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Statement from Nusantara Elite Warriors


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[quote name='Starcraftmazter' timestamp='1292750264' post='2544245']
No - rather thinking they did nothing wrong does.

[quote name='Finnish Commie' timestamp='1292750289' post='2544246']
I agree. Not understanding basic logic and how this game operates is what makes them stupid.

The only thing 'wrong' in this situation is the coalition against them allowing the DF nations to get pummeled another day while they pray that a war-loving alliance gets scared by threats of war and pays them reparations. Likewise, the only ones 'stupid' in this situation are the ones unable to comprehend that NEW does not go by the same set of rules. It's funny how you're all ganging up on NEW for beating on the now-disbanded DF, while simultaneously calling the entire matter trivial and doing absolutely anything to keep from giving up some infra in defense of them. Just goes to show how many of the people wanting to defend disbanded alliances from raiders are actually just infra huggers looking for some good PR from their buddies.

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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1292751230' post='2544253']The only thing 'wrong' in this situation is the coalition against them allowing the DF nations to get pummeled another day while they pray that a war-loving alliance gets scared by threats of war and pays them reparations. Likewise, the only ones 'stupid' in this situation are the ones unable to comprehend that NEW does not go by the same set of rules. It's funny how you're all ganging up on NEW for beating on the now-disbanded DF, while simultaneously calling the entire matter trivial [/quote]

I had to read this twice before it made any sense. It is very hypocritical, because you claim NEW does not "play by the same set of rules", yet they whine more than anything about the way they think things work, unwilling to accept or understand the way that everyone else abides by. Disbanded or not is irrelevant, if an AA is under protection, it does not get attacked. Do not tell me that you too are unable to understand a concept as simple as that.

[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1292751230' post='2544253'] doing absolutely anything to keep from giving up some infra in defense of them. Just goes to show how many of the people wanting to defend disbanded alliances from raiders are actually just infra huggers looking for some good PR from their buddies.[/quote]

No matter how many times I read this part however, it just does not make any sense.

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He's saying you are all talk for offering your protection.

Also, do you honestly believe NEW doesn't understand your points? They, simply, can't admit to being wrong if they insist on not paying any reps. Quite a bit harder if they say you are 100% correct. I don't think we can assume they're stupid, but I think it's safe to say they called your bluff and any repercussions were worth taking a swing at DF. Perhaps they didn't believe anyone would follow through and it appears they may be right. Time will tell, of course..

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So I payed my bills today and got an event. Hooray! Said I. I love events. I wonder what it could be...

A neighboring nation has large tracts of land that is ripe for the taking. You can enter peaceful negotiations and offer to purchase land or you may opt to prepare your military to take the land by force. Option selected. See Current Response.

Option 2: Prepare our army to invade and capture the neighboring land. Soldiers and Tank purchase costs -2%.

This war now sponsored by Admin.

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[quote name='Starcraftmazter' timestamp='1292753488' post='2544266']
I had to read this twice before it made any sense. It is very hypocritical, because you claim NEW does not "play by the same set of rules", yet they whine more than anything about the way they think things work, unwilling to accept or understand the way that everyone else abides by. Disbanded or not is irrelevant, [b]if an AA is under protection, it does not get attacked. Do not tell me that you too are unable to understand a concept as simple as that.[/b]

No matter how many times I read this part however, it just does not make any sense.

Wabooz has pretty much got it spot on. As for what I bolded, that's plain wrong - the DF AA was "protected", and it was most certainly attacked. :smug:

NEW has been egging y'all on to attack, and you've got plenty of support for your side on this issue. It's time to put up or shut up.

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Hey PC and friends, quit calling NEW dumb. You guys are the ones who were dense enough to sign a treaty with them. What happened to friends over infa, or death before dishonor? I don't care if NEW said the sky was green and the grass was blue, by your own standards you should be defending them, not throwing them under the bus. I don't care for NEW, but I respect them enough to not bash them on the OWF like their so called "allies". Good luck, NEW. I hope you find some better friends. Friends who will defend you through the good and the bad times...

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[quote name='Starcraftmazter' timestamp='1292753488' post='2544266']
I had to read this twice before it made any sense. It is very hypocritical, because you claim NEW does not "play by the same set of rules", yet they whine more than anything about the way they think things work, unwilling to accept or understand the way that everyone else abides by. Disbanded or not is irrelevant, if an AA is under protection, it does not get attacked. Do not tell me that you too are unable to understand a concept as simple as that.

No matter how many times I read this part however, it just does not make any sense.

you are failure..so shut up

sad to say NEW..but war won't happen soon..this is the right moment but at a wrong time..these people are prepared for Xmas & new year party...they will keep this till end of january and bang...

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Quite frankly, I just can't see a reason to care about the inactive remnants of a defunct alliance getting raided.

Might be an idea next time to show the basic courtousy to your dead allies by at least making a formal announcement regarding their protection, rather than some flippant remark buried in their disbandment notice.

Edited by Vanilla Napalm
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[quote name='hellsign' timestamp='1292757577' post='2544287']
you are failure..so shut up[/quote]

Lol u mad. Come at me bro.

I don't really understand this talk of "bluffing" and NEW "calling a bluff". Honestly, I cannot figure out where the basis for such claims comes from, nor where the logic lies in them. Why would stating that you are protecting someone be a bluff? Why would ignorantly attacking a protected AA be calling a bluff? Call me crazy, but things might just be simple and straightforward.

Wait what? No, that never happens.

