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For as long as I can remember, being the last two years that I have been in the Blue Sphere, one of the senators has been someone known as Raunchero, or Dr. Fresh as many others will know him as. He was instrumental in building the diplomatic power of the MCXA in its early days and stood by the alliance in its darkest days, serving as one of its Chancellors through the MCXA Transition and Karma War. An ancient nation since 2006, more than 25 days inactivity has rendered it erased from history.

But this is not really an end. Dr Fresh is alive and well in real life and this is just a game after all.

I was intending to ramble on about the last half hour of [i]2001: A Space Odyssey[/i] and how something that has been through so much and is so old dies off and is reborn as a clean slate, spending the next lifetime getting back to where they were before; but I'll leave that to your own imagination.

So there we go...


[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1293982316' post='2560848']
Last thing I remember from that guy is betraying us in the Unjust War. Since then, nothing.
He's the main reason the Karma War wasn't just a curbstomp of the NPO and five or six other alliances.


Back when I first made my nation, I asked him to send me $20(aid, not donation), he laughed at me :(

But yeah, it's a shame to see him go.


I remember back in 2006 as a member of the NAAC, trying to get involved I volunteered to be diplomat to the Cross-X alliance, I remember Dr. Fresh being there, he seemed to be a pretty cool guy back then, unfortunately I've never really talked to him in the years since.


[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2][quote name='TonytheTiger' timestamp='1293994725' post='2560981']
Fresh was that guy who came to define MCXA for a lot of old school players. Sorry to see him go.

Basically this. He has been a Senator on blue since before I was ever here. [/size][/font]


I've not met Fresh online, but I have heard nothing but good about him.

Any ideas yet as to who would be best-suited to take his place on Senate (as no one can truly replace him in MCXA)?


Fresh was one of the few old time MCXA' members I respected aside from select others He was instrumental in building up the MCXA as a competent partner in BLEU, up until the betrayal of course. He did ultimately stick with MCXA after Sam and Oh no I didn't! left it to perish; and that in my eyes proved his loyalties to it. My engagements were always fond and fair, and for that I will say this.

You'll be missed bro.


I'm an '06er and when I spent my first year and a half on Blue I remember him; pleasant fellow to talk to, all class.

When a Senator quits its time to look how can we spark up ye olde entertainment to get the wheels spinning around here.

OOC: Canadian goal scored, I'll bb


[quote name='TonytheTiger' timestamp='1293994725' post='2560981']
Fresh was that guy who came to define MCXA for a lot of old school players. Sorry to see him go.

This is the undeniable truth.

Sad to see him leave.


Damn it! Sad to see Fresh go :( Definitely one of my favorite players, he taught me a lot.


I'd rip Fresh for betraying people, but I betrayed him on the Moon and we still got along well enough. A real player in a world of stiffs. Sad to see him go.


I'm actually incredibly saddened by this thread. I've NEVER liked MCXA but Fresh was a man of character and class.


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