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Joint Justitia - GOONS Announcement

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CoJ continues its run of victories. In the war of words, they just got several dozen anarchies and defeat alerts on their targets.

Words are SO much more powerful than nukes, but GOONS will learn that the hard way. This will be a long war of attrition, and each CoJ word brings them that much closer to their ultimate goal. Nobody will fear that end result now because they are unable to see it, like a man with a tapeworm or burrowing parasite. In enough time, the influence will be insidious and decisive.

Princes are stronger than stonecutters,
Emperors stronger than princes,
Storms stronger than emperors,
Mountains stronger than storms...
But the destruction of the mountain comes from the slow, steady efforts of a lone stonecutter, chipping away at its base.

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[quote name='daggarz' timestamp='1296362623' post='2610407']
My nation stands ready to be victorious when the order is given.
How quaint.

[quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1296364464' post='2610481']
CoJ continues its run of victories. In the war of words, they just got several dozen anarchies and defeat alerts on their targets.

Words are SO much more powerful than nukes, but GOONS will learn that the hard way. This will be a long war of attrition, and each CoJ word brings them that much closer to their ultimate goal. Nobody will fear that end result now because they are unable to see it, like a man with a tapeworm or burrowing parasite. In enough time, the influence will be insidious and decisive.

Princes are stronger than stonecutters,
Emperors stronger than princes,
Storms stronger than emperors,
Mountains stronger than storms...
But the destruction of the mountain comes from the slow, steady efforts of a lone stonecutter, chipping away at its base.
I really wish this was a brilliant fakepost, I really do, because it reads like one.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1296362060' post='2610379']
Ah yes, Daggarz, champion of the WCE logs. Now that you're finally at war with GOONS, how does it feel?

Why would you go after Daggz like that? Are you mad because of the logs, the utter destruction of your AA's low-tier nations, or just because you know that if Daggz were to attack you it would be your epic demise?

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[quote name='Crazy Crazy' timestamp='1296367210' post='2610598']
Why would you go after Daggz like that? Are you mad because of the logs, the utter destruction of your AA's low-tier nations, or just because you know that if Daggz were to attack you it would be your epic demise?
Not really, it's because he came off in the WCE logs as the most unintelligent person in #strategos, and that's saying something.

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[quote name='Lucius Aerilius' timestamp='1296371579' post='2610735']
Oh look, CoJ jumping on a bandwagon in an attempt to show they aren't the most worthless AA led by the most attention starved kid on Bob. Cool story bro.

o/GOONS. Cut them down and burn the remains.
Looks like [i]somebody's[/i] got Schattenmania.


Yep! I can always spot a fan! I knew I recognized you; Lucius Aerilius, President of the ODN Chapter of the Schattenmann Fanclub. So dedicated he sits up at night thinking about my avatar.
It just warms my heart that so many people have shown up to this thread to personally comment on my need for attention, I'm just full to the brim with your attentions in this thread. Om nom nom, I'm getting fat with your attention and tears. I wonder how important a person has to be before people start traveling miles to give him attention in the form of telling him he wants attention. It must be "pretty damn important" because I'm the only one and you're all coming out here to give me the thing you think I want.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296371992' post='2610744']
Looks like somebody's got Schattenmania. It just warms my heart that so many people have shown up to this thread to personally comment on my need for attention, I'm just full to the brim with your attentions in this thread. Om nom nom, I'm getting fat with your attention and tears. I wonder how important a person has to be before people start traveling miles to give him attention in the form of telling him he wants attention. It must be "pretty damn important" because I'm the only one and you're all coming out here to give me the thing you think I want.

Yeah, you sure are important buddy. You sure are... :lol1:

You're like that "church" that protests at military funerals, its impossible to not want to rip your throat out to shut you up. You are more full of garbage and pretension than anyone who's ever arrived on this realm, hands down. When you want your sanctimonious bubble popped, you know where to find me sweetheart.

For the record, I'm being civil here. Stop back by the ODN forums if you want a more articulate descriptions of my take on you. Or just press that button on me princess ;)

EDIT: Thanks for posting that sig. I was lol'ing about it over on GOONS forum, but I couldn't find it :D. Now we can have yet another laugh over how pathetic Schatt is.

Edited by Lucius Aerilius
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Now, Lucius, it's one thing to be a Schattenfan, but it's quite another thing to obsess. I know you can't help but think about me so much that you even went to GOONS's forum to spread the word of my magnanimity, but you[i] have[/i] to get some other interests.
Now anything you need to say to me, you just say it here. I know a lot of ODNistas are afraid of the OWF because it's the site of your public humiliation for 4 years, but I am very busy right now and I can't be bothered to go over to your forum to hear more of your flattery.

