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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1296004726' post='2601459'][color="#0000FF"]Karma took care of NPO and they haven't done a thing since, and aren't going to in the future. [/color][/quote]
I suppose it is one thing to dislike even hate NPO, for things now passed years ago. It is even understandable to, I suppose, not thrust the NPO due to that.

But it is completely another thing, to start to rationalize destruction of NPO by "what they would do in the future".
"We are preempting their crimes from the future"-- as basically stated by that comical relief guy from TOP.

Once people start to spew this type of comedy, you know you arent dealing with rational individuals.

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[quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1296005160' post='2601476']
Brave new world indeed... Didn't NPO already get rolled for this once? Were the surrender and large amounts of reps not sufficient?
[color="#0000FF"]Ignore that rhetoric. They just started taking it up again within the last few hours, after the were called on it after they initially announced this declaration. Somewhere in here they admitted that all the talk about virtue and decency, that it was just talk to them. Meant solely to sway suckers like you and I to their side.[/color]

[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1296005363' post='2601487']
Simply unable to let go of petty grudges or wanting to avoid problems down the road?

We consider the New Pacific Order a threat to the world at large and our interests in particular: we act on it. Or perhaps we are nihilist villains and we simply want to see the world burn?

Who knows. Certainly not you.

As a side note: if there's a high horse, we're sharing the saddle it seems.
[color="#0000FF"]You do not consider the NPO a threat. You just want to see them burn. Man up and admit it, cowards. For all my theatrics, I at least mean what I say. I have no reason to hide my thoughts.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1296005308' post='2601486']
Alas, then maybe we should stop posting in this thread. Maybe you should stop reading if you don't seek answers to legitimate questions. But if you come to accuse us of wrongdoing then I will attempt alleviate your confusion. That is all.

Provide legitimate answers - stop backpedaling, stop trying to justify the rights of the same actions you complained about a year ago, stop twisting words, stop trying to divert attention

Be honest and maybe just maybe people will respect you

And I haven't seen such a poor job of alleviating confusion since the gramlins/IRON fiasco

Did you perhaps learn from Matthew pk? Maybe that's why you aren't good at alleviating things

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Guest Mike Oldfield

[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1296005363' post='2601487']
Simply unable to let go of petty grudges or wanting to avoid problems down the road?

We consider the New Pacific Order a threat to the world at large and our interests in particular: we act on it. Or perhaps [b]we are nihilist villains and we simply want to see the world burn?[/b]

Who knows. Certainly not you.

As a side note: if there's a high horse, we're sharing the saddle it seems.
At least you're honest :D

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[quote name='greatmagnus' timestamp='1296003793' post='2601427']
There REALLY needs to be a new buzzword besides Hegemony. Empire anyone?
I think we will stick to Hegemony. Besides, it's not like you guys have done much different from the NPO Hegemony of old, so it's not like you deserve a distinction.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1296005363' post='2601487']
Simply unable to let go of petty grudges or wanting to avoid problems down the road?

We consider the New Pacific Order a threat to the world at large and our interests in particular: we act on it. Or perhaps we are nihilist villains and we simply want to see the world burn?

Who knows. Certainly not you.

As a side note: if there's a high horse, we're sharing the saddle it seems.

Who in this world did you talk to before you spoke for the rest of us?

The lackeys/hangerons who want to worship at archons mule is probably the world you consulted is my guess

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1296005474' post='2601492']
[color="#0000FF"]Ignore that rhetoric. They just started taking it up again within the last few hours, after the were called on it after they initially announced this declaration. Somewhere in here they admitted that all the talk about virtue and decency, that it was just talk to them. Meant solely to sway suckers like you and I to their side.[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]You do not consider the NPO a threat. You just want to see them burn. Man up and admit it, cowards. For all my theatrics, I at least mean what I say. I have no reason to hide my thoughts.[/color]
What would it change? No matter what we say, you will go with whatever version pleases you the most. I'm merely offering possibilities; I'm a man of choice, you see.

Another one, for fun: we're acting against the New Pacific Order because they have illegally laid a claim to the throne of the Mushroom Kingdom and supported the pretender, notably by shielding him from just retribution and financing his adventure.

