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Table of content:

1-Federal Government and basic info
2-[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96050&view=findpost&p=2547934"]State governments and info[/url]
4-[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96050&view=findpost&p=2547942"]MRA (Midwest Republic Army)[/url]
5-[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96050&view=findpost&p=2547944"]MRAF (Midwest Republic Air Force)[/url]
6-[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96050&view=findpost&p=2547974"]MRN (Midwest Republic Navy)[/url]
8-[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96050&view=findpost&p=2548343"]Research, development, ammunition, equipments and military ID number/letter classification/IT security[/url]
Basic info:

Total population: 76,907,650

Government type: Representative democracy, unity (strong federal, weak state).

Capital/Largest city: Chicago

States: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin

Former state(s): Ohio


We the People of the Midwest Republic, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Midwest Republic.

[b]Article 1, Legislative[/b]

Section 1: The Legislative's enumerated powers are: Lay and collect taxes, provide for the common defense, general welfare of the Midwest Republic, to borrow money on the credit of the Midwest Republic, to regulate interstate and foreign commerce, to create courts inferior to the Supreme Court, to establish uniform naturalization and bankruptcy laws, to declare war, to raise and support military forces, provide for their regulation, coin money and regulate the value, administer the postal service, promote the progress of science and useful arts by granting exclusive rights to authors and inventors; and any other powers deemed necessary for the Midwest Republic. The Legislative may also pass bills that only affects itself without the requirement of the President's ratification.

Section 2: The following powers that are restricted to the Legislative: Habeas corpus shall not be suspended except when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it, prohibits bills of attainder or ex post facto laws, bars the imposition of taxes or duties on goods and services exported from any state or the granting of preference to ports of one state over another, prohibits "riders" (unrelated attachments to bills), and prohibits civil officers from accepting titles of nobility without the consent of Legislative. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law. The financial records of income and expenses must be posted to the public at least yearly.

Section 3: It shall consist of an unicameral branch. The amount of legislators must be proportional to each state's population. The requirements to be a legislator is age 30 or up, Midwest Republic citizen, and a resident of MR for at least 10 years. The term limit is four years and the election is staggered on every even years on November 6th. The first half will be up for election while the second half is still in the Legislative and then the second half will be up for election while the first half is in the Legislative. The newly elected Legislative must wait until December 1st to take office. A census is required every five years, on years ending with either a zero or five. The president of the Legislative will be the Vice President; the vice president of the Legislative will be the legislator that has been elected to such position.

Section 4: At least three fourth of the legislators must be present for a session to take place.

Section 5: A for a bill to be submitted to the President, it must have at least two third majority. If vetoed, it must have at least three fourth majority to override the veto.

Section 6: The Legislative must be in session at least once a year. How long the sessions last is up to the legislators.

Section 7: If a legislator dies or leaves in middle of his or her term, a state governor may appoint an emergency legislator, though it requires the approval of the state legislative.

Section 8: States are prohibited from coining money or making anything other than gold or silver coin legal tender for payment of debts and are prohibited from entering into treaties or alliances, though they are allowed to have compacts with other states are allowed with the permission of Legislative. States are also not permitted to law duties, keep troops or warships in peacetime with Congressional approval, or engage in war unless if invaded or in imminent danger. States also are barred from laying fees on imports or exports except for the fulfillment of state inspection laws, which may be revised by Legislative, and any net revenue of such duties is remitted to the federal treasury. Finally, states are denied powers that have been denied to the Legislative.

Section 9: If the legislators vote themselves a pay raise, they must wait until the next two Legislative elections for the pay raise to take effect.

Section 10: All Legislative meetings must be available to public's view.

Section 11: All Legislators may serve up to four years before the term is up. The elections will be staggered, every year, there will be an election to replace one fourth of the Legislative.

[b]Article 2, Executive[/b]

Section 1: The president is primarily responsible for enforcing laws. He or she may open new departments with the approval from the Legislative. The president may give the Vice President any executive duties.

Section 2: To become president or vice president, the candidate must be at least 35 years old, natural born citizen or at least 50 years of citizenship and residency in the Midwest Republic. The candidate running for president must have another candidate with him or her to be the vice president.

Section 3: The candidate pair must have at least 2/3 of all popular votes. If none of the candidate pairs meet the minimum requirement, then voting shall take place in the Legislative. If that fails, then the candidate pair with the highest percentage of vote will be president of vice president. Election day takes place on November 6th, and neither one are allowed to take office until December 1st. Each president and vice president term will last for four years.

Section 4: If the president dies or is unable to do his or her job, the vice president will take the president's office. If the vice president dies or is unable to do his or her job, one of the various departments' directors can be appointed to the president office.

[b]Article 3, Judicial[/b]

Section 1: The judicial power of the Midwest Republic shall be given to a single supreme court and in inferior courts established by the Legislative. The judges of the Supreme and inferior courts shall hold their offices during good behavior and may receive pay raises. Pay reduction is prohibited without at least 9/10 of the present Legislative's approval.

Section 2: The President may appoint new judges, but it is up to the present Legislative to approve the judges.

Section 3: Federal judges have 20 year term, Supreme Court judges have lifelong term. The amount of judges per court is up to the present Legislative's choice.

Section 4: All federal courts' power extend to all cases except for ones relating to marriage or any other intra-state matter that do not violate federal laws or the Constitution. If a person has been convicted in the lowest federal court, secondary district court, he or she may appeal to the secondary district appeal court. If that fails then it shall be heard in the primary court, and if appealed, shall be heard in the primary appeal court. If the person appeals again, he or she may testify in the Supreme Court. A Supreme Court's decision may not be appealed, though the Supreme Court is free to change its precedent in the next relating case.

Section 5: If a person appeals after being heard in a state's supreme court, then he or she may appeal to the Supreme Court.

Section 6: There are two types of treason; assisting enemies or declaring war on the Midwest Republic. There must be at least two witnesses available to press treason charges.

[b]Article 4, State rights, powers, and restrictions[/b]

Section 1: State laws may not contradict any federal laws or the Constitution.

Section 2: The federal government may not discriminate the states, such as favoring one state over the other.

Section 3: States may not discriminate other states' citizens nor shall they be forced to obey another state. States must recognize other states' government, laws, and courts.

Section 4: States may not have treaties, military (except in times of invasion), their own currency, own federal property, regulate interstate or foreign affairs, and any other powers explicitly denied to the federal government.

Section 5: States are required to turn over convinced fugitives or fugitives awaiting trial to the receiving state, especially if such fugitives have committed a felony.

Section 6: The Midwest Republic federal government is required to protect each state.

Section 7: State and local governments are allowed to manage their own elections as long as it does not violate the Bill of Rights or disrupt other state or the federal government.

[b]Article 5, Process of amendments[/b]

Section 1: At least three fourths of the Legislative present must approve if they wish to propose a Constitutional amendment. At least three fourths of the states' present legislators' approval are required to ratify an amendment. However, three fourths of the states' voter base that approve the amendment can also be used to ratify an amendment.

Section 2: The President is not required to ratify or veto the amendment.

[b]Article 6, Ratification of the Midwest Republic Constitution[/b]

Section 1: Any states that wish to join the Midwest Republic must ratify the Constitution.

[b]Article 7, Bill of Rights[/b]

Section 1: The government can not endorse any religion. Religion and state must stay separate.

Section 2: Every Midwest Republic citizen may exercise his or her freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly and right to petition. However, any expression of rights that threaten national security or is otherwise highly disruptive is prohibited. For example, release of classified military information or praying loudly in school are prohibited.

Section 3: States are allowed to maintain a militia.

Section 4: The government may not quarter soldiers in or on citizens' property unless during times of war or with the property owner's permission.

Section 5: No citizens may be subject to unreasonable search or seizure.

Section 6: Double jeopardy is prohibited. Self-incrimination is also prohibited. Police officers must read a person's rights to a suspect.

Section 7: The government is allowed to seize property for public's use after paying the property owner a fair price.

Section 8: The accused is guaranteed a fair and speedy trial. If the accused feels he or she will not receive a fair trial, then the suspect may request a transfer to a different court. All accused people are required to be offered a lawyer if he or she can not afford one.

