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Decree of the Sith

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[quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1281324219' post='2406260']
But kissing up to the government, running for a position in it, and getting as much intel as he can before running off to NPO and trying to spill it to their gov is most certainly one. If he left without deceiving us and trying to play us I wouldn't have minded, but certainly has proven that he's the stuff NPO is made of.

Come' on, it's not like any of that info is of any use. They could have every secret on every AA on the planet and it would never do them any good. By the time that alliance has any power again (if ever) it'll be too late. This war will be over and so will several more.

More to the heart of the matter, is Sparta setting up a CB for expanding this war?

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281323486' post='2406223']
Alright. You realize that we're still not going to change this policy because of this war, right?
Awfully presumptuous of you to think you'll still be around when we're done with you. I hope you didn't forget just who the hell you picked a fight with.

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[quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1281324219' post='2406260']
But kissing up to the government, running for a position in it, and getting as much intel as he can before running off to NPO and trying to spill it to their gov is most certainly one. If he left without deceiving us and trying to play us for fools I wouldn't have minded one bit, but he has certainly proven that he's the stuff NPO is made of.

I was wondering where recently all this "Drop money on the enemy" and "how to be a poodle" in our guides was coming from. Thank you for identyfing the source of bad information for us. As always it is appreciated.

Edited by silentkiller
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Too bad none of your allies will help you Sith. I was hoping for wide spread conflict with lots of drama. You guys are a bit of a buzzkill. I would expect more out of an alliance that was into brinkmanship such as yourself(Such as trying to pick a fights with Neutrals and that ridicoulous Moldavi 2.0 Doctrine or whatever it is.) I hope this is a clever front and that you really do have plans for a counter.

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281324279' post='2406264']
I thought you guys were attacking us because we aided him. Not because we accepted him. Are you changing your CB now? Well VE doesn't really have a CB considering they're just bandwagoning, but the point stands.

Dammit, you had me thinking Ardus was back in VE for a minute there.

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1281324652' post='2406272']
Awfully presumptuous of you to think you'll still be around when we're done with you. I hope you didn't forget just who the hell you picked a fight with.

We picked the fight? We admitted (through RV) that it was our mistake. You chose to ignore it. You brought this war on us.

And thanks for clarifying that you intend to carry this out until we disband.

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281324279' post='2406264']
I thought you guys were attacking us because we aided him. Not because we accepted him. Are you changing your CB now? Well VE doesn't really have a CB considering they're just bandwagoning, but the point stands.
Rumors that I am Shadow Lord of the Viridian Entente are severely overblown. I don't have the authority to change anybody's CB, reinforced by the fact that I do not wish to have any such authority. However, if you would like my personal opinion, I am happy to give it: I wouldn't have waited as long as Hoo did. Heft chose to put NSO between Ragnarok and the rogue nation. Once that decision was made, this was inevitable. If you jump in front of a train you're bound to get splattered.

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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1281324770' post='2406277']
Dammit, you had me thinking Ardus was back in VE for a minute there.

Ah. My mistake. VE bandwagoned. There. And so did you.

I don't know why you think it requires this much NS to bring down a 3mil NS alliance, but whatever. The more the merrier, I suppose.

Edited by Jrenster
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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1281324652' post='2406272']
Awfully presumptuous of you to think you'll still be around when we're done with you. I hope you didn't forget just who the hell you picked a fight with.

Im quaking in my boots. Tonight the NSO rides to war on their broomsticks.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1281324833' post='2406280']
Rumors that I am Shadow Lord of the Viridian Entente are severely overblown. I don't have the authority to change anybody's CB, reinforced by the fact that I do not wish to have any such authority. However, if you would like my personal opinion, I am happy to give it: I wouldn't have waited as long as Hoo did. Heft chose to put NSO between Ragnarok and the rogue nation. Once that decision was made, this was inevitable. If you jump in front of a train you're bound to get splattered.

That same line over and over again. Heft this. Heft that. SF hates us. You hate us. Just say it. It has nothing to do with us aiding some idiotic rogue who can barely spell. It has nothing to do with us accepting that same person. It has to do with them finding an excuse to roll us. And they found it. At least be honest about it.

