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A classified message was sent to the nations of the United Federation of the East and Greater Pacifica, the message was a diplomatic one hoping that relations could be improved between the two messaged nations and the United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana.

Posted (edited)

From: Ambassador Cao

RE: Better Relations

Enclosed are two first class tickets to Beijing. Have your delegation call me ahead of its arrival. Do not worry about your stay or meals, they are on us.

Wong Cao
UFE Ambassador to UKIM

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
Posted (edited)

As the delegations arrive, Cao would be on the tarmac waiting to receive them. They were picked up in a Limo which provided an interior bar and a choice of Drinks. Ambassdor Cao was in his late 30s, in fairly good shape as he was ex-military. He wore wine tinted, wire rimmed glasses.

"Welcome to China gentlemen. You asked in your memo, 'what would be a way to improve our relations with China.' Or more precisely, I believe you said... 'achieve our favor.' Well, there are a number of approaches which help China in our strategic goals and in our vision which will both help yourselves, ourselves, and in doing so achieve a unity of consensus. One that comes to the fore-front of my mind is not participating in actions that involve non-Pacifican powers in which a Pacifican state is put into a Subordinate role in the Pacific. You see, this is not something that achieves any greater peace and in fact.. will cause instability in the region. Participating in such, will increase friction between our governments.. something we prefer to avoid with potential friends and allies." He stated concisely.

"Beyond this we also have a strong interest in all trade that would be of benefit to our peoples.. reducing production costs or raising standards of living domestically." He nodded. "That said, now that you are here.. what is it you are bringing to our table for discussion, Dr. Stroud?"

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex

We in the UKIM are looking to expand our foreign influence throughout the Pacific Rim- the colloquial term being "on an ally hunt." In this way we have allied ourself close to the Commonwealth of Buryatia, In the same way we also wish to align ourselves closer to other Pacific Rim powers. We feel that we are the predominant power on the North American West Coast and that our power will grow as time progresses. As to your question of what we hope to gain from a partnership from the UFE. We hope to gain an economic region to sell our wares, as we are mostly a self sufficient nation using our resources to fill our needs and we feel that we could provide the same market for your companies and goods. As it regards the question of political and not economic power. stand by us and we shall stand by you. In this vein if it would be agreeable to your government and not too hasty we offer a Free Trade Agreement coupled with an Optional Defence Pact in order to solidify our relations.


The Limousine seemed to head nowhere. It was soon apparent they were actually in Cao's mobile office. As it toured the city and its monuments to entertain his guests. "As long as you agree not to participate in the exercises I have spoken of before in the future, it would be much agreeable to us. Buryatia is also a friend of ours. You have chosen a good place to seek allies Mr. Stroud. It's good you contacted us and demonstrated an interest in this trip and our relations. Do you have a document already drawn up with a proposal for us to review?" Cao inquired as his aid poured him and his guests a Martini.

Posted (edited)

Cao nodded and looked to his secretary. The secretary handed him a prepared document.

Bridging the waters.

Article I: Non-Hostility/Aggression

Signatories of this treaty agree to maintain a non-offensive posture towards the other in their respective regions of the world and against engaging the forces of other signatories.

Article II. ODP

Signatories agree that they have the option to, but are not obligated to, defend their treaty partners in the event of an open conflict involving said partners. It is understood that as part of this agreement, in the event of a defensive war, all military airbases, ports, and transit agreements required for unlimited operation of treaty partner forces in a combat zone are granted immediately. Access will be based on the defending nation's military protocols and the defending nation's miltiary will have local jurisdiction governing military activity in a combat zone situated on the border of or within their nation when combat maneuvers commence.

Article III. Intelligence sharing

Signatories will alert a treaty partner to any known threat to that partner's sovereignty and known interests in a private and secure manner based on that treaty partner's intelligence protocols.

Article IV. Trade

Signatories agree to open trade with no quota restrictions and tariffs under a maximum of 5% on any industry sector.

Article V. Cancellation

This treaty requires 48 hours of notification for cancellation by any treaty partner.

King Kellen I

Prime Minister Kirby Moore


Jia, Chairman of the United Federation of the East


"If you like this treaty, I will take it to the Diplomatic Committees and Chairman Jia for review after you sign for final approval." Cao nodded.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex

I sign for the authority of my King and Prime Minister stated Stroud simply as he signed with a flourish

King Kellen I

Prime Minister Kirby Moore

Secretary of State for The United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana Dr. Phillip Roger Stroud


*Private response*

Greater Pacifica is unfamiliar with the people and culture of the UKIM, having little intimate inter-societal interaction. Though we are open minded and willing to explore the possibility of furthering relations.


Cao nodded. He had the limo driver stop at Stroud's hotel. "Enjoy your stay in Beijing for now. We'll see about getting you an embassy here. We've left you some presents in your hotel suite to go do some touring and enjoy the local sites such as the Great Wall. Leave at your leisure. I will get this to my superiors immediately."

After they left the Limo, it left the Hotel for the Capitol. He would take the documents to the proper committee members and Jia immediately.

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