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CN Art SOTW #15 - Moderator Colours

Marneus Calgar

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[center][size="7"][color="#008080"]CN[/color] [color="#006400"]Art[/color] [color="#4B0082"]SOTW #15[/color] - [color="#FF0000"]MODERATOR[/color] [color="#0000FF"]COLOURS[/color][/size][/center]

This week, CN-ART's theme is [color="#FF0000"]Moderator[/color] [color="#0000FF"]Colours[/color]. This means your signature's colour must be based on the colour of a specific Moderator type. If you were to choose [color="#006400"]Green[/color], it could either be Global Moderator of Roleplay Moderator. If you were to choose [color="#0000FF"]Blue[/color], it could be Admin.

[b]Max Size[/b]: 600px by 600px
[b]Submission Period[/b]: 72 hours (Submission period ends September 2nd, Update)

[*]Your signature MUST be based around the colour of a specific Moderator Colour. If the majority of your artwork is not the colour that you stated, your submission will be denied.
[*]Your signature must not be pornographic in any way.
[*]Your signature must be within the size limits (600px by 600px)
[*]Your signature must be based around one of the following colours:
[color="#FF0000"][b]Red[/b][/color] - Tournament Game Moderator
[color="#FF8C00"][b]Orange[/b][/color] - Gameplay Moderator
[color="#9ACD32"][b]Green[/b][/color] - Roleplay Moderator
[color="#006400"][b]Dark Green[/b][/color] - Global Moderator
[color="#4B0082"][b]Purple[/b][/color] - Team Leaders
[color="#0000FF"][b]Blue[/b][/color] - Senior Staff/Admin
[color="#008080"][b]Teal[/b][/color] - Game Moderator Team

[b]Entries must be tasteful and within Open World Forum rules. [color="#FF0000"][u]The CN-ART staff also reserves the right to deny any submission at their discretion.[/u][/color][/b]

[b]Please post your submission in the following style[/b]:
[quote]Davian Thule - [IMG]http://i35.tinypic.com/24debr6.png[/IMG]
[code]Davian Thule - [IMG]http://i35.tinypic.com/24debr6.png[/IMG][/code][/quote]

You can post a short explaining on the colour of your signature to do with Moderation colours if you so choose. I've chosen Blue (Senior Staff).


Davian Thule - [IMG]http://i35.tinypic.com/24debr6.png[/IMG]

Longbowe - [img]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y85/Longbowe/CN/Bynes.png[/img]

Potface - [IMG]http://blackstonecommission.com/tiberioussig.png[/IMG]

Puppets - [IMG]http://imgur.com/rdyQR.png[/IMG]

Politician - [img]http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/2571/orange.png[/img]

lionheart - [IMG]http://a.imageshack.us/img838/917/ryuk.jpg[/IMG]

dy Cazaril - [IMG]http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv276/dyCazaril/Signatures/TE1.png[/IMG]

Sal Paradise - [IMG]http://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww287/sparadise34/warholandsoup.png[/IMG]

Farore - [img]http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt201/5eaJunky/RPMOD3.png[/img]

Gairyuki - [IMG]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff182/BlueConcept/SOTW16-1.png[/IMG]

SkyGreenChick - [img]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d180/SkYgReEnChIcK/CN/Phoenix-SoTW.png[/img]

Duncan King - [IMG]http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff120/duncanking/Image%20Requests/work.png[/IMG]

Scorponok - [IMG]http://a.imagehost.org/0264/sotw15.png[/IMG]

Rayvon - [IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/rndmshiz/SoTW15Red.png[/IMG]

Abdur - [IMG]http://i36.tinypic.com/23wjvr7.jpg[/IMG]

[b]ModEdit[/b]: [i]Having signatures based on the colors of the moderation team is fine. Using words or phrases that mention or allude to being admin or a member of the moderation team is not allowed[/i].

Edited by Davian Thule
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[quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1283136211' post='2435332']
The title of the thread was obviously done wrong, the OP reads otherwise.

Your doppelganger agrees with me: [22:36] <@NotDavianThule[IRON]> CN Art SOTW #16 - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=91474 (sorry for the AMSG)


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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1283136522' post='2435341']

Denied, a blank sheet of red with a bevel'd border isn't going to be accepted. Next time put some thought into your work.

Edited by Davian Thule
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[quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1283137005' post='2435347']
Denied, a blank sheet of red with a bevel'd border isn't going to be accepted. Next time put some thought into your work.

Yeah, Believland, it's almost as if you didn't steal [i]any[/i] of this from another artist. [b]Put some thought into your plagiarism.[/b]

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[quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1283137005' post='2435347']
Denied, a blank sheet of red with a bevel'd border isn't going to be accepted. Next time put some thought into your work.
Fair enough. I hope this submission is much better

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1283137764' post='2435358']


Fair enough. I hope this submission is much better


I know we don't always get along, but I wanted to let you know that this work has truly moved me. It has made me feel emotions I've never felt and I now look at the TE Mod Team with a totally new understanding of their plight. Thank you so much for touching me with this beautiful work of art. I shall cherish it forever.


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[quote name='Titus Pullo' timestamp='1283137979' post='2435363']

I know we don't always get along, but I wanted to let you know that this work has truly moved me. It has made me feel emotions I've never felt and I now look at the TE Mod Team with a totally new understanding of their plight. Thank you so much for touching me with this beautiful work of art. I shall cherish it forever.


[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1283137704' post='2435356']
Yeah, Believland, it's almost as if you didn't steal [i]any[/i] of this from another artist. [b]Put some thought into your plagiarism.[/b]

I agree with these people :) ^

Make sure to steal a detailed picture next time, if you want to get into one of these art contests Beazy ;)

Even though your submission may not be accepted, it has moved me so much I shall cherish this forever as well.

Your friend,


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[quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1283137005' post='2435347']
Denied, a blank sheet of red with a bevel'd border isn't going to be accepted. Next time put some thought into your work.
[code]lordliam -[img]http://a.imageshack.us/img37/3403/wboawds.png[/img][/code]
It represents the calmness of which the Senior staff respond to situations and sometimes the ice-hard stance they must take in regards to creating and enforcing rules to the betterment of the community.

Edit: I forgot to add the parts to make it an entry.

Edited by lordliam
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[quote name='lordliam' timestamp='1283139539' post='2435392']
It represents the calmness of which the Senior staff respond to situations and sometimes the ice-hard stance they must take in regards to creating and enforcing rules to the betterment of the community.

I may have found a new master to follow.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1283139408' post='2435391']
Are bikinis on a deck chair allowed? I just want to know, if the sig in question does not depict any overt carnal acts, and is just scantily dressed but merely.. shawow!!! would that be acceptable? What about a sig that depicts liplock?
Kissing isn't pornographic, so it's fine.

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Represents how smug and witty the TE Mod Staff can be at times, and the general "lols" atmosphere of CN:TE.

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[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1283140350' post='2435416']


Represents how smug and witty the TE Mod Staff can be at times, and the general "lols" atmosphere of CN:TE.
You aren't in one color scheme ;)

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