Section 9: The accused is allowed to have a jury trial.

Section 10: Excessive bail and cruel or unusual punishment is prohibited.

Section 11: Civil suits must have a jury trial if the value in the controversy is deemed low enough for a plaintiff court.

Section 12: All citizens and states are also guaranteed rights and powers that are not specified in the Constitution.

Section 13: Slavery and any other forms of human ownership is prohibited.

Section 14: All citizens have the same rights of a citizen regardless of race, color, gender/sex, nationality, religion, medical condition, or previous condition of servitude. Discrimination is prohibited.

Section 15: Voting rights are guaranteed to all citizens that are deemed eligible to vote regardless of race, color, gender/sex, nationality, religion, medical condition, or previous condition of servitude.

[b]Article 8, Amendments[/b]

1st Amendment: Any form of entrapments or baiting victims into conducting actions they would have never done is illegal, and such victims are not responsible for their actions.

2nd Amendment: People maintain full ownership of their body parts, tissues, cells and genes even if they have been extracted.

3rd Amendment: Material or ideas that already existed or existed in nature can not be patented.

4rd Amendment: All anti-competitive practices are banned.

5th Amendment: The federal government and the states are not allowed to favor one organization or person over another.

6th Amendment: Citizens are allowed to hold an emergency presidential or legislative election if at least one percent of the population filed a petition or if three fourths of the states' legislatives vote for a petitio[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=86812"]n[/url].

Edited by HHAYD
Posted (edited)


Illinois's population: 28,402,900
Indiana's population: 14,130,848
Michigan's population: 21,933,400
Wisconsin's population: 12,440,502

Edited by HHAYD
Posted (edited)

Tax rate on income: 11% flat rate for federal level, state and local tax rates vary, but have an average of 10%
Average annual gross income per citizen (not including businesses): $149,982.608
Average annual net income after all tax deductions per citizen (not including businesses): $100,101.01
Average literacy rate: 99.2%
GDP: $4.818 trillion
Unemployment rate: 5%

Major economy:

Agriculture: (corn, soybean, wheat, hogs, cattle, dairy products, oats, potatoes, carrots, tart cherries, maple syrup, eggs, tomatoes, horticulture, floriculture, fruits, and alcohol)

Manufactured goods: (processed food, telecommunications gear, electronics, steel, automobiles, industrial products, capital equipment, aviation/aerospace, rubber, plastics, and chemicals)

Science: (bio-science, bio-pharmaceutical, general research and development, robotics, and nanotechnology)

Mining: Various metals and minerals

Services: (pharmacies, health-care, inancial trading, higher education, logistics, real-estate, energy, eateries, information, publishing, law, retail, tourism, and film)

Job sectors; Q1 of 2011[/b]

Expanding job sectors (+ % quarterly growth): High tech (+22%), biotechnology (+16%), engineering (+19%), construction (+9%), finance/business (+21%), and education (+6%).

Stagnant job sectors (less than two percent growth/reduction): Government (-.9%) and health care (+1.1%)

Shrinking job sectors (- % quarterly reduction): Service (-11%), agriculture (-9%), mining (-56%), and manufacturing (-30%).

[b]Job sectors; Q2 of 2011[/b]

Expanding job sectors (+ % quarterly growth): Construction (+29%) and engineering (+6%),

Stagnant job sectors (less than two percent growth/reduction): High tech (+1%), biotechnology (-1.9%), finance/business (-1.9%), education (-1.4%), government (-.9%), health care (+1.7%), mining (-1%), and manufacturing (-0.1%).

Shrinking job sectors (- % quarterly reduction): Service (-3%) and agriculture (-4%),

Edited by HHAYD
Posted (edited)

Standard armoring in all deployed ground vehicles: APPA A1 (Active and Passive Protective Armor)

Electric Reactive plates

Overlapping Tungsten carbine/Peptide ball plates (size for each plate is 36 square cm) attached together with Kelvar and all of the spaces filled in with bullet-resistant gel.

[url="http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/News/2010/October/08101001.asp"]Peptide balls[/url] (nanospheres) beams connecting the plates with the rest of the armoring. Empty space is pressurized with helium.

Overlapping Tungsten carbide/Peptide ball plates (size for each plate is 36 square cm) with tantalum-hafnium-carbide ceramic plates underneath and the spaces are filled in with bullet-resistant gel and Kevlar.

[url="http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/News/2010/October/08101001.asp"]Peptide balls[/url] (nanospheres) beams connecting the plates with the rest of the armoring. Empty space is pressurized with helium.

Overlapping Tungsten carbide/Peptide ball plates (size for each plate is 36 square cm) with tantalum-hafnium-carbide ceramic plates underneath and the spaces are filled in with bullet-resistant gel and Kevlar.

Peptide ball sheet

Shock absorbing liquid

Peptide ball sheet

A layer of densely packed small glass beads

Peptide ball sheet


[color="#006400"]MT-22A1 Bobcat[/color]: (3,479)
Uses: Main battle tank

Body and turret's average armoring thickness: 30 cm

Bottom side's average armoring: 15 cm, bent slightly in a V shape to funnel explosions outward.

Tracks' front, back, and side armoring: 30 cm

Max speed: 78 mph with boost, 60 mph at max cruise (without ammo), 58.24 mph at max cruise if fully loaded with ammunition and 75.51 mph with boost.

Operational range: Up to 220 miles at max cruising speed.

Fuel capacity: 190 gallons, stored in the bottom middle and rear side of the tank.

Weight: 55 tons (without ammo), about 56.658 tons if fully loaded with ammunition for non automated tanks)

Ammo storage: 90 105mm shells or 45 105mmE shells. 30 105mm shells or 15 105mmE shells are stored in the turret.

Computer: MMSC-A1

Engine system: DFC A1-2100hp, located in the front of the tank.

Weapons: 105mm ETC smooth-bore cannon that is 8 meters long (can point downward 30 degrees, and point upward 40 degrees), the breech is made of ceramic to increase wear and heat resistance, and thermal sleeve is added onto the barrel to prevent warping. The cannon can use extended 105mm shells, which are twice as long as standard 105mm shells and the weapon controller can activate the cannon’s ETC feature as needed. A high air pressure pump is used to pressurize a pocket of air between the shell and the base of the breech to enhance the shells’ range and to expel fumes out of the barrel. Two 10.5x83mm caliber turrets target any incoming shells, rockets, bombs, and missiles are equipped. They can also take on enemy infantry and light vehicles. A single light missile launcher is also attached to the rear of the turret, capable of taking on high/low flying aircraft, enemy infantry, light vehicles, and large hostile missiles. The cannon and missile launcher support MRSI (Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact).

Firing rate of the main cannon: One shell/missile per 3 seconds or one extended shell/missile per 6 seconds for normal firing, rate of fire is doubled to 1.5 seconds or 3 seconds if the autoloader is loading shells from the turret instead of the body. During non-firing periods, the autoloader will move ammunition from the body to the turret if there is space for more shells in the turret.

Crew capacity: 3, driver, weapon controller, and tank controller, they are stationed in the rear of the tank. The only way to enter/exit the tank is through a hatch on the rear of the tank rather the turret.

Safety: An armored wall separates the crew compartment from the rest of the tank.

[color="#006400"]AMT-22A1 Bobcat[/color]: (6,956)

Uses: Automated main battle tank, boast superior accuracy, reaction, and additional ammunition, though it needs human guidance since it can’t strategize or coordinate with other friendly units.

Specifications: Same as the MT-22A1 Bobcat, but with 150 105mm shells or 75 105mmE shells and uses MSC-A1 rather than MMSC-A1.

Operation: It is directly controlled by the MT-22 Bobcat’s tank controller. All of its weapons and systems are fully automated. It can detect and dodge incoming shells, head-shot enemy infantry, fire shells/missiles at enemies, and intercept incoming hostile projectiles. The tank controller however decides where the automated tanks go, what targets to fire at, and can take control of the weapons. At least two AMT-22 Bobcats will be controlled by a single MT-22 Bobcat. In case if the controlling tank is crippled or destroyed, the AMT-22 Bobcat’s control is transferred to another MT-22 Bobcat. If all communication is lost, the tank will attempt to find a friendly unit or return back to the base.