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281324774' post='2406278']
We picked the fight? We admitted (through RV) that it was our mistake. You chose to ignore it. You brought this war on us.

And thanks for clarifying that you intend to carry this out until we disband.
Did you completely ignore the Heft logs? You [i]clearly[/i] picked a fight. You were hoping Rok would lay down and take it. It turns out they won't and now you try to play the victim after taking a dump on their chest.

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281324838' post='2406281']
Ah. My mistake. VE bandwagoned. There. And so did you.

I don't know why you think it requires this much NS to bring down a 3mil NS alliance, but whatever. The more the merrier, I suppose.

Pay attention in 7 days. They might need that many nations in order to keep the staggers. :awesome:

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281324838' post='2406281']
Ah. My mistake. VE bandwagoned. There. And so did you.

I don't know why you think it requires this much NS to bring down a 3mil NS alliance, but whatever. The more the merrier, I suppose.
Your blatant disregard for logistics floors me.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1281319475' post='2405942']
Anyone who is stupid enough to think that NSO will not accept a member because you claim something without any proof deserves to have people attacking their nations in the first place. NSO did nothing wrong here.

Did..did sargun just defend NSO?

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1281325078' post='2406289']
Did you completely ignore the Heft logs? You [i]clearly[/i] picked a fight. You were hoping Rok would lay down and take it. It turns out they won't and now you try to play the victim after taking a dump on their chest.

Actually, we were hoping to negotiate. We were looking for logs. Heft made a mistake of giving war aid; something we've repeatedly stated. Something people like you continuously ignore. So we tried owning up to that mistake--never mind. I'm sounding like a broken record. I'm done talking with ignorant thickheaded morons who can't seem to understand what we're saying.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1281325166' post='2406293']
Your blatant disregard for logistics floors me.

Really? Is that it? Is that the only reason they're bandwagoning? Logistics? Not some !@#$%^&* like friendship or honoring treaties? Wow.

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[quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1281324219' post='2406260']
But kissing up to the government, running for a position in it, and getting as much intel as he can before running off to NPO and trying to spill it to their gov is most certainly one. If he left without deceiving us and trying to play us for fools I wouldn't have minded one bit, but he has certainly proven that he's the stuff NPO is made of.

I did what now? Those are some bold statements Olaf. To think I actually used to like you.

For your information I've told NPO [b]nothing[/b] about the little I did know of Sparta, it's not like I was privy to super secret information or anything. The only thing I have told them is that I didn't fit in, I tried to, and worked at it and for you, but I still didn't feel like I fit in.

I also never ran for a government position, not gonna reveal Sparta's super secret info here, but I didn't know you could run for government there. I was 'nominated" for a position that has no power but is really fun I'll admit, and accepted it, it was part of me trying to fit in, it didn't work, so I backed out of the race.

Good to know I'm suddenly selling these awesome secrets though, I wasn't informed of the fact yet. Whats the going rate on these secrets anyways Olaf? Am I getting the right price? You seem to know more about me selling them and such than I do here.

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281325001' post='2406286']
That same line over and over again. Heft this. Heft that. SF hates us. You hate us. Just say it. It has nothing to do with us aiding some idiotic rogue who can barely spell. It has nothing to do with us accepting that same person. It has to do with them finding an excuse to roll us. And they found it. At least be honest about it.
Whether or not we like you is irrelevant when discussing whether or not this war is justified. But I would like you to also be honest: NSO doesn't like SF. If you did, the member would have been removed from your roster with a degree of haste. This war would have been prevented. Spin that mirror around and realize the truth: disdain may be mutual, but it was yours that generated [i]casus belli[/i]. That somebody chose to prosecute a war when it was justified is predictable.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1281325407' post='2406306']
Whether or not we like you is irrelevant when discussing whether or not this war is justified. But I would like you to also be honest: NSO doesn't like SF. If you did, the member would have been removed from your roster with a degree of haste. This war would have been prevented. Spin that mirror around and realize the truth: disdain may be mutual, but it was yours that generated [i]casus belli[/i]. That somebody chose to prosecute a war when it was justified is predictable.

Why would we remove any member without any evidence? Every single time we've been asked to remove a member, we were provided evidence with a degree of expediency. We hesitated to remove him because we were waiting for evidence. That's pretty reasonable, if you ask me. And before you say it, no it was not reasonable to give him war aid.

