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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='Nintenderek' timestamp='1289917523' post='2514574']
Wait, so I get that NPO shut down the embassy, and I understand why MK would in return shut down communications with NPO because of it, however did it really deserve an announcement? This looks more like a giant PR attempt to me.

Do you regularly close embassies without at least giving some notification?

This topic is far more relevant to the OWF than a milestone announcement, and at least as relevant as any treaty announcement. Not everything is a desperate PR grab.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289917899' post='2514578']
Do you regularly close embassies without at least giving some notification?

This topic is far more relevant to the OWF than a milestone announcement, and at least as relevant as any treaty announcement. Not everything is a desperate PR grab.
I have to agree, topic is relevent. In the past these type of issues have been known to explode. I find it quite interesting and note worthy that NPO and MK are not talking on a diplomatic level.

*not picking sides, just saying it is relevent.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289917899' post='2514578']
Do you regularly close embassies without at least giving some notification?

This topic is far more relevant to the OWF than a milestone announcement, and at least as relevant as any treaty announcement. Not everything is a desperate PR grab.
Milestones are an announcement to the world of an achievement, this is a notification that just required letting NPO know. If you were buddies with NPO, maybe your falling out would have been relevant. This is pretty much MK getting upset with someone they already don't like. It’s not really news.

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[quote name='Karolina' timestamp='1289918559' post='2514587']
I already posted before why I think it is. Not going to post it again.

And many have posted why it is relevant. If you disagree and think that the topic is irrelevant except for PR, then why not just leave it? The fewer people who post the less PR will come out of it on either side.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289918723' post='2514590']
And many have posted why it is relevant. If you disagree and think that the topic is irrelevant except for PR, then why not just leave it? The fewer people who post the less PR will come out of it on either side.
PR and advertising are different. I never said you were doing it just to advertise. That wouldn't make any sense. You're posting to try and improve your image and collective ego, both of which has taken a bashing recently, which is for purposes of PR.

Edited by Karolina
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Woah we won't be talking about trade circles and animal noises in an embassy anymore. I am devestated.

Big deal.

[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1289898803' post='2514442']
How can you seriously type that after the SethB incident? I've seen the logs, if you did the same to an iFOK member what you did to Sethb, you would be in so much trouble.

I am shaking in my jackboots as I type this. Call us back when you guys are anything more than a certain orange alliance's colony.

Edited by silentkiller
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[quote name='Nintenderek' timestamp='1289917523' post='2514574']
Wait, so I get that NPO shut down the embassy, and I understand why MK would in return shut down communications with NPO because of it, however did it really deserve an announcement? This looks more like a giant PR attempt to me.

It isn't shut down.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1289918514' post='2514586']
I have to agree, topic is relevent. In the past these type of issues have been known to explode. I find it quite interesting and note worthy that NPO and MK are not talking on a diplomatic level.

*not picking sides, just saying it is relevent.

It does not suprise me they are not talking. The only thing I find of note is how much MK has become like NPO of old with annoucements like this and that entire NSO fiasco. Not sure of that is a good thing or bad thing for MK but, I do find it interesting. Planet Bob always needs a bad guy.

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1289919158' post='2514595']Regardless of the relevancy of the topic or why the topic was posted, this situation could have been handled better by both parties.[/quote]
Well gosh. We're all glad that we've got you here to advise us on these matters, I'm sure.

[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1289919738' post='2514604']Can't wait to be closing our own MK Embassy. :awesome:[/quote]
It's almost as though you really are a watered down attempt at an NPO clone! Who would've thought.

Edited by Voytek
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[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1289919620' post='2514603']
It does not suprise me they are not talking. The only thing I find of note is how much MK has become like NPO of old with annoucements like this and that entire NSO fiasco. Not sure of that is a good thing or bad thing for MK but, I do find it interesting. Planet Bob always needs a bad guy.

indeed and dependent on how you view the "NPO of old" one could argue their reign on top was one of the most successful we have ever had on this planet. If you chose to adopt that point of view, then its perfectly logical to understand why MK is emulating (somewhat) that success.

I for one appreciate this missive from the Kingdom, the peanut gallery hungers.

