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Legio Frigidum

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Here is my story, I was in Legion at the time of the Val/BAPS cancellations:

1. Legion has been thinking about canceling the Valhalla treaty and as an extension the BAPS treaty, but refuses b/c it might alienate IRON, whom nearly all Legionnaires like

2. IRON cancels on Legion, Legion is devastated, confused, and a little pissed off.

3. Before #2 Legion has been talking about moving in a "new direction" in FA and has been talking to random governments about it

4. As a response to IRON's cancellation, we figure why not and decide to cancel on Val/BAPS. Unfortunately the only gov member who can do that at the time is the MoE (Arbiter). Arbiter has no idea what's going on in FA, and gets a couple things confused (Links "new" direction to cancellations)

5. Val/BAPS do their thing, Legion never explains what happened to anyone and takes a huge PR hit

6. The "New Direction" plan, like most Legion plans, never materializes

7. This is where I left

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1292285539' post='2538905']
[color="#0000FF"][b]Everyone knows that no one hates MK more than I do,[/b] yet even I can acknowledge that they hold much more influence than most other alliances. Really, few groups of alliances combined even come close to holding the influence that MK still wields, let alone most individual alliances. But if living in a false reality where MK is on the decline brings you some comfort, who am I to intrude upon your fantasy?[/color]
Who do you think you're fooling sweetheart?

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[quote name='Matthew The Great' timestamp='1292289576' post='2538970']
Here is my story, I was in Legion at the time of the Val/BAPS cancellations:

1. Legion has been thinking about canceling the Valhalla treaty and as an extension the BAPS treaty, but refuses b/c it might alienate IRON, whom nearly all Legionnaires like

2. IRON cancels on Legion, Legion is devastated, confused, and a little pissed off.

3. Before #2 Legion has been talking about moving in a "new direction" in FA and has been talking to random governments about it

4. As a response to IRON's cancellation, we figure why not and decide to cancel on Val/BAPS. Unfortunately the only gov member who can do that at the time is the MoE (Arbiter). Arbiter has no idea what's going on in FA, and gets a couple things confused (Links "new" direction to cancellations)

5. Val/BAPS do their thing, Legion never explains what happened to anyone and takes a huge PR hit

6. The "New Direction" plan, like most Legion plans, never materializes

7. This is where I left

This makes a lot of sense out of the stories I've heard.

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[quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1292283469' post='2538860']
I wonder how Tyga feels about this.

He is disappointed that this wasn't discussed with us in advance. That said, it doesn't effect STA much. Our treaty with NpO is non-chaining.

Edited by pezstar
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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1292288610' post='2538952']
Hi. My name is Cager. I appeared on Planet Bob right after Great War 1. Fought in Great War 2 AND Great War 3 with the NPO. I was part of the opening blitz again GATO during the Third Great War. I saw your alliance trip and fall over itself fighting TOP and FAN. I've been in every NPO conflict from GW2 to Karma. Please enlighten yourself.

He sure showed you

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1292289967' post='2538980']
He is disappointed that this wasn't discussed with us in advance. That said, it doesn't effect STA much. Our treaty with NpO is non-chaining.

oh cmon pez, I know you are trying to be polite and shrug off the fact STA wasnt informed of a major treaty with a major and long standing treaty partner...


it does effect you, it either 1. means that if legion for some reason get into a war and polar defends them, STA either joins in or watches a long time ally burn. or 2. polar for some reason gets into a war and then you are fighting [i]alongside[/i] and [i]depending[/i] upon legion as allies of your ally to help win a war.

Either way it DOES effect you.

just sayin :P

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1292290391' post='2538985']
oh cmon pez, I know you are trying to be polite and shrug off the fact STA wasnt informed of a major treaty with a major and long standing treaty partner...


it does effect you, it either 1. means that if legion for some reason get into a war and polar defends them, STA either joins in or watches a long time ally burn. or 2. polar for some reason gets into a war and then you are fighting [i]alongside[/i] and [i]depending[/i] upon legion as allies of your ally to help win a war.

Either way it DOES effect you.

just sayin :P

I'm not trying to be polite. Those were literally his exact words. The question was what does Tyga think about it. I answered with exactly what he said.

It effects us as little or as much as we let it. I'd like to point out that in the Cluster%#$@ War, we were in the position of having no one to defend us, and Legion volunteered to do so, without a treaty between our two alliances.

We are permitted to defend NpO in a chaining situation should we wish. We are permitted not to. That's our choice, and so it effects us as much or as little as we let it.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1292290837' post='2538990']
I'm not trying to be polite. Those were literally his exact words. The question was what does Tyga think about it. I answered with exactly what he said.

