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I'm always slightly puzzled by what people want us to change.

Military performance? Of course, we will always be trying to improve that.
Average Nation Strength? Duh, it's going up all the time.
WRCs? Manhattans? Of course, we're working on it.

It seems to me that many of the reasons we're disliked are political, which isn't surprising at all, and which I tend to discount, given our current side of the treaty web. There's a reason we're here, like it or not.

So... what can we correct that isn't political, and isn't simply a matter of time and efforts at more effective growth?

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[quote name='Lincongrad' timestamp='1284795119' post='2457109']
I'm always slightly puzzled by what people want us to change.

Military performance? Of course, we will always be trying to improve that.
Average Nation Strength? Duh, it's going up all the time.
WRCs? Manhattans? Of course, we're working on it.

It seems to me that many of the reasons we're disliked are political, which isn't surprising at all, and which I tend to discount, given our current side of the treaty web. There's a reason we're here, like it or not.

So... what can we correct that isn't political, and isn't simply a matter of time and efforts at more effective growth?
Activity maybe? You had your alliance pm'd to vote for us, and have likely had the help of a number of OWF voters yet you still can't get much more than 100 votes thrown in our direction.

And just because you're trying to get better doesn't mean you are. At least not at a very good rate.

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ok so i've decided posting on this thread was clearly a large mistake on my part because it seems the alliance mk and their allies, are trolls and you should never respond to trolls, they'll just piss you off and you can't piss them off and arguing and fighting with them is what they want it just adds to the fire so i'm suggesting all legionairs pull out of this terrible thread, just stop posting here and let us ignore the trolls, leave them to their bridges

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[quote name='AAR0N' timestamp='1284824905' post='2457226']
ok so i've decided posting on this thread was clearly a large mistake on my part because it seems the alliance mk and their allies, are trolls and you should never respond to trolls, they'll just piss you off and you can't piss them off and arguing and fighting with them is what they want it just adds to the fire so i'm suggesting all legionairs pull out of this terrible thread, just stop posting here and let us ignore the trolls, leave them to their bridges
"Screw you guys, I'm going home"

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[quote name='Drai' timestamp='1284810221' post='2457163']
Activity maybe? You had your alliance pm'd to vote for us, and have likely had the help of a number of OWF voters yet you still can't get much more than 100 votes thrown in our direction.

Pretty sure most of those are MK voters. We have a rather small presence on the BBs, and I'm pretty sure some of us voted for ourselves instead of MK. Or other alliances. I personally voted Sparta, although I'm reconsidering after seeing some of their posts about the improvements they've made since Karma/BiPolar.

[quote name='Drai' timestamp='1284810221' post='2457163']
And just because you're trying to get better doesn't mean you are. At least not at a very good rate.

Sure, but it makes the 'Why don't you just listen to us and improve yourselves' argument a little odd. While we don't think we're as bad as you lot say, we recognize that we have faults, and are trying to fix em.

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[quote name='Lincongrad' timestamp='1284830389' post='2457276']
Pretty sure most of those are MK voters. We have a rather small presence on the BBs, and I'm pretty sure some of us voted for ourselves instead of MK. Or other alliances. I personally voted Sparta, although I'm reconsidering after seeing some of their posts about the improvements they've made since Karma/BiPolar.

Sure, but it makes the 'Why don't you just listen to us and improve yourselves' argument a little odd. While we don't think we're as bad as you lot say, we recognize that we have faults, and are trying to fix em.

They are basically saying we suck and we need to get better, but also we suck so bad we cannot get better O.o, paradox much.

Edited by lorddagon
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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1284258258' post='2450449']
UPN, UPN, and UPN. In that order.

MK carries on a never ending battle with decency and intelligence.
After TPF's history, I can safely say neither of these describes them.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1284785193' post='2457035']
If UPN wasn’t in the process of slithering over to the C&G side of the world they would have had the backing of all C&G and comfortably won.
UPN spent too much time as being just another sideline fleet. They only recently fell to their current level. Legion has been consistently terrible. UPN didn't have a chance of beating Legion.

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[quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1284854639' post='2457584']
No, we be saying that ye have faults. Trying or planning to fix them doesn't make ye better, fixing them does.

1. Every fleet has faults, even the glorious Mushroom Kingdom. 2. Planning be a very important process to recovery and development, no planning = disaster. 3. He who be without faults may cast the first stone, so until ye be perfect, get off our case.

Edited by lorddagon
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[quote name='lorddagon' timestamp='1284928528' post='2458385']
1. Every fleet has faults, even the glorious Mushroom Kingdom.

[quote name='lorddagon' timestamp='1284928528' post='2458385']
2. Planning be a very important process to recovery and development, no planning = disaster.
I don't believe I ever said it wasn't important. I just said that it doesn't make your faults nonexistent.