True or not? Who cares.

Side: MrHavok, get some education and a sensible knowledge of Digiterra's history and come back later.

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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[quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1296005564' post='2601495']
Provide legitimate answers - stop backpedaling, stop trying to justify the rights of the same actions you complained about a year ago, stop twisting words, stop trying to divert attention

Be honest and maybe just maybe people will respect you

And I haven't seen such a poor job of alleviating confusion since the gramlins/IRON fiasco

Did you perhaps learn from Matthew pk? Maybe that's why you aren't good at alleviating things

You didn't ask a question. I have no legitimate answer to this according to your means.

I do not understand what you don't understand if you don't tell me.

You need to start the cycle, i am no reader of minds.

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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1296005308' post='2601486']
Alas, then maybe we should stop posting in this thread. Maybe you should stop reading if you don't seek answers to legitimate questions. But if you come to accuse us of wrongdoing then I will attempt alleviate your confusion. That is all.
Ok, produce the proof that NPO had returned to past ways (2years plus) or was planning to do any of this now or ever again. Something about their actions must have alarmed you to have attacked them in such a hurry

[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295928088' post='2597854']
We cannot allow any chance of a return to power by the New Pacific Order. For years they ruled with an iron fist. They engineered a multitude of first strike "curbstomps," the most grossly abusive among them being the glibly named Woodstock Masscre against the Green Protection Agency. Never one to face an enemy with an even remote chance of victory, and always one to beat on the weak and the vulnerable, the New Pacific Order was a true master of the first strike attack. They could not only beat down the weak, but they had maneuvered the politics of the day such that they could do so with impunity.

Edited by Alterego
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I just realized The Legion and Invicta are either going to fight Doom house + FAN and either get rolled horribly or get rolled horribly and disband or [i]not honor their treaties and be shamed![/i]Brilliant political move Doom house, just brilliant.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1296005806' post='2601506']
What would it change? No matter what we say, you will go with whatever version pleases you the most. I'm merely offering possibilities; I'm a man of choice, you see.

Another one, for fun: we're acting against the New Pacific Order because they have illegally laid a claim to the throne of the Mushroom Kingdom and supported the pretender, notably by shielding him from just retribution and financing his adventure.

True or not? Who cares.
[color="#0000FF"]Oh, quit making up reasons. It is unbecoming. Even for you.

The reason they are a different alliance than they were in the past is simple. Logic. They cannot commit the atrocities they did in the past and get away with it. PZI, viceroys, unprovoked beat downs with shoddy CBs, or none at all.... Those are all unacceptable these days, and they know it. And perhaps, just maybe, people change. They can better themselves. If the NPO were truly a threat to the world, it would have shown by now.

Anyway, tout virtues all you want. Backroom extortion, excessive reparations, and unprovoked attacks are all very much in vogue with you and your friends. You really are not that much better than they were, and you've demonstrated yourselves numerous times to be unworthy of the privilege given to you.[/color]

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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1296005818' post='2601507']
You didn't ask a question. I have no legitimate answer to this according to your means.

I do not understand what you don't understand if you don't tell me.

You need to start the cycle, i am no reader of minds.
I'll try.

Why exactly are you declaring war on NPO?
How is your declaration on NPO any different from the very things you have condemned them for?
Do you truly believe this war is justified, if so why?

Edited by King Srqt
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1296005868' post='2601511']
Ok, produce the proof that NPO had returned to past ways (2years plus) or was planning to do any of this now or ever again. Something about their actions must have alarmed you to have attacked them in such a hurry

How about a really good hunch.

It seemed to us that NPO was being protected in this war, thus the chained alliances were not coming in to help Polar for what we presumed to be fear that Pacifica would be brought in. We cannot imagine another reason that Polar and co.'s allies would not come in to support them when at the time it was an uphill battle. Any support would help them greatly. So that's our reason for our assumption.

Based on that rational assumption, we find that the NPO seems to be held in high regard by the opposing side of this war. The last time they were held in any regard similar to that was pre-karma, when NPO DID rule the world with their iron fist. During that time NPO valiantly fought and gave MK plenty of reasons to hate it.

