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PC protects multiple nations on none

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[OOC]The mods deleted their AA for supposedly being offensive[/OOC]

I suppose in hindsight they could have chosen their "Planeteers" moniker off the bat and not had that problem, but they didn't, and when your AA gets yanked out from under you, you don't have anywhere to go but None, and not necessarily of your volition.

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1281144868' post='2403329']
First off, that could have worked, but who would have expected alliances like MFO and STA to raid? Certainly not me.

What do you even mean by that?

Did you not know we can raid?


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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1281106135' post='2402714']
Can't recall the last alliance smote by Admin.[/quote]

Admin let /b/ reform. At that point, I'd figure anything goes.

[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1281139614' post='2403236']
Oh hey. I wonder what would happen if our alliance posted a list of nations with the AA None and said we were protecting them?

Yeah, your ilk would respect that declaration roughly about as much as NE respected yours.

Probably so. Any alliance has the right to announce protection of anyone they want to protect. Other alliances may not respect that protection. If you can back it up, then you can make the protection stick. If you can't, well, then you can't.

What it comes down to is "Do you have the firepower? And do you have the willpower?" If your short on either of those, then your protection is minimal, at best.

I can't see anything wrong with PC protecting these nations.

[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1281140322' post='2403263']
Cult of Justitia already tried it.

That wasn't really CoJ. That was NPO, and it worked pretty well for a long time, until CnG started looking for an excuse to roll NPO again and decided that provoking NPO by getting raiders to raid on red was a good idea. NPO could deal with the raiders, except the raiders will then run to CnG would would love an excuse, therefore NPO can't stop it at this point and time.

But it does make CnG look like dicks, so it's got that going for it.

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[quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1281160377' post='2403534']
[OOC]The mods deleted their AA for supposedly being offensive[/OOC]

I suppose in hindsight they could have chosen their "Planeteers" moniker off the bat and not had that problem, but they didn't, and when your AA gets yanked out from under you, you don't have anywhere to go but None, and not necessarily of your volition.
Well this is a whole different kettle of fish. An alliance forced on to none I can see as an alliance. A brief explanation would have shown they arent really none. Come to us and we will tell you why you cant raid these none was always going to irritate people.

Edited by Alterego
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Remember kids, if your alliance's AA suddenly disappears, don't panic.

1. Communicate with the members of your alliance and quickly decide on a temp AA.
2. Make sure your alliances/protectors know the name of the temp AA.
3. Make sure to put in your nation bio, "protected by <whoever is protecting you>"
4. Have a OWF announcement made regarding the temp AA and who is protecting you, providing some details.
5. Meet with your fellow alliance mates and finalize plans for a permanent AA name.
6. Report any raids to your protectors/allies for diplomatic handling.
6. Repeat steps 1-4 with the new permanent AA.

Or you can simply...

1. Choose a damn AA name that isn't questionable due to its sexual, RL politically controversial, defamatory, etc. nature.
2. Enjoy a successful AA launch.

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[quote name='SpectreTehDestroyer' timestamp='1281161641' post='2403541']
What do you even mean by that?

Did you not know we can raid?


Yeah, I always assumed you were very anti-raiding.

As for not giving a brief explanation in the matter. I left a note saying to come visit us on irc and ask. I wasn't going to risk something being raised...

Edited by Zoomzoomzoom
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I guess it would be asking too much to have their alliance affilation changed to something other than "None" eh?

Something like "Poison Clan Protectorate".

Because that might make too much sense?

Edited by Daeryon
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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1281197549' post='2403754']
I love how a MFO member, from an alliance who has been in NOIR for how long has raided a nation on black, that was on this list. High, hypocritical comedy ITT.

By my count, they've now been raided by USN, MFO, NpO, RoK, SLCB, VA, Kronos, and STA...basically everyone save for the alliances that you normally think of when the word "raid" is mentioned.

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Yes but only one of those alliances signed a document that says...

[quote]Section 4.

No signatory shall raid Black Nations, aligned or unaligned. [/quote]

...and then refuses to let in members who do not want to make that pledge, even as they violate it themselves.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1281198031' post='2403761']
Yes but only one of those alliances signed a document that says...

...and then refuses to let in members who do not want to make that pledge, even as they violate it themselves.

