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Kerberos Nexus Announcement

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282239535' post='2423254']
Considering I declared war putting myself in the same position as them, I wasn't trying to avoid facing the same consequences as them. The one you're referring to as an enemy I consider a friend, also I'm not complaining and realize we'll both be hitting each other with attacks, so might as well enjoy the war.

Understood but all I see is another speed bump in the road.

Not too brilliant of a move if you ask me.

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[quote name='lightningjim' timestamp='1282240078' post='2423262']
What lie was he making again, Methy?
All aid was accepted before I spoke with Impero and no new aid offers were made. He claimed after I spoke with him on IRC I sent a new aid offer, although it was already known both aid packages had been accepted when we spoke and had agreed that I send one aid package originally. Also I think he might be accusing me of lying about that message I received from Julius, but I'm not sure what he's thinking anymore.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282238947' post='2423242']
The reasoning behind how this war started is very different from how my war started with you guys started, although I think discussion of our previous war is best left for discussions in other threads. It seems all the damage I did during that war left a lasting impression on you guys, although I think you're mostly just jealous VE is getting all the attention this time. :P
I beg to differ!

However, actually explaining [i]why[/i] I do so will not sway you, so I'll leave it at that, and let everyone's imaginations run wild!

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Bad moves, Methrage. Running into the drama llama parade, when you weren't even invited...

Edit: And what about the other two members of your alliance? Do they have you your back, or are you technically going rogue?

Edited by Lukapaka
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[quote name='CRex of Gulo Gulo' timestamp='1282242937' post='2423306']
Yet despite threads like this, people still argue PZI should never be used.
Since CN is so much more interesting if whenever there is a curb stomp nobody helps the alliance under attack or declare any wars they might lose. :v:

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282243576' post='2423318']
Since the game is so much more interesting if whenever there is a curb stomp nobody helps the alliance under attack or declare any wars they [b]will[/b] lose. :v:


I'm still curious though, is this a Kerberos Nexus announcement, or a Methrage announcement?

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1282243400' post='2423312']
Methrage, do you figure this is just part of the ongoing NSO war? And not something directed only at Viridia? I ask because in all likely-hood, you may not receive peace when NSO does.
I don't have any intention of continuing this longer than the war with NSO lasts and consider them related, but I don't expect NSO to base their decision on whether to accept any peace offer on me getting peace.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282243882' post='2423326']
I don't have any intention of continuing this longer than the war with NSO lasts and consider them related, but I don't expect NSO to base their decision on whether to accept any peace offer on me getting peace.

No kidding, I wouldn't expect NSO to make any decisions for your sake either. You're not NSO.

The question is will you be offered peace by the time NSO is? Or is VE gonna keep your war slots til you're ZI'd, for being a nuke rogue. Cause the OP makes it sound like you're joining in the NSO's fight as a mercenary.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1282244130' post='2423330']
They're pretty much one in the same.

Nearly. It looks like it is the AA. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=398472"]This dude[/url] is attacking VE also.

Poor bloke.

Edited by Lukapaka
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Methrage, i am sorry but it does not look like a case of joining in on that war, this looks more like a suicidal rogue run.

Aiding VE's enemy, then upon being given a way to bow out of it you escalate the conflict by declaring war on VE. That aid you sent to Bob Janova was sent with the knowledge that he would reject it, as at his size 3kk is just a wasted aid slot, and would actually hamper his wartime role as a possible war aid donor for VE nations. Nicely calculated, yes, but transparent.

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[quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1282243384' post='2423311']
Bad moves, Methrage. Running into the drama llama parade, when you weren't even invited...

Edit: And what about the other two members of your alliance? Do they have you your back, or are you technically going rogue?
This is a DoW. Not a rogue attack.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1282244272' post='2423334']
That aid you sent to Bob Janova was sent with the knowledge that he would reject it, as at his size 3kk is just a wasted aid slot
It was $4.5m I offered him and I wasn't sure if he would accept or not.

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[quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1282244055' post='2423328']
No kidding, I wouldn't expect NSO to make any decisions for your sake either. You're not NSO.

The question is will you be offered peace by the time NSO is? Or is VE gonna keep your war slots til you're ZI'd, for being a nuke rogue. Cause the OP makes it sound like you're joining in the NSO's fight as a mercenary.
I don't know VE will treat this attack or how long they will want to continue. I'm not a rogue, but you can view it how you want I suppose.

