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The Blackstone Commission (BCOM)


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[b][i]What are Alliances?[/i][/b]
Although the purpose of an alliance may vary, we define it as "a CN organization created, operated, and maintained by players to provide an environment that is conducive to growing nations". In English? It's a place where you can grow your nation and be protected from those who have made it their missions to destroy nations. In this game, it's very easy to destroy nations, and very difficult to build them. In CN, war isn't something that is taken lightly. So, we turn to each other for safety. And economic strength.

Most alliances follow the same template in terms of providing economic and military assistance to their nations. Decent alliances will provide you with guides that they have developed, that will explain in detail (more or less, depending on the alliance), how the game works, and the best ways to make your nation grow and become powerful. Great alliances will set you up with trade circles - which are prearranged trading partners. This is done to give you the most bonus resources. Great alliances will also set their new nations up with "tech deals" - an arrangement in which new nations buy technology and sell them to larger nations at a profit. This is common practice, because tech becomes more and more expensive the larger your nation becomes. Furthermore, all great alliances will have "departments" or "sections" that you can join, in order to make the alliance better. For example, if you're a graphics artist, you can join the "art department" of the alliance and make its imagery. If you're good with numbers, you can be the one to arrange trade circles in the alliance's "finance department". If you're interested in getting to know other alliances, then perhaps "foreign affairs" would be your cup of tea. When we created our nations, we all received messages from recruiters, promising us all the money in the cyberverse. That would be your "recruiting departments", for alliances that have them.

This is where the similarities end. Some alliances are "themed" alliances, such as the NSO, which has based its theme off of Star Wars, for example. Other alliances have created their own themes. And some alliances have no theme at all. Culture is important to an alliance, because it inspires comradery and cohesion. Additionally, different alliances will have different organizational structure in terms of government. Some alliances are democracies, while others are dictatorships. Some alliances are headed by Presidents, Kings, Chancellors, or Prime Ministers, while others may have other titles, such as "Commanding Officer", or "Senior Manager". Alliances come in all different shapes and sizes. Grotesquely enormous alliances have more job opportunities, while smaller alliances are tighter-knit groups of people. With the right treaties, both are just as powerful.

[i][b]The Blackstone Commission[/b][/i]
The Blackstone Commission, or, "BCOM" for short, is an alliance based on the blue trading team. Blue is currently the 2nd largest "sphere" in CN, and as such, opens up more people to trade with. The better trades you have, the more $$$ you make, and consequently, the more powerful you become. It was established on April 20, 2010, making it somewhat new. Its founders and government are very skilled at CN, gaining years of experience from various alliances such as NPO, IRON, and GUN - amongst others.

[i][b]Flags of the Blackstone Commission[/b][/i]
[i]Garrison Flag of the Blackstone Commission[/i]

[i]War Flag of the Blackstone Commission[/i]

[i][b]The Commission's government is divided into 4 departments, all tasked with handling different BCOM operations:[/b][/i]

The Department of Administration oversees all operations of the Blackstone Commission. It resolves interdepartmental conflicts. It is composed of an Executive Director, Senior Director, and Associate Director. It is responsible for assigning promotions, awards, and missions. It maintains the BCOM forums, directs government changes if needed, and can revise the Commission's Charter at will.

[img] http://www.blackstonecommission.com/forums/images/seals/DoIE.png[/img]
The Department of Intramural Enterprise handles the [i]internal[/i] workings of the Commission. This includes recruiting, immigration into the Commission, security, human resources (providing jobs to our members), finance, and academics - as well as research and development.

The Department of Extralocal Avocation is responsible for all of BCOM's [i]external[/i] operations, such as all foreign affairs duties and propaganda. It maintains foreign embassies at the Commission, and it also opens and operates BCOM embassies abroad. Propaganda comes in the form of monthly "Blackstone Chronicle" releases, and graphics art. BCOM has plans to expand this to online DJing at a later date.

The Department of Tactical Warfare is the Commission's war machine. This department, as such, is both an internal and external affairs department. Every member of the Commission will be required to go to war, should war find its way to us. It is here where we receive combat training during peace time and instructions during war time.

[i][b]Interested in Joining?[/b][/i]
It's very simple to do. Just follow these steps:

1. In the left-hand column on your nation's page, click "Edit My Nation".

2. Under "Alliance Affiliation", select "Specify Other" from the drop menu, and type in: Blackstone Commission

3. Set your Team Color to Blue.

[b]4. Register an account on our board: www.blackstonecommission.com/forums[/b]

[i]If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reply. [/i]

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