[quote name='lorddagon' timestamp='1284928528' post='2458385']
3. He who be without faults may cast the first stone, so until ye be perfect, get off our case.
Welcome to the real world, that stupid saying does not hold water here.

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[quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1284952931' post='2458682']

I don't believe I ever said it wasn't important. I just said that it doesn't make your faults nonexistent.

Welcome to the real world, that stupid saying does not hold water here.

So? ye should be fixing your own faults before pointing out others.

aye well same goes to ye buddy, fix your own fleet before ye try to fix ours, or tell us ours sucks.

aye well if this was the real world and people like ye were in power, I do beleive everything would be incinerated just cause it wasnt living up to your impossible standards or kissing your rear end. See I know your type, cause i have a sibling who acts just like ye, if ye arent praising their high accomplishments, ye be worse than the dirt underneath their feet.

Edited by lorddagon
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[quote name='lorddagon' timestamp='1284955542' post='2458703']
So? ye should be fixing your own faults before pointing out others.

aye well same goes to ye buddy, fix your own fleet before ye try to fix ours, or tell us ours sucks.
I believe I am more than capable of doing both. I have been so far and it is working fine for me.

[quote name='lorddagon' timestamp='1284955542' post='2458703']
aye well if this was the real world and people like ye were in power, I do beleive everything would be incinerated just cause it wasnt living up to your impossible standards or kissing your rear end. See I know your type, cause i have a sibling who acts just like ye, if ye arent praising their high accomplishments, ye be worse than the dirt underneath their feet.
All this shows is you have no idea who you are addressing. Pacifica hasn't praised the accomplishments of the Kingdom, yet I have a lot of respect for them simply because of what they achieved.

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[quote name='AAR0N' timestamp='1284642626' post='2455745']
what i'm not to sure about is what is the basis to lead people to think we are the worse alliance ever, they arent in The Legion, and if they used to be in the legion, they had to applied to it so they wanted to be in it at some point, and left for what ever reasons, but i'm pretty sure that the majority dont fall into that category, maybe they got kicked out of the alliance in that case they did something stupid and are now mad because they got in trouble for stupidity, but i still dont think most of you fall under that, what i think the real thing is, is that we have people jealous of us, envious of how awesome we are, hating on us because we're shining, and there for feel the need to talk smack and try and make them selves look better but in the long run looking pathetic, like so many songs mention haters wanna hate

I know I'm digging a bit late into this thread, but I just want to point out that this post is all made in one sentence. 13 commas and 0 periods. I think it's funny.

But seriously it's Worst Alliance EVER; my vote has and will be Legion. And that's not because I'm bitter about being in Aegis, UjP, or MK for 2 years, it's because you're seriously the worst alliance ever that exists at this point. Don't get pissed at me, you wouldn't deserve the title if GGA didn't disband. But at least they had the competence to disband so now the title falls onto you guys.


Did you realize i was poking fun at the situation with a little humor to break up the mood, but i guess you are still in troll mode so i guess i shall see you when you arent trollin

Because that's your idea of humor, you should realize why your alliance has some of the worst posters on the OWF. Nice deflectors though.

[quote name='AAR0N' timestamp='1284644580' post='2455757']
our unity, loyalty to each other, our ability to resolve in game conflict with other nations, we have great organization due to our check ins, we also have very helpful members who are there for other members of the alliance when they need help
NO WAY! Your unity and loyalty? Legion has to have one of the highest member turnover rates of any non-disbanded alliance, not to mention that many of your members have gone on to join near equally awful purple alliances (ie: invicta and UPN)as if to say that Legion is worse than those alliances. Hence, why would they leave to join a worse alliance. Your own ex-members corroborate Legion being they Worst Alliance Ever.

Edited by Crowdog
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[quote name='lorddagon' timestamp='1284836362' post='2457358']
They are basically saying we suck and we need to get better, but also we suck so bad we cannot get better O.o, paradox much.

At the moment, or at least in the last few pages our detractors are in some small way offering a critical viewpoint. A view point that i for one share. Like any allaince, ours too has its ups and downs, lefts and rights. Much of which has been addressed here has been addressed within our own halls. In time, much of what is brought up here can and will be rectified. Plans or the beginings of them are made, and advantages and limitations critiqued. Those on these boards who offer little in the way of insight, or have a inability to string together more then two intelligble sentences hold no sway. For the most part, ourselves and our critics recognise this. We will continue on, we will remain one alliance. If the a vocal minority wish to wage a war of words with us thanks to the politcal landscape, then so be it. I for one will listen and debate, and will defend my alliance and its allies, but do not think i will join in rough and crass behaviour directed at you and yours. You've your freedom, we have ours.

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