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The Imperial Order's QnA


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[quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1290488352' post='2520986']
Care to rank your allies (you personally, it wouldn't necessarily be taken as your alliances official stance)?
I don't think I could do that Jay Z, personally I view them all equally. I wouldn't sign a treaty with someone I view less than our present allies (My viewpoint from TIO's creation). They are all very close friends.

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[quote name='TheListener' timestamp='1290488160' post='2520980']
Can I answer one question in this thread as though I am a member of TIO?
If skippy says it's ok, and even after that no.

[quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1290488352' post='2520986']
Care to rank your allies (you personally, it wouldn't necessarily be taken as your alliances official stance)?
See Skippy's answer.

edit: Alright, it's late, I gotta leave. Try not to laugh at skippy to hard, he's trying his best.

Edited by Tarikmo
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[quote name='Skippy' timestamp='1290488595' post='2520990']
I don't think I could do that Jay Z, personally I view them all equally. I wouldn't sign a treaty with someone I view less than our present allies (My viewpoint from TIO's creation). They are all very close friends.

oh no you don't openly rank your allies but you've totally proven just how much you love the IAA... how dare you put us at the bottom of your list?

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[quote name='TheListener' timestamp='1290489017' post='2521001']
oh no you don't openly rank your allies but you've totally proven just how much you love the IAA... how dare you put us at the bottom of your list?
We love you all equally, but we love IAA more equally than others ( :awesome: ), hell we have 3 treaties with you!

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Would you ride a tiger made of fire that had laser eyes in order to show your affection towards GATO? :awesome:

Or would you rather ride this guy [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_JmpkIMgnzIE/SmeN8lDOUuI/AAAAAAAAhY8/QV99iHAmEbc/s400/ugly-guy+3.jpg[/img] And pretty much just say you hate us :(

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[quote name='Greywall' timestamp='1290492697' post='2521046']
Would you ride a tiger made of fire that had laser eyes in order to show your affection towards GATO? :awesome:

Or would you rather ride this guy [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_JmpkIMgnzIE/SmeN8lDOUuI/AAAAAAAAhY8/QV99iHAmEbc/s400/ugly-guy+3.jpg[/img] And pretty much just say you hate us :(
Define ride...

But yeah, that Tiger's sounding pretty good though

[quote name='Jyrinx' timestamp='1290497205' post='2521082']
Can the Ministry have a 100% increase in funding [s]since I accidentally embezzled the entire budget[/s] to help combat the plantain shortage in the western part of the Empire?
The IHC approves of this

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[quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1290511130' post='2521139']
When are you going to stop these Q&A's? :awesome:
Well, we won't post any more, just to appease you. But I can only assure you one won't go up for about 30 days.

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I have managed to secure the keys to your Imperial Liquor cabinet. What are you going to do about it?

Also, What is TIO's goals for the next 30 days? Is there any big news we should be expecting (please say its Skippy getting removed from office)

:wub: Skippy :wub:

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[quote name='Brenann' timestamp='1290515385' post='2521168']
I have managed to secure the keys to your Imperial Liquor cabinet. What are you going to do about it?

Also, What is TIO's goals for the next 30 days? Is there any big news we should be expecting (please say its Skippy getting removed from office)

:wub: Skippy :wub:
As long as you share the drinks, we don't really mind ^_^

As for our goals, FA wise we're not really working on anything new, I think we're in a comfortable position treatywise right now.

Internally, we're working on the usual, growing those younger nations, bulking up older nations with tech deals. We've got a few aid programs that are coming into shape this month, should see a few more nukes on the board in the coming months, not just from new members. Unfortunately for you, I've made no plans to overthrow myself, so I'll be in office quite some time :awesome:

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[quote name='Evo' timestamp='1290511525' post='2521142']
Shouldnt the mod lock this thread..or in a better way delete it???
I apologize for Setinetl's response. A mod could lock this thread, best we haven't finished answering questions, and unanswered questions makes me sad, mods don't like sad members. Right Mods?

[quote name='DrakeZ07' timestamp='1290513760' post='2521152']
Can I marry your leadership and have their children and sue them for child support and make the money and tech go to my alliance?
Hello I'm Leadership. Yes.

[quote name='Brenann' timestamp='1290515385' post='2521168']
I have managed to secure the keys to your Imperial Liquor cabinet. What are you going to do about it?

Also, What is TIO's goals for the next 30 days? Is there any big news we should be expecting (please say its Skippy getting removed from office)

:wub: Skippy :wub:
Good sir, that you have made a [i]grave[/i] error. As the Officer of War, I hereby [b]declare[/b] that you please give back those keys.

Also, the main goal is constant growth and stability. I do not know of any big forthcoming announcements, but if they do happen, I'll gladly link you to the thread.

Edited by Tarikmo
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What is the difference between the original TIO and this TIO?

Leadership differences? I forget who the old Leader and Government were.

Any specific goals that you have set to accomplish be it statistically or in areas of FA?

Why is TIO in 2 blocs and do you plan on staying in both or leaving one?

Also, I request that Tarik be slapped with a rather large trout on a daily basis :P

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1290550999' post='2521486']
2 Questions:

Are you ok with IAA being the pimps of Sirius?

Where did our ambassador go?

[b]IAA will always have the keys to our ride... :P

Was that ambassador me? Ooooh, well in that case, you guys didn't get my mask sorted >_>[/b]

[quote]Why are you the way that you are?[/quote]

[b]Because we like the way we are.[/b]

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1290550999' post='2521486']
2 Questions:

Are you ok with IAA being the pimps of Sirius?

Where did our ambassador go?
Yes we are.
And I'm not the FA guy, so I'll apologize if the ambassador disappeared so suddenly.

[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1290551873' post='2521502']
Why are you the way that you are?

Because being [s]questionable[/s] unique is our specialty.
[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1290551915' post='2521503']
What is the difference between the original TIO and this TIO?

Leadership differences? I forget who the old Leader and Government were.

Any specific goals that you have set to accomplish be it statistically or in areas of FA?

Why is TIO in 2 blocs and do you plan on staying in both or leaving one?

Also, I request that Tarik be slapped with a rather large trout on a daily basis :P
FA wise, I'm not pin point on, but for the most part, we are happy with what we got going. Just bringing in new blood into the alliance and keeping stable would be our biggest interest.

We plan on staying in both.

Also, I can say that this has happened, you can thank Lord Bob, Skippy, and Wickedj.

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Does Synergy have a common goal that they wish to accomplish FA-wise? (in the next 6 months)
Does TIO have a specific goal FA-wise? (in the next 6 months)
Do you expect any additional members to be added to Synergy? (in the next 6 months)
What is TIO's general feeling towards...
- Pandora's Box
- C&G
- Superfriends
- Mostly Harmless Alliance
Do you prefer Pie or Cake?
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

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