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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='bedeur' timestamp='1289935798' post='2514912']
This is probably the most hypocritical thread ever posted by MK. Considering the fact that you treat your non-allies who [i]dare[/i] post on your forums like !@#$, MK crying because NPO is policing their own forums really made me laugh.

Right, this is how YOU have personally been treating NATO on YOUR forums in the recent past:

This is only one example among others, and NATO shouldn't complain considering everything that has been said to the Legion representatives for example. So yeah, keep crying, keep trying to divert the negative attention you've been getting recently to Pacifica, keep asking for the respect you don't grant foreign ambassadors on your forums. You obviously believe that the CN crowd is stupid enough not to understand what you're doing. Well, keep fooling yourself, I'll thoroughly enjoy the results.

In case it wasn't pointed out already:

1) That was Voytek. y'know the guy STA kicked out and we didn't care. He tends to rub people the wrong way.

2) That wasn't in an embassy. That was on a public forum, during our WAE contest. When you're talking about something like "Who is the worst alliance ever" expect emotions to run hot and people to be offended by what is said. Especially if you're one of the finalists. That doesn't necessarily justify Voytek's comments there, but it is worth noting the screencapped post was public, and not in diplomatic channels.

[quote]I'm surprised this isn't a DoW. I thought everyone knew MK would use even the dumbest reason to hit NPO. Is the Kingdom's leadership getting soft?

We're going to wait 6 months, then hit them in a surprise attack with this as the CB. Because we've been known to do that frequently, according to our critics. After all, the only thing better than attacking with a dumb CB is to attack with a 6 month old dumb CB, am I right?

Edited by Seerow
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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1289936608' post='2514935']
I'm surprised this isn't a DoW. I thought everyone knew MK would use even the dumbest reason to hit NPO. Is the Kingdom's leadership getting soft?

It seems as though "everyone" "knows" a lot of things that only holds true in their own mind. If they only knew how wrong they are about pretty much everything, the truth is more terrible than their limited imaginations can conjure.

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[quote name='bedeur' timestamp='1289935798' post='2514912']
This is probably the most hypocritical thread ever posted by MK. Considering the fact that you treat your non-allies who [i]dare[/i] post on your forums like !@#$, MK crying because NPO is policing their own forums really made me laugh.

Right, this is how YOU have personally been treating NATO on YOUR forums in the recent past:

This is only one example among others, and NATO shouldn't complain considering everything that has been said to the Legion representatives for example. So yeah, keep crying, keep trying to divert the negative attention you've been getting recently to Pacifica, keep asking for the respect you don't grant foreign ambassadors on your forums. You obviously believe that the CN crowd is stupid enough not to understand what you're doing. Well, keep fooling yourself, I'll thoroughly enjoy the results.

I took the photo out because it's got swears in it, but honestly the WAE competition was something that took place on our boards and something that you would've had to voluntarily come over to our boards to have a screenshot of that discussion. It wasn't a black tie affair and certainly there weren't any rules regarding posting. And it's a public forum. And it's judging the WAE, which is going to annoy a lot of members who may be in the alliances who are making it further and further in the competition(such as NATO). Do you have any others you'd like to spin?

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[quote name='King Puffington' timestamp='1289936192' post='2514920']
the thing is that we treat our own members like that and worse

there are very few people who dont get ~*~abuse~*~ on our forums, and those who frequent our forums are well accustomed to (and even enjoy) such an atmosphere

it could be argued that embassies are generally more respectful than the main social boards though

only when someone is an exceptionally bad fit socially, or does something that crosses a line majorly, is a user banned

ps. that image has bad words in it, you might want to do something about that

Thanks for the advice. It doesn't change my point, but I appreciate :)

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1289935240' post='2514891']
They had Outcast tags. I think its reasonable enough to assume they were on bad terms with us.

Just how big is the outcast member group on the NPO boards?

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[quote name='bedeur' timestamp='1289935798' post='2514912']
Right, this is how YOU have personally been treating NATO on YOUR forums in the recent past:

You're quoting a section from the public and super-heated WAE competition section, NATO received no treatment that was different from anyone else.

No one hides the atmosphere of the Castle Hall, sometimes it is an awful place, however I rather suspect that if NATO had sent diplomatic representation to us they would find politer discourse in your, as yet non existent, embassy. Rest assured that in your to-be-created embassy you won't find that your ambassador's posts are amended for "lulz", indeed your ambassadors may make challenging statements to us at will, so long as they can handle in-kind rebuttals. Nor will you find that your ambassadors be dismissed at random should we invent or discover a minor slight against them.

Edited by Some-Guy
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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1289937756' post='2514963']
Sorry, it doesn't say that at all. Pick another random overused and pointless come back out of the bag and try again?

Says the man whose post says "do something about it"

(am i doin it rite?)

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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1289936925' post='2514945']
I took the photo out because it's got swears in it, but honestly the WAE competition was something that took place on our boards and something that you would've had to voluntarily come over to our boards to have a screenshot of that discussion. It wasn't a black tie affair and certainly there weren't any rules regarding posting. And it's a public forum. And it's judging the WAE, which is going to annoy a lot of members who may be in the alliances who are making it further and further in the competition(such as NATO). Do you have any others you'd like to spin?

"Hey guys, we don't do that... except for WAE"

That's a really great argument, you should keep using it.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1289937888' post='2514966']
"Hey guys, we don't do that... except for WAE"

That's a really great argument, you should keep using it.