And for the record, we didn't hate RoK until now. Now we do. As well as all of SF. It was just Fark last time, but our hate has grown.

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281325259' post='2406300']
Actually, we were hoping to negotiate. We were looking for logs. Heft made a mistake of giving war aid; something we've repeatedly stated. Something people like you continuously ignore. So we tried owning up to that mistake--never mind. I'm sounding like a broken record. I'm done talking with ignorant thickheaded morons who can't seem to understand what we're saying.
Saying Heft made a mistake sounds like you think he just accidentally happened to hit the send aid button while he wasn't paying attention. A member of your government actively and knowingly committed an act of war against Ragnarok. If your leaders are going to make decisions you don't support you [i]probably[/i] should get new ones. In the immortal words of Justin Sane, "If you don't control your own government, people want to kill you."

[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281325618' post='2406312']
And for the record, we didn't hate RoK until now. Now we do. As well as all of SF. It was just Fark last time, but our hate has grown.
So you hate all of us now? That's convenient. Sounds like there's no good reason for us [i]not[/i] to disband you, huh?

Edited by NoFish
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[quote name='LucasSnow' timestamp='1281323449' post='2406220']
Honestly? LOL; that's all I have to say to this. This isn't about me, or us, or whatever, so I'll keep it out of this thread, but to suggest this is ridiculous, and you know it. Sometimes people leave alliances, I thought I did so on good terms. Sigh. Enough of that though, leaving it out of this lol.

From what I've read there were mistakes on both sides, but it also seems like someone was itching for war. This could have been settled in 5 minutes of chat, instead war was declared. I thought this type of "might makes right" politics is what you all fought to prevent from happening anymore with the Karma war? At least that's how it was explained to me, broken down to the basics. I wasn't around back then, so I can't say myself. But making the connection is obvious and makes it all the more ridiculous and humorous.

I can always count on the OWF to deliver, there's no denying that. Ridiculous entertainment at it's best.

You're Pacifcia now Lucas, it's obvious you no longer think for yourself.

Edited by Wentworth the Brave
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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1281325653' post='2406314']
Saying Heft made a mistake sounds like you think he just accidentally happened to hit the send aid button while he wasn't paying attention. A member of your government actively and knowingly committed an act of war against Ragnarok. If your leaders are going to make decisions you don't support you [i]probably[/i] should get new ones. In the immortal words of Justin Sane, "If you don't control your own government, people want to kill you."
Wait, aiding your own members who are getting attacked is an act of war now?

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281325324' post='2406302']
Really? Is that it? Is that the only reason they're bandwagoning? Logistics? Not some !@#$%^&* like friendship or honoring treaties? Wow.
You're crying "BANDWAGON EBIL" repeatedly without any awareness for what that word means. Allow me to educate you: bandwagoning is entering a war when you are not at all necessary, for whatever reason. Justified CB and friendship between the coalition set against you put aside, the realization by NSO of its impending bending by RoK forced operations forward (I mean, just look at the time) which meant that troops were not fully prepared. In order to execute an efficient demolition of Sith forces and prevent a guerrilla war, outside assistance had to be summoned. I.E. they were necessary to keep you from peace mode. That necessity undermines accusations of "bandwagoning", especially when coupled with the fact that they were asked and legally obligated to provide that assistance.

Please continue posting. You make things easy.

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1281325653' post='2406314']
Saying Heft made a mistake sounds like you think he just accidentally happened to hit the send aid button while he wasn't paying attention. A member of your government actively and knowingly committed an act of war against Ragnarok. If your leaders are going to make decisions you don't support you [i]probably[/i] should get new ones. In the immortal words of Justin Sane, "If you don't control your own government, people want to kill you."


So you hate all of us now? That's convenient. Sounds like there's no good reason for us [i]not[/i] to disband you, huh?

How can it be an act of war if Rag never provided any evidence to NSO?

Something from someone isn't adding up here....

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1281325653' post='2406314']So you hate all of us now? That's convenient. Sounds like there's no good reason for us [i]not[/i] to disband you, huh?

Former Karma now supporting the disbandment of alliances through war? Shocking.

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