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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1297974372' post='2636868']Yes, it is. Take off your damn blinders and look at your own alliance's stats page once in a while.[/quote]
You do know how you can not tell from alliances stats page if alliance is turtling or not en mass? I suppose you have no clue, but I suppose you could ask your comrade players. What I see is loss of 7 mil NS in fighting which is just a little shy of Umbs total NS (and a quantity of NS that alliance like GOONS could only dream of ever having). I understand that NPO was much bigger then the collection of smaller alliances (individually) that is attacking it, but figures do tell their story. NPO is fighting this war as much as it can.

I read the explanation for the comic and still don't really see the obvious association which quality propaganda possess.

I am sorry, but if around 80 players in an alliance of 550 take cover in peace mode, due to them being overwhelmed in NS range by other players that seat in not devastating wars for 2+ years and collected obscene amounts of tech (or not payed obscene amounts of reps), that truly is no proof that alliance as such is "turtling" en mass or "running" from a fight. I understand that some alliances are little boys club for couple of dozen players, but there are mass alliances out there that hold different standards and cover all the ranges and so in such situations the association and correlations made are not truly obvious or that effective in this case.

I like the comic, it is the best thing produced by propaganda in this war, but the associations that it tries to make are not as obvious as author makes them to be and as such fails one of the key elements of effective propaganda.

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1297949988' post='2636639']
We leave so-called 'funny' propaganda to those who need their propaganda to be funny so to mask their actual lack of artistic talent.

So you'd rather just be blunt about your lack of artistic talent?

Acrux, you're being a tease bro. Do I need to break out the Cool Water for you?

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[quote name='shahman' timestamp='1298001175' post='2637260']
Propaganda thread, boys, take it somewhere else.

Different idea.


Numbers are [i]hard[/i].

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[quote name='Andy P' timestamp='1298022394' post='2637477']
Turtling doesn't equal Peace Mode though nippy :unsure:

Maybe not in a conventional 'gamer' sense, but yes...it's a form of emulating a turtle.

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1298023560' post='2637481']Maybe not in a conventional 'gamer' sense, but yes...it's a form of emulating a turtle.[/quote]
Nippy, 80 which covered in p.m. and are yet to come out fighting. The rest is circling in and out using p.m. to come out of anarchy, regroup and redeploy.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1298031018' post='2637508']
Nippy, 80 which covered in p.m. and are yet to come out fighting. The rest is circling in and out using p.m. to come out of anarchy, regroup and redeploy.

That's not what I've seen, but okay.

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1298023560' post='2637481']
Maybe not in a conventional 'gamer' sense, but yes...it's a form of emulating a turtle.

Turtling has a pretty specific definition in CN, even though it could be seen as quite ambiguous, turtling is pretty much solely used to describe people not rebuying soldiers to avoid ground attacks and just sending out nukes/CMs and potentially aircraft stuff.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1298034199' post='2637525']
Turtling has a pretty specific definition in CN, even though it could be seen as quite ambiguous, turtling is pretty much solely used to describe people not rebuying soldiers to avoid ground attacks and just sending out nukes/CMs and potentially aircraft stuff.

I'm aware. Sadly, I already explained my stance in the post you quoted.

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Yeah I noticed, just the explanation seemed to be that you were simply ignoring what is a pretty specifically defined word in the context of CN. To the extent where today was literally the first time I've ever heard peace mode referred to as turtling.

Whatever, on with the amusing pictures ^_^

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[quote name='Weirdgus' timestamp='1297998289' post='2637203']
I still don't fully get this though. It looks like the real [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=170809&Extended=1"]Raman[/url] is an NPO nation that Umbrella and the rest of DH failed to get a stagger on, thus allowing him to enter PM after the 1st round of war.
How exactly is he a turtle ?

Why would you pride yourself with your own incompetence and then make propaganda pieces about it ?

You sir, dont seem to gather much on a simple fact.. so I'll take one go at this and if you still are lacking then I know it'll be a lost cause for you to 'get it'.

First and the most important, Congrats you see Raman was an NPO nation.. guess what he did.. he turtled.. so check. (hint he wasnt the only one who did so). This really is where it should end, but I'll entertain your other points as well.

Second, How does Umbrella or DH letting him slip into PM mean anything or shine in our own 'incompetence' to keep him in war, and him not being a turtle? We split his NS in half in one round of war, he was going to turtle with anyone else as well. We also in umbrella had no one to take his slots, we dont seem to have many low NS nations... I know... it has been a pain to set up others to keep staggers going after we hit them, maybe we wont do 'so well' and we'll work on our 'incompetence' in attacking and we will be able to keep more staggers going on our side. Or you guys could prep your nations better, and maybe actually fight?

