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Announcement from Gopher Roll

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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='14 July 2010 - 08:07 AM' timestamp='1279109239' post='2370793']
What's funny about this is the number of people who are usually quite happy to support 'tech raids' on small alliances and are supporting Chozo – a one man AA who fights back – in this case. Yes, NEW and GOONS are showing poor form here (GOONS less so, although you should be paying reps for a mistaken raid), but why don't you offer the same support to other raid victims?

This is a case of a person and the AA having gained the respect of a lot of people. Chozo is a relic of a time that a lot of us wish we could go back to and we will bend over backwards to help him when he needs it.

If Ivan and Dilber sat on an AA by themselves not causing trouble for anyone and people started raiding them you would be damn sure that the NPO would be knocking treaty or not.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='14 July 2010 - 10:07 PM' timestamp='1279109239' post='2370793']
What's funny about this is the number of people who are usually quite happy to support 'tech raids' on small alliances and are supporting Chozo – a one man AA who fights back – in this case. Yes, NEW and GOONS are showing poor form here (GOONS less so, although you should be paying reps for a mistaken raid), but why don't you offer the same support to other raid victims?

I have some history of hating tech raiders ;)

Also hello wickedj, I hate you too.

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[quote name='Sardonic' date='14 July 2010 - 02:00 PM' timestamp='1279134010' post='2371298']
FEAR are allied to NEW? Give me a moment Lordchozo and I'll send you your money immediately.

EDIT: Dang, your slots are full.

One will be free once update hits tonight. I'll be glad to put the GOONS issue behind us. One alliance at a time, and all that jazz.

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[quote name='AirMe' date='14 July 2010 - 04:10 PM' timestamp='1279138224' post='2371391']
MK would you support Ronin if we attacked the nations who are attacking our unofficial protectorate?
Archon has been active lately. Hurry up and ask him and you may be able to get him before he disappears again.

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it's amusing how lordchozo describe one player as the whole Alliance, trying to get supporter ?

and i dont know how badboy find you but i think he just search in search war section . it's hard to find a "decent" raid target, last time i'm looking for a valid raid target , i end up use all 1500 click quota xD how do you know badboy refuse to fight you when you are not in 2 wars before ?

i dont think badboy afraid to fight 1 vs 1 with you, just his method to find you that make him fight as 3rd raider

Edited by Bonardo88
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Well, despite any negativity the NEW guy has created.. I still love NEW. They are respectable overall as an alliance and despite a language barrier for alot of them, they have fun and are very "Respectful" of others. I hope to see all of this put behind us soon and best of luck to both NAAC and NEW in resolving your "spat".


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[quote name='kelvinlovenew' date='15 July 2010 - 04:55 PM' timestamp='1279187698' post='2372655']
National Alliance for Arctic Countries (NAAC) - [b]This alliance has disbanded as of 14th April, 2007[/b].
whether the info is true?

ONE MAN NATIONS is a alliance?????

and NAAC is officialy disband..!!!!!!!


Please...show me wrong if any AA thats said their protector..
please show me any announcement in OWF after the date 14th April 2007..

It`s like i use ORION alliance again and claim the treaty thats WAS there.
or any alliance that disband because losing a war. than come to live and dont pay a single cent.

come one guys you make it HARD based on like and dislike..
there are GOONS and NEW who attack same nations..

GOONS walk away and NEW is black sheep...

very good one mate.

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Please dont use unofficialy protectorate....word

whats that??? if there a unofficialy treaty so what the use OWF???
or officiall treaty for?

so there is officialy protectorate, unofficialy protectotrate, officialy ally and unofficialy ally??

dont spoil this wonderful game because u have emotionaly attach with some old friend

please dont ruin this game..it gona change alot if u REALY have unofficaly e-treaty and unofficialy enemy or
unofficialy friend..

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[quote name='orangbaik' date='15 July 2010 - 11:08 PM' timestamp='1279188494' post='2372659']
dont spoil this wonderful game because u have emotionaly attach with some old friend

please dont ruin this game..it gona change alot if u REALY have unofficaly e-treaty and unofficialy enemy or
Don't spoil the world for tech raiders. They have feelings too.

