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SOTW #11 - UPN's New Flag

Marneus Calgar

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Seeings as everyone in the Cyber Verse seems to think that UPN's flag is too boring, it's time to step up for shut up.

That's right, this week's SOTW (really Flag of the Week) is UPN's flag. [b]This has been approved by their Cabinet and will most likely not be their new flag anyway[/b].

[color="#FF0000"][b]If you intend on entering in this contest, keep a few things in mind. There is to be nothing discriminatory, nothing that would cause flame wars and nothing that could start another god damn alliance war[/b].[/color] I expect to see a lot of joke submissions.

[b]Max Size[/b]: 110000px area
[b]Submission Period[/b]: 72 hours (Submission period ends update June 20th)

[list][*]Artwork must have been made in the past 14 Days
[*]Nothing premade (we have ways of finding artwork thiefs)
[*]No abusive/vulgar language
[*]No images of a pornographic nature[/list]
* Entries must be tasteful and within Open World Forum rules. The CN-ART staff also reserves the right to deny any submission that they consider inappropriate.

Please submit your art in the following format:

[code]Name - [img][/img][/code][/quote]


Scorponok - [img]http://a.imagehost.org/0436/upn1_copy.png[/img]

Brenann - [IMG]http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr139/Atlis14/SOTW/UPNnew.png[/IMG]


Edited by Davian Thule
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Name: UPN 2.3


Meaning of flag:
Many flags have a long and deep meaning. Other flags, like the flag of Libya, cut through all that crap and just give the people what they want.

This flag represents everything about UPN.
- Boring
- Plain
- Purple
- No spine

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[quote name='Jack Diorno' date='17 June 2010 - 06:35 PM' timestamp='1276763735' post='2340497']
Name: UPN 2.3


Meaning of flag:
Many flags have a long and deep meaning. Other flags, like the flag of Libya, cut through all that crap and just give the people what they want.

This flag represents everything about UPN.
- Boring
- Plain
- Purple
- No spine
Denied for not adhering to the regulations.

Edited by Davian Thule
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[quote name='Seipher Caim' date='17 June 2010 - 07:05 PM' timestamp='1276765497' post='2340513']
I hope you're refferring to the size of the pic....
[b]Max Size[/b]: 110000px area
[b]Diorno's Flag sige[/b] : 148248 px area

Make it smaller Jack, it's awesome ;)
No, it's what he posted below it.

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It was made 2 months ago when some UPN leader asked me to do a remake of the flag so it doesn't count but let me post since after asked me he said that the old one was better. :unsure:

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[quote name='Davian Thule' date='17 June 2010 - 05:46 AM' timestamp='1276778768' post='2340580']
No, it's what he posted below it.

Don't be ridiculous, it's neither premade, abusive, vulgar, or pornographic. Aside from the size Jack's flag fits the requirements perfectly.

Artwork must have been made in the past 14 Days
Nothing premade (we have ways of finding artwork thiefs)
No abusive/vulgar language
No images of a pornographic nature

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[quote name='Smacky' date='17 June 2010 - 08:54 AM' timestamp='1276786481' post='2340663']
Don't be ridiculous, it's neither premade, abusive, vulgar, or pornographic. Aside from the size Jack's flag fits the requirements perfectly.

Artwork must have been made in the past 14 Days
Nothing premade (we have ways of finding artwork thiefs)
No abusive/vulgar language
No images of a pornographic nature

He's probably denying based on this line,

[quote]If you intend on entering in this contest, keep a few things in mind. There is to be nothing discriminatory, nothing that would cause flame wars and nothing that could start another god damn alliance war[/quote]

Though I think the submission should stand anyway. It's simply one artist's interpretation of UPN. If it's an unpopular one, it won't get any votes and UPN can mark it down as one negative opinion. If it gets lots of votes then maybe UPN can take that as a sign to take an inward look at themselves.

But really, that's all too logical, so it probably won't happen.

Edited by Captain Flinders
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Not a submission, but there's potential here for ... something.


I'll admit, I wasn't informed until I posted this that UPN does NOT, in fact, stand for United Puppy Nations. Who knew. But I like puppies.


I've also never seen a war flag for UPN - due to my ignorance or lack of use, I dunno. But I decided to create one for them. I've always favored the classic, simplistic design that still has the ability to send a message. I feel I have accomplished that in this one.


Edited by Aquilos
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[code]Scorponok - [img]http://h.imagehost.org/0417/sexyupnflag.png[/img][/code]

[font="Franklin Gothic Medium"][i]Sometimes, an alliance just needs to get their sexy on! [/i][/font]

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Dont normally enter these things but flags are always fun


[code]Brenann - [IMG]http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr139/Atlis14/SOTW/UPNnew.png[/IMG][/code]

Edited by Brenann
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These were my ideas:


But I'm gonna go with my gut and change my initial design to this one;

[code]Scorponok - [img]http://a.imagehost.org/view/0436/upn1_copy[/img][/code]

So Davian, If you don't mind, could you please change my flag ;)

Thanks a lot,

Edited by Scorponok
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It displays UPN's confidence, their team colour, and taking a page out of Jack's playbook I also chose not to include a spine in my design, but I can certainly add one in if UPN wishes.

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[quote name='New Frontier' date='18 June 2010 - 03:53 AM' timestamp='1276797202' post='2340791']

It displays UPN's confidence, their team colour, and taking a page out of Jack's playbook I also chose not to include a spine in my design, but I can certainly add one in if UPN wishes.
Mind posting in the proper format?

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Not exactly a REALISTIC flag, but few in CN are. I'm not normally a fan of text in flags either, but oh well. Just a quick try.


[code]Sir Sci - [img]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y291/Scihamarrmon/UPNFlagAttempt.png[/img][/code]

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