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[quote name='hellsign' timestamp='1292757577' post='2544287']
you are failure..so shut up

sad to say NEW..but war won't happen soon..this is the right moment but at a wrong time..these people are prepared for Xmas & new year party...they will keep this till end of january and bang...
Right moment but wrong time? So...[i]not[/i] the right moment? :huh: I'm not sure what the point of your post is. You can't tell me you fully support raiding a disbanded alliance which is being protected. I simply won't believe it. Although the tone in your response implies otherwise.

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[quote name='Starcraftmazter' timestamp='1292759119' post='2544297']
Lol u mad. Come at me bro.

I don't really understand this talk of "bluffing" and NEW "calling a bluff". Honestly, I cannot figure out where the basis for such claims comes from, nor where the logic lies in them. Why would stating that you are protecting someone be a bluff? Why would ignorantly attacking a protected AA be calling a bluff? Call me crazy, but things might just be simple and straightforward.

Wait what? No, that never happens.

Thus far your protectors haven't shown anything to follow their claims of nukes and ZI for raiders. The only man with some balls it seems is Ertyy of Gramlins, a one man crusade to stand up for whats right.

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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1292750122' post='2544242']
Just because NEW doesn't hug their infra for dear life doesn't make them "thick" or "stupid".
No one said it did. However NEW attacking an AA that had protection does make them both thick and stupid.

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Its funny to see the tech raid posse give out about attacking protected alliances when they have been doing so since karma. Stick to your guns NEW, you will soon find out if your friends and allies are genuine or a bunch of yellow bellies who will abandon you. I think it could be the latter.

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Oh dear. 'No official notice of protection'? I guess you guys didn't read the other thread at all, huh?

Since you started the fight by attacking a protected AA it seems like non-chaining treaties were made for this purpose.

How hard is it to admit you screwed up and pay reps? (Yes, before someone derails the thread, I appreciate the irony.)

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That's a matter of opinion. From my point of view, I'd say they're reckless. I don't think that makes them stupid, though. Heck, I thought that was why people liked them.

Edit: clarifying who I was speaking to xD

Edited by Wabooz
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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1292759867' post='2544302']
No one said it did. However NEW attacking an AA that had protection does make them both thick and stupid.

Yup. NEW is thick and stupid alright. What does that say about the people who signed treaties with them?
Friends over Infra

I hope the moralists are enjoying the hypocracy. PB has clearly been sucking too much from VE's tit. Keep enjoying being a terrible ally, PC ;)

The best part is, no matter how you spin it, no matter what you say, you are throwing your allies to the OWF wolves. I don't care if they're wrong, stick by your friends. If your friends are in the wrong, don't humiliate them on the OWF. Although, apparently ZoomX3 and the rest of PC enjoy belittling people more than they enjoy respecting their friends. PC is showing their true colors and they aren't pretty. I don't care how dumb you think NEW is, you signed an MDP, hence you thought they were smart enough to not do something this stupid. This makes you just as dumb, if not dumber, than NEW. Good job. Please be more careful selecting your allies next time around.

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[quote name='Vanilla Napalm' timestamp='1292758921' post='2544294']
Might be an idea next time to show the basic courtousy to your dead allies by at least making a formal announcement regarding their protection, rather than some flippant remark buried in their disbandment notice.

Does not matter if it had its own thread or "buried" as you would call it, the fact remains it was there and "IF" looked for it would of been found.

The topic of discussion in not the point of delivery but that fact it was made and they were too lazy to read.

Edited by nutkase
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[quote name='Wabooz' timestamp='1292760185' post='2544308']

That's a matter of opinion. From my point of view, I'd say they're reckless. I don't think that makes them stupid, though. Heck, I thought that was why people liked them.

Edit: clarifying who I was speaking to xD

[quote name='Oogie Boogie Man' timestamp='1292760241' post='2544310']
Yup. NEW is thick and stupid alright. What does that say about the people who signed treaties with them?
Friends over Infra

I hope the moralists are enjoying the hypocracy. PB has clearly been sucking too much from VE's tit. Keep enjoying being a terrible ally, PC ;)

The best part is, no matter how you spin it, no matter what you say, you are throwing your allies to the OWF wolves. I don't care if they're wrong, stick by your friends. If your friends are in the wrong, don't humiliate them on the OWF. Although, apparently ZoomX3 and the rest of PC enjoy belittling people more than they enjoy respecting their friends. PC is showing their true colors and they aren't pretty. I don't care how dumb you think NEW is, you signed an MDP, hence you thought they were smart enough to not do something this stupid. This makes you just as dumb, if not dumber, than NEW. Good job. Please be more careful selecting your allies next time around.
I'm not too sure what you're trying to prove here [or even who you're trying to prove the point to]. A few people have told NEW they are being stupid, yes. Most people can see that this decision didn't require much thought on their part. But as far as I can tell, no one from PC, FEAR or iFOK government has made a statement ITT that criticises NEW's actions.

As for your line "I hope the moralists are enjoying the hypocracy. PB has clearly been sucking too much from VE's tit. Keep enjoying being a terrible ally, PC ;[b][/b])," what are you trying to prove? As far as I can tell, none of those phrases have any connection to each other. PC and PB are not moralists, PC is not a terrible ally [as your alliance found out in the last war] and VE has nothing to do with this. Honestly, this is such an awful mess of a post that I almost feel embarrassed for you.

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[quote name='Oogie Boogie Man' timestamp='1292760241' post='2544310']
Keep enjoying being a terrible ally, PC ;)

They were a good enough ally to stand up for \m/ against a certain group of moralists that fashioned themselves as world police :rolleyes:

NEWs allies have been put in a difficult position, as NEW admits in the OP. There's really not a right answer for them.

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