It effects us as little or as much as we let it. I'd like to point out that in the Cluster%#$@ War, we were in the position of having no one to defend us, and Legion volunteered to do so, without a treaty between our two alliances.

We are permitted to defend NpO in a chaining situation should we wish. We are permitted not to. That's our choice, and so it effects us as much or as little as we let it.

mhmm, I understand. :)

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1292283676' post='2538865']
I'm actually more surprised to believe you still have the power and influence you once had. You [i]actually[/i] think you're still on top. It baffles me.

edit: forgot to quote. aimed at MK.

Who is on top then? I'm not implying that MK are on top, I'd just like to know who you think is on top.

Edit: Shoot me a PM to avoid derailing the thread.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1292288610' post='2538952']
Hi. My name is Cager. I appeared on Planet Bob right after Great War 1. Fought in Great War 2 AND Great War 3 with the NPO. I was part of the opening blitz again GATO during the Third Great War. I saw your alliance trip and fall over itself fighting TOP and FAN. I've been in every NPO conflict from GW2 to Karma. Please enlighten yourself.

My mistake then. I joined months before GWIII and was only a small nation when war hit.

So that being clarified, I must ask, why do you hold to an antiquated grudge such as this when you of all people know how the face of Planet Bob has shifted over these many years? You yourself have witnessed the rise and fall and rise again of countless alliances. If LUE were to come back to life, would you harbor ill feelings towards them considering the brief war between NPO and LUE? Did not FAN have an interesting welcome back to Planet Bob, despite the lol's with which they departed? You criticize the former leadership of the Legion, and yet accept them amongst your ranks and promote them to your own leaders. How is there such a oxymoronic state pervading the political climate of Planet Bob?

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1292290837' post='2538990']
I'm not trying to be polite. Those were literally his exact words. The question was what does Tyga think about it. I answered with exactly what he said.

It effects us as little or as much as we let it. I'd like to point out that in the Cluster%#$@ War, we were in the position of having no one to defend us, and Legion volunteered to do so, without a treaty between our two alliances.

We are permitted to defend NpO in a chaining situation should we wish. We are permitted not to. That's our choice, and so it effects us as much or as little as we let it.
Even if your treaty is non-chaining you'd be hard-pressed not to support them if they were drawn into a war by Legion.

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[quote name='skrewer' timestamp='1292293583' post='2539041']
My mistake then. I joined months before GWIII and was only a small nation when war hit.

So that being clarified, I must ask, why do you hold to an antiquated grudge such as this when you of all people know how the face of Planet Bob has shifted over these many years? You yourself have witnessed the rise and fall and rise again of countless alliances. If LUE were to come back to life, would you harbor ill feelings towards them considering the brief war between NPO and LUE? Did not FAN have an interesting welcome back to Planet Bob, despite the lol's with which they departed? You criticize the former leadership of the Legion, and yet accept them amongst your ranks and promote them to your own leaders. How is there such a oxymoronic state pervading the political climate of Planet Bob?

Having lived in this world since GWII, I haven't seen much demonstrating any real change in The Legion. Which is why many people still harbor the same [i]antiquated[/i] issues with your alliance. You guys seem to be content with your mediocre status and only voice concern about people calling you out on it; yet you don't generally act on the concerns, just complain for a bit and then just get back to doing nothing.

Edited by Owned-You
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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1292280535' post='2538800']
Your shining path? So they should cancel on all the alliances that backed them for years in order to join a new bloc, only to get denied from entry and be left out in the cold? If I were Polar I wouldn't follow your path - I'm sure they wouldn't like being the sidekick to the group of people who rejected them.
[/quote]You are a funny little man.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1292294247' post='2539048']
Even if your treaty is non-chaining you'd be hard-pressed not to support them if they were drawn into a war by Legion.

I think perhaps that Pez is hinting that STA is just fine being associated indirectly or even directly with Legion.

I wish STA luck with that.

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[quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1292295124' post='2539059']
Having played since GWII, I haven't seen much demonstrating any real change in The Legion. Which is why many people still harbor the same [i]antiquated[/i] issues with your alliance. You guys seem to be content with your mediocre status and only voice concern about people calling you out on it; yet you don't generally act on the concerns, just complain for a bit and then just get back to doing nothing.

Well I can only hope that people such as yourself (individuals that have been here a while) will take this opportunity and take a step back from the preconceived (and rather outdated) conclusion concerning the Legion and its ability to function as an alliance and begin to recognize the signs of an alliance actively providing for its members, for I recognize when the powers of discussion are outmatched by the tradition with which one has stood by for such along time, and it is by no means my desire to plead my case upon the masses that consider myself and my fellow Legionnaires to be less than we are.

