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Pandora's Box


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[quote name='snibbmaster' timestamp='1286489743' post='2478203']
Beats sitting on the bottom with you :P
Your witty retorts may be more witty if they made sense. In terms of stats we're higher than you in the ASR, even after Armageddon and sending out all those reps. In political terms we are far from the bottom. Though it is certainly a change from all those years on top. :smug:

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1286490401' post='2478213']
Your witty retorts may be more witty if they made sense. In terms of stats we're higher than you in the ASR, even after Armageddon and sending out all those reps. In political terms we are far from the bottom. Though it is certainly a change from all those years on top. :smug:

For an alliance of NPO's size, you're in a terrible position politically, actually. The number of people who dislike and distrust you is immense.

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[quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1286489055' post='2478193']
I ran some numbers and considering PB isn't official yet, UPN would have won a potential war against GOONS.
Okay I'll bite, how on earth do your numbers tell you that?

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1286490616' post='2478216']
For an alliance of NPO's size, you're in a terrible position politically, actually. The number of people who dislike and distrust you is immense.

Ruling the world was easy. I much prefer a challenge.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1286490166' post='2478210']

No, seriously. XD

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1286491208' post='2478219']
Okay I'll bite, how on earth do your numbers tell you that?

..my whole post was sarcastic. Note that it ended with ODN ruling the world... :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1286490616' post='2478216']
For an alliance of NPO's size, you're in a terrible position politically, actually. The number of people who dislike and distrust you is immense.
Going by size, sure. Which happens to totally disregard history. Which, of course, ODN would love. Can't have people remembering the loyalty oath, GWII, your performance in GWIII, the cancellations on GOONS, Polaris, GATO, the almost two years between UJP and Karma where you stagnated and did absolutely nothing, your consistent attempts to suck up to the dominant side since GWIII...Yeah, I can see why you guys try to disregard history.

An unfavourable position is not 'the bottom', though, is it?

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[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1286486513' post='2478172']
So...UPN accepts nuclear rogues while they are at war with GOONS. ODN pays GOONS to keep UPN from getting attacked, presumably for refusing to pay anything themselves. ODN begins taking crap on the OWF for this, not UPN.

UPN meanwhile assembles a coalition of alliances to defend their acceptance of said rogues, presumably to counter the currently (i think) non-existant Pandora's Box. At least some of these alliances think this is a good idea.

Assuming I grasped that correctly, I have one question:

Can I get some of that Kool-aid you're drinking?
[color="#0000FF"]You know, I really do love how you label alliances rogues just so you can not treat them like legitimate alliances. Same reason you're ignoring the fact that FnKa and Ninjas are alliances. If you can get your allies to ignore that, which they are, you can keep them at PZI even if they disband, which I think is a horrible precedent, and one I will not stand by and accept.

Pandora is going to be an ugly bloc and do ugly things. Decent people simply cannot stand by and allow it to do what it wants. Period.

OOC: Just for the record, I have a background in secondary education. I know bullying when I see it. You can try blaming your victims all you want, with their "roguery" or whatever, but those are just excuses for you to maintain some legitimacy to your actions. A simple "roguery" does not warrant two or three or four months of war, and then another six or so paying some obscene amount of reps. Your so called justifications for your blatant sadism are flimsy at best, especially to those of us who understand the psychology behind it.[/color]

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[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1286486513' post='2478172']
So...UPN accepts nuclear rogues while they are at war with GOONS. ODN pays GOONS to keep UPN from getting attacked, presumably for refusing to pay anything themselves. ODN begins taking crap on the OWF for this, not UPN.

UPN meanwhile assembles a coalition of alliances to defend their acceptance of said rogues, presumably to counter the currently (i think) non-existant Pandora's Box. At least some of these alliances think this is a good idea.

Assuming I grasped that correctly, I have one question:

Can I get some of that Kool-aid you're drinking?

I don't know if I'd say it went down like that. Quite a few of the alliances on that list were there to point out how stupid it was.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1286491497' post='2478222']
Going by size, sure. Which happens to totally disregard history. Which, of course, ODN would love. Can't have people remembering the loyalty oath, GWII, your performance in GWIII, the cancellations on GOONS, Polaris, GATO, the almost two years between UJP and Karma where you stagnated and did absolutely nothing, your consistent attempts to suck up to the dominant side since GWIII...Yeah, I can see why you guys try to disregard history.

An unfavourable position is not 'the bottom', though, is it?

Oh yes, history! The years of NPO hegemony, where you bullied and rolled everyone else, and plotted against your own allies? The EZI, the attacks on disbanded alliances, and the viceroys? That history?

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1286491722' post='2478226']
Oh yes, history! The years of NPO hegemony, where you bullied and rolled everyone else, and plotted against your own allies? The EZI, the attacks on disbanded alliances, and the viceroys? That history?

No, the history where ODN cancelled on GOONS for no reason. This history. You know, the history that the propaganda monsters made up to make themselves look good. That's why NPO won GWI, remember?

