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Statement from Nusantara Elite Warriors


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[quote name='JBone' timestamp='1292777453' post='2544516']
Very nice to see two [i]regular members[/i] from alliances directly allied to NEW (PC & iFok) stand up for them in their time of need.

Shame your respective governments could only muster enough internal fortitude to offer to pay out any and all reps being asked for, if only NEW would issue an apology.

I guess if NEW would let them, PC and iFok would author and hand deliver the apologies as well, just to get this mater swept under the rug without actually having to militarily defend a treatied ally.

Friends > Infra, indeed.

Never thought I would see the day when you guys had your strings pulled by others....the lack of Twist is showing fellas.

The lack of twist?

The fact of the matter is, NEW did something stupid, which isn't uncommon for any alliance these days. They acted without thinking, which I'm sure you've done more than your fair share of.

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[quote name='Nobody Expects' timestamp='1292783499' post='2544627']
Screw the moralists, fair play NEW for not rolling over and instead standing up for what you believe is right.
Its mostly ex-techraiding neo moralists, as in they found morality in the last two days

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1292749815' post='2544239']
NEW, you just got biggest alliance on white. Why ya blowing it so quickly?
That's exactly why they're blowing it so quickly.

[quote name='Vanilla Napalm' timestamp='1292758921' post='2544294']
Might be an idea next time to show the basic courtousy to your dead allies by at least making a formal announcement regarding their protection, rather than some flippant remark buried in their disbandment notice.
I think you may be the first person ever to actually buy that line.

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[quote name='Pomiel' timestamp='1292784566' post='2544652']
Just so NEW knows, I recognize them as a valid tech raid target because they're despicable

Are you going to actually raid them, or are you simply saying that because you wanted to say something, and that's the first thing that popped into your head?

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1292784485' post='2544650']
Its mostly ex-techraiding neo moralists, as in they found morality in the last two days

I was always bad at pigeon-holing:

NEW, screw the ex-techraiding neo moralist scum and the moralists and the Peoples Popular Front and the Popular Peoples Front, and stand up for what you think is right.


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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1292783695' post='2544632']
You don't belong in Umbrella. :awesome:

I like to exaggerate things. I don't honestly expect this to go anywhere serious, I just want people to stop being so useless and afraid to take risks with just about anything. So while the actions of NEW are beyond stupid; I don't really care, it's been too long for me to care about who is in the right or wrong anymore. I've been here for almost four years(in 3 days time), I'm jaded and sick of watching everything unfold in the same tried and tested way every 8+ months.

I'm just hoping for something to come along and change that. I'm not really in any position to change anything and even if I was I'd probably have run my alliance into the ground by now because I'd be so terrible at it.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='flyangel' timestamp='1292783273' post='2544623']
whoever he Ertyy beer 4 you,although we still do not do attack each other,but I really like your attitude to defend friend....I will receive with your nuke gracefully, but I also would not forget to give you back gladly.
People like you make me regret not having my MP yet.

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we ride.

[quote][color="#333333"][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size="2"]HELEN[/size][/font][/color]
[color="#333333"][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"] [/font][/color][color="#333333"][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size="2"]Maiden, at thy knees I fall a suppliant, and seat myself in this sad posture on behalf of myself and him, whom I am in danger of seeing slain, after I have so hardly found him. Oh! tell not thy brother that my husband is returned to these loving arms; save us, I beseech thee; never for thy brother's sake sacrifice thy character for uprightness, by evil and unjust means bidding for his favour. For the deity hates violence, and biddeth all men get lawful gains without plundering others. Wealth unjustly gotten, though it bring some power, is to be eschewed. The breath of heaven and the earth are man's common heritage, wherein to store his home, without taking the goods of others, or wresting them away by force. Me did Hermes at a critical time, to my sorrow, intrust to thy father's safe keeping for this my lord, who now is here and wishes to reclaim me. But how can he recover me if he be slain? How could thy sire restore the living to the dead? Oh! consider ere that the will of heaven and thy father's too; would the deity or would thy dead sire restore their neighbour's goods, or would they forbear? restore them, I feel sure. It is not, therefore, right that thou shouldst more esteem thy wanton brother than thy righteous father. Yet if thou, prophetess as thou art and believer in divine providence, shalt pervert the just intention of thy father and gratify thy unrighteous brother, 'tis shameful thou shouldst have full knowledge of the heavenly will, both what is and what is not, and yet be ignorant of justice. Oh! save my wretched life from the troubles which beset it, granting this as an accession to our good fortune; for every living soul loathes Helen, seeing that there is gone a rumour throughout Hellas that I was false unto my lord, and took up my abode in Phrygia's sumptuous halls. Now, if I come to Hellas, and set foot once more in Sparta, they will hear and see how they were ruined by the wiles of goddesses, while was no traitress to my friends after all; and so will they restore to me my virtuous name again, and I shall give my daughter in marriage, whom no man now will wed; and, leaving this vagrant life in Egypt, shall enjoy the treasures in my home. Had Menelaus met his doom at some funeral pyre, with tears should I be cherishing his memory in a far-off land, but must lose him now when he is alive and safe? Ah! maiden, I beseech thee, say not so; grant me this boon, I pray, and reflect thy father's justice; for this is the fairest ornament of children, when the child of a virtuous sire resembles its parents in character.[/quote][/size][/font][/color]

Edited by stalwart
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[quote name='Nobody Expects' timestamp='1292786557' post='2544691']
460 days and 2 wonders in an alliance which always sits out or picks the winning side in every war, that's a pretty poor return.
In fairness, Gold and Furs isnt exactly the Exports for great growth

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[quote name='Pomiel' timestamp='1292784566' post='2544652']
Just so NEW knows, I recognize them as a valid tech raid target because they're despicable

have you raid them?

meh...P USSY...P USSY...P USSY...P USSY...P USSY...P USSY...



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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1292787003' post='2544707']
In fairness, Gold and Furs isnt exactly the Exports for great growth
It fits perfectly into an AP ring, which while not the greatest for growth, isn't exactly terrible either.

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[quote name='Nobody Expects' timestamp='1292786557' post='2544691']
460 days and 2 wonders in an alliance which always sits out or picks the winning side in every war, that's a pretty poor return.


[quote name='Quadrius' timestamp='1292786679' post='2544696']
I'm [s]retarded[/s] slow.

no..you are tech slave

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[quote name='hellsign' timestamp='1292789876' post='2544784']

no..you are tech slave
Apparently someone isn't familiar with the concept of alliance seniority:
[quote]Alliance Seniority: 9/15/2009 3:33:52 PM (460 Days)[/quote]

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