Thinking us weak because of past failures or because of ancient grudges undermines nothing but yourselves.

Ave Legio! o/
Ave Polaris o/

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[quote name='skrewer' timestamp='1292296259' post='2539071']
Well I can only hope that people such as yourself (individuals that have been here a while) will take this opportunity and take a step back from the preconceived (and rather outdated) conclusion concerning the Legion and its ability to function as an alliance and begin to recognize the signs of an alliance actively providing for its members, for I recognize when the powers of discussion are outmatched by the tradition with which one has stood by for such along time, and it is by no means my desire to plead my case upon the masses that consider myself and my fellow Legionnaires to be less than we are.

Thinking us weak because of past failures or because of ancient grudges undermines nothing but yourselves.

Ave Legio! o/
Ave Polaris o/

That's admirable, I wouldn't expect you to actively see your alliance as undesirable. However until you demonstrate it to the rest of us outside your gilded gates and golden shores; we will be stuck in our blissful ignorance...that is simply the way the world works. You can't just state you've changed for the better, you must actively display it through some meaningful displays of competency.

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[quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1292284748' post='2538890']
No no, we declared peace with TOP quite some time ago. We aren't on TOP of anyone atm. :(

I may be biased, forget may, I am biased, but this TOP pun has won the thread for me.

I don't hate or like Legion. I don't even care that they canceled on Valhalla and BAPs (although I like BAPs in general, no love here for Valhalla) I don't think they are the WAE.

I do dislike Polar though, and NPO, so seeing the two of them get closer as a possible war with the powers that be, well it makes me makes me go all warm inside. Sadly Legion, your the suckers they have playing the part of ham and cheese in the Order on Order love fest sandwich they seem to be cooking up there. Bon provecho.

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1292248667' post='2538416']my guess is the 'it' refers to the fact that mk and top are 'realpolitiking' your ass into the meatgrinder iirc..i could be wrong though :)[/quote]Perhaps.

[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1292280465' post='2538796']
this is sad, sad indeed.
[/quote]Teacher of mine, we need to have a talk.

[quote name='Khyber' timestamp='1292297047' post='2539108']Sadly Legion, your the suckers they have playing the part of ham and cheese in the Order on Order love fest sandwich they seem to be cooking up there. Bon provecho.[/quote]That's one opinion. A wrong opinion certainly, but one nonetheless!

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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1292288610' post='2538952']
Hi. My name is Cager. I appeared on Planet Bob right after Great War 1. Fought in Great War 2 AND Great War 3 with the NPO. I was part of the opening blitz again GATO during the Third Great War. I saw your alliance trip and fall over itself fighting TOP and FAN. I've been in every NPO conflict from GW2 to Karma. Please enlighten yourself.

Lol. Im sorry but I can't stand by and let my fellow Legionnaires accept this grossly simplified and faulty synopsis of GWIII. I was in GWIII and fought 3 FAN nations personally (to ZI in fact). The mistake that Legion made was mainly a timing error as I see it. AEGIS nations were slow to support. If we had declared 3 days earlier while GATO still had combat strength, the ending might have been different. As it was however, we declared too late and GATO was in ashes already. If AEGIS had unified earlier and stood together, instead of staggering into the meat-grinder separately, the results would have been different. It's much easier to dismantle your opponent one at a time instead of all at once, which is exactly what the Initiative did.

All of our top nations were hitting NPO and VE upper tiers, check the combat logs, and we were attacked on several fronts by FAN, TOP, MHA and GGA. It was simply overwhelming.

Don't let rhetoric belittle Legion's bravery, honor, or effectiveness when at war. One thing I have always admired about Legion is her willingness to risk it all on principle alone. Whether that's honoring a treaty, or simply doing what she believes is the right thing (VL) to do.

If you remember the world at the time of GWIII, it was basically the Initiative versus The Rest of the World. We made a "ballsy" decision to stand on principle and yes, ever sacrifice ourselves for principle - something we have done time and time again. If some others at the time had the same ideals (IRON), then we might be living in a different world.

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[quote name='Shoofly' timestamp='1292301421' post='2539214']
All of our top nations were hitting NPO and VE upper tiers, check the combat logs, and we were attacked on several fronts by FAN, TOP, MHA and GGA. It was simply overwhelming.
I'll let the rest go, but Legion attacked FAN and TOP aggressively, breaking NAP's in the process. That's why you were so demonized for your entry.

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