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An interview with Lennox himself

Karl Peters

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Alright boys, girls, and freaky alien people, I just gave Lennox a simple interview on what has been going on in the world, and what he had to do with it. In this interview, I tried to stay neutral, and to try, and just get the facts instead of the biased answers from both sides. Here it is, and feel free to comment. Remember I just did all of this with no log switches, or faking anywhere in there, so don't try any of that BS if you don't like the answers.

[quote][INFO] Query view for “Lennox” opened.
<Lennox> (Im back whenever you need)

<KarlP> cool just about to pm me
<KarlP> first is first, how was your day?
<Lennox> Good thanks.
<Lennox> Yourself?
<KarlP> not bad till i found out it was -8 outside
<Lennox> Are you in massachusetts?
<KarlP> NY
<Lennox> Ah, I'm in MA
<Lennox> Same weather here my friend.
<KarlP> ouch
<KarlP> you guys have had some rough weather in the past month
<Lennox> Ya, the whole Northeast has lol.
<KarlP> true very true
<Lennox> So lets get on with the interview.
<KarlP> alright
<KarlP> Were you truly being a double agent? Pretending to spy for Dajobo, and then actually setting him up for a VE cb?
<Lennox> Yes
<KarlP> So you had no plans of spying for NpO?
<Lennox> When I entered the conversation with Dajobo I did intend to spy for NpO. But by the end of the conversation I realized I had incrimminating evidence against them which I would possibly be able to use later.
<Lennox> intended*
<Lennox> intend**** aaaaahhh
<KarlP> haha
<KarlP> Since the cat is out of the bag, care to share what the evidence was? Logs, screenshots, etc.?
<Lennox> All of it is on the owf (most of it anyway).
<KarlP> Alright nothing new then
<Lennox> The very first conversation took place with dajobo on mibbit which was screenshotted. I then joined VE with the intention of spying on them until I admitted to Impero what I was doing. From there it was about setting a trap (which admittedly had already been sprung) against Dajobo/Polar. All that was needed was proof that screenshots were being accepted.
<KarlP> Alright fair enough
<KarlP> So when did you get the first screenshots? Were they quickly sent out or was Impero at least trying to cover the trails a little bit?
<Lennox> The first screenshots of what?
<Lennox> Of VE's military information?
<KarlP> Yes, the all the warchests, and military info
<Lennox> Those were provided to me by Impero shortly after I told him I had initially come there to spy. They were in forums I did not have access to, which I mentioned would be a problem to Impero. He instructed me to simply not reply to anyone who asked where or how I got them (including to VE members who were asking).
<KarlP> So you played the good soldier, and followed Impero's orders to the letter?
<Lennox> For a while yes, until I leaked information to Rebel Virginia which he posted on the OWF.
<KarlP> Did you want RV to post that info on the OWF?
<Lennox> Naturally or else I wouldn't have given it to him. (I was also the first post in his thread to affirm I took part in what he posted which people seem to be overlooking.)
<KarlP> Alright, just want to try, and make this clear
<KarlP> Now the major controversy/ main argument for the fake screenshots, and logs by you is that they have different save types. Why did you convert these screenshots from .png to .jpg? Was Impero truly that concerned that Dajobo might catch on?
<Lennox> Ah, this is a point that everyone is making a major deal about. Someone actually proved the images were never altered although their formats were changed. Impero gave me the screenshots and asked me to download them to my computer and upload them to a site that wasn't connected to him. The image format wasn't the important part, what WAS important was that they didn't come from a link associated with Impero. So when I downloaded the
<Lennox> images (as .jpg) I reuploaded them to imageshack which automatically uploads to a .png format. Thats why in the image link you will see xxxxxxxxjpg.png
<Lennox> A CN member actually proved that was the case and that the image was identicaly pixel for pixel with the .jpg original.
<KarlP> Alright so you double uploaded the screenshots to cover the tracks?
<Lennox> Let me try to explain again if I was unclear.
<KarlP> no i got it
<Lennox> Impero sent me links that were associated with one of his accounts online. (Like his personal photobucket or the like). I just uploaded them to a different site so it was linking impero to the images.
[INFO] There is nothing to tab-complete. Use F6 to cycle through the user list, input box and the chat output.
<KarlP> These next few questions will becoming from people from other than me, is that alright?
<Lennox> Sure
<KarlP> The logs from Impero, and wippler, along with numerous other people, show that you were actually communicating with Dajobo, and had been planning with Dajobo not Impero. Can we really trust your word that you were not a Polaris spy?
<Lennox> I was a polar spy but then I realized I could easily get Impero to instigate a war if I turned on Polar.
<KarlP> So then you were hoping for a war to come out of this?
<Lennox> Yes, that was the whole point.
<KarlP> So then what were your reasons for planning out this war? Revenge? Boredom?
<Lennox> Mainly boredom, revenge was pretty much just a cover I used. I pretty much forgave Polar for what they did to NSO, even to the point of leading an effort to restore relations with them. But, Polar getting a dose of their own medicine didn't bother me.
<KarlP> Alright for those newcomers out there mind to explain what happened between Polar and NSO?
<Lennox> Back in a war called the "Bipolar War" NpO controversially attacked another alliance and NSO was the very first alliance to come to Polar's defense without ever questioning what they did. As the war developed, NpO eventually secured peace for themselves without telling NSO and continued to let us be attacked. (We were fighting some absurdly unbalanced war both in in number of nations and sheer nation strength). Then NpO switched to t
<Lennox> other side of the war and started attacking the side NSO was on. (This is why it is called BiPolar). NpO never helped us to get peace, and they never apologized for what they did.
<KarlP> Alright, here come the last few questions
<KarlP> If you could change anything, what would it be, and why?
<Lennox> It would be that I wouldn't have had to detray Dajobo to start a war.
<KarlP> Alright man that should conclude it
<KarlP> Mind if I OWF post this to show people a neutral side?
<Lennox> A neutral side of whaT?
<KarlP> the interview, i tried not to pick a side in the questions just asked from facts, and questions i got from other people
<Lennox> Ya of course. I assumed this would be posted on the OWF when you asked me :P
<KarlP> Alright then
<KarlP> I'll post it up[/quote]

