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ODN-Umbrella MDoAP


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[quote name='Whitney' timestamp='1290628724' post='2522309']
If you'd like war with Scotch, feel free to declare on him yourself.

Sheesh. You lolhallans. Puffing your chests and never doing anything about it.
Wow, that was something. You put them in their place. Damn you Valhalla, accepting challenges! How cowardly of you!

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[quote name='Whitney' timestamp='1290628724' post='2522309']
If you'd like war with Scotch, feel free to declare on him yourself.

Sheesh. You lolhallans. Puffing your chests and never doing anything about it.

ODN...well I think that sums it up. :lol1:

Umbrella: Hope they're worth it to you in the end. <_<

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1290619414' post='2522176']
Why are these people never in range? *sigh*

Look, you're in an alliance that figured out at some point that if they wrote enough treaties with everyone, they'd all conflict and they wouldn't have to fire a shot again. Then they decided after NPO was dismissed into Repsland that they could hang with actual cool people and with the threat of major war/potential major loss gone, your alliance butched up their act a bit.

Neither you, nor anyone at ODN should speak, save to announce some meaningless NS milestone having been reached or a PIAT with some fill-in-the-blank alliance. You should otherwise sit quietly and let the [b]warriors[/b] do the talking until they are ready to tell you where your place is on the battleline during the next curbstomp. That's what a good meatshield does.

edit: clarity
Hi. Why don't you shut your mouth or do something.

Edited by Lucius Aerilius
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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1290619414' post='2522176']
Why are these people never in range? *sigh*

Look, you're in an alliance that figured out at some point that if they wrote enough treaties with everyone, they'd all conflict and they wouldn't have to fire a shot again. Then they decided after NPO was dismissed into Repsland that they could hang with actual cool people and with the threat of major war/potential major loss gone, your alliance butched up their act a bit.

Neither you, nor anyone at ODN should speak, save to announce some meaningless NS milestone having been reached or a PIAT with some fill-in-the-blank alliance. You should otherwise sit quietly and let the [b]warriors[/b] do the talking until they are ready to tell you where your place is on the battleline during the next curbstomp. That's what a good meatshield does.
You're funnier than D34th. You get points for superior writing conventions, but you're definitely his equal in inanity.

Now, last I checked, ODN acquitted itself rather well against what was at the time the game's premiere military alliance. Countless nations at all levels fought nations of higher NS (pesky TOP) and It's likely worth mentioning that that alliance (in this very topic, no less) has acknowledged as much, though I would hate for you let fact get in the way of whatever fresh (or in this case several years old) !@#$%^&* it is that you're spewing these days. If I recall correctly (I do!), ODN also played a significant role in organizing the war and negotiation efforts for their side.

I won't dispute their jumbled treaty web from 2008 and earlier was messy and irresponsible, though your notion as to why they signed those treaties is as laughable as the rest of your posts. That is to say, very.

Also, ODN does not sign PIATs. Seriously, even your minor side-insults fall flat. Find something new to do, because posting clearly is not your forte.

Edit: apostrophe <_<

Edited by Style #386
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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1290619414' post='2522176']
You should otherwise sit quietly and let the [b]warriors[/b] do the talking until they are ready to tell you where your place is on the battleline during the next curbstomp.
:( Not all ODNistas (ex & Present) are battle-shy, it is a shame that you resort to such crass generalizations that would befit a lesser poster. The presumption that ODN members have always been cowardly meatshields is wrong and history bears this out. Or did you think Valhalla has cornered the market in having Warriors amongst its ranks?

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Scotch: Odd choice in going after Bud of all people. I'd actually have difficulty in deciding who to cheer for in that match.

[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1290619414' post='2522176']
Why are these people never in range? *sigh*

Look, you're in an alliance that figured out at some point that if they wrote enough treaties with everyone, they'd all conflict and they wouldn't have to fire a shot again. Then they decided after NPO was dismissed into Repsland that they could hang with actual cool people and with the threat of major war/potential major loss gone, your alliance butched up their act a bit.

Neither you, nor anyone at ODN should speak, save to announce some meaningless NS milestone having been reached or a PIAT with some fill-in-the-blank alliance. You should otherwise sit quietly and let the [b]warriors[/b] do the talking until they are ready to tell you where your place is on the battleline during the next curbstomp. That's what a good meatshield does.

Interesting Theory, Hal, but your paper is idiot. Taking a round at each ODNer specifically is an interesting way to go, but rather ridiculous given that you couldn't possibly know.. or rather should know to be false. The fact that I fought beside your ass in Karma and now have you calling me out, even indirectly, is displeasing to say the least.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1290618861' post='2522164']
Please, don't make me laugh. Also Karma.

TPF has been rolled [b]twice[/b] voluntarily since UjW. ODN? Not a single time since Karma.

For reference I understand there's a big time gap between UjW and Karma. That being said, TPF did go to the fire in Karma. ODN did not.

They didn't? They made a public announcement saying they would not honor certain binding defensive obligations. Coincidentally those obligations were to the losing side. If that's not bailing I don't know what is.