[color="#006400"]HT-300A1 HMLV (Heavy Missile Launcher Vehicle)[/color]: (10435)

Uses: Raining rockets and missiles on enemies’ heads

Body's average armoring thickness: 12 cm

Bottom side's average armoring: 6 cm, bent slightly in a V shape to funnel explosions outward.

Tracks' front, back, and side armoring: 12 cm

Weapon systems: Four 155mm missile launchers are also included; two on each side.

Weight (without ammo): 15 tons

Max ammo cargo weight: 55 tons

Computer: MMSC-A1

Engine system: SCOPD W-12 A1-900hp

Max speed (without ammo): 32 mph

Max operational range: 160 miles at max speed

Firing rate: 2 seconds for the smaller missiles.

[color="#006400"]LV-1A1 AUV (Armored Utility Vehicle)[/color]: (10435)

Uses: Assistance in rapid heavy combat constructions

Body's average armoring thickness: 15 cm

Bottom's average armoring: 8 cm, bent slightly in a V shape to funnel explosions outward.

Tracks' front, back, and side armoring: 15 cm

Max speed: 63 mph (without ammo)

Operational range: Up to 240 miles at max speed

Weight: About 12-22 tons (without ammo, base), total weight depends on what the vehicle is equipped with.

Ammo storage: 0-3 tons

Computer: MMSC-A1

Engine system: SCOPD W-12 A1-900hp

Weapons: Optional

[color="#006400"]LV-2A1 AIC (Armored Infantry Carrier)[/color]: (10435)

Body’s average armoring thickness: 15 cm

Bottom side's average armoring: 8 cm, bent slightly in a V shape to funnel explosions outward.

Tracks' front, back, and side armoring: 6 cm

Max speed: 5 mph (without ammo)

Operational range: Up to 260 miles at max speed

Weight: About 12 tons (without ammo and passengers)

Ammo, equipments, weapons, and supplies storage: 6 tons

Computer: MMSC-A1

Passenger capacity (not including the driver): 14

Engine system: SCOPD W-12 A1-900hp

Weapons: A light missile launcher and two defensive 10.5x83mm caliber machine guns

[color="#006400"]LV-3A1 RARV (Rapid Assault and Recon Vehicle)[/color]: (10435)

Body’s average armoring thickness: 15 cm

Bottom side's average armoring: 8 cm, bent slightly in a V shape to funnel explosions outward.

Max speed: 72 mph (without ammo)

Operational range: Up to 260 miles at max speed

Weight: About 6 tons (without ammo)

Ammo, equipments, weapons, and supplies storage: 8 tons

Computer: MMSC-A1

Crew capacity: Driver and weapon operator

Engine system: SCOPD W-12 A1-900hp

Weapons: Two light missile launchers and two defensive 10.5x83mm caliber machine guns

[color="#006400"]ALV-3A1 RARV (Automated Rapid Assault and Recon Vehicle)[/color]: (10435)

Body’s average armoring thickness: 15 cm

Bottom side's average armoring: 8 cm, bent slightly in a V shape to funnel explosions outward.

Max speed: 72 mph (without ammo)

Operational range: Up to 260 miles at max speed

Weight: About 6 tons (without ammo)

Ammo, equipments, weapons, and supplies storage: 8 tons

Computer: MSC-A1

Engine system: SCOPD W-12 A1-900hp

Weapons: Two light missile launchers and two defensive 10.5x83mm caliber machine guns

[color="#006400"]ALV-4A1 AASV (Automated Armored Support Vehicle)[/color]: (10435)

Uses: Refuel, resupply and light repair other vehicles on the move. It serves as a link between the slower, larger and more vulnerable supply trucks and fast moving armored vehicles. For small repairs, it attaches an armored plate over the damage

Body’s average armoring thickness: 15 cm

Bottom side's average armoring: 8 cm, bent slightly in a V shape to funnel explosions outward.

Max speed: 100 mph loaded

Operational range: Up to over 1000 miles at max speed

Weight: About 30 tons loaded

Ammo and fuel storage: 22 tons

Computer: MSC-A1

Engine system: DFC A1-2100hp

Weapons: None

[b]Infantry: [/b]

Total amount of infantry: 1,043,480

Assault troopers: 196,970

Standard weapons: [color="#006400"]BCR-A1[/color]

Spec Ops: 25,000

Standard weapons: [color="#006400"]BCR-A1[/color]

Machine gunners: 200,000

Standard weapons: [color="#006400"]BCR-A1 and HVMG-A1[/color] for gunners, [color="#006400"]BCR-A1[/color] for the loader/spotter

Marksmen: 175,000

Standard weapons: [color="#006400"]Marks .375-A1[/color]

Anti-vehicle troopers: 200,000

Standard weapons: [color="#006400"]LUML-A1[/color] for operator, [color="#006400"]BCR-A1[/color] for the spotter.

Combat Engineers: 100,000

Standard weapons: [color="#006400"]BCR-A1[/color]

Snipers: 146,510

Standard weapons: [color="#006400"]Shot 10.5x83mm-A1[/color] for sniper, [color="#006400"]BCR-A1[/color] for the spotter.
[b]Infantry weapons:[/b]

[color="#006400"]Battle Combat Rifle (BCR-A1):[/color]

Cartridge: Spitzer boat-tailed 7.625×52mm

Weight: 3.72 kg (8.2 lb)

Barrel length: Polygonal rifled 500 mm (part of the barrel can be removed, shorting it to 250mm)

Firing modes: Double burst (1800 bullets per minute) or full auto (600 bullets per minute). A unique feature is the double burst mode; it can fire a second bullet before the first bullet’s recoil hits the gun, allowing two bullets to easily impact the same targeted spot.

Removable attachments: Holographic sight, 40mm grenade launcher, and bayonet.

Ammunition: 60-round casket magazine (located behind firing mechanism without Cornershot, in front of the Cornershot stock’s firing mechanism) or 300-boxed belt.

It is a heavily modified version of the AN-94 that uses a different ammunition type, barrel, and material. It's also more user friendly.

[color="#006400"]Marks .375-A1[/color]

Cartridge: .375 Weatherby Magnum boat-tail spitzer bullets

Weight: 14 lb

Barrel length: Polygonal rifled 600 mm

Firing modes: Semi-automatic

Removable attachments: Holographic sight, 40mm grenade launcher, telescopic sight, bipod

Ammunition: 20-box magazine

[color="#006400"]Shot 10.5x83mm-A1 (Semi-automatic sniper rifle)[/color]:

Cartridge: Spitzer boat-tailed 10.5x83mm caliber bullets

Weight: 28 lb

Barrel length: Polygonal rifled 1,143 mm (part of the barrel can be detached to reduce total barrel length to 737 mm)

Firing modes: Semi-automatic

Removable attachments: Telescopic sight, bipod

Ammunition: 15-box magazine

[color="#006400"]LUML-A1 (Light Universal Missile Launcher):[/color]

Class: heavy/light single barreled missile launcher:

Ammunition type: 10 cm diameter, 60 cm long missiles, can also accept 5 cm diameter, 30 cm long missiles

Firing mode: Semi-automatic

Firing rate: Depends on the operator's reloading rate.

Clip size: 1

Removeable attachment: Tripod and computerized lock-on system camera device (locks onto the preferred part of the target using data stored in memory chips by displaying transparent flashing green box in the camera's display screen around the suggested targeted area, indicating the operator to fire). It has holographic sight, thermal sight, and scope built in. It can also identify vehicles based shape of it using the data from the memory chips.

Uses: Unable to penetrate through heavily armored vehicles' strongest armor spots, often the front side. However, it can punch through weak spots, often located in the rear, bottom, or top. A single soldiers can operate hand-held this unless if using heavy AP missiles, which would require a bipod deployed. It can also be used against other targets such as aircraft more efficiently than the LATNT.

Issues: Can not target non-uniformed enemies or enemies dressed like the operators without risking civilian harm and/or friendly fire

Vehicle weapons:

HVMG-A1 (Heavy Vehicle Machine Gun)[/color]

Cartridge: Spitzer boat-tailed 10.5x83mm caliber bullets

Weight: 70 lb

Barrel length: Polygonal rifled 1,143 mm

Firing modes: Semi-automatic or full auto (3000 bullets per minute).