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You were told well before you spoke to Impero that the way to avoid war would be to cancel all aid offers (which you did, to a point, in that one had been accepted and you didn't cancel one which was eventually accepted, but did cancel four others) and to match the aid by sending 3 million to a Ragnarok nation of a similar strength (to ensure that they could use and accept the aid) that was at war with NSO.

The reason wasn't to extort reps. It was because the only way that you wouldn't be treated as someone aiding the enemy is if you made a matching contribution to the other side. That was cut and dry, and presented to you as such. You chose to ignore it not because you want to make any sort of stand, but because you wanted the attention this exact OWF post would give you. That was stated in my first correspondence to you, as well as my statement that I wouldn't mind if you went this route, because we would gladly oblige you if it was war you wished for.

You are a rogue attacking the Entente. We do not 'make peace' with rogues, so this has no relation to the ongoing conflict between NSO and VE.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282245443' post='2423357']
You were told well before you spoke to Impero that the way to avoid war would be to cancel all aid offers (which you did, to a point, in that one had been accepted and you didn't cancel one which was eventually accepted, but did cancel four others) and to match the aid by sending 3 million to a Ragnarok nation of a similar strength (to ensure that they could use and accept the aid) that was at war with NSO.

The reason wasn't to extort reps. It was because the only way that you wouldn't be treated as someone aiding the enemy is if you made a matching contribution to the other side. That was cut and dry, and presented to you as such. You chose to ignore it not because you want to make any sort of stand, but because you wanted the attention this exact OWF post would give you. That was stated in my first correspondence to you, as well as my statement that I wouldn't mind if you went this route, because we would gladly oblige you if it was war you wished for.

[b]You are a rogue attacking the Entente.[/b] We do not 'make peace' with rogues, so this has no relation to the ongoing conflict between NSO and VE.
The bold is my favorite part. Cue 20 pages of people debating what a "rogue" is.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282245443' post='2423357']
You are a rogue attacking the Entente. We do not 'make peace' with rogues, so this has no relation to the ongoing conflict between NSO and VE.
The reason you were asking reps in the first place was because of the aid I sent to NSO during the ongoing conflict, so there is some relation there at least.

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Just stop this pointless debate already. Meth, if you're fine with being at war, just give it all until you're tired then apply for peace to VE and hope they're less demanding than GOONS.

This exchange is just useless and does nothing to advance your cause, comrade.

I wish you luck and hope you can get out of this mess without much harm,

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282245823' post='2423360']
The reason you were asking reps in the first place was because of the aid I sent to NSO during the ongoing conflict, so there is some relation there at least.

That is where the relation begins and ends. You chose to attack the Entente, and for that you have been declared a rogue of the Entente.

Here is our policy on rogues, publicly available for all to see.

The Viridian Entente will reduce any nation to Zero Infrastructure who:

[*] Is a VE member and goes rogue on a foreign alliance.
[*] Is a VE member who declares an unauthorized war and fails to cooperate with leadership in the alloted time.
[*] Is a nation released from a foreign alliance to the VE for attacks because of the declaration of an unauthorized war, and the refusal to pay reparations.
[*] Is a foreign nation who goes rogue on the VE.
[*] Is an unaligned nation who declares war on a member of the VE.


[I]As a note: Any alliance may go through diplomatic channels for an exception to this doctrine, and they will be evaluated on a case by case basis with reparations being no less than 3x the damage caused. Any nuclear strikes void all hopes of diplomacy or leniency.[/I]

You have been declared a rogue and therefore this doctrine applies to you. No amount of wrangling or e-lawyering will change that in my mind, so you can either try to convince the one person in VE who can overrule this declaration, or you can accept your punishment and make the most of it.

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I see all this propaganda mocking Methrage.. it makes me sick.

Don't give up on your dreams Methrage. People here always used to tell me, "The AUT, you'll never amount to anything! You'll always have your head stuck in the clouds."



But just look at me now!

Go get 'em tiger!

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1282246137' post='2423370']
Just stop this pointless debate already. Meth, if you're fine with being at war, just give it all until you're tired then apply for peace to VE and hope they're less demanding than GOONS.

This exchange is just useless and does nothing to advance your cause, comrade.

I wish you luck and hope you can get out of this mess without much harm,
Thanks for the well wishes, I'll take your advice on leaving the pointless debate aside. Whats been needed to be said has been said already and people can form their own opinions based on that.

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