And forgot this log just after I posted this up.

[quote]KarlP> oh one last question
<KarlP> What do you think about the people calling this the Lennox War?
<Lennox> I can't lie, it would be sweet to have a war named after you. The real fun was watching people attack each other though![/quote]

Edited by Karl Peters
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No offense, but it sounds to me like someone wanted to start another Karma War, just like the old Blackstone Collusion (right Collusion?) did with screenshots to Ordo Verde about NPO. Karma was a war unlike any I remember in CN in my five years around Planet Bob. Why anyone would want another war that size is beyond me. But hey, this war is catching up.

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1295925274' post='2597758']
There we go indeed. As most were aware by now, Lennox took mildly, vaguely incriminating evidence and stretched it into a war with Impero's help.
[/quote]Ah, seems like mildly vaguely our perception filters treat the information inherent differently, as you're more likely to give a Dajobo the benefit of the doubt, and I hold him to a standard I'd expect of myself. We shall agree to disagree, then.

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It will be funny if this creates a new "response to Rebel Virginia false accusations" thread by Impero.

I think it's quite clear that this whole war is just a set up by the Viridian Entente and that it's in no way a "defensive war against Polaris".

Good thing is that Impero never expected that this war will end up destroying his empire of lies and deceit.

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[quote name='zoskia' timestamp='1295925666' post='2597778']
It will be funny if this creates a new "response to Rebel Virginia false accusations" thread by Impero.

I think it's quite clear that this whole war is just a set up by the Viridian Entente and that it's in no way a "defensive war against Polaris".

Good thing is that Impero never expected that this war will end up destroying his empire of lies and deceit.
[/quote]There's no data there to suggest anything we've said as a lie.

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[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295931195' post='2598429']
This doesn't invalidate my statement, nor illegitimize the casus belli.

Actually it does...

But the REAL CB is "we want war with you"... it would have been more honest to say it that way than trying to show yourself as victims and then having the whole world laughing at you and your silly lies. :lol1:

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[quote name='zoskia' timestamp='1295931558' post='2598471']
Actually it does...

But the REAL CB is "we want war with you"... it would have been more honest to say it that way than trying to show yourself as victims and then having the whole world laughing at you and your silly lies. :lol1:
[/quote]You're wrong, you must have misunderstood us.

Dajobo's actions are his own doing and responsibility, regardless of your explanations or intepretations.

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[quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1295925561' post='2597774']
did anyone not know this?