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1286491722' post='2478226']
Oh yes, history! The years of NPO hegemony, where you bullied and rolled everyone else, and plotted against your own allies? The EZI, the attacks on disbanded alliances, and the viceroys? That history?


Don't you think it's been long enough that you drop the Vox/Karmaite lines and have a rational discussion about Pacifican history? This obviously isn't the thread to do it in, but geez, this repeated assertion of propaganda lines as fact is beginning to come off as a bit desperate. We were dominant in both the military and political fields, and thus were often able to get our way. That does not however mean that we bullied people. And yes, occasionally we waged military campaigns against them, this was however [i]after[/i] they had committed transgressions against us, and refused to come to a mutually acceptable resolution. We didn't plot against allies, except Polaris, in response to statements and actions taken by Sponge. And we have apologized for our actions during that time.

EZI was an accepted and widely used practice, we are far from the only ones to utilise it. Though no one was actually deemed 'EZI', they were just kept as a target until they made amends, at which point they were released. It was one attack on a disbanded alliance, and I've already stated my position on that, I'm not sure why they become innocent just because they disbanded their alliance to avoid retribution. And viceroys were utilised by more alliances than just us, and I would say often helped the alliance as much as hindered it.

So...what was your point again? If you actually approach things rationally, you see they aren't something to get hysterical about. Our history is unparalleled and unmatched, we were the pre-eminent alliance for 3 years, dominant on the political, military and economic fronts. I don't see how that's something to be ashamed of. Especially compared to the ODN's past, which I outlined before. Which I notice you also failed to address. ;)

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1286491497' post='2478222']
Going by size, sure. Which happens to totally disregard history. Which, of course, ODN would love. Can't have people remembering the loyalty oath, GWII, your performance in GWIII, the cancellations on GOONS, Polaris, GATO, the almost two years between UJP and Karma where you stagnated and did absolutely nothing, your consistent attempts to suck up to the dominant side since GWIII...Yeah, I can see why you guys try to disregard history.

An unfavourable position is not 'the bottom', though, is it?

[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1286493373' post='2478251']


Don't you think it's been long enough that you drop the Vox/Karmaite lines and have a rational discussion about Pacifican history? This obviously isn't the thread to do it in, but geez, [b]this repeated assertion of propaganda lines as fact is beginning to come off as a bit desperate.[/b] We were dominant in both the military and political fields, and thus were often able to get our way. That does not however mean that we bullied people. And yes, occasionally we waged military campaigns against them, this was however [i]after[/i] they had committed transgressions against us, and refused to come to a mutually acceptable resolution. We didn't plot against allies, except Polaris, in response to statements and actions taken by Sponge. And we have apologized for our actions during that time.

EZI was an accepted and widely used practice, we are far from the only ones to utilise it. Though no one was actually deemed 'EZI', they were just kept as a target until they made amends, at which point they were released. It was one attack on a disbanded alliance, and I've already stated my position on that, I'm not sure why they become innocent just because they disbanded their alliance to avoid retribution. And viceroys were utilised by more alliances than just us, and I would say often helped the alliance as much as hindered it.

So...what was your point again? If you actually approach things rationally, you see they aren't something to get hysterical about. Our history is unparalleled and unmatched, we were the pre-eminent alliance for 3 years, dominant on the political, military and economic fronts. I don't see how that's something to be ashamed of. Especially compared to the ODN's past, which I outlined before. Which I notice you also failed to address. ;)

Herp Derp. :v:

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1286493373' post='2478251']


Don't you think it's been long enough that you drop the Vox/Karmaite lines and have a rational discussion about Pacifican history? This obviously isn't the thread to do it in, but geez, this repeated assertion of propaganda lines as fact is beginning to come off as a bit desperate. We were dominant in both the military and political fields, and thus were often able to get our way. That does not however mean that we bullied people. And yes, occasionally we waged military campaigns against them, this was however [i]after[/i] they had committed transgressions against us, and refused to come to a mutually acceptable resolution. We didn't plot against allies, except Polaris, in response to statements and actions taken by Sponge. And we have apologized for our actions during that time.

EZI was an accepted and widely used practice, we are far from the only ones to utilise it. Though no one was actually deemed 'EZI', they were just kept as a target until they made amends, at which point they were released. It was one attack on a disbanded alliance, and I've already stated my position on that, I'm not sure why they become innocent just because they disbanded their alliance to avoid retribution. And viceroys were utilised by more alliances than just us, and I would say often helped the alliance as much as hindered it.

So...what was your point again? If you actually approach things rationally, you see they aren't something to get hysterical about. Our history is unparalleled and unmatched, we were the pre-eminent alliance for 3 years, dominant on the political, military and economic fronts. I don't see how that's something to be ashamed of. Especially compared to the ODN's past, which I outlined before. Which I notice you also failed to address. ;)

I'm not going to get into a debate about NPO history, because it's irrelevant to the original topic of conversation, which was that currently NPO's political situation sucks. But nice attempt at a deflection!

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Wow, you're both really bad at this.

