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Foreign Affairs Dispatch from the New Pacific Order


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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281852577' post='2416459']
Just remember people were saying the exact same thing about your alliance during the bi-polar war. This thread isn't for petty bickering, but people who live in glass houses should refrain from throwing rocks ;)

People say it about every alliance of Planet Bob, the difference is the reason why they say that... I was comfortable with the reasons for the polar hate in bi-polar war, I hope you are(not) comfortable with the reasons for the GATO disdain in this one.

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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1281854136' post='2416472']
How typical for NPO to slam a door in need of a slight adjustment. It appears that GATO's options just increased exponentially.
That is of no consequence, in possible future conflicts, GATO would have chosen the option of stronger side, NPO's web isnt the stronger side. While this is sad and necessary etc, it changes nothing for GATO or NPO, but just takes out a treaty which was as insignificant as GATO's credibility, which btw I felt was decent until the recent drama.

Good Luck to both sides.

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This isn't that of a big deal and doesn't warrant the next 20 pages to come.
People with the "good riddance" lines, grow up.

[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1281888688' post='2416704']
Does this mean that GATO are getting rolled? Oh wait sorry I'm trapped in 2008.
GATO moved on from it, I think it's time you should too.

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[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1281888840' post='2416707']
This isn't that of a big deal and doesn't warrant the next 20 pages to come.
People with the "good riddance" lines, grow up.

GATO moved on from it, I think it's time you should too.

Certain parties can't move on from 2008..to do so would take away their boogeymen.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1281854989' post='2416480']
How typical of you to talk out of your $@! . Its ok we are used to your posting by now. Brings us many laughs it does.

I’ll be more than pleased to return to my tactful and less direct manner with NPO as soon as NPO learns to do the same. Quid pro quo. NPO's lack of grace as so eloquently illustrated by your post, makes me weary.

[quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1281855010' post='2416482']
I believe your definition of slight and NPO's definition of what adjustment is needed are different.

I know. Lack of comprehension is a common failing of both NPO and the Sith. This is somewhat akin to the difference of opinion about the meaning of “we'd consider aid sent to a nation we deem a rogue and are at war with as an act of war”. In both cases an Order made a decision which brought any then current negotiations to a screeching halt.

[quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1281864223' post='2416547']
What do you mean in need of slight adjustment?

Minister of VietCong
CN Player

The adjustment would be in the Sith and NPO perspective. GATO’s announcement was a diplomatic masterstroke. By cancelling the treaty it telegraphed the imminent start of the war and sent their "former" allies, the Sith, scrambling for peace mode. The Sith should be especially grateful to GATO for the heads up and both the Sith and NPO should be high-fiving GATO while negotiating a higher level treaty.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1281889763' post='2416723']Excellent rebuttal![/quote]
His comment needs no rebuttal, at all. It speaks for it self.

Apparently, even if you hold a rather insignificant treaty which only holds a certain level of political symbolism, like a PIAT with NPO-- you are shunned. Doors are closed for you. Never mind who you are, good or bad, that link makes you unwanted. The moment its dropped your next best thing since Jesus.

I let that speak for it self, in light of comments such as-- "why didnt you (NPO) reach out? just a sign you didnt changed!! hurr durr" and "NPO doesn't matter, they are irrelevant, who cares".

That is the message your guy there is sending. He probably didn't think that one through, but he doesn't think through much of his comments and no banners or fancy talk make up for it. The guy is a joke, and what my Comrade hinted-- we got used to his silliness.

Once again to say-- cancellation was the only option here and I support Comrade Emperor in his decision.

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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1281890389' post='2416729']
[img]poorly made shop put here[img]

blah blah blah personal attacks. Blah blah blah no argument. Blah blah blah maybe someone will notice me.

Please don't blow up this thread it doesn't need it.

Sith Marauder of War
James Empire
True Sith

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I would also advise my Comrades, to ignore poor form showed here from some in VE.

This is about a hard decision for our Comrade Emperor who has a fondness for GATO from his work with them. But this needed to be done.

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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1281890389' post='2416729']

The adjustment would be in the Sith and NPO perspective. GATO’s announcement was a diplomatic masterstroke. By cancelling the treaty it telegraphed the imminent start of the war and sent their "former" allies, the Sith, scrambling for peace mode. The Sith should be especially grateful to GATO for the heads up and both the Sith and NPO should be high-fiving GATO while negotiating a higher level treaty.