We do hate NPO. We do not want even the slightest chance to see them in power again. If our assumptions are true, and reasonably they may be, we can't allow any small chance of NPO ruling Bob again.

We hate NPO, and we will not give them the chance. That's why we fight.

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[quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1296006311' post='2601526']
I'll try.

Why exactly are you declaring war on NPO?
How is your declaration on NPO any different from the very things you have condemned them for?
Do you truly believe this war is justified, if so why?

I think he meant questions that he would actually answer honestly

Your questions are ones that require maximum spin and wordsmithing

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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1296006406' post='2601527']
How about a really good hunch.

It seemed to us that NPO was being protected in this war, thus the chained alliances were not coming in to help Polar for what we presumed to be fear that Pacifica would be brought in. We cannot imagine another reason that Polar and co.'s allies would not come in to support them when at the time it was an uphill battle. Any support would help them greatly. So that's our reason for our assumption.

Based on that rational assumption, we find that the NPO seems to be held in high regard by the opposing side of this war. The last time they were held in any regard similar to that was pre-karma, when NPO DID rule the world with their iron fist. During that time NPO valiantly fought and gave MK plenty of reasons to hate it.

We do hate NPO. We do not want even the slightest chance to see them in power again. If our assumptions are true, and reasonably they may be, we can't allow any small chance of NPO ruling Bob again.

We hate NPO, and we will not give them the chance. That's why we fight.

As I said earlier to some other clown

You and your alliance are a fraud

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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1296006406' post='2601527']
We do hate NPO. We do not want even the slightest chance to see them in power again. If our assumptions are true, and reasonably they may be, we can't allow any small chance of NPO ruling Bob again.

We hate NPO, and we will not give them the chance. That's why we fight.

All you've done is help to ensure that they rule the world again. They are now the rally point for any sort of anti-hegemonist movement. Way to go.

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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1296004003' post='2601438']
Because they want Schatt on their side. As if [i]that's[/i] gonna happen....
Not really, I wouldn't bother going to him because of his stated views on sanctions.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1296006125' post='2601520']
[color="#0000FF"]Oh, quit making up reasons. It is unbecoming. Even for you.

The reason they are a different alliance than they were in the past is simple. Logic. They cannot commit the atrocities they did in the past and get away with it. PZI, viceroys, unprovoked beat downs with shoddy CBs, or none at all.... Those are all unacceptable these days, and they know it. And perhaps, just maybe, people change. They can better themselves. If the NPO were truly a threat to the world, it would have shown by now.

Anyway, tout virtues all you want. Backroom extortion, excessive reparations, and unprovoked attacks are all very much in vogue with you and your friends. You really are not that much better than they were, and you've demonstrated yourselves numerous times to be unworthy of the privilege given to you.[/color]
Why wouldn't they be able to commit said atrocities in a near future, considering you accuse us of committing those very same atrocities right now?

What is unacceptable is merely defined by might. Words didn't change this world. Karma didn't happen because of speeches, it happened because there were enough nations willing to stand for certain principles. Do you see those nations right now? Either we're still in the "acceptable" or they know they don't have the firepower (read: might) to defend their ideals. Then again, we're all free to pick our reason and run with it, right?

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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1296006406' post='2601527']
How about a really good hunch.

It seemed to us that NPO was being protected in this war, thus the chained alliances were not coming in to help Polar for what we presumed to be fear that Pacifica would be brought in. We cannot imagine another reason that Polar and co.'s allies would not come in to support them when at the time it was an uphill battle. Any support would help them greatly. So that's our reason for our assumption.

Based on that rational assumption, we find that the NPO seems to be held in high regard by the opposing side of this war. The last time they were held in any regard similar to that was pre-karma, when NPO DID rule the world with their iron fist. During that time NPO valiantly fought and gave MK plenty of reasons to hate it.

We do hate NPO. We do not want even the slightest chance to see them in power again. If our assumptions are true, and reasonably they may be, we can't allow any small chance of NPO ruling Bob again.