[quote name='Twizzler' timestamp='1286494130' post='2478262']
Herp Derp. :v:
So you didn't do all those things I said in that post? I'm quite sure you did, and you would just rather that everyone forgot. Sorry bro, you might be hanging with the in-crowd now, but a lot of us still remember the things you did to become a laughing stock.

[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1286494182' post='2478263']
I'm not going to get into a debate about NPO history, because it's irrelevant to the original topic of conversation, which was that currently NPO's political situation sucks. But nice attempt at a deflection!
Actually, the topic of discussion here is Pandora's Box. But I'm not sure how our history would be irrelevant to our current political situation, so I think you're reaching pretty hard to call it a deflection. I notice you still refuse to address the points I made about ODN though. Your silence is deafening. :smug:

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1286494597' post='2478270']
Wow, you're both really bad at this.

So you didn't do all those things I said in that post? I'm quite sure you did, and you would just rather that everyone forgot. Sorry bro, you might be hanging with the in-crowd now, but a lot of us still remember the things you did to become a laughing stock.

Actually, the topic of discussion here is Pandora's Box. But I'm not sure how our history would be irrelevant to our current political situation, so I think you're reaching pretty hard to call it a deflection. I notice you still refuse to address the points I made about ODN though. Your silence is deafening. :smug:

How in the world is ODN's history the least bit relevant to Pandora's Box then? I'd be quite happy to debate it with you, if you're interested (because half of the stuff you said is dead wrong) but not in this thread. Perhaps we could take it to query. ;)

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1286494815' post='2478275']
How in the world is ODN's history the least bit relevant to Pandora's Box then? I'd be quite happy to debate it with you, if you're interested (because half of the stuff you said is dead wrong) but not in this thread. Perhaps we could take it to query. ;)
Probably about as relevant as ODN "waiting a long time to rule the world", or us "being on the bottom", I guess. Which is what started all this off. But I agree, this thread is not the place for this discussion, as I said previously.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1286494597' post='2478270']
Wow, you're both really bad at this.

So you didn't do all those things I said in that post? I'm quite sure you did, and you would just rather that everyone forgot. Sorry bro, you might be hanging with the in-crowd now, but a lot of us still remember the things you did to become a laughing stock.

Actually, the topic of discussion here is Pandora's Box. But I'm not sure how our history would be irrelevant to our current political situation, so I think you're reaching pretty hard to call it a deflection. I notice you still refuse to address the points I made about ODN though. Your silence is deafening. :smug:

No actually. Lets go through recent events.

You post a bunch of crap about ODN's history. Much of it is hilarious, opinionated, and quite a bit comes from propaganda. Plenty of it is refutable logically and rationally.

Kalasin and I both read it and laughed at your stupidity. Kalasin mentions some things about your past.

You immediately get butthurt. Insert a bunch of words about how none of it could possibly ever be true and its all propaganda.

I laugh harder at your incredibly ability to contradict yourself. I don't bother going through anything you said because you're not worth my time.

My silence has nothing to do with validity of your claims, but merely the fact that your P.h.D in logic seems to be written in orange crayon.

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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1286485530' post='2478154']
Well, I guess we felt that the sheer stupidity of the NSO would have been too much for our bloc, so we come out ahead in the end.
You seem to be mixing up your definitions of idiocy with sheer unadulterated genius. Not the first time you've gotten some words mixed up, but I just thought I'd point out you'd need to remember that.

Anyway, interesting stuff going on here. Good on ODN for acting to save an ally, shows real loyalty.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1286491584' post='2478224']
[color="#0000FF"]You know, I really do love how you label alliances rogues just so you can not treat them like legitimate alliances. Same reason you're ignoring the fact that FnKa and Ninjas are alliances. If you can get your allies to ignore that, which they are, you can keep them at PZI even if they disband, which I think is a horrible precedent, and one I will not stand by and accept.

Pandora is going to be an ugly bloc and do ugly things. Decent people simply cannot stand by and allow it to do what it wants. Period.

OOC: Just for the record, I have a background in secondary education. I know bullying when I see it. You can try blaming your victims all you want, with their "roguery" or whatever, but those are just excuses for you to maintain some legitimacy to your actions. A simple "roguery" does not warrant two or three or four months of war, and then another six or so paying some obscene amount of reps. Your so called justifications for your blatant sadism are flimsy at best, especially to those of us who understand the psychology behind it.[/color]
Cool your jets, mister. You're projecting Pandora's Box is going to do ugly things because of the ugly things you are projecting that GOONS is going to do?

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[quote name='Tarikmo' timestamp='1286495806' post='2478291']
Sir, you have made my day. Here's a cookie, or rather, in order to better suit the topic, Greek take-out.

Glad we can agree you VE scum. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif[/img]

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1286496203' post='2478307']
Glad we can agree you VE scum. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif[/img]
hey :(

I prefer the term " General Annoyance ",thank you very much. Or in Pandora's case, "Seal of the Box"

Edited by Tarikmo
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