Yeah, that one is particularly egregious...however, when you take into consideration the fact that so many people have seen 10+ nations -- all in war mode, between 20k-60k NS and on black, where there were previously no nations fitting that description -- suddenly appear on None where there was , and didn't question it before rushing in for a rare raid opportunity, I guess that it shouldn't be a shock that piddling little details like your alliance's treaties don't enter into it.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1281199537' post='2403784']
Yeah, that one is particularly egregious...however, when you take into consideration the fact that so many people have seen 10+ nations -- all in war mode, between 20k-60k NS and on black, where there were previously no nations fitting that description -- suddenly appear on None where there was , and didn't question it before rushing in for a rare raid opportunity, I guess that it shouldn't be a shock that piddling little details like your alliance's treaties don't enter into it.

Well around my NS, 45k, there's been a fair few on none of late. The past month alone I have raided 5 of them, 8 with these current 3.

Honestly, as ex-PC, I thought these 3 were reverse raiding which is why I attacked them.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1281198031' post='2403761']
Yes but only one of those alliances signed a document that says...

...and then refuses to let in members who do not want to make that pledge, even as they violate it themselves.

One member from an alliance raids someone and suddenly MFO are bad guys? You tell me, as wise as you are, can you control every member of yours in all situations? Maybe if MFO declared more than one you'd have a point, but all alliances are entitled to a mistake. Let MFO handle it on their own without your seemingly wise comments.

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bah...woulda been nice if they would have actually chosen to go on an AA instead of "None" :/

had to stop a few my members from raiding them because i have to double check every nonaligned target now with these kinds of announcements

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1281197549' post='2403754']
I love how a MFO member, from an alliance who has been in NOIR for how long has raided a nation on black, that was on this list. High, hypocritical comedy ITT.
I love how MFO obviously told that [b]one[/b] member to raid black - right? Oh wait, they didn't - he was just a careless, irresponsible member and the situation has been resolved.

So controversial. <_<

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1281197549' post='2403754']I love how a MFO member, from an alliance who has been in NOIR for how long has raided a nation on black, that was on this list. High, hypocritical comedy ITT.[/quote]

So you actually believe that an alliance has direct mind control over every single one of their members, whom clearly don't have any free will, and clearly are not humans, and thus are incapable of making mistakes?



Is that what you think?

Because if it is, then you lack wit.

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[quote name='Starcraftmazter' timestamp='1281237010' post='2404219']
So you actually believe that an alliance has direct mind control over every single one of their members, whom clearly don't have any free will, and clearly are not humans, and thus are incapable of making mistakes?



Is that what you think?

Because if it is, then you lack wit.

No, I was just stating that it was funny how the guy raided a black nation. Every VE member knows they can't raid, which is why none of them do. I only assumed every MFO member knew they can't raid black.

I had no idea the majority of NOIR had become Purple Unity v2.0, riding in to attack anyone who dared question one of the alliances on the sphere.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1281238564' post='2404235']I had no idea the majority of NOIR had become Purple Unity v2.0, riding in to attack anyone who dared question one of the alliances on the sphere.[/quote]

I simply dislike to see stupidity. Anyone who claims they can control every nation in an alliance is a fool. Anyone who makes every nation in their alliance to be beyond reproach is an arrogant fool.

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We haven't had anyone who isn't a ghost launch a tech raid...ever.

It's quite possible to "control" your members. They just all know the rules.

Also, I still have no idea how this simple topic got to such a size. I thought it was explained what the situation was and why they informed everyone. It should be as simple as that, but what they heck do I know.

Thanks for TRYING to tell everyone and avoid causing situations PC. Too bad it didn't work out as well as it should have.

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1281140696' post='2403274']
The nations on none are exactly that, without the AA because of reasons not under their control.
And perhaps, if you (by which I mean PC) had presented this thread as such initially, it wouldn't be attracting the comments it's getting. *shrugs* I can't help but think you've chosen this course on purpose, and actually wanted these nations (theoretically your protectorate) to be raided, in the hopes to present you with the opportunity to war an alliance you vastly overpower. Call me cynical if you want (you're probably right, but it's justified).

[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1281245084' post='2404329']
Ironic that one of the protected nations is actually being raided by a member of Poison Clan.
It was only a matter of time. Hopefully he's unreasonable and they declare war on themselves. That should make for some pretty phenomenal amusement, right?

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1281238564' post='2404235']
No, I was just stating that it was funny how the guy raided a black nation. Every VE member knows they can't raid, which is why none of them do. I only assumed every MFO member knew they can't raid black.

I had no idea the majority of NOIR had become Purple Unity v2.0, riding in to attack anyone who dared question one of the alliances on the sphere.

I await the day your mind controls slip on EVERY one of your members and one nation accidentally does a tech raid. I will be sure to remind you of the [i]hypocritical comedy ITT.[/i]

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