Removable attachments: None

Ammunition: 10000-belt for vehicles or stationary encampments, 300-boxed belt for infantry

Standard machine gun equipped on all vehicles that need a good, murderous machine gun. Infantry can also use this machine gun, but it is more effective as a defensive role as it is heavy and obviously harder to transport than the GPMG.

Infantry body armor:

Standard Body Armor (SBA)[/color] (used by all except for Spec Op):

Weight: 18 pounds
Combat equipments: AESA, night vision, thermal vision, heart-beat sensors, Acoustic vector sensor, Eagle Scanner, and EARS.
Support equipments: NBC air filters
Armoring: 1.5 cm of LBA (Liquid Body Armor) and 3 cm of tungsten carbide ceramic, shock absorbing liquid, UHMWPE and layer of densely packed small glass beads
Protection level: Type IIIA

[color="#006400"]Armored Power-Suit (APS)[/color] (used only by Spec Op):

Weight: 30 pounds
Combat equipments: AESA, night vision, thermal vision, heart-beat sensors, Acoustic vector sensor, Eagle Scanner, and EARS.
Support equipments: NBC air filters
Armoring: 1.5 cm of LBA (Liquid Body Armor) and 3 cm of tungsten carbide ceramic, shock absorbing liquid, UHMWPE and layer of densely packed small glass beads
Protection level: Type IIIA

Max weight carrying (not including the wearer's strength): 100 pounds

The basic power-suits greatly improve soldiers' speed, strength, and endurance along with survivability. It uses drive-by-wire system instead of the bulky and vulnerable hydraulic systems.

Edited by HHAYD
Posted (edited)

F-31A Spy[/color]: 15 squadrons (180)
Uses: Stealth electronic warfare, signal intelligence, STOL capable, ground/air reconnaissance, and close air support
Length: 9.45 m
Wingspan: 6.78 m
Height: 2.54 m
Wing area: 39.02 m²
Empty weight: 10057.5 lb
Max loaded weight: 20075 lb

Weapons: 1x light missile launcher (located in belly), 1x HVMG (located above exhaust), flares, and chaff

Airframe design: It has low forward wings without any flaps. There is no tail either. All maneuvering is done by thrust vectoring. Chines are built into the engine air intake system. The skin is coated with metamaterial that is capable of absorbing all light frequencies, including radar ( http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-06/metamaterials-are-new-black-and-perhaps-new-stealth ).

Armoring: Consists of 5 mm Peptide balls and 2 mm CFRP. The computer core (located in the nose of the aircraft) has a shell consisting of 5 mm of CRFP, 1 cm of Kelvar mixed with non-newtonic liquid, and 1 lb of C-4. In case if the aircraft about to be captured or blown, the C-4 and thermate inside will ignite. The C-4 will blow apart the highly classified electronics and the thermate will melt the pieces, rendering any reverse engineering or data recovery impossible. The C-4 and thermate will also be included in all other classified electronics’ shells.

Engine system: HBTFS A1-7500

Max speed: mach 2.3

Stall speed at max load: mach 0.80

Range: 2,700 miles

Computer: MSC-A1

Operation: It will fly with other aircraft, staying as far as possible while still within wireless communication range. If enemies aircraft or enemy’s fire are spotted, it will be broadcasted to other aircraft. If the automated aircraft detects incoming shells or other hostile projectiles, it will also report that to other aircraft to warn them to dodge it.

It can be used for recon thanks to its powerful cameras.

If enemy's AA missiles lock onto the automated aircraft, it will fire it mini-missiles to shoot the missiles out of the sky and deploy flares and chaff if all else fails. It will then flee and attempt to avoid being spotted while continuing its mission. It will not engage enemy aircraft unless if directly controlled by a human operator.

The only time it directly attacks enemy forces while in automated mode is if large radio interference that is jamming the wireless communication is noticed. The automated aircraft will attempt to identify the source of the radio interference, and fire a medium sized general purpose AP missile at the source to destroy it.

Detection: If the F-31 Spy detects such hostile aircraft, they will transfer sensors’ data to each other, giving the entire squadron a high definition 360 degree view of hostile aircraft.

If an enemy aircraft open fire, their shells and missiles will be spotted by the High FPS cameras. The aircraft will act accordingly, dodging the missiles/shells and/or shooting down the missile. Meanwhile, it will also record the suspected location and send it to other aircraft. The entire squadron’s cameras and other sensors will zoom in toward the suspected location and piece the photo together, then sharing the 360 degree pictures with each other to find the enemy aircraft. If the enemy aircraft is spotted, then its position, speed, distance and direction will be calculated and reported to other allied aircraft while under constant surveillance.

Data can also be shared with other squadrons and even manned aircraft.

F-32A1 Gen[/color]: 77 squadrons (924)

Uses: Multirole fighter (stealth-hunter, interceptor, tactical bombing)

Weapons: 1x medium missile launcher (located in the belly of aircraft, 10 missiles) and 2x 60mm autocannon (one located below the nose and the other located above the exhaust, capable of firing guided shells, 200 rounds per cannon)

Airframe design: It has low forward wings without any flaps. There is no tail either. All maneuvering is done by thrust vectoring. Chines are built into the engine air intake system. The skin consist of ceramic mixed with cobalt ferrite.

Computer: MMSC-A1

Engine system: TRALS A1-140000lbf

Max speed: Mach 5.1

Supercruise: Mach 1.82

Operational range: 2,200 miles

Empty weight: 16 tons

Max weight: 38 tons

[color="#006400"]B-4A1 Ghost[/color]: 3 squadrons (36)

Uses: Heavy stealth bombing

Weapons: None

Airframe design: It has low delta wings without any flaps. There is no tail either. All maneuvering is done by thrust vectoring. Chines are built into the engine air intake system. The skin is coated with metamaterial that is capable of absorbing all light frequencies, including radar ( http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-06/metamaterials-are-new-black-and-perhaps-new-stealth ).

Computer: MMSC-A1

Engine system: HBTFS A1-70000lbf

Max speed: Mach .99

Stall speed at max load: Mach .9

Operational range: 8,000 miles

Empty weight: 79 tons

Max weight: 200 tons

GSTR-1A1 Bongo[/color] (9465):

Uses: Rapid transportation

Weapons: Two automated 10.5x83mm caliber turrets on both sides and whatever weapons the infantry (if on-board) have brought with them.

Computer: MMSC-A1

Engine system: Dual TS A1-7000shp

Max speed: 360 mph

Cruise speed: 280 mph

Operational range: 1,100 miles

Empty weight: 12 tons

Max weight: 30 tons

Max passenger capacity: 32 (not including pilot and co-pilot)

[color="#006400"]GSTR-2A1 Clacker[/color] (9465):

Uses: Engaging enemy ground forces

Weapons: A missile launcher, two 40mm cannons, and two 10.5x83mm caliber machine guns. All of the weapons can be automated.

Computer: MMSC-A1

Engine system: Dual TS A1-7000shp

Max speed: 420 mph

Cruise speed: 280 mph

Operational range: 1,100 miles

Empty weight: 8 tons

Max weight: 16 tons

GSH-1A1 Cargo Carrier[/color] (9465):

Uses: Heavy transportation

Weapons: Two automated 10.5x83mm caliber turrets on both sides and whatever weapons the infantry (if on-board) have brought with them.

Computer: MMSC-A1

Engine system: Triple TS A1-7000shp

Max speed: 320 mph

Cruise speed: 280 mph

Operational range: 1,100 miles

Empty weight: 13 tons

Max weight: 53 tons

Capacity: 70 soldiers (not including the pilot and co-pilot) and cargo or 50 tons of cargo.

