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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1292355036' post='2539620']
No, actually that is a hard cold fact of life.

Fair enough on that point, although am not sure it was that grievous.
catch me sometime on IRC and ill explain my grievance over it. As ive stated before i have no issue with Legion cancelling our treaty but how and why they did it. Fair warning to others before they sign.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1292354599' post='2539618']
If the issue is of Legion changing allies, by any conceivable standard, dropping Val and BAPS and then later on (related or not, I do not know) allying with NpO is a step up. That is actually a non issue. One should congratulate Legion on that.

A step up for Val and BAPS perhaps.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1292354599' post='2539618']
If the issue is of Legion changing allies, by any conceivable standard, dropping Val and BAPS and then later on (related or not, I do not know) allying with NpO is a step up. That is actually a non issue. One should congratulate Legion on that.

hahaha! Stop, you're trying too hard.

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[quote name='assarax' timestamp='1292352802' post='2539595']
Ah, another Legion treaty, another round of anti-Legion asshattery... More people spewing outdated facts and irrelevant data in order to justify your hatred for my alliance. I hope you all realize that in the eyes of Legionnaires everywhere you all are one hilarious joke. Thank you to all of Legion and Polaris' allies and supporters, you're all good people. As for the rest of you, kindly take your !@#$%baggery and shove it. Though I doubt you'll find room, since your heads are taking up so much space in your asses.
You've got this all wrong. Many of us think Polaris is the joke and dislike them.

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[quote name='Shoofly' timestamp='1292301421' post='2539214']
Lol. Im sorry but I can't stand by and let my fellow Legionnaires accept this grossly simplified and faulty synopsis of GWIII. I was in GWIII and fought 3 FAN nations personally (to ZI in fact). The mistake that Legion made was mainly a timing error as I see it. AEGIS nations were slow to support. If we had declared 3 days earlier while GATO still had combat strength, the ending might have been different. As it was however, we declared too late and GATO was in ashes already. If AEGIS had unified earlier and stood together, instead of staggering into the meat-grinder separately, the results would have been different. It's much easier to dismantle your opponent one at a time instead of all at once, which is exactly what the Initiative did.

All of our top nations were hitting NPO and VE upper tiers, check the combat logs, and we were attacked on several fronts by FAN, TOP, MHA and GGA. It was simply overwhelming.

Don't let rhetoric belittle Legion's bravery, honor, or effectiveness when at war. One thing I have always admired about Legion is her willingness to risk it all on principle alone. Whether that's honoring a treaty, or simply doing what she believes is the right thing (VL) to do.

If you remember the world at the time of GWIII, it was basically the Initiative versus The Rest of the World. We made a "ballsy" decision to stand on principle and yes, ever sacrifice ourselves for principle - something we have done time and time again. If some others at the time had the same ideals (IRON), then we might be living in a different world.

While I won't question your bravery and honor in fighting two alliances less than half your size by breaking two NAPs, L You lost because you underestimated TOP and FAN, and you were a giant inactive mess that was fighting far more active and far better trained alliances. I was there, as were many others, as we uttered a collective sigh.

By the way, where was this "principle" when you all cowered and tried to disband to avoid NPO's punishment?

[quote name='assarax' timestamp='1292352802' post='2539595']
Ah, another Legion treaty, another round of anti-Legion asshattery... More people spewing outdated facts and irrelevant data in order to justify your hatred for my alliance. I hope you all realize that in the eyes of Legionnaires everywhere you all are one hilarious joke. Thank you to all of Legion and Polaris' allies and supporters, you're all good people. As for the rest of you, kindly take your !@#$%baggery and shove it. Though I doubt you'll find room, since your heads are taking up so much space in your asses.

