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Umbrella Announcement

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Umbrella has functioned with the same basic governmental structure from its foundation, with only a slight change in the decision-making process in late 2008. As our alliance has grown and changed over the years, so have the expectations and needs of our governing bodies. For the last several months, we have debated and hammered out the details of a new governmental structure that eliminates the old triumvirate system for a more unified presidential model, while still reflecting our alliance's principles.

Under our new system, the President and his running mate will be elected for a period of four months and the President will be tasked with appointing the rest of his officials, who will also carry increased responsibilities compared to our previous charter.

That said, I would like to announce our new government:

President: Roquentin
Vice President: NFLGeneric
Field Marshal: Natan
Envoy: Kowalski
Economist: Lord Panis Rahl
Internal Overseer/Umbrellaifier: mrcalkin

For those who wish to read our new charter, you can find it [url="http://www.umbrella-alliance.com/index.php?showtopic=9135&pid=132742&st=0&#entry132742"]here[/url].

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