend brought me into the GOP and I am glad I am here! :D

Happy 2nd B-day GOP!

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You preach the value of forgoing formal treaties, but don't forget that that approach has been tried. Back before there were many treaties, NPO used to rape other alliances. The treaties were the only form of protection for smaller alliances. Sure, every once in a while alliances get dragged into outrageous wars, and I certainly agree with some of the things you said, but the treaty web as a whole does more good than bad for this game.

Oh and congratz on two years guys!

Edited by hewhoisgod
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Our alliances may be on opposite ends of the political spectrum, but you guys seem like good people. Happy Birthday :)

o/ GOP

OCC: Reagan? Ew. :smug:

Edited by Comrade Trotsky
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[quote name='Rooman33' timestamp='1296449150' post='2612054']The casual, rational observer can easily see that the past several years of treaty politics have been a failure.[/quote]
I've been working on a very similar pronouncement for our DoE, so I'm not sure whether to be grateful that you've already written up the argument so gracefully, or annoyed that you stole our thunder :psyduck::P The good news is that in the last few weeks I've found that there are others out there who are coming to terms with the failed nature of the treaty web, and actually doing something about it. I'd be really interested to discuss this with you further in another setting.

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Congrats on another successful year, guys, and well said. :)

I also wish the treaty culture didn't have such a heavy (and predictable) sway over "who is who, and what they do." Total isolation from international affairs sort of defeats the purpose of the game, for many people. But, as was stated in the OP, alliances should be able to make their own decisions on what they do without any pressure to act (for good guys) or excuse to act (for bad guys) from legal obligations. Let treaties emphasize our friendships, but let our actions be our own.

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