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Actually, I think someone (other than myself) called you out on letting your alliance burn while you hide away in PM. I didn't bring you up, though I'm sure you just got a little moist thinking that I did.

Speaking of, its awfully convenient of you to hide away, safe and sound, while all the followers of your Cult of Personality are taking it on the proverbial chin. I see you know all about quality leadership, standing amongst your zombies...

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[quote name='Lucius Aerilius' timestamp='1296372774' post='2610766']
Actually, I think someone (other than myself) called you out on letting your alliance burn while you hide away in PM. I didn't bring you up, though I'm sure you just got a little moist thinking that I did.

Speaking of, its awfully convenient of you to hide away, safe and sound, while all the followers of your Cult of Personality are taking it on the proverbial chin. I see you know all about quality leadership, standing amongst your zombies...

More strategy jokes, how delightful! Yessir, I plan to stay in peace mode for at least another 6 months., but don't worry, you'll still be able to think about me.

Edited by Schattenmann
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According to the CN wiki the NPO side has more strength and a higher score (at least last it was updated). I'm assuming the point of everyone declaring on GOONS is because GOONS has less treaties to activate than the others? Either way if Doomhouse loses that would be pretty epic considering they worked so hard to stage this so that they may win.

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Deflection? What? Of peace mode jokes? Everyone knows that people who make PM jokes are desperate morons, why would I deflect a PM joke? The use of a PM joke by someone speaks for itself. I mean at least when GOONS does it they can say they've never had a viceroy or pledged allegiance to the Emperor of NPO or been roundly regarded as pathetic for the majority of their existence. I don't deign to deflect you, your attentions entertain me, they're like delicious appetizers before real men with something real to say come on.

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[quote name='Lucius Aerilius' timestamp='1296372182' post='2610752']
Yeah, you sure are important buddy. You sure are... :lol1:

You're like that "church" that protests at military funerals, its impossible to not want to rip your throat out to shut you up. You are more full of garbage and pretension than anyone who's ever arrived on this realm, hands down. When you want your sanctimonious bubble popped, you know where to find me sweetheart.

For the record, I'm being civil here. Stop back by the ODN forums if you want a more articulate descriptions of my take on you. Or just press that button on me princess ;)

EDIT: Thanks for posting that sig. I was lol'ing about it over on GOONS forum, but I couldn't find it :D. Now we can have yet another laugh over how pathetic Schatt is.

You Mad aren't you? I can see the HATE just broiling over.. The anger is bringing Tears to your eyes.. EXCELLENT... Congrats Schatt.. I think we have a winner!

~ DC - Official TEAR Collector, BBQer Extraordinaire of "BABY"back ribs, Whine connoisseur!


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Lucius, I recently gave some advice to someone that I think you need to heed as well:
[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1296192690' post='2606861']
I've got a little present for you; by the looks of this post, you need one.

Seriously, we're concerned for your health. :(

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Really? The guy who tried to orchestrate the WCE, has been a running joke at least my entire time here, and "leads" a similar joke of an AA wants to take digs at mine? If you feel so strongly about our existence, try your hand with us. I won't justify 3 year old insults against the Network with a lengthy reply, but we've more than overturned our prior failings in recent years. Or again, if you need a first hand lesson, boy, you know where to find us.

And I'm sorry your simple mindedness forced you to reduce my remarks to a "PM joke". Quite to the contrary, it is a question of your leadership (or lack thereof in this case). It is a poor shepherd who leads his flock to slaughter without at least bleeding with them. Or a coward, as is the more likely case.

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[quote name='Lucius Aerilius' timestamp='1296373594' post='2610791']
Really? The guy who tried to orchestrate the WCE, has been a running joke at least my entire time here, and "leads" a similar joke of an AA wants to take digs at mine? If you feel so strongly about our existence, try your hand with us. I won't justify 3 year old insults against the Network with a lengthy reply, but we've more than overturned our prior failings in recent years. Or again, if you need a first hand lesson, boy, you know where to find us.

And I'm sorry your simple mindedness forced you to reduce my remarks to a "PM joke". Quite to the contrary, it is a question of your leadership (or lack thereof in this case). It is a poor shepherd who leads his flock to slaughter without at least bleeding with them. Or a coward, as is the more likely case.
Someone get this boy a straitjacket before he hurts himself more.

