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A Brief Aside from the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization

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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1295458526' post='2584034']
I saw that you were going to honor all your MDPs. Bravo, I'm just curious as to how your actually going to be able to do that.

Probably with a profuse amount of sweat and damage to ourselves :)

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What is everyone complaining about on this move? They have allies on opposite sides of the war - most alliances go neutral in that instance. GATO is saying they will defend all their allies no matter what. That's being a true ally. Anyone who doesn't think so is incredibly stupid and probably would make for a terribly ally.

GATO's ready to get torn to shreds for all of their allies. Can you say the same?


Edited by Gibsonator21
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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1295458526' post='2584034']
I saw that you were going to honor all your MDPs. Bravo, I'm just curious as to how your actually going to be able to do that.

Don't worry, we know the logistics of how war, nukes, and anarchy work. While these optimal terms of engagement, we really don't have a choice. We will defend our allies as they are attacked, to the best of our abilities. It's not the most efficient, or effective, way to win a war, but our options are obviously limited.

To be more specific as to how we are actually going to do this? Well, I imagine you will see a bunch of cats running around with nukes. Hopefully some of them land in the right place

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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1295459350' post='2584052']
Don't worry, we know the logistics of how war, nukes, and anarchy work. While these optimal terms of engagement, we really don't have a choice. We will defend our allies as they are attacked, to the best of our abilities. It's not the most efficient, or effective, way to win a war, but our options are obviously limited.

To be more specific as to how we are actually going to do this? Well, I imagine you will see a bunch of cats running around with nukes. Hopefully some of them land in the right place
Fair enough. Good luck.

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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1295459350' post='2584052']
Don't worry, we know the logistics of how war, nukes, and anarchy work. While these optimal terms of engagement, we really don't have a choice. We will defend our allies as they are attacked, to the best of our abilities. It's not the most efficient, or effective, way to win a war, but our options are obviously limited.

To be more specific as to how we are actually going to do this? Well, I imagine you will see a bunch of cats running around with nukes. Hopefully some of them land in the right place

To put a visual to Kerschbs comment: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_MaJDK3VNE.]It's a lot like Cat herding[/url]

GATO has been around a long time. Our military specialists are good at what they do. Will it stretch us? Possibly. We're more worried about our allies than our pixels.

EDIT: /me waves to Hert. How ya been? Long time no talk. Find me in #gato sometime. :)

Edited by Laserwolf
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GATO is a body politic that exists towards the goal of honour, justice, and democracy. It is neither perfect, nor infallible, but it is, above all, a beacon of endeavor. Its very existence is grounded in the believe of honouring commitments and aiding the feeble when they are trodden. Along our path we have stumbled, but never have we faltered. The Global Alliance is eternal. Her spirit endures. Her justice is swift.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1295473732' post='2584281']
The funniest part about this is that GATO saying they'll honor treaties actually is worthy of an announcement.
Yeah, because everyone knew we were going to be fighting on both sides of the war if we had too. All those questioning our actions in this thread are mad. Well...you do have a point there.

[quote name='foxfire99' timestamp='1295474259' post='2584288']
So is this a new expression of democracy where all your members get to choose which ally to support? That might turn out pretty interesting.
Sorry, what do you mean?

Edited by Politician
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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1295473732' post='2584281']
The funniest part about this is that GATO saying they'll honor treaties actually is worthy of an announcement.

Meh. An alliance defending their allies on every side is kinda rare isn't it? Usually they pick one side in favor of the other or go neutral. So this announcement has some significance. I shudder to imagine what you whiners would say if GATO carried out this policy WITHOUT telling you.

Edited by Ragashingo
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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1295474430' post='2584294']
Meh. An alliance defending their allies on every side is kinda rare isn't it? Usually they pick one side in favor of the other or go neutral. So this announcement has some significance. I shudder to imagine what you whiners would say if GATO carried out this policy WITHOUT telling you.
Precisely my thoughts. :P

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1295474430' post='2584294']
Meh. An alliance defending their allies on every side is kinda rare isn't it? Usually they pick one side in favor of the other or go neutral. So this announcement has some significance. I shudder to imagine what you whiners would say if GATO carried out this policy WITHOUT telling you.