We hate NPO, and we will not give them the chance. That's why we fight.
Maybe they had a hunch too. Maybe they thought like you there was a reason alliances in DH and PB had yet to enter despite allies being countered. Maybe they thought if they entered the people who still openly say they want NPO disbanded or crushed would come out of the woodwork and try to kill them off and/or bleed them out in reps. If this is what they thought they were right. You want to crush them for no reason at all but a hunch someone had based on zero evidence because you guys got scared NPO might do something bad in the future.

[b]The DoW sould have read "We got scared" as the CB[/b]

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1296005031' post='2601470']
[color="#0000FF"]The NPO as a sovereign alliance, with its own senator, can sanction whoever it wishes. It is not obliged to act at the whimsies of GOONS. But of course, I have no desire to even argue with petty hypocrites such as yourself anymore. The time for talk is over. Your alliances will burn, as they have all deserved for a long time now.[/color]
I didn't say it wasn't their decision to make, it's just a dick move.

[quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1296005071' post='2601471']
So that's the CB now? Or is it still "we don't like you."? Just trying to clarify if there's any flip-flopping goin' on.
Nope, just an annoyance I have with them.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1296006727' post='2601539']
Why wouldn't they be able to commit said atrocities in a near future, considering you accuse us of committing those very same atrocities right now?

What is unacceptable is merely defined by might. Words didn't change this world. Karma didn't happen because of speeches, it happened because there were enough nations willing to stand for certain principles. Do you see those nations right now? Either we're still in the "acceptable" or they know they don't have the firepower (read: might) to defend their ideals. Then again, we're all free to pick our reason and run with it, right?
[color="#0000FF"]Could the NPO do the same things as you do if they got into a position of absolute power? Yes, absolutely. There is no guarantee that they wouldn't. Yet how would taking them out for possibly being able to do those things benefit the world? It wouldn't. Not when you already are doing those things, and quite often. You criticize the NPO for the things that it could, but has not yet, while actively committing said crimes yourself.

Anyway, glad you put an end to the ruse in your last paragraph, and came out and said it. Might makes right. I never bought into that logic, which is why I am where I am. I have no regrets.[/color]

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Guest Mike Oldfield

[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1296006406' post='2601527']
How about a really good hunch.

It seemed to us that NPO was being protected in this war, thus the chained alliances were not coming in to help Polar for what we presumed to be fear that Pacifica would be brought in. We cannot imagine another reason that Polar and co.'s allies would not come in to support them when at the time it was an uphill battle. Any support would help them greatly. So that's our reason for our assumption.

Based on that rational assumption, we find that the NPO seems to be held in high regard by the opposing side of this war. The last time they were held in any regard similar to that was pre-karma, when NPO DID rule the world with their iron fist. During that time NPO valiantly fought and gave MK plenty of reasons to hate it.

We do hate NPO. We do not want even the slightest chance to see them in power again. If our assumptions are true, and reasonably they may be, we can't allow any small chance of NPO ruling Bob again.

We hate NPO, and we will not give them the chance. That's why we fight.
And some don't like MK.
Planet bob has suffered under your rule.
also my good sir, your optical sensors must be defective because we, for instance, are helping IAA defend Polar, there are a good many alliances defending Polar, any alliances that stayed out DID SO because of treaty conflicts that YOUR reckless treaty strategy CAUSED, not because of anything Pacifica did!
You attacked an alliance that only has minimal ties to any of us, an alliance that is for all intents and purposes soft neutral, hell why don't you guys roll TDO, GPA and GOP and be done with it?
Attacking an alliance for "teh lulz" or because you're banking on a future that for all intents and purposes may never come to pass is a piss poor CB, NPO could just remain on Red, make like FAN and go totally neutral, you don't know that man.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1296003665' post='2601419']
If they refuse to sanction a nuclear rogue with a red uranium trade (i.e., Methrage), they are indirectly responsible for the nuclear damages excess the first 25 nukes.

Senators have basic duties, not performing them for certain parties is incredibly rude and callous. When we have a senator, we always sanction rogues, whoever they are hitting.


YOU'RE responsible for another team's senator not sanctioning a rogue. Trust me, I know from experience :smug:

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