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Summit at Martensheim

Kaiser Martens

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OOC: Only those who have joined Germany in the war efforts against any of its foes may participate. That is, if I do not forget anyone: Slavorussia, Switzerland, Slavic Federation, China, Cochin, Athens, Finland, an Armtha SS representative for Tahoe, Lavo, and, um, I think I haven't forgotten anyone else....voodoo nova too.

(Secret of course)

IC: The invitations were sent, and deep in the bowels of the earth, well protected, a large room with a circular table was made ready to receive the diplomats of many nations. There were a few German flags hanging, but the place gave an air of Security and Austerity.

[i]-"Much must be discussed. We will see how this all goes."[/i]

Military staff finishes aligning the chairs and cleaning the area. The first representatives should show up anytime now...

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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For this occasion as a sign of solidarity and support the Empress had announced she would come herself. Under heavy escort by 2 of the new F-65 divisions the presidential Boeing would arrive at the nearest airport where the Empress would abide by the directions of the authorities on how to proceed.

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Under heavy security, the Prime Minister would be attending this meeting. He would be accompanied by a squadron of Novak's elitist guard, in a modified body armor suit that would protect against more than the standard issue body armor, among other security measures to ensure the Prime Ministers safety. He arrived via airplane and escort, in the middle of Northern Germany.

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Each would be told to land at different areas, so as not to keep all the eggs in one basket, and the German Air Force would be on standby for any incursions into the area. They'd all be cleared to enter right away, and after a while they'd find themselves entering to see Rathserr Tambarskjelve at one of the spots at a table, and on one screen, from Berlin, Ratsherr Martens who could not arrive in person, but digitally.

[i]"That was fast."[/i]

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Jia would be inhibited from arriving personally so he too would arrive digitally via a secured highly encrypted transmission. A chinese special operations officer would be dispatched to Martensheim to provide the necessary encryption and decryption on this end of the line.

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"Welcome, brothers and sister in arms. The others ought to arrive shortly. I see that the war in the South is quickly coming to an end. I think that it is the time that we discuss what will happen to the former Southern territory."

"A source of trouble has been Slovenia and Croatia. We believe that it is not appropiate for the German State to control a territory which is predominantly Slavic. Because of this, we support liberating the people there through either incorporation to the Slavic Federation or otherwise a protectorate...I am interested in seeing what you will all think of this idea."

"Another thing is the situation of Switzerland. We had agreed with the Swiss that they would become a whole, rather than half nation if they helped us. They did help, so I would like for all the nations involved and the Swiss representatives to make this official."

"We have also another source of Concern. The former dictator of Lübeck has couped the Danish Government and again proclaimed himself emperor. He was the one who discriminated against Germans, Nordlanders, and kept a very aggressive policy. He is reported to be irredentist towards the lost Danish territories in Northern Germany. I hate to start another problem as soon as this ends, but it must be done in my opinion. There are a number of people in the German Part of former Lübeck whom are interested in proclaiming their independence and aiding Germany in taking Denmark back for themselves. This will lead to the permanent pacification of that part of the world. I have invited the representatives of the may-be Government here."

"Even then, we have more to say. That's just getting started. There's still the issues of pact signings, medal-granting, and policies regarding the French conflict..."

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Baldur Wolfgangsson von Lübeck arrived in Martensheim. Baldur is an aged, scarred individual, a veteran of every Nordlandic war he's been alive for. Accompanying him was his son, Tyr Baldursson. Baldur wore an old Nordlandic military uniform, which was very quickly becoming a symbol of the anti-Vega movement in Schleswig-Holstein. Tyr, however, just wore a German military coat, black shirt, and long pants. They arrived first by jet, and then by car. He arrived at the meeting place, and was questioned by one of the guards.

"Who are you two?"

"My name," Baldur said in a raspy voice, "is Baldur Wolfgangsson von Lübeck. This is my son, Tyr. We are representatives of the Anti-Vega movement and would like to speak with the German representative about our distaste of his regime. If you want credentials, tell the man that my father was Wolfgang Frederickson, a man who fought in the silver revolution, and knows the Elder Martens personally. I'll wait while you confirm."

Baldur and Tyr waited at the door as the guard went inside to check with the officials.