The point is we don't do that in diplomatic channels. WAE was a public forum hosted on our forums, where pretty much nobody was pulling any punches. Nobody was attempting to be diplomatic, they were trying to prove one alliance was worse than another. Of course posts in that forum are going to be charged, and have more aggressive messages than elsewhere.

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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1289936511' post='2514934']
Because embassies are the same thing as public forums.

There's a significant difference, as Muhammed Tamer has said, between an embassy and a subforum committed to finding out which alliances suck the most. It seems also that NATO was hating NATO as well. Keep in mind also, that MK has always been upfront and brash on our forums and that's a well known fact for anyone who uses them. This courtesy extends to our own members even. For example, about 10% of our own members, myself included, are called "old f[b][/b]aggots", simply as a title and a way to distinguish us. Regarding WAE, even MK was nominated and had a spot in the tournament. You could have voted and said everything you wanted to say.

As someguy and Tamer have both said on this page, we do not treat embassies the same as the restaurant at the end of the universe.

Edited by Crowdog
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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289936656' post='2514940']
We're going to wait 6 months, then hit them in a surprise attack with this as the CB. Because we've been known to do that frequently, according to our critics. After all, the only thing better than attacking with a dumb CB is to attack with a 6 month old dumb CB, am I right?

Yea, 6-8 months is the usually sitting time for such a CB. Before serving, mix it with some extra flavoring in order to make it better than it actually is.

Edited by Morte
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[color="#0000FF"]This entire affair is quite silly. Granted, the NPO may not have done anything to be praised here, they don't deserve criticism. While I don't agree with the grudges I suppose (I didn't leave NPO on good terms either), I do wonder why MK chose to send both Seerow and Tamerlane at the same time.

That said, I am not sure why MK is hashing out and drawing comparisons to the GPA beat down. It happened two years ago. There really is no proof to say the NPO is back to its old ways. The could simply just not like some of the people you chose to send as representatives, and it may be as simple as that. But moving on, MK has done nothing to warrant the criticism it is getting from some people, but that is Alterego and Fernando for you. But aside from that, it's done nothing wrong. As I said before, this is all very silly.[/color]

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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1289928685' post='2514785']
What a waste of time, both your writing of this announcement and my reading of it. This is the kind piss poor drama I would expect to see between two micro alliances. I hope this achieved your objectives.
When was the last time IRON did... well anything? Seriously, you complain about our attempts to make things interesting as you sit in the corner and do... nothing.
[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1289938344' post='2514977']
[color="#0000FF"]This entire affair is quite silly. Granted, the NPO may not have done anything to be praised here, they don't deserve criticism. While I don't agree with the grudges I suppose (I didn't leave NPO on good terms either), I do wonder why MK chose to send both Seerow and Tamerlane at the same time.

That said, I am not sure why MK is hashing out and drawing comparisons to the GPA beat down. It happened two years ago. There really is no proof to say the NPO is back to its old ways. The could simply just not like some of the people you chose to send as representatives, and it may be as simple as that. But moving on, MK has done nothing to warrant the criticism it is getting from some people, but that is Alterego and Fernando for you. But aside from that, it's done nothing wrong. As I said before, this is all very silly.[/color]
To be fair, I don't think the GPA commentary is being used to say that NPO is returning to its evil ways by most people. More so, we are pointing out that NPO went to war over the same issue in their history.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1289937888' post='2514966']
"Hey guys, we don't do that... except for WAE"

That's a really great argument, you should keep using it.

Way to completely miss the point of the argument.

Believe it or not there's a difference in how we conduct ourselves in a public forum and in an embassy.

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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1289938428' post='2514982']
Way to completely miss the point of the argument.

Believe it or not there's a difference in how we conduct ourselves in a public forum and in an embassy.

I did see the point of the argument, I summarized it, then you summarized it, and the thing is very few people are going to buy it. In public you act a certain way, on IRC you still act that way, on your own forums in the WAE you continued to act the same way. Why on Earth would we take your word for it when all your actions speak differently?

Edited by supercoolyellow
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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1289929919' post='2514809']I understand that, it's just that Planet Bob's standards for "drama" and "fun" are disappointingly low nowadays.[/quote]
Eh, yeah, whatyagonnado. Its scraps but its the only thing we have to go on.
[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289929594' post='2514803']
It generated 360-plus posts, proving that our detractors will complain wherever our face appears, even if the only thing they can complain about is that we didn't give them enough to complain about.

Mission Accomplished.[/quote]
Actually, first 8 pages is a big circle jerk of MK posters and their supportive fan club. I am not complaining about that, you had your fun and it was an entertaining read. At least for me. But I believe first NPO post was on the 6 or 7 page, and previous to that like two or three characters spoke negatively about this announcement.

So yeah, you made the thread in not just one way, detractors don't really come much into picture.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1289938574' post='2514983']
I did see the point of the argument, I summarized it, then you summarized it, and the thing is very few people are going to buy it.

What do you mean "buy it?" Go on our forums, there's a huge difference between how we act in the Restaurant and how we act in Embassies. If you're going to sit there and deny that, you're going to look like an ignorant fool.

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Dear The Mushroom Kingdom,

Thank you for making an announcement about something other than treaties, government results, or milestones.


Everyone Without A Stick Up Their Butt

[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1289938645' post='2514985']
What do you mean "buy it?" Go on our forums, there's a huge difference between how we act in the Restaurant and how we act in Embassies. If you're going to sit there and deny that, you're going to look like an ignorant fool.
This is true unless they're allied to you. You treat us just as bad in our embassy. :(

Edited by ktarthan
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