You contradicted yourself probably 5 different times in 1 post. Let your leaders do the talking.

New Sith Order
[ooc] I ate breakfast this morning?[/ooc]
Diplomat extraodinaire

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1281891580' post='2416745']
You sith have no sense of humour.
I'm sorry for missing the joke, but it's hard to see whether or not it is since your side of the web love to irrationally attack NPO.

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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1281890389' post='2416729']
The adjustment would be in the Sith and NPO perspective. GATO’s announcement was a diplomatic masterstroke. By cancelling the treaty it telegraphed the imminent start of the war and sent their "former" allies, the Sith, scrambling for peace mode. The Sith should be especially grateful to GATO for the heads up and both the Sith and NPO should be high-fiving GATO while negotiating a higher level treaty.

You, sir, are so wrong that if you were anymore wrong, you'd be the wrongiest man on the planet.

Darth Oak
No But I will With Your Wife

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You canceled a piat with an ally that "has the distinction of having the longest-running public treaty with the New Pacific Order."? A PIAT? Well, whatever.

For future reference, I fail to see how you are going to legitimately be able to argue that your viceroyship "helped" gato and CN now that you aren't allies. A viceroy is such a timeless blunder, I would have thought you would have held onto that PIAT until one of you got wiped off the face of the Bob just save your sorry @#$% some direly needed PR. Perhaps it's not relevant. GATO viceroyship was indeed a long time ago, but I doubt the cyberverse will let you get away with that excuse. I'm just sayin'



Jeff Bar
Spartan God
Adding strange sig cause the cool kids are doing it.

EDIT: sig :smug:

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[quote name='jeff barr' timestamp='1281893296' post='2416779']For future reference, I fail to see how you are going to legitimately be able to argue that your viceroyship "helped" gato and CN[/quote]
I dont know who exactly argued that, but I do remember a public apology from Moo, Emperor at the time, for that. Apology doesnt make it go away, certainly, but its the most one could have done at that time.

[quote name='jeff barr' timestamp='1281893296' post='2416779'] GATO viceroyship was indeed a long time ago, but I doubt the cyberverse will let you get away with that excuse. I'm just sayin'[/quote]
I remember Sparta being quite fine with it when it was in place, doing nothing. I dont think you thought this one all the way through, lol.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1281848427' post='2416378']
I'd like to see more alliances canceling with GATO but sadly this will not happen.

ya know, i love Polaris to death but i am quite amused that you are in here and every other thread denouncing GATO for canceling on NSO given Polar's recent history with NSO and how ya'll treated them. I would suggest, you re-learn that history before you go pissing all over some other alliance who did less to NSO than what Polaris did. kthnxbai.

anyways, i never liked this treaty much as it seemed really forced upon GATO at the time of its inception. though GATO seemed to grow into the treaty and i am saddened simply because GATO is sad over this loss. that being said, a PIAT that has lasted as long as it did without being upgraded, kinda seems like the relationship- while healthy- was not all that strong.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1281893984' post='2416787']
ya know, i love Polaris to death but i am quite amused that you are in here and every other thread denouncing GATO for canceling on NSO given Polar's recent history with NSO and how ya'll treated them. I would suggest, you re-learn that history before you go pissing all over some other alliance who did less to NSO than what Polaris did. kthnxbai.

First, Polaris did not canceled the treaty with NSO. Second, we tried to help NSO, in fact we declared war on GOD and fought also VE, Kronos, Tetris and others alliances for try to help them, Polaris(me included) made many efforts and tried to help them to achieve peace. NSO has the right to say that our help was worthless, but my conscience is clear, we tried and if we failed in help them in this specific issue patience. What you forgot is how many times we helped NSO and how many times we backed them. If you are trying to compare GATO behavior towards NSO in this incident with NpO behavior in Bi-Polar war, and if you think that GATO behavior is less worse of NpO-NSO one, I have just one thing to say: poor of you. I hope that your lack of judgment is because your are trying to defend GATO who is very close of IAA.

Also, I'll not reply other posts about bi-polar war in this thread, if you really want to argue about that, find someone else, I already discussed this many times with so many people and I'm tired of this subject.

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