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Declaration of the Second People's Republic of China


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CNN- We within minutes will be going to President Jia, to announce constitutional reforms. We are told that the formation of the new government will be the Second People's Republic. Sources tell us that this People's Republic considers itself the successor of the spirit of the first People's Republic founded in 1949, rather than what it considers the foreign collaborationist regime. We go now live to President Jia in Tiananmen.

[quote]The people throughout China have been plunged into bitter suffering and tribulations since the Dragon Empire collaborationist reactionary government betrayed the fatherland, colluded with imperialists, and launched the counter-revolutionary war. Fortunately our Armed Forces, now renamed the People’s Liberation Army, backed by the whole nation, has been fighting heroically and selflessly to defend the territorial sovereignty of our homeland, to protect the people's lives and property, to relieve the people of their sufferings, and to struggle for their rights, and it eventually wiped out the reactionary troops and overthrew the reactionary rule of the collaborationist government.

Now, the People's War of Liberation has been basically won, and the majority of the people in the country have been liberated. On this foundation, the current session of of the Grand Assembly composed of delegates of all the democratic parties and people's organization of China, the People’s Liberation Army of China, the various regions and nationalities of the country, and the overseas Chinese and other patriotic elements, has been convened. Representing the will of the whole nation, [this session of the conference] has enacted the organic law of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China to replace the laws of the United States of China, they have elected Jia as chairman of the Central People's Government; and Ding, Yi, Hu, and Kou as vice chairmen [of the Central People's Government]; The Central People's Government Council of the People's Republic of China took office today in the capital and unanimously made the following decisions: to proclaim the establishment of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China; to adopt the Common Program of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference as the policy of the government; to elect Jia from among the council members as secretary general of the Central People's Government Council; to appoint Wei Hai as premier of the Government Adminstration Council of the Central People's Government and concurrently minister of Foreign Affairs, Jia as chairman of the People's Revolutionary Military Commission of the Central People's Government, Kou as commander-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army, Ding as paramount field marshall of the People’s Liberation Army, Shen Junru as president of the Supreme People's Court of the Central People's Government, and Y i as procurator general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of the Central People's Government, and to charge them with the task of the speedy formation of the various organs of the government to carry out the work of the government. At the same time, the Central People's Government Council decided to declare to the governments of all other countries that this government is the sole legal government representing all the people of the People's Republic of China. This government is willing to establish diplomatic relations with any foreign government that is willing to observe the principles of equality, mutual benefit, and mutual respect of territorial integrity and sovereignty.[/quote]

Article I. Supremacy of the Revolutionary Masses

The People’s Republic of China is fundamentally ruled by the democratic will of the people expressed through the Revolutionary Government. It is the duty of all Chinese leaders to derive their policies from the revolutionary masses and combat counter revolutionaries and revanchist tendencies. The People’s Republic of China is fundamentally founded on the basis of struggle for the people.

Article II. Formation of the Legislative Branch of the Central People’s Government

The Central People’s Government has supremacy over all of China. The foundation of the Central People’s Government is the National Political Consultative Conference, which replaces the Grand Assembly of China. The NPCC shall be composed of parties, which support democracy and revolutionary struggle and shall be brought into office by intra party elections. The United Zeon Party as the lead party in revolutionary struggle shall have three hundred seats apportioned to it. The Revolutionary Communist Party shall have eighty seats in recognition of its long support of national liberation and it being comrades in arms in national struggle. The Central People’s Government elects the Chairman of the Central People’s Government and the Premier of the Central People’s Government to eight-year terms, with an option for their terms to extend four more years. The NPCC shall be lead by the Standing Committee of the National Political Consultative Conference (NPCCSC), which shall be composed of the nine number one revolutionaries, nominated by the Chairman of the Central People’s Government and confirmed by the NPCC.

Article III. Formation of the Executive Branch of the Central People’s Government

The Chairman of the Central People’s Government shall be considered the head of state of the People’s Republic of China. The Premier of the Central People’s Government shall be considered the Head of the Government. The Premier of the Central People’s Government shall work with the Supreme People’s Procuratorate to form a meritocratic bureaucracy filled with people of correct revolutionary and democratic character. The Executive Branch of the Government by definition must represent the will of the Chinese People and thus the Supreme People’s Procuratorate at the direction of the Chairman of the Central People’s Government, Secretary General of the United Zeon Party, and Premier of the People’s Government shall ensure continued ideological conformity to protect the masses.

Article IV. Formation of the Judicial Branch of the Central People’s Government

The Judicial Branch of the Central People’s Government shall work to protect the rights of the masses. It shall be lead by the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China and act in accordance with ideological principles on Justice. The Supreme People’s Court shall be lead by the President of the Court. The NPCCSC shall select all justices and judges and shall be confirmed by the NPCC.