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[quote name='orangbaik' date='15 July 2010 - 11:03 AM' timestamp='1279188199' post='2372658']
ONE MAN NATIONS is a alliance?????


I know, it's [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Shark_War][b]UNHEARD OF![/B][/url]

The !@#$%^&* that people will come up with to defend someone who could've quite easily put something like ''Protected by GR, NpO & every ex NAAC member'' in their bio so that people who are unaware who that person is don't end up raiding them.

I'm not down with the demanding reparations from a raid that goes wrong or getting your buddies to declare war because you can't handle it yourself though. That is a pretty !@#$%* move imo.

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[quote name='orangbaik' date='15 July 2010 - 05:03 AM' timestamp='1279188199' post='2372658']
ONE MAN NATIONS is a alliance?????

and NAAC is officialy disband..!!!!!!!

Treaty? No. Protector? Well, you're probably going to find that out soon enough.

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[quote name='kelvinlovenew' date='15 July 2010 - 05:55 AM' timestamp='1279187698' post='2372655']
National Alliance for Arctic Countries (NAAC) - [b]This alliance has disbanded as of 14th April, 2007[/b].
whether the info is true?

[quote name='orangbaik' date='15 July 2010 - 06:03 AM' timestamp='1279188199' post='2372658']
ONE MAN NATIONS is a alliance?????

and NAAC is officialy disband..!!!!!!!


Please...show me wrong if any AA thats said their protector..
please show me any announcement in OWF after the date 14th April 2007..

It`s like i use ORION alliance again and claim the treaty thats WAS there.
or any alliance that disband because losing a war. than come to live and dont pay a single cent.

come one guys you make it HARD based on like and dislike..
there are GOONS and NEW who attack same nations..

GOONS walk away and NEW is black sheep...

very good one mate.

[quote name='orangbaik' date='15 July 2010 - 06:08 AM' timestamp='1279188494' post='2372659']
Please dont use unofficialy protectorate....word

whats that??? if there a unofficialy treaty so what the use OWF???
or officiall treaty for?

so there is officialy protectorate, unofficialy protectotrate, officialy ally and unofficialy ally??

dont spoil this wonderful game because u have emotionaly attach with some old friend

please dont ruin this game..it gona change alot if u REALY have unofficaly e-treaty and unofficialy enemy or
unofficialy friend..

You guys need to adjust your tune and end the wars. I know there are people working to get you guys to just put this behind you. Post's like this do not help your situation. Part of being in this world is knowing the history and paying attention to how people feel about others. Ignorance has never been an excuse here and never will be.

Yes, a number of alliances have unofficially pledged to help Chozo because he is a monument to an old alliance that most old timers, friend or foe, respect.

What is this game you speak of?

The GOONS have had the NAAC on their no raid list since they raided it a while back and some of us talked to them and got the situation resolved. Now, what most of us are asking is that NEW declare peace and put the NAAC AA on their no raid list. That would satisfy if for us. Chozo knows the risks he takes at the same time we expect people to have half a brain and say "Oh, maybe we should just peace out and not touch this guy again...he has a lot of friends."

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Yeah, well the UNOFFICIAL PROTECTORATE?!?! has existed for about three years. So do your homework before you hit someone.

I'm not usually against tech raiding, but I have no sympathy for raiders who don't do any research. You hit someone with friends, and you're going to get hit back.

Edited by Mathias
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Ok, I have to chime in here and hopefully get this calmed down a bit. I have talked to NEW leadership they have agreed that peacing this is in everyone's best interest. The NEW nations fighting here have been told to peace out. I sent a message a Chozo explaining this.

I don't think this has had time to filter down to NEW GM which why a couple of these posts have happened this morning.

Please though to stop this from happening in the future get something on paper protecting NAAC so it is clear to everyone. I am have been told this is in work also. :)

If anyone has any questions or concerns I can be reached via normal channels.

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