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Joint Justitia - GOONS Announcement

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[quote name='deathcat' timestamp='1296375328' post='2610836']
Another win for Schattnmann... When will they learn to stop sending the grunts, pawns and the unarmed to a war of wits? :P
The shame of it is that Cult of Justitia is filled with some of the most experienced, accomplished rulers on this planet--3 Presidents of GPA plus assorted ministers thereof, a Tri of OG, professional writers, Vox, GATO senators and ministers, [i][b]you name it[/b][/i]--but tiny-brained pustules such as our friend here can't see past their favorite person, Schattenmann. This is the Cult of Justitia, and it is filled with some of the best damned rulers around.

Edited by Schattenmann
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The reason everyone is laughing at you all in peace mode isn't because we don't understand that you're trying to use it in a strategic manner. We're laughing at you because it's an awful strategy.

Edited by Biazt
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296373324' post='2610784']
Deflection? What? Of peace mode jokes? Everyone knows that people who make PM jokes are desperate morons, why would I deflect a PM joke? The use of a PM joke by someone speaks for itself. I mean at least when GOONS does it they can say they've never had a viceroy or pledged allegiance to the Emperor of NPO or been roundly regarded as pathetic for the majority of their existence. I don't deign to deflect you, your attentions entertain me, they're like delicious appetizers before real men with something real to say come on.

To be fair, the only viceroy ODN has ever had (or ever will have) was Sponge, and that was part of the lulzy peace agreement between Vox and ODN. As for the oath of loyalty to Ivan Moldavi, it was the only way that NPO was prepared to give them peace, and after what was at that time the longest war ever fought. Plus NPO had a month's headstart building nations before the ADN turned up.

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296374761' post='2610826']
Ohhhh, boy. You did. You went there.

I've "tried my hand" at ODN-when you were in diapers, boy--and I emerged victorious. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=55878

You see after jumping at the chance to lick the Continuum's boot[i] again[/i], ODN declared war on Vox Populi, and then went ahead and declared peace with us [b][i]the second[/i][/b] that Vox got serious about dealing with them.

Stiff upper lip, I always liked joracy, but, uh oh, 3 hours later it looks like behind the scenes the message came through loud and clear.

That is how Schattenmann "tried his hand" with ODN, and won. Within hours of these talks, Operation Orange Crush was under way, and in 1 month, ODN withdrew from the Vox Populi front. It's a shame that morons and hotshots with bigger mouths than brains such as yourself have managed to run out plenty of good men like Arsenal since then. ODN is poorer for it.

Care for any more, or have you got it all out of your system?

I wouldn't say that peacing out with Vox reflected badly on ODN in the slightest. It was largely down to Arsenal, who hates the NPO and didn't see any reason to fight their battles for them. I think that his decision to peace out with Vox was very respectable. Arsenal's motivations had nothing to do with the fact that Karma was about to win (or winning?) the Karma War.

On the other hand.. Lucius, bro, I like you a lot, but a little respect and kindness towards people never did any harm.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296373324' post='2610784']
Deflection? What? Of peace mode jokes? Everyone knows that people who make PM jokes are desperate morons, why would I deflect a PM joke? The use of a PM joke by someone speaks for itself. I mean at least when GOONS does it they can say they've never had a viceroy or pledged allegiance to the Emperor of NPO or been roundly regarded as pathetic for the majority of their existence. I don't deign to deflect you, your attentions entertain me, they're like delicious appetizers before real men with something real to say come on.

You are wrong, peace mode jokes are very effective :awesome:

Lucius, I have a better joke for you: Your alliance. :v:

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1296377025' post='2610873']
Lucius, I have a better joke for you: Your alliance. :v:

[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1296376889' post='2610871']
Oh God, D34th is posting. Awful attempt to attack ODN incoming~

This was pretty great :awesome:

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[quote name='Biazt' timestamp='1296375758' post='2610847']
The reason everyone is laughing at you all in peace mode isn't because we don't understand that you're trying to use it in a strategic manner. We're laughing at you because it's an awful strategy.
I'd generally think if an enemy is using a horrible strategy one would try to encourage said enemy to continue it. Instead there is endless moaning for the top tiers to come out of pm and supposedly enact a more damaging strategy to your side?

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[quote name='Lucius Aerilius' timestamp='1296371579' post='2610735']
Oh look, CoJ jumping on a bandwagon in an attempt to show they aren't the most worthless AA led by the most attention starved kid on Bob. Cool story bro.
CoJ are anything but worthless Lucius, and such dismissal of others is unbecoming of an ODNista.

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296372634' post='2610763']
I know a lot of ODNistas are afraid of the OWF because it's the site of your public humiliation for 4 years....
That is a little unfair man, there was a good deal of shame at those events that weighed equally heavy with ODN at the time yet ODN has moved on in a progressive fashion. Lucius is one guy whose views do not represent the whole of ODN.