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"It is fine. Let them in." Spoke the Ratsherr. But when he saw the Nordlandic uniform, he was a bit surprised, and had to conceal a little bit of distaste for it. Still, it ought to be respected. It's what the old man fought to. He was pleased to see that the younger one had a regular German uniform, and nodded.

"Welcome. These are the men I mentioned. They feel most disgusted that Denmark has returned to its old ways, and wish to be rid of Vega. Because of this, I am considering allowing them independence as the territory which was once part of Denmark which we own, and aiding them in capturing the rest of Denmark afterwards. We do not want further German expansionism, but rather a safe Northern border."

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Since nominally Koryo was not participating in the war, it sent a separate reply to Germany.

[quote]To Germany

Given Koryo's situation, it cannot be officially be participating in the war. Thus, our troops shall be fighting under the flag of Germany or the Slavic Federation. The troops should be arriving in Karaganda on June 21st. Please send orders for their deployment when they are there. Also confirm with other allies as to not hinder their movements.[/quote]

OOC: If people missed it, I've sent something about [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89364&view=findpost&p=2396807"]this to Slavic Federation[/url].

Edited by Kankou
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Michael Visari responded to the Ratsherr, "Slovenia and Croatia have always been Slavic. Therefore, we agree with your assessment that both should not be governed by a German State. That is not to say that you aren't capable of governing these entities. We just believe in Slavic unity, and we believe that both Slovenia and Crotia would do better under the umbrella of the Slavic Federation."

"In regards to Lübeck, that country has always been a source of trouble. Leaving that country on your border will only bring troubles later. I suggest you take action sooner rather than later. You should attack the cancer directly, not indirectly."

After speaking, Visari adjusted his uniform.

"Oh? what is this?"

He read the letter and smirked

"Is it really necessary for the Koryo to get involved? The war is just about over and our current rail lines are congested, because of the flow of troops and supplies. I do appreciate the offer of help, yes. However, I just don't believe their assistance is necessary."

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The Vice Administrator of Western Switzerland, Aurelia, would be present at the meeting to uphold Germany's claim to give them the other half of Switzerland. Upon arriving, she would be flanked by one personal aide, as she entered the room; on her other side, would be the Social Administrator of Switzerland, Principio. "A pleasure to meet you, Ratsherr Martens and Tambarskjelve," she said, giving a small bow with her head.

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A trio entered the bunker. Extremely tall, lean men with blonde and red hair, the perfect picture of Tahoans. All wore black uniforms with knee high shining black boots. On their collar were the golden Celtic cross and silver Sig runes that marked their unit but the three wore no other insignia of any kind except for the leader. The man in the middle was tall with golden blond hair and four golden knots of rank on his shoulders.

The Armed State Security, or as they were better known, the Armtha SS had arrived.

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Gen. Mahesh Varma, Commander of Royal Cochin Defense Forces arrived at Martensheim accompanied by Lt. Gen. Laxman Sethi, Commander of CEFG and a couple of their aides.

They would sit at their assigned areas and listen to the conversation. The issues of Europe after all does not pertain to the Kingdom, the Kingdom had involved itself to fulfill the promise of defense and not for territorial gains.

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"Very well. Then the fate of the German Slavs is sealed: Freedom. I will have the corresponding documentation arranged to reflect this."

"Welcome, Lady." Tambarskjelve answers respectfully, and Martens nods from past the screen. "I would like to formalize the recognition of all involved parties here that Switzerland should have its borders restored to what historically it used to mean. I would also like to formalize a non-aggression pact between Germany and Switzerland to further seal this."

"Hail." Then he says to the Armtha.
"I understand that your units were engaged in minor operations during the battle of the Army Group South. I was wondering if you would like to extend your participation to the Western Front and the upcoming Northern Front. Additionally, I need to know what your plans are after the war is over. Will you stay here or go back home? If you would wish to stay, I would grant you and your men Citizenship."

"General Varma. There you are. Your contributions have been pivotal to the war effort. When you deployed, the enemy knew that it could not win. When things are soon over, will your Nation send troops to the West to battle France?"

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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Baldur took his seat, and Tyr grabbed a chair and sat next to him. He turned to his dad and said, "Now, dad, please don't start yelling about the traitors or Ragnarok, last time we got kicked out of the recruitment office, remember?"