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1296373535' post='2610789']
Lucius, I recently gave some advice to someone that I think you need to heed as well:

Seriously, we're concerned for your health. :(
I think we're beyond simple pills, here, Locke. This patient has been festering for months:
[quote name='Lucius Aerilius' timestamp='1291859094' post='10277876']
[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1291843093' post='10277813']
[quote name='Lucius Aerilius' timestamp='1291838066' post='10277786']
Believe me, I understand the frustration with the larger alliances. I share it. Still, I don't know. I'd probably like you all a lot more if you had a different leader lol. He just seems to be the largest of !@#$%s to me. I don't have any negative feelings for the rest of you though.
Any particular reason he seems like a !@#$%? There might be some underlying feelings that we can resolve. After your reasons, tell me about your mother.
A couple of reasons actually. One, I have a natural dislike for nerds who take games like this seriously. He seems to take it more serious and make it more real to himself than most. It makes me want to go old school and stuff him in a locker or leave him hanging from a door by his underwear. Second, I think he's a lying, sneaky coward (see WCE). Third, he fails to realize that putting together a couple of WoT's does not make not make one intelligent. Fourth, if I have to see him use the wold "Digiterra" one more time I might go rogue and raze his nation myself. That is not a real word. Its a make believe word about a lame make believe game. I cannot even come close to articulating the incredibly lame nerdtasticness of that. It transcends anything I've ever seen. Fifth, his avatar makes me want to punch babies. I have more, but I'm sick and crabby and am going back to bed for a bit, before Salka gets on me for baiting again <_<

Edit to add: Oh yeah, me mom. She's a nice lady, a southern girl. After 25 years of living in the north however, the last bit of her accent is gone. She's not much on the eyes however, but a great lady none the less.

Sargun started some therapy, but the patient missed appointments after the initial evaluation. Now here he is, he wanders around biting his nails and pulling on his hair screaming and mumbling [i]schattenmann, schattenmann, SCHATTENMANN, why didn't you love me mommy, SCHATTENMANN[/i]

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I do think it's high time that the dictator of Imperium Augustum be given a timeout by his citizens.. perhaps a retreat to a quaint "Spa".. Something requiring "Jackets" be worn straight at all times.. I'm thinking paranoia has now manifested into something more akin to "Obsessive Compulsive tendancies.." Perhaps a very FAR removed locale... Absent of the strains of ruling a nation UNINVOLVED in this direct conflict? ... :smug:

DC thinks that the prescription that Dr. Locke is offering.. Should be taken post haste... :wacko:

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296373407' post='2610787']
Schattenmania. I'm telling you, it's a sad, sad thing when someone obsesses about a person they claim to think is pathetic.

I think he needs to [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkhfL0pnMPQ"]get down with that sickness.[/url]

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[quote name='Lucius Aerilius' timestamp='1296373594' post='2610791']
Really? The guy who tried to orchestrate the WCE, has been a running joke at least my entire time here, and "leads" a similar joke of an AA wants to take digs at mine? If you feel so strongly about our existence, try your hand with us. I won't justify 3 year old insults against the Network with a lengthy reply, but we've more than overturned our prior failings in recent years. Or again, if you need a first hand lesson, boy, you know where to find us.

And I'm sorry your simple mindedness forced you to reduce my remarks to a "PM joke". Quite to the contrary, it is a question of your leadership (or lack thereof in this case). It is a poor shepherd who leads his flock to slaughter without at least bleeding with them. Or a coward, as is the more likely case.

Ohhhh, boy. You did. You went there.

I've "tried my hand" at ODN-when you were in diapers, boy--and I emerged victorious. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=55878

You see after jumping at the chance to lick the Continuum's boot[i] again[/i], ODN declared war on Vox Populi, and then went ahead and declared peace with us [b][i]the second[/i][/b] that Vox got serious about dealing with them.
[quote]Session Start: Tue Mar 03 14:51:16 2009
Session Ident: Joracy|ODN
[14:51] <Schattenmann> Surely you've voted on the issue by now?
[14:51] <Joracy|ODN> The peace issue?
[14:52] <Schattenmann> Yes
[14:52] <Joracy|ODN> We aren't really interested
[14:54] <Schattenmann> Alright. I don't say this spitefully; however, Vox can only take this for what it is: A desire on ODN's part to continue to be fully at war.
[14:55] <Joracy|ODN> Of course[/quote]

Stiff upper lip, I always liked joracy, but, uh oh, 3 hours later it looks like behind the scenes the message came through loud and clear.

