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Seaworthy Newsletter

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Hello, fellow citizens of Bob! I come here today to provide SLCB's third, fourth, fifth, or some otherth number newsletter this fair first day of this fair seventh month of this fair fourth year in the reign of Admin.

First, I will address the recent accusations that SLCB is inactive. Some time ago, school ended and summer vacation began. I went home and visited friends and family, had parties, perhaps drank too much with my dad, and didn't give two hot tamales about what was going on with the Internet. Unfortunately, I later learned that most members of SLCB did the same thing I did. I assure you, we were very active. Just not where we can be seen. Nonetheless, we do care about the community and the dearth of amusement and laughter and children running into roads after their balls and porksaber still trying to find his.... So we have come back. One can often see activity on our channel, and others in our private channel. Others still can read what I have typed right here, right now. I do believe SLCB has returned.


[b]The Freaking News[/b]
So a while back, my nation developed a Movie wonder thing. I didn't think it was doing anything up until recently when we produced a film:


I hope to see you all at the premier. I won't be there, myself, since I have way too many enemies who want to throw me in a dustbin. And I don't deal well with dust.

In other news, Porksaber canceled a treaty between [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nemesis_(mythology)]Nemesis[/url] and SLCB. However, there was a misunderstanding, since Pork thought he was canceling between the goddess and us, even tho we never had a pact, anyway. Thus, he canceled the cancellation. A [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88277&view=findpost&p=2354563]confused man[/url] claimed that porky couldn't do that. Let me clear up how SLCB high gov works. We have a triumvirate. We pretend that we have to take votes to make things seem fair, but we really don't. Our charter allows for a single General to do as he pleases, and any other General can just do as he pleases, too. Thus, it is very important to have mature Generals in the government or else everything gets messed up. We do this such that in the case of an emergency, a decision can be made officially without "eerrrr, we have to.... I think this is best but... ummmm.... laws and...." like every other alliance with a trium.

Nonetheless, I'm eating really bad pizza right now (cardboard is meant for boxes, not pizza) and as such I hereby cancel the cancellation canceling the cancellation of the treaty porksaber accidentally canceled. Can I do that? #### YES I CAN!
But no worries, Nemesis. Faust has your back right now, and he's canceling the previous statement. The treaty lives on! But what isn't a joke is that we are still treatying Legion, even if the evil moderation team [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88324]forbids it :([/url]

Just watch, we'll even have Invicta treatied by the end of the month, too. SLCB is unstoppable.


EDIT: I would like to thank Louisa of GOONS for finding the schrodinger's cats movie picture.
Credit also goes out to imbored of SLCB for the creation of the above image (noquestions).

Edited by Erwin Schrodinger
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