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The Revolution Marches on


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Ever since the Revolution had been concluded with the Revolutionary Workers' Party in power at the fore of the Revolutionary Federation of Socialist Republics, now the Union of Revolutionary Socialist Republics, the Reds had been seeking for opportunities to advance the Socialist ideal to other parts of the world. Many workers were in need for liberation from the oppressive capitalist nations who occupied many parts of the world, they knew.

Now they would have one such opportunity. Intelligence agencies of the Committee for State Security had passed on information to the Premier, stating that communications from the neighboring Pyotoh (Manitoba) had ceased, and had been that way for some time.

Not desiring to idly watch on as the workers were neglected and left to the anarchy and lawlessness that probably permeated the country, the Central Committee ordered the Revolutionary Defense Forces to take over Manitoba and "[i]establish law and order in the name of the working people[/i]." As Red Army forces massed up on the eastern border with Pyotoh, CSS border guards opened the sealed border to grant passage.

Like the Kingdom of Ursalia years before, the Union of Revolutionary Socialist Republics went out on its first 'foray' into the outside world. Tens of thousands of Red Army troops, supported by IFVs and Humvees, crossed into the now-former Pyotoh, heading for the major city of Winnipeg. The Red troops occupied town after town, village after village, on their way toward Winnipeg, imposing law and order along the way. Hours later, the Red Army occupied Winnipeg and a provisional [b]Winnipeg Commune[/b], along with the [b]Manitoba Commune[/b], was proclaimed.

At the same time, while their counterparts were occupying Winnipeg, Red Army soldiers swung northwards, traversing around Lakes Manitoba, Winnipeg, Winnipegosis, and Saskatchewan, on their way to Manitoba's coast on the Hudson Bay, and the remainder of the territory. Some time later, troops reached the coast, occupying Manitoba's only major port, Churchill, among smaller others. The Red Army was now in complete control of Manitoba.

At the same time the Red Army were taking over the region, deputy People's Secretary for Foreign Affairs Alan Wilkes, substituting for People's Secretary Michel Garland who was currently attending a conference in Rome, issued a statement to the world:

[font="Courier New"][center][b][u][size="3"]OFFICIAL STATEMENT FROM THE PEOPLE'S SECRETARIAT FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS[/size][/u][/b][/center]

The nation of Pyotoh had ceased communications for some time now, which has prompted the Union of Revolutionary Socialist Republics to step in to restore law and order, and to maintain the delicate stability of the North American continent.[/quote][/font]
Liberation had arrived for the Manitoban people, at last.

OOC: adzzz hadn't posted in a while.

Edited by JEDCJT
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Procinctia isn’t at all terrified of our communist Union of Revolutionary Socialist Republics neighbors who recently overthrew Kingdom of Ursalia and marched on Manitoba. Why should we worry about a vastly more powerful, rapidly expanding, militant revolutionary nation that borders us in extremely close proximity on all fronts? Procinctia has no reason to fear our glorious Union of Revolutionary Socialist Republics friends, whom we are not inclined to praise out of a pitiful sense of self-preservation, because there is no reason to be afraid when pretty much the only other neighboring sate was casually invaded by the successor state of those who publicly announced their intention to annex you.[center][img]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x251/CyberNationsStuff/Tropico2.gif[/img][/center][center]From the office of Catalina Martinez, interim Procinctian administrator[/center]

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OOC: Really? I wasn't aware of it. His posts didnt indicate of such.



As Red Army troopers were consolidating their hold on Manitoba, the Central Committee (which would serve as a governing body until elections for the Congress of People's Deputies and the Council of the Union were concluded) authorized the People's Secretariat for State Security to expand the CSS's operations into the region. Shortly after, hundreds of CSS agents and special troops were entering Manitoba en masse, where they were tasked with the 'Revolutionization' of Manitoba.

One way of 'Revolutionizing' Manitoba was the takeover of the former Pyotoh's border guard by the CSS. This was effectively a process where CSS agents simply dismissed (and arrested) the heads of the border guard directorate (of some sort) and ordered border guard employees to remain on the job "[i]under the threats of highest justice in the Socialist land[/i]", for the time being. Some of the employees, however, would be arrested and imprisoned by the CSS due to their high-risk significance to the state. At this pace, Manitoba's borders would be sealed off from the rest of the world.

Warrants for the arrest of the Pyotohian government, such as the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House, were issued, of which the CSS immediately began the manhunt through the streets of Winnipeg. Red Army troopers were issed orders by Army headquarters to close off all roads leading into and from Winnipeg, as well as other cities and towns. A list was complied of individuals for the CSS to arrest and detain across Manitoba.

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The CSS's efforts at nationalizing the former Pyotohian border guard was successful; Manitoba's borders was sealed airtight shut. The entirety of Manitoba was declared a Fortress Security Area, on the same level as that of the Alta Vancavitean SR, which effectively meant daily life in the region would become militarized. The Border Security Zone was imposed, and so was the Coastal Security Zone alongside Manitoba's coast; the port of Churchill was to become "[i]one of the most militarized regions on the planet[/i]", as People's Secretary Paolo Vargas enthusiastically stated in his daily reports to Revolutio.

By then, the CSS had complied lists, and approximately a thousand people had been arrested and detained by the secret police across the entire region. There was no resistance as of yet, so the number of arrests were fairly low, even by Red standards.

The Revolutionization of Manitoba was well underway.

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