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[quote name='lionheart' timestamp='1283913325' post='2446094']
This. I whole heartedly agree with This^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.

You shouldn't say a word you left mid term while in a high gov position. At best you should be considered a traitor.

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[quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1283914476' post='2446122']
So uh... I don't get the talk about UPN meddling with maroon. Explanation please?

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=60305&hl="]This would be UPN's handy work[/url].

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[quote name='Pangui' timestamp='1283914462' post='2446120']
You shouldn't say a word you left mid term while in a high gov position. At best you should be considered a traitor.

Don't be ,ad just because they wouldn't let you leave. Plus I can't be considered a traitor. UPN never declared war on anyone that I could go be a traitor to. If anything I'm a retired politician who left because of personal reasons to another country. Now if I happen to stil be active oh well. Traitor that is funny. Sure your not doing anything to be considered traitor that you wouldn't want out there Pangui.;)

Edited by lionheart
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[quote name='Pangui' timestamp='1283914462' post='2446120']
You shouldn't say a word you left mid term while in a high gov position. At best you should be considered a traitor.
Yeah! How dare he leave the oh so glorious UPN! He's not allowed to have free will, or decide that Peggy Sue is the biggest joke of an alliance leader Bob has ever seen! I mean, it's just like how every other alliance brands the people who volunteered to service them!

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[quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1283914476' post='2446122']
So uh... I don't get the talk about UPN meddling with maroon. Explanation please?

To elaborate on Xiphosis a little bit, the UPN-USN connection(specifically Altheus-Cora connection), is blamed for the deterioration of ties between numerous maroon alliances and USN. At least thats what I picked up from my time in the RIA.

This will be interesting to watch. I'm confused as to how destro is going to hit five targets on his way down though unless he intends for them to attack him, seeing as I imagine he'll be in nuclear anarchy and unable to attack. Then again, it is UPN we're talking about, I suppose he has a pretty decent chance of slipping into peace mode at some point and jumping out again

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[quote name='TECUMSEH' timestamp='1283910914' post='2446042']
Kudos to thedestro for turtling within the first several days. Good strategy for making your warchest last. And kudos to Maroon for refusing to sanction a turtling, nuclear rogue. But, that's Maroon and that's thedestro.

I'd half respect him if he wasn't turtling. As it is -- pure chickensh*t.
[color="#0000FF"]Personally I can't stand sanctions. Granted I have been sanctioned a few times, but that has nothing to with it. Seems these days people can't handle one rogue without crying for sanctions, as if having an entire alliance (or more if you count allies) isn't nearly enough to handle one little nation. Really, grow a pair and take out the rogue. It isn't as if a sanction would do anything anyway, not with a nation that has that large of a war chest (you're not going to bill lock him with a stinking sanction), and you're not going to cut his access to uranium. Which should for whatever reason he ever need, I'll gladly provide.[/color]

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Please unleash Freelancer, The Brain. Just for this topic. I do so love those UPN - Freelancer spats.

And trying to get destro sanctioned on Maroon, and with that attitude too, really couldn't work. Have fun trying to get him to zero tech UPN. I doubt you'll get him anywhere near there unless he's got a lot less tech than I think though. But maybe you'll at least understand why he's turtling at the moment when the war ends in about 3-4 month.

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Turtling is kind of lame, especially if you're trying to make a spectacle out of beating up a bunch of people, but I endorse a person's right to do whatever they feel like doing during war in order to win. Nobody should have any expectations that war is fair. Honor and pride are just excuses to use when you're losing.

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[quote name='Pangui' timestamp='1283914462' post='2446120']
You shouldn't say a word you left mid term while in a high gov position. At best you should be considered a traitor.
Honestly, I wouldn't go around talking about someone leaving your alliance after the first three weeks of his term in government because he saw that you were beyond salvation. Honestly, it reflects more on you than on him.

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1283917341' post='2446208']
Honestly, I wouldn't go around talking about someone leaving your alliance after the first three weeks of his term in government because he saw that you were beyond salvation. Honestly, it reflects more on you than on him.