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Good to hear.. always much respect to my counterpart in ODN... From one cool cat to another.. Thanks for your efforts in defusing the situation.. I think if you look above.. you'll see a few ideas to help Lucius through this difficult time.. ;)

oo/ CoJ
oo/ CATaduanes :wub:

obligatory: Roll GOONs :smug:

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1296377417' post='2610878']
I'd generally think if an enemy is using a horrible strategy one would try to encourage said enemy to continue it. Instead there is endless moaning for the top tiers to come out of pm and supposedly enact a more damaging strategy to your side?
Yeah, I don't think they care. They have their own idea of strategy and will keep saying this is part of some greater plan up until they lose, at which point it'll be someone else's fault. Whether we praise or insult them, it doesn't matter. Although if they did come out of peace mode it would speed things up a little.

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Hey CoJ and all the 10 alliances attacking us. Keep using your "strategy"

It's not like we've suffered worse.

Oh wait, I forgot about Roguefest 2010, in which the Ninjas were able to be more compelling opponents than all 10 of the alliances currently attacking us. Get another 10 and maybe you'll be able to compare. I'm not sure if this post is a complement to the Ninja's or an insult to your alliances.

I'll leave you to figure it out.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296377993' post='2610890']
Yeah, I don't think they care. They have their own idea of strategy and will keep saying this is part of some greater plan up until they lose, at which point it'll be someone else's fault. Whether we praise or insult them, it doesn't matter. Although if they did come out of peace mode it would speed things up a little.
So wait I don't understand.


Btw if it were completely up to me, none of the alliances involved would be using peace mode, but as you have probably noticed, most of the top tier of the alliances involved are in fact in peace mode. I wasn't going to send out like 3 nations against Umbrella/MK so they could just turtle against the overwhelming force due to lack of support.

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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1296378804' post='2610908']
So wait I don't understand.


Btw if it were completely up to me, none of the alliances involved would be using peace mode, but as you have probably noticed, most of the top tier of the alliances involved are in fact in peace mode. I wasn't going to send out like 3 nations against Umbrella/MK so they could just turtle against the overwhelming force due to lack of support.
No, you understand correctly. You're going to lose either way. Peace mode is just delaying it and letting NPO burn faster. Really I don't care which one you do, since I'm prepared to make fun either way.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296378994' post='2610911']
No, you understand correctly. You're going to lose either way. Peace mode is just delaying it and letting NPO burn faster. Really I don't care which one you do, since I'm prepared to make fun either way.
Oh okay then. Carry on.

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[quote name='deathcat' timestamp='1296334321' post='2609862']
I don't seem to recall TPF whining about the Number of alliances we had declare on us in Karma.. 17 or 18 wasn't it?.. :smug:

Yyyeah.. it was 9 alliances, and you were probably getting your slots filled perfectly well! One of yours was filled by a handsome gentleman going by the name of Gobb if I remember correctly. [img]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa38/Jack_Rivers/smileys/brothink.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296378994' post='2610911']
No, you understand correctly. You're going to lose either way. Peace mode is just delaying it and letting NPO burn faster. Really I don't care which one you do, since I'm prepared to make fun either way.

The general knows when to attack and when not to attack. Such a general would be able to engage his enemies when there are higher odds of victory, thus does not worn out his troops easily and reduce the burden of war on the nation.
- Sun Tzu, The art of war

That Sun Tzu guy is much smarter than you and I, Beefy.

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[quote name='daggarz' timestamp='1296393184' post='2611061']
The general knows when to attack and when not to attack. Such a general would be able to engage his enemies when there are higher odds of victory, thus does not worn out his troops easily and reduce the burden of war on the nation.
- Sun Tzu, The art of war

That Sun Tzu guy is much smarter than you and I, Beefy.

Did he ever have a line about starting a war then hiding?

Nah, since that has nothing to do with the "art" of anything.

Except finger painting, maybe you folks should scurry back to craft side of things and draw some pretty sunshine pictures.

And if Sun Tzu is so smart why hasn't he posted his DoW on GOONS yet?

Yeah, that's right. I'm calling out Sun Tzo right here and now.

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[quote name='daggarz' timestamp='1296393184' post='2611061']
The general knows when to attack and when not to attack. Such a general would be able to engage his enemies when there are higher odds of victory, thus does not worn out his troops easily and reduce the burden of war on the nation.
- Sun Tzu, The art of war

That Sun Tzu guy is much smarter than you and I, Beefy.
Good thing he's not fighting in the war. As it stands I'm not worried about our opponents.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1296401942' post='2611132']
Your NS chart tells me otherwise
SHOCK! Our NS is going DOWN? During a WAR? Say it isn't so! How could that be possible? Better surrender now; Admin knows NS charts are all that keep GOONS going. :rolleyes:

Oh wait, it's almost as if you added all 9 of the alliances that attacked us together, they've taken just as much damage as we have -- even totally ignoring the NPO front which is another 4m.

Hey look, MCXA's chart went down too. More than GOONS in fact. Guess you'll be surrendering now?


Edited by Beefspari
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