This man needs to be promoted.You've got spunk.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1292362023' post='2539677']
This man needs to be promoted.You've got spunk.
They could have used a guy like him when they surrendered without saying a word to their allies after a little more than a week

Edited by Alterego
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To be honest I wasn't happy when I first saw this but after reading great part of this thread I can say that if this treaty makes MK and their drones so upset it only can be a good thing. Regarding us not informing our allies about this treaty, I'm sure this was just a mistake done by our FA department that will be corrected in future. Also Pez I fully understand your dislike about the treaty.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1292354599' post='2539618']
If the issue is of Legion changing allies, by any conceivable standard, dropping Val and BAPS and then later on (related or not, I do not know) allying with NpO is a step up. That is actually a non issue. One should congratulate Legion on that.[/quote]
Dear Ally,
I understand you don't like my Allies, my friends don't have to like my friends.
But to say they are less than 2 flip flop alliances is a step too far, and frankly I find it annoying and offensive.
Most alliances on Bob would be proud to call alliances like BAPS allies, Valhalla have somewhat a more tarnished history, but never the less, they are loyal as hell to those that treat them with a mutual respect.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1292362023' post='2539677']
By the way, where was this "principle" when you all cowered and tried to disband to avoid NPO's punishment?


Are you kidding me? Are you serious?

You're bringing up Pezstar, and her attempt to disband the alliance three *years* ago? Which didn't kill us. The membership decided to take the punishment that a fair chunk of the leadership decided they would try to spare us from. That was a year before I even joined. Where's the cowardice?

If you want to talk about principles, how about this. We stood with NPO during Karma, we didn't tuck tail and run. It wasn't the popular choice, and we knew we would lose, but we stood and fought because we had a treaty. Where's the cowardice? We stood by IRON in Cluster$%&@ for the same reason, we had a treaty. Where's the cowardice?

We honor our treaties. They are our principles.

Edited by Banedon
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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1292363086' post='2539693']
Dear Ally,
I understand you don't like my Allies, my friends don't have to like my friends.
But to say they are less than 2 flip flop alliances is a step too far, and frankly I find it annoying and offensive.
Most alliances on Bob would be proud to call alliances like BAPS allies, Valhalla have somewhat a more tarnished history, but never the less, they are loyal as hell to those that treat them with a mutual respect.

I think someone spiked his drink.

Looks like he might need to save this for later: [img]http://i.somethingawful.com/u/russ/goldmine1/backstab.gif[/img]

At least the allies you named can be counted on to fight unlike the ones that he tried to compare them to....

[quote name='Banedon' timestamp='1292363622' post='2539699']

Are you kidding me? Are you serious?

You're bringing up Pezstar, and her attempt to disband the alliance three *years* ago? Which didn't kill us. The membership took the punishment that a fair chunk of the leadership decided they would try to spare us from. That was a year before I even joined.

If you want to talk about principles, how about this. We stood with NPO during Karma, we didn't tuck tail and run. It wasn't the popular choice, and we knew we would lose, but we stood and fought because we had a treaty. We stood by IRON in Cluster$%&@ for the same reason, we had a treaty. We honor our treaties. They are our principles.


Cal Clutterbuck is not amused.

Edited by Desperado
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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1292363636' post='2539700']
I think I've read more good Alterego and AUT posts in this thread then I have in the last year.

I don't know if this is the best this whole [i]year[/i], I think Schatt and Archon did well too. :smug:

Also, I'm serious, if NpO and Legion are the ones who are planning to take down Pandora's Box then we're screwed. It's going to take an alliance with much stronger constitutions than the ones who decided to sign this joke of a treaty.

Edited by The MVP
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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1292363991' post='2539709']
I don't know if this is the best this whole [i]year[/i], I think Schatt and Archon did well too. :smug:

Also, I'm serious, if NpO and Legion are the ones who are planning to take down Pandora's Box then we're screwed.[/quote]

Actually you've been in that state well before this treaty was signed.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1292362023' post='2539677']
While I won't question your bravery and honor in fighting two alliances less than half your size by breaking two NAPs, L You lost because you underestimated TOP and FAN, and you were a giant inactive mess that was fighting far more active and far better trained alliances.[/quote]

See you actually mentioned that TOP and FAN are some good fighters, I have failed to see this most of the thread. I believe the same FAN went on to do huge damage to NPO+Co a few months later. Taking on bigger odds and still doing well.