Edited by HHAYD
Posted (edited)

Midwest Republic Navy:

Standard hull design:

The new water cloak allows our ships to sail without causing any detectable water movement and decreasing drag, improving fuel efficiency. Meta-material piezoelectric pumps are used to accomplish this task. ( http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/46618 )

Landing ships: 10

Corvettes: 10

Frigates: 8

Destroyers: 7

Cruisers: 8

Bay class battleships: 9

Waterline length: 385 meters

Total length: 394.8 meters

Beam: 54.95 meters

Draft: 13 meters

Draft (fully loaded): 15.46 meters

Displacements (without ammo): 84,535.1 tons

Max displacements: 100,785.795 tons

Long range armaments: 60 slanted dual cold-launch medium multipurpose missile launchers, belt-fed 60 dual torpedo launchers, 30 slanted dual cold-launch heavy multipurpose missile launchers, and 10 vertical cold-launch ultra heavy missile launchers (a single shot could destroy another Bay class battleship if the correct missile was used). All of the launchers are loaded by auto-loaders from the inside of the ship rather than external for safety purpose during a battle.

Defensive systems: 20 vertical cold-launch anti-air missile launchers, 15 vertical cold-launch anti-missile missile launchers, 15 anti-torpedo torpedo launchers, and 20 anti-rocket/missile/bomb 40mm turrets. All of them can also be used against enemy ships (the missile/torpedo launchers have to use different ammunition) if there aren't enough threats.

It also includes SSTD (5x the amount of expendable acoustic device launchers and expendable acoustic devices), Mark 36 SRBOC, SEWIP Block 1B3, and AESA.

Other detection equipments: AESA and passive sonar.

Armoring material from outer to inner:

Welded tungsten carbide plates
Thin layer of welded steel alloy plates
Non-newtonic/self sealing liquid mixed with Kelvar
Thin layer of welded steel alloy plates
Shock absorbing/self sealing liquid
Thin layer of welded steel alloy plates

Armor thickness:

Belt: 1.5 meter
Bulkheads: 40 cm
Turrets: 1.5 meter
Decks: 1.5 meter
Overall thickness: 1.5 meter

Additional armoring are covered over vital systems, such as the nuclear reactors. Most of the armoring consists of the non-newtonic liquid mixed with Kelvar and shock absorbing gel. It is a fairly light weight for its size and thickness, yet still stronger than the traditional steel-alloy armoring.

Power systems: One thorium reactor (produce a total max of 240 MW, 410 526.315 shp), two steam turbines.

Propulsion: 4 electrical transmission surface piercing Azimuth thrusters. No rudders.

Range: Nearly unlimited, enough fuel to last the battleships five years assuming they travel at max speed before needing to refuel. Other supplies would limit its range.

Max speed: 32 knots (fully loaded). The speed will increase if the load is reduced.

Pumps: Each battleship has 12 emergency pumps in case of water leaks in.

Note: Each battleship is split into four compartments separated by dual plating with spacing in between(combined are 1 meter thick), each two (right top and bottom, left top and bottom) with half of the armaments and nuclear reactor. If one compartment is punctured, then all passage ways, ventilation ducts, water, sewage, gas, and other ducts are immediately close as soon as water starts seeping into the other compartment, with the exception of pipes connecting to the pumps in the unharmed compartment.

All rooms that are below or near the water line are water-proofed.

Lakes submarines: 35

Displacement: 7,800 tonnes submerged

Length: 97m

Beam: 11.3m

Draught: 10m

Weapons: Two belt-fed 600mm torpedo tubes, sea mines, and one cold vertical missile launcher.

Power systems: One thorium nuclear reactor and one steam turbine

Propulsion: 1 pump-jet

Electronic Warfare equipments: 5x Expendable acoustic decoys.

Other detection equipments: AESA and passive sonar.

Max depth: 900 meters

Max speed: 42 knots

Range: Nearly unlimited, limited by supplies carried on board.

Aircraft carriers: 4

Edited by HHAYD
Posted (edited)

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96069"]Formation of the Midwest Republic[/url]

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96136"]Midwest Republic Public News[/url]

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99189&st=0&p=2645547&fromsearch=1&#entry2645547"]Midwest Republic Classified Actions[/url]

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97974&view=findpost&p=2621074"]1st Midwest Republic Civil War breaks out[/url]

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97974&view=findpost&p=2645008"]1st Midwest Republic Civil War ends[/url]

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96745"]Events leading up to the 2nd Midwest Republic Civil War[/url]

2nd Midwest Republic Civil War breaks out: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100970 http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101441

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100970&view=findpost&p=2722756"]2nd Midwest Republic Civil War ends[/url]

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=102388"]Ohio declares independence[/url]

Edited by HHAYD
Posted (edited)


Standard propellant for all shells: Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (HNIW), Insensitive Munitions Explosive 101 (IMX-101)

Standard casing for all shells: High-Density Reactive Material (more than 50% increase in explosive power) http://www.tomsguide.com/us/science-research-military-weapon-navy,news-13426.html

Anti-infantry/light armor:

SAPHE (Semi-Armor Piercing High Explosive) bullet:

It has a tungsten carbide tip, steel casing, and the hollow center is filled with explosives. If it partially penetrates body armor, it will explode, blowing a gaping hole into the body armor and inflicting massive flesh wound from the blast and shrapnel. If it penetrates the body armor and hits a hard part of the body (such as a bone), it will also explode, capable of blowing a limb off (or turning a head into a gory shower). It might also over-penetrate the body if it does not meet any stiff resistance.

Against unarmored/lightly armored vehicles, it will act like miniature HE shells, either creating gaping craters or holes, or penetrating and sending shrapnel flying everywhere inside the vehicle.

SAPIHE (Semi-Armor Piercing Incendiary High Explosive) bullet:

Similar to SAPHE, but has slightly less explosive filling, but makes it up with Dicyanoacetylene and compressed oxygen. The incendiary mix is coated around the explosive core but still beneath the steel jacket and tungsten carbide tip. It is highly lethal against enemy infantry since it burns over 4990°C (9010°F), especially when the bullet’s explosion shoves the burning thermate powder and white-hot shrapnel deeper into the tissue. Although the victim will unlikely die from bleeding since the tissue surrounding the wound site will be charred, the burning thermate should quickly kill the victim if it is close or in a major blood vessel or organ. If not, it will inflict massive pain and force the victim to stay hospitalized for a while, potentially crippled. It’s also good against incoming explosive projectiles as the explosion and heat will severely damage rockets, missiles, and bombs, and ignite almost all explosives.

Anti-medium/heavy armor: High Explosive Incendiary/Armor Piercing Ammunition Stakalloy Tandem (HEIAPAST) shell:



Extended shells:

They are twice as long as standard shells, allowing the extra space to be used for additional propellants (higher muzzle velocity). However, Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane does not burn instantly and would require a significantly longer barrel for the shells to be cost efficient, which is not feasible on many vehicles, such as tanks. To overcome the problem, highly compressed oxygen is added to speed up burning of the propellants.

Decoy missiles:

There are two types, D-50 and D-60, both of them are ramjet engine powered and will broadcast the same radio frequency its being hit with, jamming radar stations. Their engines are designed to trick thermal sensor stations into reporting that there are dangerous aircraft flying overhead when it's just cheap missiles. Both of them have a max range of 300 kilometers.

The D-20's guidance system can be controlled remotely, flies at a max speed of mach 2.4 and it's price tag is $29,000. The D-10's, a cheaper missile priced at $20,000, guidance system can not be controlled remotely; it has to be pre-programmed before launch and its max speed is mach 2.


-All weapons' metal parts (infantry, vehicles, etc) are autofrettaged and stress-hardened. Ceramic and other non-metals are not subject to autofrettaging.

Standard equipments in all vehicles and infantry: ( http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-04/new-laser-guided-rifle-sight-gives-snipers-most-accurate-shot-yet ) self-correcting sight that compensates for barrels’ imperfections allows higher precision.

