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A Recognition of Hostility

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[quote name='Alexander The Second' timestamp='1295415828' post='2583081']
For a second I thought that NpO might have actually pulled a really bad move...

but come on guys, 20 hours between the screen shots being send and the declaration of war? The guy was some noob that jumps alliances, and re-rolls cause he quits then rejoins the game to often... That guy wouldn't know how to gather the correct intel anyway, and then he gets all the good stuff that other alliances against VE would be interested in... and THEN 20 hours later VE just act on it?

Fake CB, real war.

o/ Polaris!!!
o/ TLW
While UPN's mobilization rate can be measured in geological time, you're an outlier.

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You can look at these logs or the logs that VE posted up, yet nothing changes:

1) There is still a looming theme of "Where did he fit the cow's hoof?". Not sure why.

2) Dajobo admitted to not even telling his own government. Even if you think they are false, all you have to say is "Hey, look what I got, but I think it's crap. Thoughts?" Is that really too much to ask? Screenshots work both ways.

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1295383936' post='2581952']
If you have tools like a parser, you can easily manage sign-ins by a similar method, whereby you sign-in by a form instead of as an open thread, and the results are submitted to a database open only to approved military officials. To be technologically advanced in one area, and not in another is...silly.
Umbrella has parsers and check-ins, would you consider our organisation or military preparedness to be silly or incompetent? Not all parsers come though that method and there's no downside to having an extra manual check-in as an additional test of activity or to draw people to specific or particular information. I'd challenge you to find out who has these unnecessary extra checks and compare their organisation and performance in war to those who don't and then come back and tell me that they're 'silly'.

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[quote name='Bill Wallace' timestamp='1295423223' post='2583501']
[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295336077' post='2580737']
I'm not sure whether to be amused or distressed that people can't imagine mobilizing an alliance from peacetime and declaring war in under 20 hours as a do-able feat.

I haven't had a chance to get very far in this thread, but in case someone else didn't already say so, this is a great point. Any alliance worth it's salt puts military preparedness at the top of their to-do list. If you can't mobilize in under 24 hours, your DoD isn't doing it's job.

Indeed. I had MK mobilized in an hours or so time when we rolled UBD, and not because we were hasty either but because it doesn't take the competent days to move.

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[quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1295415143' post='2582907']
You sit on a throne of lies.

And for that, when the enemy is at your gates, you will fall in silence. Those who were prepared to fight alongside you against bitter odds will not now lift a finger in your defense.

I don't think you mind, I think your obsession with revenge and finally getting that revenge is fully worth destroying Polaris' honor to you. So be it. Those who followed you will be known by their wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Speaks bigwoody, the man who surrended after 0 days of war and left his biggest ally alone in the battlefield after he realized that would be fighting a losing war, bravo! Every time that I read the word "honor" in some of your posts I have some laughs.

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[quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1295388288' post='2582081']
He no longer even exists.

OOC: He deleted right after the !@#$ hit the fan.
[/quote]Here he be...


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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295449514' post='2583868']
Speaks bigwoody, the man who surrended after 0 days of war and left his biggest ally alone in the battlefield after he realized that would be fighting a losing war, bravo! Every time that I read the word "honor" in some of your posts I have some laughs.

Speaks D34th, the member of the alliance who canceled its MDoAP with the very same alliance in the very same war. Shut up, your indoctrinated gibberish is annoying.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295397402' post='2582332']
Just saying it doesn't make it any less true. You can't accept that you got @#$% by me can you? You want to think it took more than that, but the reality is you got @#$% by me. I don't like you, you don't like me. I accepted it when you raped my alliance with the most humiliating terms ever offered to an alliance, you just seem ignorant to the facts.

The fact you repeatedly lied, directly to me, in all those conversations, about the specifics of those terms, when I was holding the logs didn't help your cause. Lets be honest, you dug your own hole I just threw the dirt on top when the chance came.

Nice DoW there by the way.
Somehow I doubt you couldn't have done what you did without your alliance generally being behind your actions.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295449514' post='2583868']
Speaks bigwoody, the man who surrended after 0 days of war and left his biggest ally alone in the battlefield after he realized that would be fighting a losing war, bravo! Every time that I read the word "honor" in some of your posts I have some laughs.

I have to give credit to woody here, if I remember correctly NPO attempted to leave TORN high and dry by attempting a ceasefire deal that didn't include TORN.

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[quote name='SonOfHoward' timestamp='1295473438' post='2584278']
I have to give credit to woody here, if I remember correctly NPO attempted to leave TORN high and dry by attempting a ceasefire deal that didn't include TORN.

You remember a story that was created and propagated by individuals with substantial incentives in making up a believable excuse. That should clue you in that perhaps you shouldn't accept it as if it's spoon fed to a baby.

But of course, that's a whole new argument that its a bit pointless to rehash now. Suffice to say, as always, there are two directly opposing sides to the story, and as always, everybody will pick whatever they want to believe based on what it suits them to believe. That's CN politics 101.