They'll put forth minimum effort on every side so they can commit to the one that ends up winning and still come out 'honorable'.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1295474869' post='2584302']
They'll put forth minimum effort on every side so they can commit to the one that ends up winning and still come out 'honorable'.
I'm sure you can be the judge of that when the fighting actually begins and finishes.

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[quote name='Chaoshawk' timestamp='1295474960' post='2584304']
I'm sure you can be the judge of that when the fighting actually begins and finishes.
Maybe if GATO defends IAA you ODNers should go and defend GATO there when they get countered. Just a thought?

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1295474869' post='2584302']
They'll put forth minimum effort on every side so they can commit to the one that ends up winning and still come out 'honorable'.
Seeee, now you do find this announcement worthy to discuss, considering that is quite something you said there :P

"minimum effort on every side so they can commit to the one that ends up winning and still come out 'honorable'."

Where did you read that? Did we not tell you that we don't really care about either "side", considering we're not picking any sides other than our allies?

Tell me how can we commit to one side, when this announcement is exactly the opposite?

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[quote name='Politician' timestamp='1295475281' post='2584313']
Seeee, now you do find this announcement worthy to discuss, considering that is quite something you said there :P

"minimum effort on every side so they can commit to the one that ends up winning and still come out 'honorable'."

Where did you read that? Did we not tell you that we don't really care about either "side", considering we're not picking any sides other than our allies?

Tell me how can we commit to one side, when this announcement is exactly the opposite?

newsflash: announcements aren't always 100% honest

This is how my prediction would play out. (if i'm wrong then good for you, GATO, I misjudged you)

1. GATO announces they will defend their allies on all sides.
2. Counters on TIO and IAA bring in GATO.
3. GATO has a lameass counterattack (like NpO's flaccid attack on TOP to defend MK last year), claiming to be 'saving energy' to help their other allies.
4. Chaining brings in other allies like ODN and Athens.
5. GATO defends ODN and Athens, once again lightly.
6. One side or the other gains the advantage.
7. GATO takes white peace with the winning side putting on their honor face.
8. GATO is part of the winning team whenever the war ends.

Edited by Chief Savage Man
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I take back my previous statements. I just realized the CnG treaties are non-chaining while the treaty with IAA is not. Therefore, you can honor all your treaties to the letter and still not look dumb. Right?


[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1295475427' post='2584314']
Sorry to put you in a squeeze GATO.

Not to be a dick here, but no you're not. VE has done it twice now. You're not sorry. You're looking out for your own interest. That isn't a bad thing, but with that said don't come in here and act like you're sorry when you're not.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1295475731' post='2584318']
newsflash: announcements aren't always 100% honest
So basically you're saying a "no u" on the announcement. You [i]know[/i] what we will do, and if you're wrong well "good for us".


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A polite announcement but a very stupid one from a military point of view. Feanor brought it up earlier and now Chief is highlighting the likely political fallout based on GATO's dominos.

Pick a side. If you're allies are on both sides, then you need to find out who you are politically speaking or you'll forever be a limp *beep*.

[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1295474869' post='2584302']
They'll put forth minimum effort on every side so they can commit to the one that ends up winning and still come out 'honorable'.


Also, Destroy everything - scorched Earth for both sides!

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[quote]Not to be a dick here, but no you're not. VE has done it twice now. You're not sorry. You're looking out for your own interest. That isn't a bad thing, but with that said don't come in here and act like you're sorry when you're not. [/quote]
Of course we're looking after our interests, and we're not going to not declare war on someone who spies on us because it makes things a bit tricky for one of our friends (well, more than one, in fact). That doesn't mean it isn't unfortunate and it seems unreasonable to act so hostile over me expressing some disappointment about that.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1295476636' post='2584353']
Of course we're looking after our interests, and we're not going to not declare war on someone who spies on us because it makes things a bit tricky for one of our friends (well, more than one, in fact). That doesn't mean it isn't unfortunate and it seems unreasonable to act so hostile over me expressing some disappointment about that.

Right, I don't think you guys are doing something bad. Just please don't pretend that this was some hard decision, because you were worried about GATO.

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