Edit: UjW not NoCB D:
You don't have to have been rolled in order to be a trustworthy ally. I don't know why everyone thinks that every single alliance has to be rolled and go through the "Look we're martyrs!" phase in order to be considered trustworthy. ODN has Umbrella's back just like I know they have ours. That's all the evidence I need to know you're wrong.

Edited by Hyperion321
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Look at the sensitivity by ODN, so weak. Maybe if you hadn't stabbed so many backs so many people wouldn't be after you. You can replace a new friend with an old friend but people will still go after you for revenge. If you think your words are scaring people off from sharpening their knives waiting for the downfall, you're wrong.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1290718293' post='2523227']
You don't have to have been rolled in order to be a trustworthy ally. I don't know why everyone thinks that every single alliance has to be rolled and go through the "Look we're martyrs!" phase in order to be considered trustworthy. ODN has Umbrella's back just like I know they have ours. That's all the evidence I need to know you're wrong.

Amen. Like I am pretty sure I said earlier in this thread, there isn't even a worry here about this. I am thoroughly convinced they are good people; we have their backs and they surely have ours. Everything else here is just background noise for us to laugh at in private.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1290718559' post='2523230']
Look at the sensitivity by ODN, so weak. Maybe if you hadn't stabbed so many backs so many people wouldn't be after you. You can replace a new friend with an old friend but people will still go after you for revenge. If you think your words are scaring people off from sharpening their knives waiting for the downfall, you're wrong.

Dude, there's always someone sharpening their knives and waiting for the downfall of every major alliance out there. There ain't nothing special about it. Even GPA got rolled. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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[quote name='Tiggah' timestamp='1290720415' post='2523245']
Dude, there's always someone sharpening their knives and waiting for the downfall of every major alliance out there. There ain't nothing special about it. Even GPA got rolled. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

You act as if you're just your run of the mill major alliance. It's the same knives you've lodged into others backs that they're sharpening now to hit you with it. It's kind of counter-intuitive to just say the downfall of a major alliance is at hand, but ODN's a special case.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1290721627' post='2523261']
You act as if you're just your run of the mill major alliance. It's the same knives you've lodged into others backs that they're sharpening now to hit you with it. It's kind of counter-intuitive to just say the downfall of a major alliance is at hand, but ODN's a special case.

You're a special case. Never mind ODN, if you have the same calibre planning against you as we did, you wont have much to worry about. In fact, you may get to read about it, if you are lucky.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1290722524' post='2523269']
You're a special case. Never mind ODN, if you have the same calibre planning against you as we did, you wont have much to worry about In fact, you may get to read about it, if you are lucky.

What are you talking about? :blink:

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1290721627' post='2523261']
You act as if you're just your run of the mill major alliance. It's the same knives you've lodged into others backs that they're sharpening now to hit you with it. It's kind of counter-intuitive to just say the downfall of a major alliance is at hand, but ODN's a special case.

What I'm saying is that it's rather irrelevant. Knives are knives and when you fall from the top, it's never a fun ride. You think that if we were all smiles and sunshine that people would go easy on us if we were on the losing side? Please.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1290723297' post='2523281']
Or, you know, you could actually make a proper argument using proper English.

Just a thought.

Ahh the "NO U! Your English sucks" tactic, how smart of you! Ohhhhhhh, what will I do.

Congratulations ODN/Umbrella, two quality Alliances coming together is always good.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1290723568' post='2523285']
Ahh the "NO U! Your English sucks" tactic, how smart of you! Ohhhhhhh, what will I do.

Congratulations ODN/Umbrella, two quality Alliances coming together is always good.

No it's the, "I don't understand you, can you please be clearer and more coherent so that I can understand you" tactic.

How trivial of me! :rolleyes:

Edited by The MVP
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What are you all even talking about any longer?

Anyway, treaty seems to solidify further the main treaty power structure. In that respect it was to be expected. Further then that, nobody outside of the involved can really say or judge. Also one other thing one could say, that this is a part of a certain "activation", of sorts, of Umb in the world, in sense that Umb alliance took a more visible place recently.

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First you say.

[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1290718559' post='2523230']
Look at the sensitivity by ODN, so weak. [b]Maybe if you hadn't stabbed so many backs so many people wouldn't be after you. You can replace a new friend with an old friend but people will still go after you for revenge[/b]. If you think your words are scaring people off from sharpening their knives waiting for the downfall, you're wrong.

Then you say.

[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1290721627' post='2523261']
You act as if you're just your run of the mill major alliance. [b]It's the same knives you've lodged into others backs that they're sharpening now to hit you with it.[/b] It's kind of counter-intuitive to just say the downfall of a major alliance is at hand, but ODN's a special case.

Then I make reference about they really have little to worry about, I have seen the quality organising of such alliances first hand. They were marginally better than WCE. Hence why they shouldn't worry about much. I was going to do a MS paint picture with this written in crayon so you could understand, but frankly, you are not worth that much effort.

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