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Best future alliance. (no poll)


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[quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1284046455' post='2447683']
Depends on your definition of success. I mean if they are happy, growing, active etc they are succeeding. As for being the best alliance (as the thread is titled.) I would have to say they wouldn't fit the bill.

Depends on your definition of 'best' - if they're doing all the things you've outlined, that could qualify. I do agree popularity plays into it, but depending on your definition of 'best alliance' a relative unknown could certainly qualify.

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I'm pretty sure that Foreign Affairs are included in rating the success of an alliance, and if people aren't hearing about them at all, then they aren't doing their job properly in this department. For example, GOP, isn't that old, or that big, and on top of that, it's neutral, but thanks to Rooman and his FA department, people know a bit about them and their name popped up in this thread.

Edited by ratonbox
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Expanding on what I mentioned earlier, Tetris has more than doubled it's nation count, close to doubled its Total NS, and is actually close to tripling it's score in the past 6 days.

Yes, I'm sure your aware (if you've been paying attention) CIA merged into us, but that should say something as a larger alliance merged into a smaller one.

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[quote name='oOoMidooOo' timestamp='1284045611' post='2447673']
There are some alliances that don't interact much in the Cyber politics or release announcements or press releases those alliances won't succeed as much as the others.

Releasing press statements and announcements are not what measures success, in my opinion. Any alliance with stable membership and solid leadership have the potential to be great. Just because they do not announce their every single move to everyone doesnt mean they will not succeed as an alliance. If being popular on these forums is how success is measured, then there are a lot of failures out there.


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[quote name='oOoMidooOo' timestamp='1284065394' post='2447969']
Well making you're self known is a important factor to being successful .
I would disagree. I would argue AcTi has been successful, yet we are not well-known nor have a grocery list of treaties. Yet our upper tier is quite impressive/successful, and our total stats speak for themselves. We also make the fewest, most epic announcements.

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[quote name='Hellbilly' timestamp='1284058515' post='2447857']
Releasing press statements and announcements are not what measures success, in my opinion. Any alliance with stable membership and solid leadership have the potential to be great. Just because they do not announce their every single move to everyone doesn't mean they will not succeed as an alliance. If being popular on these forums is how success is measured, then there are a lot of failures out there.


Agreed. I generally take the view that the more successful/most likely to succeed small/micro alliances are the ones that do NOT specifically draw attention to themselves on OWF very often. :P We're a hard crowd to please.

Also note, I'm NOT saying this is the way it should or should not be. Just that (having been a leader of a micro alliance before) - it's politically smart.

Edited by White Chocolate
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I think there is different levels and types of micro alliances. One is the start from scratch work your way up (no merges) build a strong solid structure slow and steady,stay out of sight out of mind as you grow.Make limited OWF post or topics and just buddy up with the alliances that are the closest to you.

The other is the coming together of different alliances creating a new larger alliance from the get go .. Which should be very active on OWF and draw attention to them selves because that will bring in even more members. Both are micros ,some longer then others and who knows what is the better way.

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Aasgard have been impressive. Well organized, as loyal as one can be and with a lot of enthusiasm.
Nordreich have been growing as well and they are starting to play more the pollitical game.

Goons is actually an older alliance, which as many other noted have still room to grow, and probably will.

2 old players are improving as well: ODN - displayed a nice performance in the last war, and since karma have evolved in a much more dynamic AA.
Sparta- While haters will never agree we are correcting many mistakes. We don't have the numbers that we had in the past (we are less than 350 now) and our stats are improving.

Finally one that many wouldn't see coming:

IRON- The successive wars helped to sculpt what I think is a very different IRON. more experienced and mature. It looks to me that they are are learning wih their mistakes and I wouldn't be surprised to see them in the top 10 in a near future.

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Personally I feel RIA will be sanctioned within the year. They sure know how to post some solid stats and even though they lose a lot of their bigger nations they still have a lot of active nations and Ogaden (james dahl) is recruiting like crazy and the rest of their gov't is getting active and putting them in a super FA spot where they will be protected indefinetly. Also obligatory o/ C-zom

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1283606990' post='2441321']
Many thanks to friends and allies who have mentioned us, but I respectfully disagree with mentions of us if only to say that the day Basketball Ninjas make their mark in a war or grow to more significant heights politically you will all see just how incredible of an alliance they are.

My runner up would probably be Nordreich seeing what they have done is quite impressive as well.

TPE impressed me a lot early on, but the tR/FnKA stuff seems to have taken a slight drawback to their overall power, I'm still watching them with great interest.

Whoa were mentioned in this topic, weird lol

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[quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1284515716' post='2454231']
Personally I feel RIA will be sanctioned within the year. They sure know how to post some solid stats and even though they lose a lot of their bigger nations they still have a lot of active nations and Ogaden (james dahl) is recruiting like crazy and the rest of their gov't is getting active and putting them in a super FA spot where they will be protected indefinetly. Also obligatory o/ C-zom

I love RIA due to my past life (and this one :) ).

I do think the latter part of your statement is unintentionally a potential negative for the alliance. Being in a super FA spot is generally not good. Your FA department and 'international drive' will slacken with the gluttony of being in a super FA spot where the chance of laziness will increase. If you are not in a 'totally secure' FA spot, then you are always on your toes, which keeps your wits sharp.

Plus, look at us.

We have no explicit binds to anyone, yet no one - at the moment - will touch us.

But we can touch you :awesome:

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[quote name='abdur' timestamp='1283860557' post='2445176']
No, that was in 2010(and I was no longer the leader of the UPN recruitment team). 2009, UPN was soundly whooping ODN around the court :P
I honestly think that DRAGON, Europa, tLW, Gondor, and a few other alliances have great potential, and will become one of the best in the next few years.

Thanks Abdur for the kind words.

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