Hey I lasted through four weeks of trying to save the [s]Titanic[/s] UPN from sinking thank you very much.

Edited by lionheart
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[quote name='lionheart' timestamp='1283917620' post='2446216']
Hey I lasted through four weeks of trying to save the [s]Titanic[/s] UPN from sinking thank you very much.
If you had any brains at all you'd have recognized the futility of trying before you took office.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1283913237' post='2446093']
Now now, those in glass houses shouldn't be casting stones, what and with Dragon and all. UPN has meddled on our sphere, supported rogue alliances that hit multiple alliances, and you have the audacity to try and take the moral high ground when you get a tenth of it in return? With all due respect, piss off.

Are you sir suggesting that UPN has some strange hold upon USN? Are you suggesting that USN is little more than a colony of UPN? ARE YOU SUGGESTING THAT UPN DESERVES WHAT THEY ARE GETTING FROM THIS TURTLER?

[u]Well then, I agree with your suggestions[/u]

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1283918641' post='2446237']
If you had any brains at all you'd have recognized the futility of trying before you took office.

By taking office. I hope you mean only two other people were willing to sign up for the jib. I being a nice person was nice enough to sign on. Can't have Tribunes with only two guys. Well if I didn't sign on thats what it would've looked like. I would later realise the futility in becoming s Tribune of an alliance of 12 people. Wait I mean two hundred hard to tell with all the ghosts and inactivity.

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1283919124' post='2446240']
Says the guy who was Invicta high gov for how long?
I don't recall exactly, but it was ~4-5 months. I, however, didn't take the job because anything in particular needed fixing. Invicta was chugging along just fine when I was there. But until thedestro hits Haf I don't see why Invicta is relevant. :v:

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[quote name='trance addict' timestamp='1283867854' post='2445248']
I think your right, and I believe from the clue that the target is Haflinger....

Berlin 1961-1990. Cranberries 1993

Berlin 1961-1990, the period of time which divided Berlin by the "Wall". Dividing Berlin could be cutting Berlin in "Half"
Cranberries 1993, they had a hit song "Linger"

Half+Linger = HAFLINGER
I've had basically no contact with thedestro, like, ever. So... Maybe. I'll hope he lasts longer than Elfman did at least. :awesome:

[quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1283914476' post='2446122']
So uh... I don't get the talk about UPN meddling with maroon. Explanation please?
Maroon's bitter about Cora and Alt, and I can't explain in more detail in this forum.

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The only question I have is why anyone on maroon still cares about USN, they have made it quite clear they aren't going to do the Chestnut Accords thing and CSN/GOD/RIA/MA don't really want them to anyway. I mean at the time I can understand the disgust with what happened but now its old news and irrelevant.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1283914856' post='2446136']
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=60305&hl="]This would be UPN's handy work[/url].

You're wrong, utterly wrong. Also, I've already told you this and I don't like repeating myself.

Cora is fully capable of deciding she doesn't like you all by herself. She doesn't, I hear about it all the time and given what she's shown me I agree with her viewpoints. The idea that I orchestrated some grand plan to split maroon up is laughable. I didn't know any of you enough to care.

So stop blaming me for whatever issues you have in maroon, because whilst I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy you're tilting at windmills.

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[quote name='Altheus' timestamp='1283946971' post='2446483']
Cora is fully capable of deciding she doesn't like you all by herself.

He was talking about USN leaving CA, so I don't see why that is relevant.
Unless you are suggesting USN left CA because of Cora's personal dislike for Xiph.

Political decisions that are based on personal relationships like that don't tend to work out for the best.

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[quote name='Thunder Strike' timestamp='1283947344' post='2446487']
He was talking about USN leaving CA, so I don't see why that is relevant.
Unless you are suggesting USN left CA because of Cora's personal dislike for Xiph.

Political decisions that are based on personal relationships like that don't tend to work out for the best.

It's relevent because he's blaming UPN for USN leaving CA. I quote "This would be [u]UPN's[/u] handy work."

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