-Standard equipments in all vehicle: Smart camera software is capable of identifying tgarts visually, absorption chillers (they use waste heat, http://www.technologyreview.com/energy/37210/?ref=rss&a=f ) are used to cool systems, (http://www.popsci.com/military-aviation-amp-space/article/2009-08/darpa-wants-precision-jamming-take-enemies-out-conversation ) precise electronic warfare devices (capable of precisely jamming and uploading viruses onto enemies’ networks), 4x AESA, metamaterial antennas, infrared vision, night vision, thermal vision, radar/laser warning receivers, UV/optical/infrared/radar/FM/TV/shortwave/AM targeting, UV/optical/infrared/radar/FM/TV/shortwave/AM targeting cameras, laser rangefinder devices, 1x accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, gravity gradiometer, electromagnetic detectors, NBC filtration, and radar absorbing infrared invisibility nanopaint that is capable of self-painting. ( http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/science/article5897867.ece )

-Active electronic camouflage is used instead of painted camouflage since it is superior in camouflaging. The AE camouflage system automatically adjusts its colors based on the surroundings. If it loses input from the camera and network connections, then its camouflage will stay the same. The reason why it is superior to camouflage paint is that it can easily change. A tank with standard forest camouflage colors will stand out in forests occasionally, and will defiantly stand out when not in a forest, such as on an open field.

-Additional equipments for only ground vehicles: ISU (In-arm Suspension Unit). The ISU, which is installed on every bogie on the tracks or wheels, allows them to be individually controlled. Thus, the vehicle will be able not only to "sit", "stand" and "kneel", but to "lean" towards a side or a corner as well. "Sitting" gives the vehicle a lower profile and offers better handling over roads. "Standing" gives the vehicle higher ground clearance and allows it to have better maneuverability over rough terrain. "Kneeling" allows tanks and self-propelled artillery/howitzers to increase the amount of angle their gun can elevate and depress. The new suspension unit also gives the vehicle an advantage when traveling on uneven terrain as the bogies can be adjusted on-the-fly to lessen vibration, as well as being lighter and simpler to maintain than the standard hydropneumatic suspension system. It also uses an electromagnetic system (http://www.popsci.com/cars/article/2011-04/dutch-team-prepares-smooth-out-your-ride-demo-electromagnetic-suspension ) to improve shock absorbing by adjusting the springs and fluid according to shocks from bumps on the ground much faster than traditional hydraulic or spring shock absorbers.

-The laser detect cameras’ electronic light sensors and reflection of the lens with the usage of infrared light and then fires a high intensity beam of light at the offending cameras, destroying their ability to record or take pictures. It can also detect and fire at enemy infantries’ eyes and their firearms’ scopes, rendering any enemy infantry who were looking at the vehicle blinded permanently. The camera/eye-killing lasers will ignore any cameras or scopes that have an identified friendly less than a meter away and any identified friendly infantry.

-Eagle Scanners allow vehicles to see through walls and other obstacles ( http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-02/us-troops-get-wall-penetrating-sensors-afghanistan ).

-Holographic sight attached to the end of their non-sole missile launcher cannons. The weapons will only fire if the holographic sight lines up with the target, greatly reducing misses due to sudden excessive vibrations.

Standard guidance systems in all vehicles: inertial navigation systems, VHF omnidirectional radio range, Differential Global Positioning System and Enhanced LORAN


-Standard safety system in all vehicles: If the driver/pilot is unable to control the vehicle, the onboard computer will take over and attempt to return the vehicle back to a designated safe area.
-All automated vehicles can coordinate activities together without human assistance. If an F-31 Spy aircraft reported a division of enemy tanks, then the automated ground units, such as the MT-22 Bobcat or ALV-3 RARV can act upon the information such as preparing for battle or moving toward the reported location to provide additional information to other military units. ( http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-04/navys-x-47b-will-be-so-autonomous-pilots-will-fly-it-mouse-clicks ) The AIs form strategies on the move (http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-honing-household-helpers-scientists-robots.html ), can predict based on sensory information (http://www.technologyreview.com/computing/37556/page2/ ), learn from others’ mistakes ( http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-robots.html ) and feel regret, assisting in future predictions (http://www.aftau.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=14354 ). They can also pick out targets using (http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-method-video-dutch-band.html ), create a language and new words for unfamiliar objects/situations (http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-robots-language.html ), recognize and read words (http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-university-pennsylvania-pr2-robot-video.html ), and communicate/coordinate with each other (http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-05/working-team-autonomous-swarming-bots-quickly-explore-and-map-structures ).
-Graphene’s substrate is boron nitride. (http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-boron-nitride-path-graphene-devices.html ) http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-method-single-crystal-arrays-graphene.html
-Nano device mass production: http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-nanodevices.html
-Metamaterial mass production: http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-team-method-large-sheets-metamaterials.html


[color="#006400"]Processor 100x series:[/color] It uses 45nm indium antimonide memristors and asynchronous optical circuits. Processing is still done electronically, but all data transfers between the memristor cores are done via optical. SRAM and MRAM caches have been replaced with Z-RAM. The main system memory, MGCB, IOCB and Command Chip have been integrated.

Processor 199x: It has 256 modules (16 parallel cores per modules, 4096 cores in total) with a clock rate of 500 MHz per core, L1 256 KB of cache per core, L2 1 MB of cache per core, L3 64 MB of cache per module, L4 16 GB and L5 1 TB cache per processor. 1137.5 W peak, 56.875 W idle. 134.1842 TFLOPS

Processor 170x: It has 64 modules (16 parallel cores per modules, 2048 cores in total) with a clock rate of 500 MHz per core, L1 256 KB cache per core, L2 1 MB of cache per core, L3 64 MB cache per module, L4 8 GB and L5 512 GB cache per processor. 284.375 W peak, 14.219 W idle. 33.5461 TFLOPS

[quote][color="#FF8C00"]Processor 000x series:[/color] It uses 90nm indium antimonide transistor based and it operates 1.5x faster than silicon processors at the same size while drawing 10x less energy. The processor is “3D”, increasing its processing power since its circuits are stacked. L1 cache will consist of SRAM, though L2 and higher (and larger) cache will consist of MRAM. Network-on-chip is used as an interconnect. The circuits’ gates are also 3D, decreasing power usage by 50% under load and 37% higher performance at low voltage (0.6-0.7) or 11% higher performance at high voltage (1.0). 2023

Processor 99x: It has 128 modules (16 parallel cores per modules, 2048 cores in total) with a clock rate of 500 MHz per core, L1 64 KB of cache per core, L2 256 KB of cache per core, L3 16 MB of cache per module and L4 8 GB cache per processor. 4550 W peak, 448.9333 W idle. 134.1842 TFLOPS

Processor 70x: It has 32 modules (16 parallel cores per modules, 1024 cores in total) with a clock rate of 500 MHz per core, L1 64 KB cache per core, L2 256 KB of cache per core, L3 16 MB cache per module and L4 2 GB cache per processor. 1137.5 W peak, 112.2333 W idle. 33.5461 TFLOPS


[quote][color="#FF8C00"]MSC-A1 (Mobile Super Computer)[/color]

Motherboard: It uses 90nm indium antimonide based transistors and network-on-chip as the soon-to-be-obsolete very-large-scale integration will no longer be feasible as the die shrink continues to decrease in size.

Processors: MSC-A1 uses Processor 95x processors.

Random Access Memory (RAM): Instead of the traditional RAM that relies on the storage and movement of electrons between atoms, it uses MRAM which relies on the spin of electrons, allowing double the amount of memory on the same space and also cuts down power usage and delay due to electrons’ shorter travel distance and lack of need of constantly refreshing its memory cells. Each RAM stick used in the computer is 256 GB and a total of four of the sticks are installed, totaling 1024 GB of RAM.

Solid State Drive (SSD): The data storage size is 40 TB with a data transfer rate of 128 Gibit/s, and the disk cache is 256MB per SSD. Nine of them will be installed, totaling 360 TB.

MGCB (Memory/Graphic Controller Hub): It connects the processors, RAM, SSD, High FPS Cameras, High Resolution Cameras, Command Chip, and IOCB together, responsible for high data speed transfer. It can be replaced. Cache size is 4 GB.

IOCB (Input/Output Controller Bus): It connects MGCB, Command Chip, wired connection, wireless transmitter/receiver, Universal Port, weapon systems, engine system, flight control system, and other equipments. It is also replaceable and does the data compression/decompression and encryption/decryption. Cache size is also 4 GB.

Command Chip: It stores all of the basic system information, “thinking” software, operating system, guidance, engine, weapon, targeting, encryption, and other systems’ operation codes and connects to the IOCB and MGCB chips. It is a hybrid of a BIOS and OS. Max data transfer rate from the Command Chip to each one of the other connected chips is 2048 Gbps.