Article V. Formation of the People’s Liberation Army

The People’s Liberation Army shall be formed from the Armed Forces of the United States, and shall be lead by dual leadership of the Central Military Commission of the Central People’s Government and Central Military Commission of the United Zeon Party. The Central Military Commission of the Central People’s Government shall be composed of the NPCCSC and the four highest ranking military officers not on the NPCCSC. The Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Central People’s Government shall be selected by the NPCCSC, and shall be the paramount state leader of the People’s Liberation Army. The Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the United Zeon Party shall be considered the paramount leader of the People’s Liberation Army. The Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the United Zeon Party alone shall have the power to declare emergency powers, invoke a diktat of conscription, and martial law, as the Supreme Revolutionary.

The People’s Liberation Army highest uniformed officer shall be the commander in chief of the People’s Liberation Army and act as Chief of Staff to the Chairman(s) of the Central Military Commission, and report to them. The Paramount Field Marshall of the People’s Liberation Army shall be the Chief Operations Officer of the People’s Liberation Army.

All weapons of mass destruction require the authorization of the Chairman(s) of the Central Military Commission. In the even they are disabled, the commander in chief of the People’s Liberation Army shall be tasked with this responsibility.

Article VI. The Role of Democratic Parties

Democratic Political Parties by definition support the Revolutionary Government. Democratic Political Parties are the only parties allowed within the Central People’s Government National Political Consultative Conference. Democratic Parties role is to stand up for revolutionary propaganda and stand against the counter revolutionary tendencies.


The new national Emblem.

Our new national motto: "Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory." - Mao Zedong

Our new national anthem: “沒有甲主席就沒有新中國” Without Chairman Jia, there would be no new China (Set to similar music to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEJbNPeYNz8)

Our new national

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"The Guomindang Liberal Party hereby announces that it is changing the Revolutionary Communist Party and will be joining with Chairman Jia's Efforts by organizing the people for the national glory of all of China and to engage in glorious permanent revolution." Hu Guofeng, Vice Chairman of the Central People's Government, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party and Caucus Leader of the Coalition of Democratic Parties.

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The Kingdom of Cochin congratulates the People's Republic of China on its formation from the United States of China. May we enquire as to the status of diplomatic relations entered into by the United States of China? Would those policies and treaties be carried over or is People's Republic of China looking forward to an entirely fresh start forsaking the diplomatic stances of United States of China? In particular we wish to know the status of the Non Aggression Pact the Kingdom had signed with the United States of China.

- KP Varma,
Minister of External Affairs,
Kingdom of Cochin.

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The People's Republic of China recognizes the treaties of the United States of China for the moment. The People's Republic of China reflects a higher evolution of Political Unity within all of China. The United States of China was a federation of provinces with the same military. The People's Republic of China is a return to China's proper system of a glorious central meritocratic celestial bureaucracy.

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"While we recognize the change in internal political and governance structure of the People's Republic of China, the Kingdom enquires as to how different would People's Republic of China's foreign policy be from that of United States of China? "

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"As the leadership of the People's Republic of China and the United States of China are essentially the same though operating under an evolved set of historical and material conditions, one should expect no changes but rather a reassertion of China's historical status within the region which shall contribute to greater peace and stability in the region and ensure it does not fall under foreign imperial domination again."

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CNN was witness to quite a few military parades reflecting the people's affection for its new government. Parts of the new PRC Army's forces not currently in training marched through the streets saluting images of Chairman Jia. While their armor and missiles were on display. As typical these displays were grandiose, demonstrating the depth and strength of the Chinese military reserves.

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1281133597' post='2403134']
"I can assure the Chinese government that all relations will be cut off as soon as the war is over. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, but a Communist is a Communist."

We find it highly disturbing that the Finns would cut off relations simply on the basis of the Revolutionary Communists position as a minority party in the government.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1281135075' post='2403152']
We find it highly disturbing that the Finns would cut off relations simply on the basis of the Revolutionary Communists position as a minority party in the government.
OOC: Wait, I misread, and I'll edit if need be, but did the communist party take over? O_o

I'll admit I kinda skimmed this for keywords.

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"We recognize the new People's Republic and congratulate them on this transition. We wish them luck in all future dealings and as allies." - Thomas Devereaux, High Magistrate of Greater Pacifica

"Though we are wary of the leftist tendencies of this transition the people of china are sovereign, and we maintain our interest in bringing Greater Pacifica closer to the PRC." - James White, Chairman of the Pacifican Freedom Party

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The Grand Hall of the People had the seals of the People's Republic in it once again, a portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen the founder of modern China was in the center.

Chairman Jia stepped into the Grand Hall of the People. Before him were assembled the Central People’s Consultative Conference full membership seated in front. In the back where all general officers in Beijing, the full foreign service of China, and the full foreign diplomatic corps. Walking to the podium the entire Chinese part of the audience immediately rose in applause. As he ascended to the podium, the Internationale followed by the national anthem played. At the end of the anthems, the Chairman spoke forcefully.

[quote]I come here today to speak of matters of War and Peace and how I see China’s political evolution in regards to issues of war and peace. My views are as simple as they are true. Today the world is divided. Divided between the forces of false liberal imperialism and the forces of true liberation. It is no exaggeration to say that the forces of liberal imperialism have largely written the chapters of history up until now. This must be brought to an end!

