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HI! Would you like to declare war on Ragnarok, R&R, Global Order of Darkness, Viridian Entente or The Empire of the New Evolution? Well then do I have a offer for you!

We at the PPF are openly at war with all of these alliances, and you could be too, for the low low price of carrying "Prism Protection Front" in your AA field! In fact, if you want to join the PPF, this is a requirement.

I am also openly and willfully attempting to poach existing members from the aformentioned alliance with which the PPF is currently at war; so if you have some valuable alliance secrets you'd like to share, come on down to Crazy Opethian's Used Traitors Emporium, and I'll make you a deal you can't refuse! Man, to make deals like this I must be craaaaaaazzzyyy!!!!!

So, yeah. Join the PPF. Declare war. Good times.

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