[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1292362096' post='2539679']
They could have used a guy like him when they surrendered without saying a word to their allies after a little more than a week

I cant believe they didn't tell you, they told OMFG about everything they were doing and nearly everything they were planning on doing that war. They must not have liked you that much, ever think about that?

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[quote name='Lord Curzon' timestamp='1292359541' post='2539652']hahaha! Stop, you're trying too hard.[/quote]
Problem with me always is that I never try enough. Actually, I do not try at all.
[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1292363086' post='2539693']But to say they are less than 2 flip flop alliances is a step too far, and frankly I find it annoying and offensive.[/quote]
Subjective feelings aside, my statement was purely based on geostrategy.
[quote name='Desperado' timestamp='1292363677' post='2539703']I think someone spiked his drink. [/quote]
No, they didn't. Do not assume.

The entire thing is a sidetrack, though. Do not care to debate it in more length.

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1292365467' post='2539730']
Subjective feelings aside, my statement was purely based on geostrategy.
Geostrategy of Legion dropping BAPS and Valhalla (2 Allies that would fight to the bitter end for them) for a treaty, that we have found out in this thread came to nothing.

Great move :wacko:

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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1292365884' post='2539738']Great move :wacko:[/quote]
If the treaty will be a great move or not, time will tell. You can not call these things early, they depend. But this is a step up in significance, then the dropped treaties.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1292366202' post='2539743']
If the treaty will be a great move or not, time will tell. You can not call these things early, they depend. But this is a step up in significance, then the dropped treaties.
The treaty in question never came to fruition.
As for this treaty, I am not keen on many new treaties these days, as the web is messy enough as it is

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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1292367335' post='2539756']The treaty in question never came to fruition.[/quote]
Yeah, didn't got you there was multitasking. Cant talk about that, dont know anything about it.

Anyway, for the sticky point that you had with my post (to put that to rest), my quoted post wasn't to indicate lesser value of the two alliances in comparison to NpO (what you projected onto it), but lesser significance. This is a step up. Was vague there, though truthfully I dont mind some stumbling over it hurting their toes.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1292362023' post='2539677']
By the way, where was this "principle" when you all cowered and tried to disband to avoid NPO's punishment?


I need that laugh bro. At first I thought I couldn't be surprised, but peztrolling?

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1292368171' post='2539773']
Yeah, didn't got you there was multitasking. Cant talk about that, dont know anything about it.

Anyway, for the sticky point that you had with my post (to put that to rest), my quoted post wasn't to indicate lesser value of the two alliances in comparison to NpO (what you projected onto it), but lesser significance. This is a step up. Was vague there, though truthfully I dont mind some stumbling over it hurting their toes.
I would never ask you to not step on anyone's toes, like I am sure you know I won't.
Your talk of significance is very very subjective, because to me, both BAPS and Valhalla are far far more significant than either of these alliances, as I know they will have their allies backs to the bitter end.
If you are purely going on size of alliance, you will be telling me GPA is a significant alliance in Geopolitical strategy.
Anyway I thank you kindly for your view point, it does give me a lot of food for thought.

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[quote name='King William IV' timestamp='1292364889' post='2539722']
I cant believe they didn't tell you, they told OMFG about everything they were doing and nearly everything they were planning on doing that war. They must not have liked you that much, ever think about that?
As much as I dislike them I dont think the Legion would intentionally act in such a disreputable manner towards a MDoAP treaty partner during a war.

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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1292363636' post='2539700']
I think I've read more good Alterego and AUT posts in this thread then I have in the last year.

This just shows one thing, good posts for you are those who are agreeing with your point of view, I'm not surprised.

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