According to the Zeon Theory of the state, because the state, the army is the chief component of the state. Whoever wants to seize and retain state power must have a strong army. We must not fool ourselves, even in present China where the imperial forces have been pulverized and a revolutionary conscious exists amongst the masses, counter revolutionaries watch in the shadows ready to attempt and re-seize power.

It is every revolutionary’s duty to remember the fundamental truth, political power comes from the barrel of a gun. We must not fear war. War is the highest form of struggle for resolving contradictions. It is politics continued by other means. War itself is a political action, since ancient times there has never been a war that did not have a political character… We cannot hide from it. We must embrace it. History shows us that there are two types of wars, the just and unjust. All progressive wars by definition are just. All reactionary wars by definition are unjust. China shall adopt the following doctrine in going to war: China shall fight only progressive wars. In wars such as World War I, both sides fought for Imperialism. These wars are reactionary and unjust. China shall oppose such wars. In wars such as the war against the DKT, one side, the side of China fought for progressive ideals whereas the DKT fought for imperialism. We on this side have an obligation to fight with the people and are obligated to actively participate. China shall follow this principle on Just War.

Some people ridicule us as advocates of the “omnipotence of war”. Yes we are advocates of the omnipotence of revolutionary war; that is good, not bad, it is in line with proper liberationist thought. The guns of the revolutionary Neo Whampao Brotherhood liberated new China and ended the feudal era resurgence. We aim to create a democratic republic. Experience in the revolutionary struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that it is only by the power of the gun that the revolutionary masses can defeat the armed liberal imperialists and revanchists; in this sense we may say that only with guns can the whole of Asia be transformed and the Liberal Imperialists be truly defeated.

This is not to say we are opposed to peace. We are for peace. We are advocates of the abolition of war, we do not want war; but war can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.

To achieve a lasting world peace, we must further develop our friendship and co-operation with fraternal countries in Asia and those around the world who stand for freedom of nations and non-interference in the internal affairs and matters of others. These are the nations who we believe are in solidarity for peace. Those who seek to bring about a global collective security, and who seek to interfere with other country’s affairs without proper consideration for the historical and material conditions of these other countries are what we call liberal imperialists. These nations are the greatest threat to world peace. China must endeavor to establish normal diplomatic relations, on the basis of mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty and of equality and mutual benefit, with all countries willing to live together in peace in accordance with these principles, not on unequal ones. We must give active support to the national liberation movements and anti-colonial movements in Asia and Africa in particular.

As for the liberal imperialist countries, we should unite with their people and strive to coexist peacefully with those countries, do business with them and prevent any possible war, but under no circumstances should we harbor and unrealistic notions about them. We desire peace. However, if imperialism insists on fighting a war, we will have no alternative but to fight to the finish before going ahead with our construction.

Do not falter in your resolve. It is no exaggeration to say that it is not the People who fear the forces of Liberal Imperialism, but it is the forces of Liberal Imperialism that fear the People!

After pausing for a long applause by the audience, Chairman Jia resumed his speech.

In the spirit of Anti-Imperialism, I announce we are sending delegations to establish closer relations with the African nation of the Sarnungian Empire and seek to build greater friendships with the Minilla Islands in South East Asia, these nations appear to be compatible with our view of foreign affairs, and we shall focus on cementing ties. This shall further expand China’s commitments to what was once known as the Third World.

I announce that we are withdrawing from the American Pacific Peace League. China is already allied to all its membership except for Tahoe. We will be proposing a bilateral pact to them instead.

We shall pursue talks with our fellow revolutionary brothers in arms in Novak and the Slavic Federation, where revolutionary consciousness is rising as well.

We shall deepen ties with our neighbors, from our fellow revolutionaries in Vauleyo, to our comrades in arms in Japan and Korea, to our friends in South East Asia: Vietnam and Thailand in particular but also our emerging friends in Malaysia, Myanmar, and the Philippines.

Beyond the Third World and our neighbors we expect to continue our strong alliances with the Holy American Empire, Greater Pacifica, Rebel Army, New Palma Republic, Athens, J. Andres, York, and will seek to expand our relations with the Germans fighting for the values we have just espoused: territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Rest Assured, China remains strong and ready to defend the causes of justice in this world and use its full diplomatic, military, and economic power as a bulwark against the forces of Liberal Imperialism in this world.

China has risen once more![/quote]

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The North Pacific Commonwealth has historically supported reactionary politics rather than revolutionary, but the results and unity of China cannot be discounted, and because of that, we congratulate them on marching onward to their goals, even if their views differ from ours.

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[quote name='Shatner' timestamp='1281159389' post='2403522']
The North Pacific Commonwealth has historically supported reactionary politics rather than revolutionary, but the results and unity of China cannot be discounted, and because of that, we congratulate them on marching onward to their goals, even if their views differ from ours.
"Not to steer away from the prestigious announcement of the PRC, but I believe the question begs to be asked: do you merely overlook the revolutionary because they are just that, the revolutionary? Is it because they attempt to break away from the norm, in order to fulfill what they perceive to be correct for their country?"

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"Zargathia recognizes the transition of its neighbor to the People's Republic of China. I trust the treaties we have had with the USC have remained intact during the transition?"

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