Universal Port: In case of future equipments and lack of proper connections for it, this will be used. Max data transfer rate is 2048 Gbps.

Wireless transmission: The max data transfer rate is 10 Gbps, though data compression would allow up to 30 Gbps. Encryption will reduce the amount of useful data that can be transmitted by 10%. Max useful transmission rate with encryption is 27 GB.

They have five wireless transmitters/receivers devices, and each device can connect up to 35 other devices with the exception of one. Max amount of the four devices it can connect to is 140 and the optimal range is around 20 miles in radius depending on the atmospheric conditions (the range can reach up to 40 miles in radius, but data transfer rate would take a major hit). The other device is capable of directly connecting to 14 ground station(s), satellite(s) and/or other vehicle(s) and has a max of 50 Gbps (about 150 if data compression is used, 135 Gbps usable) since it uses non-visible laser instead of radio, though it is easily blocked so it is only used when there are nothing to block the laser.

Encryption: Hacking and wireless tapping is a large concern. Each set of actual character in a data will have 50 different characters, and the computer can interpret up to 10 different commands as one command meaning. This would result in massive amount of combinations for each command and since the processors are programmed to run on a random number generator when it comes to encryption; it will take months and even years for an enemy to decrypt the transmitted commands, and that isn’t including the fact that the enemy has to design a program that can run the correct file format and decompression. To keep such enemies frustrated, every month during peace time and every two weeks during war, the 50 characters for each actual ones will be scrambled.

When the encryption needs to be updated (scrambled), it will not be done wirelessly, rather, each time an vehicle returns for repairs/resupply, it will be plugged in via wire and receive the updates. However, it is still compatible with the previous encryption and will only send the previous encryption if another aircraft hasn’t been updated yet. Once all vehicles have received the updates, the second time they return for repairs/resupply, the previous encryption recognition and transmitting coding will be removed.

To counter hacking, each computer has a unique three set 2048 character ID and will broadcast their location over the encrypted channels along with the message. Even if a single character does not match with the computer that is broadcasting and its location, it will be rejected. If the file format and/or the encryption don’t match with the computer’s file format and encryption, it will also get rejected. Same thing applies with ground stations and satellites. All hacking attempts will be recorded and sent to the satellites or ground stations.

Cameras: Two types of cameras will be installed on each aircraft and two of each, totaling four, and they all use optical metamaterial based lenses to reduce the lens’ sizes while still maintaining high resolution. Frame rate per second is 10,000 and the resolution is 13440x7560 pixels for the high speed cameras. Useful for tracking fast moving objects such as super sonic missiles and shells, allowing the computer to notice and dodge such objects. It can also be used to track the location of where the objects came from, allowing the computer to roughly locate enemy even if the enemy haven’t been spotted yet. The location of hostile object and enemy will be calculated with the help of a laser rangefinder and broadcasted to other friendly units and the other pair of cameras will zoom in on the location.

Another pair of cameras is the 360 degree low FPS yet higher resolution ones. It will have 2 FPS and 10 gigapixel. Used for precisely locating enemy units from a long distance. If an enemy is detected, the camera will zoom in for a closer look, and if it is identified as an enemy, it will be broadcasted to all friendly units after its location has been calculated based on the resolution of the enemy and where it is coming from. The computer can coordinate its cameras together, providing 360 degree view if enough of the vehicles equipped with the cameras are present. They can also all focus on one very far enemy unit, piece the photo together, and broadcast it to other vehicles. It is useful for reminding enemies that you can’t run, or hide, the hard way.

Cooling: A high end computer generates lots of heat, potentially enough to cook an egg without a cooling system or even ventilation. A super computer packed into a fairly small space would heat up so much that it would instantly light the egg on fire. A modified version of a polyethylene (conducts 300x more heat than regular polyethylene, which is more than many metals, in only one direction) is used the outer covering of the pipes. The one-way heat transferring polyethylene will face inward into the pipes; forcing the heat to collect in the pipes and not letting them back out. Magnetized graphene will be used as the inner layer.

Ferrofluid will be used to carry the heat out of the computer core’ several large heat-sinks (also consisting of graphene). The heated ferrofluid will then flow into one of the two giant graphene heat sinks and slows down. The heat will then pass through a thin layer of a thermoelectric generator sheet and into the engine’s intake ducts. After the liquid passed through the heat sinks, the fluid will flow back to the computer core’s various heat-sinks. Magnetism is used to pump the fluid through the cooling system. All of the computer components will be covered with a very thin sheet of plastic to prevent short-circuiting in case of a leak.

Hardware security: The computer is designed to engage lockdown if it does not have contact with the military’s command center within 168 hours, therefore preventing enemies from decrypting the data inside without finding the correct 32768 character password, unless if received a specialty code to allow the computer to operate longer before needing contact. The computers’ shells consist of overlapping tungsten carbine/peptide ball plates attached together with Kelvar and all of the spaces filled in with bullet-resistant gel. However, if all of the vehicle’s occupants’ heartbeats are not detected and the computer had been instructed to self-destruct, it will be igniting a C-4 and thermate package inside the shell, which will completely destroy the computer. Self-destruction will also occur if all of the wireless devices are dead or if manually set to self-destruction.

AI: It uses thousands of algorithms instead of a single one when it comes to automated decision making. The more algorithms that agree on a decision, the more likely the AI will carry out the thought. It is programmed based on biological brains ( http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-robotics-biologically.html ).

[color="#FF8C00"]MMSC-A1 (Mini Mobile Super Computer)[/color]

Although very similar to the MSC, it is much smaller and has much less computing power. It’s typically used in light vehicles where the computer is only used for light tasks and power supply/cooling is very limited. It uses six Processor 70x processors.[/quote]

Ground vehicle engines:

[color="#006400"]DFC-A1 (Diesel Fuel Cell):[/color]

A graphene capacitor and lithium air battery stores all of the excess electricity. Four electric motors power the vehicle, their total max horsepower exceeding the fuel cell engine’s horsepower by 30%. A major advantage the DFC has over a GTEPS is that it has higher fuel efficiency, lower construction and maintenance costs, and higher reliability. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-03-nanowires-boost-fuel-cell-efficiency.html

During startup, much of the power is provided by the lithium air battery ( http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-rechargeable-batteries-nanotechnology.html ) while the fuel cell engine and the fuel/air injection system warm up. All other systems are powered by the batteries instead of the capacitors, such as computers and life-support. The battery is enhanced with silicon nanowires (http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-reusable-templates-production-nanowires.html ), stainless steel anodes, graphene cathodes, nickel plated tobacco mosaic viruses’ rods, and nanobattery engineering, increasing its capacity by about 500x, charge/discharge rate by more than 4000x and reduces weight per volume. Safety, stability, and durability are also improved significantly. At normal operation, the battery is deactivated and electricity is generated by the fuel cell and is sent to the motors. When the vehicle stops, the electric motors also stop while the fuel cell engine continues operating. The extra electricity is stored in the graphene ultracapacitors ( http://www.technologyreview.com/energy/26851/?mod=chthumb http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-graphene-superior-supercapacitors-energy-storage.html ). When the vehicle accelerates, the electric motors startup again and extra electricity needed is supplied by the capacitor (the battery does not assist to avoid excessively wearing it down and is only used during startup). That allows the vehicle to temporarily speed faster. When the vehicle is turned off, the capacitors transfer the electricity to the battery. A thermoelectric system ( http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/research/2010/101123XuTEG.html http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/45919 http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-thermoelectrics-electricity-closer.html http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-energy-harvesters-electricity.html ) is also built into the exhaust system, allowing from 10% to 40% increase in fuel efficiency. Molybdenum nitrogenase is used to convert carbon monoxide back into diesel. ( http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-biochemists-reveal-fuel-source.html )

The electric motors are based on the Dewalt 4-piece motor with the copper wires replaced by graphene, allowing it to contain much more wires than traditional electric motors.

