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Declaration of Constitutional Stuff and other not quite as important stuff, but it's still fairly vital.

King Timmy

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[size="5"]The Mighty Nation of Tiministan[/size]
Leader - King Timmy
Deputy Leader - King Timmy
Minister for Stuff - King Timmy
Deputy Minister for Stuff - King Timmy

"It's not a dictatorship, It's me making things the way I want them."[/center]

I hereby declare the sovereignty and constitutional rights of Timininstan, probably the greatest country in Planet Bob. Ever.

We will now announce that we claim rights to all the land on Planet Bob, shown in our constitution below, and that everyone else should make preparations to vacate any land they might currently be occupying. But to be honest you can stay with no repercussions, and are more than welcome to claim some land as your own.

You are all however more than welcome to live under any of the oceans (not on top, we need that for boats and stuff), or on the moon as it is really too far away for us too commute to.

[center][size="7"][u]The Comprehensive Guide to The Constitution of Tiministan[/u][/size][/center]

[size="5"]Section 1, Just Stuff:[/size]
Paragraph a - We own everything, please don't touch my toaster. Oh, and don't let the door hit you on your way out (No really, it's a big door. It hurts).

Paragraph b - As part of the mighty powerful alliance that is Overclockers UK,

Paragraph c - See paragraphs a and b
Section 2, Wars and Stuff:[/size]
Paragraph a - Please don't nuke me!

Paragraph b - If you attack me for tech, I'll take my tech back with force.

Paragraph c - If you attack me for tech, I'll take my tech back with force.

Your Welcome,

[size="5"]King Timmy[/size]

Edited by KingTimmy
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You Sir, have disgraced the Royal family and will be held accountable for your actions and slander in a court of law things.

But due to the fact my police force are as useful as a condom in an infertillity clinic, we are unable to track you down at this present point in time.

Stuff be with you,
King Timmy

OOC: Just trying to have a bit of fun, CN is boring when there's no wars on. And I figured the stranger it is, the more fun it is for everyone.

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We have already considered the fact that Australia, and it's inhabitants, are unbareable. We have decided it should be relocated to a more moderate climate, and further away from the rest of civilisation.

To achieve this we are putting into motion Operation Australasian Relocation. The operation will involve many new techniques we have developed ourselves. However, due to our Shh don't tell them anything act of 2010 we are unable to divulge any state secrets. All I am at liberty tell you is that a really really really big chainsaw and some 5 billion mackrel will be involved. The rest I can only leave to your imagination.

Needless to say the newly forged continent of Australarctic should become a massive success with the international community.

Stuff be with you,
King Timmy

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='02 June 2010 - 02:20 PM' timestamp='1275513624' post='2320881']
Are you going to saw the mackrel into a giant "net" and pick up Australia with the net?
Speaking of mackerel...did I mention the crocs and sharks were hungry? :awesome:

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='02 June 2010 - 03:06 AM' timestamp='1275465949' post='2320290']
OOC: Fair enough :P

IC:You want Australia that badly? You can have it--and its scorching outbacks, and its miserable swamps, and its cities that are all either too dry or too humid.

If you're crazy enough to want it, you deserve it. :lol1:
OOC: Don't forget the nuclear fallout.

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Unfortunately the mackerel are not for eating, and we have attatched freeking lasers to their heads to defend against predators (And aliens).

I would kindly like to point you towards the "Dude, don't give away stuff that isn't yours" act of 2009, which states should some one decide to give away our worker mackerel as food, they will inccur the wrath of our nation. However as it's your first time attepmting to circumvent our athority in this particular way I will allow you to instead have a second chance at not giving away our mackerel as food.

And should anyone actually succeed in consuming one or more of our workers mackerel force, you should look at our "Hey that was ours!" act, also from 2009. This states that anyone found guilty of such a crime will be subject to 10 listening to ABBA life sentences per mackerel consumed.

Consider yourself warned.

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Yes you could import lots of mirrors, but that would result in a futile attempt of you trying to attach the mirrors to all the sharks and crocodiles that try to attack my mackerel, which have intact now begun to carry the island towards the Antarctic, also the time frame for even importing the mirrors is too far gone. I hope you enjoy your new life in the cold.

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[quote name='KingTimmy' date='03 June 2010 - 03:24 AM' timestamp='1275560624' post='2321935']
Yes you could import lots of mirrors, but that would result in a futile attempt of you trying to attach the mirrors to all the sharks and crocodiles that try to attack my mackerel, which have intact now begun to carry the island towards the Antarctic, also the time frame for even importing the mirrors is too far gone. I hope you enjoy your new life in the cold.
Silly me, I forgot, being a nation that relies on solar power, we have plenty of mirrors already. Bye bye, mackerel.

Also, on the southern side, directly opposing the mackerel's push, we have attached the engines of space shuttles to simply push our island continent back into place.

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Excellent, everything is going to plan. We knew you would be able to foil our mackerel with your abundance of mirrors, and that even if you didn't they would never carry your nation that far anyway.

They were a mere distraction for you. You didn't think I would tell you my entire plan at the start did you? This isn't a film you know. While you were busy dealing with the mackerel distraction, we jacked up your nation and placed some water skiesand a rudder under it. Betting you would try and counteract the mackerel with your rockets, we also hacked into your system and locked them out of your control. We have now turned the island around and are back oncourse.

Check, your move.

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[quote name='KingTimmy' date='03 June 2010 - 03:47 AM' timestamp='1275562051' post='2321945']
Excellent, everything is going to plan. We knew you would be able to foil our mackerel with your abundance of mirrors, and that even if you didn't they would never carry your nation that far anyway.

They were a mere distraction for you. You didn't think I would tell you my entire plan at the start did you? This isn't a film you know. While you were busy dealing with the mackerel distraction, we jacked up your nation and placed some water skiesand a rudder under it. Betting you would try and counteract the mackerel with your rockets, we also hacked into your system and locked them out of your control. We have now turned the island around and are back oncourse.

Check, your move.
Ah, but the rockets, even if hacked...have off switches. Our own technology will not be used against us. Also...whiole you were busy there, we were busy in our antarctic territory building...a giant fan. Let's see you try to ski us against hurricane-force winds. :P

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Ah yes, more of the pieces fall into place. What you failed to realise is that our plan was not to conjoin Australia and the Antarctic, but to replace the Antarctic with Australia. The reason we had to wait for the really really really big chainsaw was in use cutting the Antarctic off the land below it. Now you have switched on your fan, the Antarctic will sail away and suck Australia into it's place by the current it produces.

OOC: let's move this into the dedicated thread now maybe, this is way ot : p

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