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There ain't Mush' room in here holmes

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When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for
one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected
them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Bob,
the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Admin and
of Nature entitle them, a descent respect to the opinions of
each other requires that they should declare the causes which
impel them to War.
When it also becomes necessary to form new political bands,
based on equality and fairness among brothers, due to an agressor
imposing on the freedoms of another, and a genuine lack of due
respect for what is right, it becomes necessary to declare the
bonds which tie us together in the struggle for freedom.

Henceforth, The Foreign Division (TFD) is declaring it's full
support and aid to the New Sith Order (NSO).

Henceforth, TFD and NSO declare their disgust at the behavior of
the Mushroom Kingdom.

Henceforth, due to despicable acts, indecency, and lack of respect
for the sovereignty of New Sith Order, TFD and NSO are declaring
war on the Mushroom Kingdom.

May Admin have mercy on your souls, you will need it.

Signed for The Foreign Division;
Speaker: Barkeaters
Senator: Lusitan
Senator: Eivind_the_great
Senator: FarmGirl
Senator: Basileus
MoFA: GearHead
dMoFA: SupremePrince

The New Sith Order:
("We don't sign, we do." -Lintwad speaking on behalf of RebelVirginia)

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As a member of the NSO's Council of Aggressive Negotiations, I am somewhat surprised I didn't know about this. I blame :(( Goons :(( for this nonsense.

Edit: Also this is a totally real, serious DoW. Seriously.

Edited by Varianz
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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289680113' post='2512029']
For a second I was excited.

Then I realized it was a bad joke from a nobody member.

Nobody likes your foreign polic.

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