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A Decree from the Leader of the USA Republican Party


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[center][color="#FF0000"][size="7"]A Decree from the Leader of the Republican Party[/size][/color]




Let me tell you what this is folks. This is a conspiracy. This giving away of American soil is tantamount to treason, and I'll tell you why folks. Its because William Hussein Caudill hates Americans. He hates them!

Look at the facts, look who he's close to. He and his friends want to make America a socialist utopia! Thats right, and let me tell you what he's going to succeed if someone doesn't do something about it. I mean you think him giving away the West to Tahoe is bad, look at the East. Its gone, he wants immigrants who hate us for our freedom to take over this country. Look this is a guy who when muslim terrorists nuked one of our cities, you know what he did? Nothing? Why, because he's with them. And folks, I'm going to tell you something, its time to rise up and defend your freedom or else who knows what's going to happen. He wants to keep America out of war, and you know what, I want him to [i]FAIL[/i].

Now if you'll excuse me I have a Knights of the Ku.... eh hem sorry I'm still a bit high.... Pottery Lessons to go to.

Oh and one more thing, and you folks should know this. You only should follow the US Constitution when its politically convenient none of these civil rights like the first amendment crap, the second amendment is the only one that matters. The first is for pinko commies and hippies, and too protect me from libel suits.


Rush "Boss" Limbaugh, August Imperator of the Republican Party of the United States of America and Radio Host for World Freedom Network Radio[/quote]

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OOC: World Freedom Network is a Global Media Empire, based in North America. Its separate from China. Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican Party and anyone who disagrees hates America, God, Freedom and is a gay pot smoking hippie islamofascist Commie. So are you one of those?

Also this: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=86955&st=0&p=2324372&fromsearch=1&#entry2324372

Edited by Triyun
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OOC: As per this post: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=86955&view=findpost&p=2328665

you RP the people of a biased news network, not the Republican Party, and certainly not the head of the Republican Party.

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OOC: I'm free to claim whatever title I wish for RPing a biased news organization. I claim the title leader of the Republican Party because I'm RPing Rush Limbaugh, and he considers himself leader of the Republican Party.

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ooc: He's completely within his rights to try to claim the leadership of the Republican party, to play a citizen in the U.S., and to play Media in the U.S. by my open sand-box rules. However, if he wants to truly enter gov he has to become part of the U.S. and abandon any other sovereign entity in cnrp... which I'm uncertain he's willing to do, lol.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: I'm not. That would require my characters to be responsible but I am playing the conservative media, so true to character I intend to just demagogue about minorities, poor people, and poor people while accepting no responsibility for my actions.

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