Third, No PM is not really considered turtleing, however for the ones who have never come out of it so far.. dont worry were not going anywhere and we will be right here waiting. Honestly some of us are already rebuilding and adding to our WC... bad news for NPO.

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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1298045497' post='2637593']Propaganda thread. Get your e-politics out of here.[/quote]
I hope you see the inherent flaw in you comment.

I never understood why this threads were stickied in OOC part of OWF. The posted propaganda it self, as it is, is the very definition of IC.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1298132122' post='2638435']
I hope you see the inherent flaw in you comment.

I never understood why this threads were stickied in OOC part of OWF. The posted propaganda it self, as it is, is the very definition of IC.
[quote name='Edward Cullen' timestamp='1295679468' post='2591457']
Yes, let's please try to keep the thread about propaganda and refrain from throwing fits in the thread.

That is what I am referring to.

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[quote name='acrux' timestamp='1298129632' post='2638407']
You sir, dont seem to gather much on a simple fact.. so I'll take one go at this and if you still are lacking then I know it'll be a lost cause for you to 'get it'.

First and the most important, Congrats you see Raman was an NPO nation.. guess what he did.. he turtled.. so check. (hint he wasnt the only one who did so). This really is where it should end, but I'll entertain your other points as well.

Second, How does Umbrella or DH letting him slip into PM mean anything or shine in our own 'incompetence' to keep him in war, and him not being a turtle? We split his NS in half in one round of war, he was going to turtle with anyone else as well. We also in umbrella had no one to take his slots, we dont seem to have many low NS nations... I know... it has been a pain to set up others to keep staggers going after we hit them, maybe we wont do 'so well' and we'll work on our 'incompetence' in attacking and we will be able to keep more staggers going on our side. Or you guys could prep your nations better, and maybe actually fight?

Third, No PM is not really considered turtleing, however for the ones who have never come out of it so far.. dont worry were not going anywhere and we will be right here waiting. Honestly some of us are already rebuilding and adding to our WC... bad news for NPO.

I really don't understand how you can contradict yourself so many times within your own post.

First of all, by comparing the charts of both Raman and his aggressors' from around the 24th of Jan when he got declared on, it would be a fair assumption to affirm that, even though he might have "turtled" by CN standards, he was not inactive at the time. He did daily damage in all (?) other ways possible to his attackers besides via Ground Attacks (which he would have been unlikely to win anyhow, given odds he was up against and his worst tech total etc.).

Secondly, you do admit that [i]your side[/i], Doomhouse, [i]was not competent[/i] enough to keep him staggered and out of peace mode. This [i]lack of competence[/i] coming from Doomhouse, and, by association, [i]Umbrella[/i], is easily explained, in your deformed view, with the argument that you did [i]'so well'[/i] in causing his NS to drop that simply nobody was either [i]prepared[/i] or [i][u]competent[/u][/i] enough to declare on him a 3rd war that entire week.

Thirdly, your argument to support the above claim of Umbrella/Doomhouse [i][u]competence[/u][/i] is some rather odd, and completely unrelated, affirmation regarding some NPO nations that [i]"have never come out of it (PM) so far"[/i], even though Raman obviously did fight those wars and the use of Peace Mode has nothing to do with the CN accepted use of the term "turtle", as correctly affirmed and proven in posts above this one (even by yourself).

In conclusion, it seems you have utterly failed at answering my initial question, how is it that you find pride in being [u]incompetent[/u]?

Edited by Weirdgus
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[quote name='Weirdgus' timestamp='1298140097' post='2638498']
I really don't understand how you can contradict yourself so many times within your own post.

First of all, by comparing the charts of both Raman and his aggressors' from around the 24th of Jan when he got declared on, it would be a fair assumption to affirm that, even though he might have "turtled" by CN standards, he was not inactive at the time. He did daily damage in all (?) other ways possible to his attackers besides via Ground Attacks (which he would have been unlikely to win anyhow, given odds he was up against and his worst tech total etc.).

Secondly, you do admit that [i]your side[/i], Doomhouse, [i]was not competent[/i] enough to keep him staggered and out of peace mode. This [i]lack of competence[/i] coming from Doomhouse, and, by association, [i]Umbrella[/i], is easily explained, in your deformed view, with the argument that you did [i]'so well'[/i] in causing his NS to drop that simply nobody was either [i]prepared[/i] or [i][u]competent[/u][/i] enough to declare on him a 3rd war that entire week.