[color="#006400"]SCOPD W-12 A1 (Split-Cycle Opposed-Piston Diesel):[/color]

As the air is pulled from the outside and from the interior compartment, it flows through an oil bath filter, then an air cooler (mainly to squeeze any water out of the air) then a large turbocharger. It will then flow through a mid-sized turbocharger before flowing towards the larger turbocharger, then the intake/compression cylinders. As the engine begin to approach maximum operating temperature, much of the heat is removed from the weapon/air intake cooling system and transferred into the exhaust system. The intake air will flow through a pipe that has ceramic lining on the inside and polyurethane-silica aerogel on the outside.

The engine uses a double sequential turbocharger system. At low power, the small turbocharger is active while the large turbocharger is idle. At high power, the valve to the large turbocharger opens, allowing the intake air to bypass the small turbocharger.

The intake/compression cylinders pull in and then push the air in the air feed pipe that leads to the power/exhaust cylinders. The fuel line connecting to the air feed pipe injects in fuel according to the on-board computer. The mixture is feed into the power/exhaust cylinders and is ignited upon high pressure and laser (http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-04-laser-revolution-internal-combustion.html ). The exhaust is then pushed out into an exhaust pipe also lined with the aerogel. The exhaust is then added with water from the air intake’s cooling system and additional heat from the fuel and weapons cooling. It is then used in the turbocharger(s) if the power is high enough before flowing through the exhaust pipe that is lined on the inside with thin thermoelectric generator (( http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/research/2010/101123XuTEG.html http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/45919 http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-thermoelectrics-electricity-closer.html http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-energy-harvesters-electricity.html ) is also built into the exhaust system, allowing from 10% to 40% increase in fuel efficiency) with modified polyethylene (conducts heat better than most metal and only in one direction) lining. The turbocharger system used in the intake system is also used in the exhaust system, except all of the water and heat are added before the turbochargers. The thermoelectric generator is also located between the cooling system and the air intake, fuel, and exhaust system. Both are made of polyurethane-silica aerogel and to ensure the shaft connecting the turbochargers’ turbines have as little friction as possible, micro-ceramic ball bearings are used. The hot exhaust gas then flows outside of the vehicle.

During braking, the power/exhaust cylinders and fuel injector are deactivated, but the intake/compression cylinders continue to operate from the spinning crankshaft due to momentum. The air that is pumped into the air feed line is instead redirected to the compressed air tank. When the power/exhaust cylinders begin to operate again, additional air is added to the air that is already being pumped from the intake/compression cylinders, allowing additional fuel to be injected.

During low speed, some of the air will be diverted to the insulated compressed air tank. When the compressed air tank is full, the intake/compression cylinders will be deactivated and the power/exhaust cylinders will be fed stored air until the tank is 25% empty and the intake/compression cylinders will be activated again. That will allow the vehicle to have temporary speed boosts when needed.

When the vehicle is on low speed mode, up to eight of the cylinders will be deactivated for fuel efficiency.

The engine is based on the OPOC, Scuderi, and Fiat’s MultiAir engine designs. It has two pistons per cylinders, doubling the power-per-weight while increasing efficiency by about 30%. Half of the cylinders are used for intake/compression, and the other half are used for power/exhaust, which further increases efficiency and power-per-weight by reducing two revolutions to a single revolution needed to combust the fuel-air mixture and avoid recompressing the gas (recompressing the gas reduces thermal efficiency). It also allows the intake/compression cylinders’ walls and pistons to be thinner, reducing cost and weight. Pumping losses are also almost completely removed, significantly increasing fuel efficiency.

All of the cylinders and pistons inside the engine are made of tantalum-hafnium-carbide ceramic with plasma etching (to increase tolerance of heat shock and insulation) and are covered with a thick layer of the aerogel to keep the heat in the cylinders. The intake/compression cylinders’ lining and pistons consist of the aerogel. The connecting rods and crankshaft are made of thin titanium covering with CFRP filling in the interior. The engine casing is made with a very thin layer of aluminum with CFRP sandwiched between the metal.

Since the ceramic and polyurethane-silica aerogel can withstand very high temperature, are excellent insulator, and are very strong when combined, it removes the need for an engine cooling system and gives it much higher fuel efficiency than non-ceramic engines that operate at a lower temperature.

Sensors in the engines are highly heat tolerant, capable of withstanding up to 500 Celsius. A thermoelectric system ( http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/research/2010/101123XuTEG.html http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/45919 http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-thermoelectrics-electricity-closer.html http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-05-energy-harvesters-electricity.html http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-source-green-electricity.html ) is also built into the exhaust system, allowing from 10% to 40% increase in fuel efficiency.

Aircraft engines:

Standard engine in helicopters, tiltrotors and monorotors: [color="#006400"]TS A1 (TurboShaft)[/color]

Three of its five compressors, compressor turbine, free turbine, and shaft are also made of ceramic.

Standard engine in B-4 Ghost and F-31 Spy: [color="#006400"]HBTFS A1 (High-Bypass TurboFan Stealth)[/color]

The major difference from other turbofan engines is that has high pressure compressor, and high and low pressure turbines. It has triple annular combustors inside.

Standard engine in F-32: [color="#006400"]TRA A1 (TurboRamjet with Afterburner)[/color]

Its high pressure compressor, high and low pressure turbines and its shaft are made of ceramic. It has triple annular combustors inside. The turbofan engine is inside the ramjet engine. At low speed, the turbofan engine is operational. At mid speed (only used to switch from turbofan to ramjet), the afterburner is activated. At high speed, the ramjet engine is operational while the turbofan engine is deactivated. It has thrust vectoring, giving the using aircraft additional maneuverability.

Military vehicle identification system:

Acronym of the main function of the vehicle+ID number+Version letter+Version number+Main Name

EX: F-1C1 Killer (Fighter aircraft, the ID number is "1", 3rd main version, 1st secondary version, main name is Killer)

List of the acronyms:

LT: Light Tank
MT: Medium Tank
HT: Heavy Tank
LV: Light Vehicle (non-tanks)
MV: Medium Vehicle (non-tanks)
HV: Heavy Vehicle (non-tanks)
GSH: Ground Support Helicopter
FH: Fighter Helicopter
LTH: Light Transport Helicopter
MTH: Medium Transport Helicopter
HTH: Heavy Transport Helicopter
F: Fighter jet
B: Bomber jet

Status of an equipment or vehicle:

[color="#0000FF"]Development stage[/color]: Under development and testing, prototypes are produced.

[color="#006400"]Deployment stage[/color]: Vehicles and/or equipments will be mass manufactured, operated, and operators will receive training to use them. The vehicles and equipments will receive upgrades.

[color="#FF8C00"]Mothballed stage[/color]: Vehicles and/or equipments are declared close to or already obsolete. Although they will still be kept operational and used if needed, additional ones will not be manufactured/trained.
Retired stage[/color]: Vehicles and/or equipments are fully retired from service. Most will be either scrapped or sold, a few will be kept in museums.

IT Security:

The network is split into four main networks, public one that is connected to the internet, semi-classified one that isn't connected to the internet, classified one that isn't connected to the internet with additional security, and honeypot. All servers and computers operate on Processor (xxx)x, classified proprietary hardware and software, except for the honeyfarm.


The servers and computers are protected by numerous firewalls. All input/output devices that are plugged into the computers will not run without the administrators' permission. Files that enter or exit the I/O devices are regulated by the administrators. Any hardware changes will result in the affected hardware being disabled until the administrators decide whether to allow the change or continue disabling the hardware.


Similar to the public network but without any direct connection to the internet. All hardware equipments, including servers and computers are physically locked. Encryption is more heavier.


No I/O ports are available. All document transfers between the network and other networks are done by printing them on paper and then scanning them back into documents. Software and hardware are different from the other two networks (except for the processors). Encryption is much more heavier.


The security protocol is as same as the public network, but with seemly genuine important classified information (though in reality are useless). It is designed to divert hackers' attention from actual networks and catch them red-handed while they're busy analyzing/stealing the files.

To counter hacking, each computer has a unique three set 2048 character ID and will broadcast their location over the encrypted channels along with the message. Even if a single character does not match with the computer that is broadcasting and its location, it will be rejected. If the file format and/or the encryption don’t match with the computer’s file format and encryption, it will also get rejected. Same thing applies with ground stations and satellites. All hacking attempts will be recorded.

Edited by HHAYD

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