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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1289916192' post='2514565']
Yes, because I was shown the utmost respect on MK's forums during my brief time as an ambassador there. I believe "circle jerking <censored>" was the term used to describe NPO in our embassy there. Classy as usual MK.

We stand by who we are. Again, even a wretched low-life alliance such as you purport MK to be didn't play about with your account in order to make you mimic pro-kingdom slogans for our own childish enjoyment. As an ambassador to us we afforded you, and all NPO diplomats, the right to say what ever you desired to us without adulteration.

At least we have some limits.

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It is no surprise to see the NPO do something like this. They go out of their way to make trouble for former members who leave their alliance. If you all remember, when they were on top, they would regularly blacklist and or ZI these folks. Heck, Seerow wasn't even allowed to exist in peace for at least a year. NPO really shouldn't be surprised when people call them on things.

I am glad MK doesn't hunt down former members. I'd probably be the first on the hit list. :awesome:

Thank you for the pre-podcast thread! You guys have delivered more topics to discuss this week!

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1289890314' post='2514258']
He deserved it, his posts were completely unhelpful. Nice try though!

given the attitude of Voytek, i doubt his posts towards NPO were helpful in the slightest.

[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289891304' post='2514300']
Generally speaking I prefer to preempt possible points of contention by getting out all the facts and addressing them appropriately. If there were relevant facts I'd have included them in the OP or provided them shortly thereafter.

well all the fact would actually include the names of the 2 diplomats (seems Voytek may be one not sure though) and what they posted initially and what it was edited to. that is all the facts. what you did was post your version of the events and left it with as little details as possible. there is quite a difference between what you did and what you state here.

[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289893271' post='2514354']
The total justification for the war was compiled from a whole bunch of different things. The edited posts were one of the CB's offered.

so you lied in the OP when you stated that NPO had gone to war over edited posts? wait, let me rephrase, you omitted several other more important reasons to highlight a smaller reason for the war. and this was not about attempting to paint NPO in a bad light as a scapegoat against MK's recent FA blunders?

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289920030' post='2514608']
It is no surprise to see the NPO do something like this. They go out of their way to make trouble for former members who leave their alliance. If you all remember, when they were on top, they would regularly blacklist and or ZI these folks. Heck, Seerow wasn't even allowed to exist in peace for at least a year. NPO really shouldn't be surprised when people call them on things.

I am glad MK doesn't hunt down former members. I'd probably be the first on the hit list. :awesome:

Thank you for the pre-podcast thread! You guys have delivered more topics to discuss this week!

Yes we don't want people who were previously been banned from our forums. I say we deserve Karma 2.0.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1289920259' post='2514610']
given the attitude of Voytek, i doubt his posts towards NPO were helpful in the slightest.


Voytek was kicked from STA's embassy. There was no mention of him being in the NPO embassy. Go back and read some to catch up on current events.

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[quote]well all the fact would actually include the names of the 2 diplomats (seems Voytek may be one not sure though) and what they posted initially and what it was edited to. that is all the facts. what you did was post your version of the events and left it with as little details as possible. there is quite a difference between what you did and what you state here.

The two diplomats who were demasked in this case were myself and Tamerlane. I unfortunately can't tell you what was edited, given I don't have access to see that, though it would be interesting to see what they are doing with posts made by the two of us.

As for what we did to warrant the demasking? We left the NPO 3 years ago. That's pretty much the long and short of it.

[quote]Yes we don't want people who were previously been banned from our forums. I say we deserve Karma 2.0.

Who said anything about Karma 2.0? The original post clearly states there will be no aggressive action taken with respect to this, but your embassy on our forums was deleted following the diplomatic insult issued by demasking two diplomats without just cause.

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You not using it as a CB just shows how irrelevant this incident was since everyone know that you would love to to roll NPO again if you had a good CB.

Also since just two ex-pacificians were kicked I doubt that happened because NPO hatred for MK, looks like their hate this two ex-members who left them to join their greatest enemy.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1289920259' post='2514610']given the attitude of Voytek, i doubt his posts towards NPO were helpful in the slightest.[/quote]
They're talking about STA there. Alyster has already commented positively on my posting on NPO's boards, if you'll just care to look back and check? :)

Hey, you know something - it's [i]almost like I am able to change my posting habits depending on the situation[/i]. Fancy that.

Edit: Beaten to it.

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