Thirdly, your argument to support the above claim of Umbrella/Doomhouse [i][u]competence[/u][/i] is some rather odd, and completely unrelated, affirmation regarding some NPO nations that [i]"have never come out of it (PM) so far"[/i], even though Raman obviously did fight those wars and the use of Peace Mode has nothing to do with the CN accepted use of the term "turtle", as correctly affirmed and proven in posts above this one (even by yourself).

In conclusion, it seems you have utterly failed at answering my initial question, how is it that you find pride in being [u]incompetent[/u]?

I was going to type up a long reply to refute your point as I was one of the 3 that smashed Raman to half of his NS (from 84K to 40K NS) and lobbed off about 10K of his infras, however, this is a propaganda thread so I will keep this short. Take your dribble somewhere else

1) Raman never coordinated with his mate. The other guy did all the attacks himself. Only thing that Raman ever did was sending daily CM, and a nuke or two after his mate had ran out of nukes. The banter we had on IRC about Raman was what inspired the creation of Raman Mew-mew.

2) Honestly, we didn't CARE enough to stagger Raman. I could've posted a link to his nation to request stagger, but I actually felt sorry for Raman. So whatever. Umbrella doesn't have enough nations in his range and GOONS were having their hands full.

3) blah blah blah less talk, more Raman Mew-Mew

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[quote name='Weirdgus' timestamp='1298140097' post='2638498']
I really don't understand how you can contradict yourself so many times within your own post.

First of all, by comparing the charts of both Raman and his aggressors' from around the 24th of Jan when he got declared on, it would be a fair assumption to affirm that, even though he might have "turtled" by CN standards, he was not inactive at the time. He did daily damage in all (?) other ways possible to his attackers besides via Ground Attacks (which he would have been unlikely to win anyhow, given odds he was up against and his worst tech total etc.).

Secondly, you do admit that [i]your side[/i], Doomhouse, [i]was not competent[/i] enough to keep him staggered and out of peace mode. This [i]lack of competence[/i] coming from Doomhouse, and, by association, [i]Umbrella[/i], is easily explained, in your deformed view, with the argument that you did [i]'so well'[/i] in causing his NS to drop that simply nobody was either [i]prepared[/i] or [i][u]competent[/u][/i] enough to declare on him a 3rd war that entire week.

Thirdly, your argument to support the above claim of Umbrella/Doomhouse [i][u]competence[/u][/i] is some rather odd, and completely unrelated, affirmation regarding some NPO nations that [i]"have never come out of it (PM) so far"[/i], even though Raman obviously did fight those wars and the use of Peace Mode has nothing to do with the CN accepted use of the term "turtle", as correctly affirmed and proven in posts above this one (even by yourself).

In conclusion, it seems you have utterly failed at answering my initial question, how is it that you find pride in being [u]incompetent[/u]?

1. Yea he did about 15inf a day in damages from 2 CMs.. he was shuch a threat to Ice, Kidao and myself.. as he turtled after day 3. As Ice said he did nothing with his NPO friend to counter us on any day. Atleast Magus put up a fight some days. So by CN standards, he turtled.. plain, simple, case, closed. Good game.

2. DH as a whole had how many alliances countering them, minus us in umbrella. We werent to worried about going to them and seeing if they had available nations. We were also waiting to see if anyone was brave enough to counter us and have those nations left available to quickly counter them. Silly us.. I know. Also he did have a 3rd war sunshine.. Kiado and I on day 1, Ice day 2.. That's also a stagger just in case you were curious if we were able to pull that off.

3. Do you ramble much? I made 3 statements. 1. PM != turtling. 2. Waiting for you all to stop hiding in PM and actually do something. 3. We're already rebuilding while you all do nothing in PM. So your rambled response to the 3rd point was really a waste of time. Bravo.

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The issue of Raman not being redeclared on and letting slip into peace mode isn't one of incompetence, its quite simply because nations like Raman are no longer a threat and have been reduced to such a low NS that Umbrella has no-one in range to attack him. TOP is having the same thing happen in our wars, my war partners and I reduced the nation I fought to 29k NS from 72k and when my stagger expired we let him go into peace mode because we don't have enough small nations to declare on the scores of nations that we've knocked down from 50, 60, 70, 80, 90k NS to 30k and below. And most of them have peanuts on hand anyway.

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