[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295931746' post='2598503']
You're wrong, you must have misunderstood us.

Dajobo's actions are his own doing and responsibility, regardless of your explanations or intepretations.

There is your answer.


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[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295925565' post='2597775']
Ah, seems like mildly vaguely our perception filters treat the information inherent differently, as you're more likely to give a Dajobo the benefit of the doubt, and I hold him to a standard I'd expect of myself. We shall agree to disagree, then.
Lennox just said that he took what little he had from the conversation and used it with the intent to spark a war. There's no perception, he said it straight up.

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Confirmed everything I believed.
- Lennox went to spy for Polar
- Dajobo told him to go to VE
- Lennox joined VE, admitted to Impero that he spying
- Impero gave him evidence to set up a trap, better than actually letting Lennox run through 100% of the confidential info and leak everything
- Lennox gave them to Dajobo, Dajobo posted it to NpO, negotiations fall through, VE declares war
- Lennox and Rebel Virginia then dumped the stuff he was given on the OWF

Doesn't change the fact that Dajobo tried to spy on VE. If he spied on MHA instead, then this war would be between MHA and NpO.

Now go and debate on whether spying is a valid reason for war, or speculate whether there was enough negotiation.

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[color="#FF0000"]Just nitpicking but....[/color]

[quote]<Lennox> other side of the war and started attacking the side NSO was on. (This is why it is called BiPolar). NpO never helped us to get peace, [i]and they never apologized for what they did[/i].[/quote]
[color="#FF0000"]I know this is a lie. I've read the apology that Dajobo wrote and deliverd to NSO, as well as most of NpO's Body Republic at the time.[/color]

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[quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1295934529' post='2598961']
Doesn't change the fact that Dajobo tried to spy on VE. If he spied on MHA instead, then this war would be between MHA and NpO.

If it would've been any other alliance than VE then I doubt this would've grown into a war.
Which real leader would leak info about their OWN alliance? Impero must have been reaaally desperate.

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[quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1295934529' post='2598961']
Confirmed everything I believed.
- Lennox went to spy for Polar
- Dajobo told him to go to VE
- Lennox joined VE, admitted to Impero that he spying
- Impero gave him evidence to set up a trap, better than actually letting Lennox run through 100% of the confidential info and leak everything
- Lennox gave them to Dajobo, Dajobo posted it to NpO, negotiations fall through, VE declares war
- Lennox and Rebel Virginia then dumped the stuff he was given on the OWF

Doesn't change the fact that Dajobo tried to spy on VE. If he spied on MHA instead, then this war would be between MHA and NpO.

Now go and debate on whether spying is a valid reason for war, or speculate whether there was enough negotiation.

Just one line of the interview is enough to destroy all your arguments:
[quote]<Lennox> When I entered the conversation with Dajobo I did intend to spy for NpO. But by the end of the conversation I realized I had incrimminating evidence against them which I would possibly be able to use later.[/quote]

Means that he already had the intention of spy for NpO before eveb talk wih Dajobo. Also, repeat [i]ad nauseum[/i] that Dajobo sent him to VE will not make it become true.

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I really don't see where Lennox having the original intention to spy for NpO means that NpO (or VE) didn't want a spy.

Of course, none of this is solid evidence against anything, it's just one man's perspective and telling on the events. And that man has already proven himself to be a true minister of lies. It's now everyone's turn to twist his words and use them as propaganda for their own political beliefs.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295958291' post='2599950']
Means that he already had the intention of spy for NpO before eveb talk wih Dajobo. Also, repeat [i]ad nauseum[/i] that Dajobo sent him to VE will not make it become true.

So what? So what if he had the intention of spying for NpO before even talking to Dajobo.

If an addict wants to buy some drugs and then buys drugs from his dealer, does it even matter whether or not the act of buying drugs was premeditated or not? It is irrelevant since Dajobo helped. Lennox' intentions are irrelevant. Dajobo went along with it.

If you think the buying drugs analogy is stupid (which I admit, it is) replace it with any other thing. A person wants to rob a store, asks help from someone else, other person joins in. Doesn't matter who came up with the idea. One alliance wants to attack NPO, gets support from others, they strike together. Doesn't matter who started it.

All that matters is who participated. Dajobo was an active participant by not only picking a target but by helping Lennox creating a nation and telling him what to do.

Edited by leprecon
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