"Pah, you've not had to endure what I have, when you do, you'll know what I talk about."

"Okay, first of all, the only reason I'm not with my squad in Bavaria right now is because of you. You got the commander to pull me out early to bring me to this thing, just as it was getting fun. Second of all, we know the whole thing in Denmark is a rumor started by the Nordic revivalists."

"And they're the smart ones, now shut up and listen to what the Ratsherr has to say."

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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1280715751' post='2397784']
"General Varma. There you are. Your contributions have been pivotal to the war effort. When you deployed, the enemy knew that it could not win. When things are soon over, will your Nation send troops to the West to battle France?"

"The Kingdom stands by its commitment to defend the Vereinigte Deutsche Länder, Mr. Martens and we shall assist you in defense against France," Gen. Varma said.

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“On behalf of the Slavorussian government I must object to splitting up the south.” Ushakov announces. “We have had amicable relations with the south Germans much longer than we‘ve had with any other country in Europe and even though they have caused all of us here our fair share of headache, my government wouldn‘t recognize the division.”

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Matias Meriluoto, a man that looked like he belonged to a different age, a crazier age where people ate hotdogs in hamburger buns just to jazz up their emotionally dead lives. A never-ending grin like he had a life's worth of botox treatments in five minutes. Slicked back blond hair, aviator sunglasses, and his cheap suit made him look like the kind of douche bag you wanted to punch repeatedly. His fake slightly-orange tan certainly didn't help stop any homicidal feelings towards his being, but this was before he even spoke.
"Gentlemen!" His voice was like that of somebody hyped up on caffeine and Prozac, perhaps cocaine as well. He spoke fast, he spoke loud, and he never stopped smiling. "I'm Matias Meriluoto, have you seen my card?" He flips open a small gold case, pulling out a business card and placing it on the table. One thought would go through any sensible man's head. The brilliance of the subtle off-white coloring, the tasteful thickness, and by god the watermark, it was the best business card to ever exist. "I've been hired by the Finnish government to attend this meeting, what have I missed?" He sits down, still grinning that unnerving grin, pen and paper in hand.

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"Very well, General. We appreciate this. We want to send Iron Crosses, First Class, to your Leaders, for them to then issue them to whoever they see fit in our country due to their participation in the warfare here. In fact, we have here several boxes."

Each of the boxes had a Flag of the country they were given to. They were stubborn, strong black wood boxes with Iron Crosses within. Each of the boxes had a number of Iron Crosses First Class (Golden) and a smaller number of other classes of Iron Crosses. Even the Armtha SS received a box, although since it was not a country, the amount of medals within were smaller.

"What we plan now is to use our allies Forces to guard the current de-facto border with France. Then us and the Danish-Lübeck Anti-Vega Forces will declare independence and join us in doing away with Denmark. When we are done with Denmark, the German Army and some Loyal Danish-Lübeck forces will mount an offensive together with all of our allies to force the Empress to capitulate. Our goal is to win the war, but we do not want to occupy or annex France."

An officer comes by to Meriluoto to explain to him what has been discussed and agreed so far.

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"When I formulate the government, building up the military will be my first goal. We will need equipment though, so if anyone wants to help out with that, we will pay you when Denmark is united," Baldur said. "I do currently have a freedom-fighter army made up of former German military that can help out, but they'll need equipment as well."

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"There's another thing. Madeira Island and the Space Elevator. What will happen there? We cannot go occupy either, our Kriegsmarine would be very vulnerable along the way."

"Additionally, it may not be needed to at all invade Denmark. They probably are too cowardly to dare invade Germany if the Southern front has come to an end. It would probably be best to focus all on France. Once that France too shows it weakness, the Danish will probably regret having ever considered doing anything at all. Peace through fear. I have mined the small border and will continue to do so in any case."

"So well. Anybody else wants to help bring France down? I think it may even be counter productive to attack Denmark at this point, too. We're worrying too much about a problem too little."

He looks to the Silver Veterans from Lübeck. "Maybe you and your people can fight in the West instead. Then when the war is wholly over, we can make another territory available for you to create a nation in. There's plenty of Germany, and it would save us a needless war with the North neighbors."

"...Either way when all is said and done, I *will* rush them anyway. The South was their Life Support."

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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