[quote]Session Close: Tue Mar 03 17:37:47 2009
Session Start: Tue Mar 03 15:31:48 2009
Session Ident: Arsenal[ODN]
[15:31] Session Ident: Arsenal[ODN]
[15:31] <Arsenal[ODN]> Heya
[15:32] <Arsenal[ODN]> Let me know when you're around.
[15:38] <Schattenmann> Mkay?
[15:39] <Arsenal[ODN]> Hey
[15:39] <Arsenal[ODN]> You're declaring total war on us??
[15:39] <Arsenal[ODN]> D:
[15:40] <Schattenmann> No. You declared total war on us 6 months ago.
[15:41] <Arsenal[ODN]> But we're not actually attacking each other.
[15:41] <Schattenmann> Just because we've been ignoring you for the most part doesn't mean we're not at war
[15:41] <Schattenmann> That's why Vox thinks the peace should be formalized
[15:43] <Arsenal[ODN]> Best I can personally do for you is take you off of our target lists and partially enforce the earlier mentioned forum ceasefire.
[15:45] <Schattenmann> That's a good start and I'll take that back to the senate, but it's also a dead-end road. Your argument for not going full peace is that we're not attacking you and your ally is still at war with us.
[15:45] <Arsenal[ODN]> The sticking point seems to be our allies being at war with you.
[15:45] <Schattenmann> So if you take us off target lists and we chill on the forums, then in 2 months or 4 or whenever we come back and ask about actual peace, then your argument is only stronger: There's no hostilities
[15:46] <Schattenmann> How is ODN allied to NPO?
[15:46] <Schattenmann> and Valhalla and OG?
[15:46] <Arsenal[ODN]> I'm not trying to use the lack of hostilities as a reason for not being at peace.
[15:47] <Arsenal[ODN]> Also, IRON and GGA, apparently.
[15:47] <Schattenmann> But you do take the issue of peace without seriousness because ODN feels no effect of their war on us.
[15:48] <Arsenal[ODN]> I'm trying to use that as reasoning with our Senate as to why we *should* have peace.
[15:48] <Arsenal[ODN]> But they're using that same reason against me, as you think I am now.
[15:49] <Schattenmann> Our goal is to make peace with alliances we don't feel we should be fighting. If ODNs opinion is that there's no need to formalize peace bc there's no gain (no cessation of attacks that haven't been happening) then we cannot further our goal by further reducing hostilities
[15:51] <Schattenmann> <Arsenal[ODN]> But they're using that same reason against me, as you think I am now. <---then you have to make them understand that just bc we're not attacking now doens't mean we can't
[15:51] <Schattenmann> They have to understand that their vote of "no" to peace is a vote to re-affirm war
[15:51] <Arsenal[ODN]> You would attack us out of spite? :/
[15:52] <Schattenmann> We would attack you out of self-defense--you declared war on us, not the other way around. ODN attacked *us* out of spite--it was a lulzy PR move.
[15:53] <Arsenal[ODN]> I honestly don't know exactly how or when ODN was involved.
[15:53] <Arsenal[ODN]> The prevailing opinion within the ODN Senate seems to be maintaining the status quo.
[15:54] <Arsenal[ODN]> I'm willing to use what powers my Office empowers me to use to help out a little further.
[15:54] <Schattenmann> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=31128
[15:54] <Arsenal[ODN]> We recently had a Senate vote, so I'll be sure to bring it up.
[15:54] <Arsenal[ODN]> But until then, there's not a ton I can do.
[15:57] <Schattenmann> Alright. And all I'm saying, becaus eI'm a frank person, is that until ODN declares peace, then we are at war.
[15:58] <Arsenal[ODN]> Alright.
[15:58] <Arsenal[ODN]> Are you going to be ramping up the war effort, whatever that may entail?
[15:59] <Schattenmann> We can wait on ODN to make up its mind, but if war is confirmed then it's war. I'm not saying this to back you into a corner as a threat, simply as a matter of fact.
[16:00] <Arsenal[ODN]> Very well.
[16:01] <Schattenmann> I don't know how your senate works, but if it were me I'd simply bring it up as I have to you: Vox Populi regards itself in a state of de facto ceasefire with ODN due to our focus on other AAs. Seeing this opportunity, we seek peace with ODN because we do not view ODN as our enemy. However, if ODN does not wish to be at peace with Vox Populi, then we shall consider our war to be hot.
[16:02] <Schattenmann> The motion: Shall the ODN, recognizing de facto peace, formalize the standing peace with Vox Populi in order to relieve the threat of war?
[16:03] <Schattenmann> I've gotta run now, I'll be back later
[16:04] <Schattenmann> I hope I'm not sounding like an ass--I want peace with ODN bc war doesn't make sense. But we won't roll over because we think ODN are nice guys
[16:04] <SchattenAFK> seeya later
[16:04] <Arsenal[ODN]> See ya
Session Close: Tue Mar 03 17:38:01 2009[/quote]

That is how Schattenmann "tried his hand" with ODN, and won. Within hours of these talks, Operation Orange Crush was under way, and in 1 month, ODN withdrew from the Vox Populi front. It's a shame that morons and hotshots with bigger mouths than brains such as yourself have managed to run out plenty of good men like Arsenal since then. ODN is poorer for it.

Care for any more, or have you got it all out of your system?

Edited by Schattenmann
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