Edited by Letum
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[quote name='Mark Ashton' timestamp='1295454468' post='2583949']
Speaks D34th, the member of the alliance who canceled its MDoAP with the very same alliance in the very same war. Shut up, your indoctrinated gibberish is annoying.

Please link me to the thread were NpO canceled our treaty with NPO or shut up.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1295475089' post='2584306']
But of course, that's a whole new argument that its a bit pointless to rehash now. Suffice to say, as always, there are two directly opposing sides to the story, and as always, everybody will pick whatever they want to believe based on what it suits them to believe. That's CN politics 101.

Actually, as so often happens, once the truth comes out it tends to be solely spin which is left over to create the impression of disagreement.

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[quote name='Mark Ashton' timestamp='1295454468' post='2583949']
Speaks D34th, the member of the alliance who canceled its MDoAP with the very same alliance in the very same war. Shut up, your indoctrinated gibberish is annoying.

:facepalm: oh dear.

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[quote name='Mark Ashton' timestamp='1295454468' post='2583949']
Speaks D34th, the member of the alliance who canceled its MDoAP with the very same alliance in the very same war. Shut up, your indoctrinated gibberish is annoying.
Um yeah, the Polars didn't cancel on Pacifica in the Karma War.

[quote name='RandomInterrupt' timestamp='1295415109' post='2582891']
We had more treaties on paper, but I don't think we had more friends. I am very happy with where we are right now in that regard.
Well... you did. And I think you'd know better than this, but oh well.

[quote name='SonOfHoward' timestamp='1295473438' post='2584278']
I have to give credit to woody here, if I remember correctly NPO attempted to leave TORN high and dry by attempting a ceasefire deal that didn't include TORN.
This is bigwoody's version of events.

Not everyone remembers it the same way. And you weren't there.

(Let's just say that everyone else who was there who wasn't bigwoody remembers it differently.)

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[quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1295415143' post='2582907']
You sit on a throne of lies.

And for that, when the enemy is at your gates, you will fall in silence. Those who were prepared to fight alongside you against bitter odds will not now lift a finger in your defense.

I don't think you mind, I think your obsession with revenge and finally getting that revenge is fully worth destroying Polaris' honor to you. So be it. Those who followed you will be known by their wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I sit on my big fat ass, I am retired and as such don't have a throne.

I see much silence about our ''fall'' so far, so much silence that several dozen pages exist already. The loss of people I regarded as enemies or with contempt at best who were willing to fight beside me for their own purposes and ends, unrelated to my goals is of no consequence to me. TORN was never an ally of Polaris, you were however always an ally of my enemy. Go figure why I am not upset that you don't care about us, I have never ever cared about you either. Unlike your remarkable efforts to hold all 33 members of your alliance together when confronted with the depressing shame of your actions, Polaris has been cruising along quite well since what you are bleating on about.

Far from wailing and gnashing of teeth, Polaris thrives on this stuff. We have built our internal solidarity on just such fodder as you and yours have always supplied.

We have nothing to fear from you or anyone else, there is no great retribution, only pissing in the wind. Polaris will be here until we decide we wont be and to be quite honest there is SFA you or anyone else can do about it.

The same will apply when the wheel rolls over your foot again, you have your own destiny in your own hands, but you make choices differently to how we do as evidenced by your almost complete collapse under adversity.

I have every confidence that lots of damage will be inflicted on Polaris, we will inflict much back. I will never mourn for my pixels or those of anyone related to me. There will be no tears in Polaris.

Hey Woody, I can deal with what I am, but it is apparent that you can not deal with what you are. Keep on shooting away just be careful not to shoot yourself in the process.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295475735' post='2584319']
Please link me to the thread were NpO canceled our treaty with NPO or shut up.

Here you go. Also another Haflinger inaccuracy!

[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1295481154' post='2584460']
Um yeah, the Polars didn't cancel on Pacifica in the Karma War.[/quote]

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1295487451' post='2584648']

Here you go. Also another Haflinger inaccuracy!
According to this highly scientific chart:
Oh Snap.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1295487451' post='2584648']

Here you go. Also another Haflinger inaccuracy!
Pretty obvious reasons why NpO cancelled. Wait... we have forgotten the Tattler already?!

OOC: Story on CN Wiki----> [url]http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Tattler/Slouching_Toward_Francograd[/url]

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1295488156' post='2584661']
Um, that doesn't really dispute the fact that NpO cancelled on NPO during that war which was seriously being argued. Who said it wasn't justified?
OOC: Sorry then. Guess I misunderstood

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1295488156' post='2584661']
Um, that doesn't really dispute the fact that NpO cancelled on NPO during that war which was seriously being argued. Who said it wasn't justified?

I can confirm that such a treaty was canceled. Justification was never required to anyone but those involved.

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