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The Grand Lodge of Freemasons


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I'm going to thrash you next season Phil, best watch your back bud. :rolleyes:

Sorry people, thats the language of Zayneans, no-one can translate that. :blink:

Oh, and Bump. GLOF is nice.

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7, count 'em, seven nations now affiliate themselves with The Grand Lodge of Freemasons.

We are Massive!......OK, so we aren't really massive but we would like to be.

Join today and get a set of Steak Knives* valued at roughly a buck eighty five.


*steak knives may be plastic and/or stolen from Sizzler.


Never did get that set of steak knives ...

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In honor of your recent awesome achievement I would like to present this "Ode to Drinking":

Come hither, my lads, with your tankards of ale,

And drink to the present before it shall fail;

Pile each on your platter a mountain of beef,

For ‘tis eating and drinking that bring us relief:

So fill up your glass,

For life will soon pass;

When you’re dead ye’ll ne’er drink to your king or your lass!

Anacreon had a red nose, so they say;

But what’s a red nose if ye’re happy and gay?

Gad split me! I’d rather be red whilst I’m here,

Than white as a lily----and dead half a year!

So Betty, my miss,

Come give me a kiss;

In Hell there’s no innkeeper’s daughter like this!

Young Harry, propp’d un just as straight as he’s able,

Will soon lose his wig and slip under the table,

But fill up your goblets and pass ‘em around----

Better under the table than under the ground!

So revel and chaff

As ye thirstily quaff:

Under six feet of dirt ‘tis less easy to laugh!

The fiend strike me blue! I’m scarce able to walk,

And damn me if I can stand upright or talk!

Here, landlord, bid Betty to summon a chair;

I’ll try home for a while, for my wife is not there!

So lend me a hand;

I’m not able to stand,

But I’m gay whilst I linger on top of the land!

oh yeah.... a friendly bump from your friends at LEN :awesome:

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why did albert pike say in his book morals and dogma that the 29th 30th 31st 32nd and 33rd degree masons receive the luciferian doctrine and said lucifer is god

Pike's book is over 100 years old so whatever he wrote may or may not be relevant today. If you have indeed read it then perhaps you can offer your own interpretation.

I don't think you have read Brother Pike's book and you are however quoting the Taxil Hoax which is a propaganda piece used to mock Freemasonry. If you are just trolling this thread looking to be a smart mouth then you ought to think of something else to do. You are forewarned, friend.

EDIT: added some friendly encouragement.

Edited by Genghis
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why did albert pike say in his book morals and dogma that the 29th 30th 31st 32nd and 33rd degree masons receive the luciferian doctrine and said lucifer is god

Actually, I looked through the pages for all 5 degrees you noted and could not locate the passage to which you refer.

I'm going to take a leap here and assume you're speaking of the passage in which Brother Pike has written about the "Morning Star" the "lightbringer" and "lucifer". Since you are uninstructed, I will open the door on which you have knocked.

Morning Star, Light Bringer and Lucifer are all archaic names for a planet that rises in the East about two hours before the sun.

Nice try, Hoss.



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