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Communist Friday -

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Good Day Comrades, I am here today to announce an ODP signing between the Union of Communist Republic and the Red Elite Defence.
After a rocky start from us RED we have finally found our feet and are back on track in our mission to establish our roots correctly on the Red sphere. UCR has noticed us and our two alliances have been in constant dialogs from the day our DoE went up, as a result of this friendship we lay our lives in each others hands as a show of trust.

Without Further to do...

Union of Communist Republic and Red Elite Defence hereby sign this Optional Defence Pact in order to show there trust and affirmation to one another.

Article I: Internal Conflict:
No comrade of either RED or UCR shall ever commit an act of aggression toward each other. Any attacks by rogue nations will be punished as seen fit by the responsible signatory.

Article II: Respect:
Both signatories agree to remain civil to each other at all times in public and in private. Any disputes between RED and UCR should be handled in private channels and failure to reach a common goal would activate “Article V”.

Article III: Intelligence:
Both RED and UCR agree to share any and all information directly linked to the security and stability of one another. All information sandwiched between the two alliances shall be kept classified.

Article IV: Defence:
If either UCR or RED is to be attacked the other has the decision to come to the defence, in any form ranging from war, aid or in any fashion they suppose fit. Coming to defence of the attacked is highly recommended as it would help move forwards relations.

Article V: Cancelation:
This treaty may be annulled at any time by either alliance. Should the need to annul occur, the cancelling alliance must give a 48 hour notice of their intention to cancel via private channels and a legitimate reason of why they have chosen this option. The treaty will remain in effect until the 48 hour period has elapsed.

Signed For the Red Elite Defence
LRA KING, President of Red Elite Defence

Signed for the Union of Communist Republics
RA2Leader, Premier of the Union of Communist Republics
Tillistan, Chairman of the Communist Party of the Union of Communist Republics

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