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Alliance Strength Distributions


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We get a lot of jokes about hording stats so I thought we'd go ahead and divest some of them.

All data was collected over the span of a couple hours today, due to the sheer volume it's safe to assume there are a few +/-1 errors. The cutoff for the alliances included was the same as in the sanction race, I apologize if your alliance was left out but I had to stop somewhere. The percentile divisions themselves are somewhat arbitrary but I hope people find them meaningful, problems will be had whichever way you cut the raw data.

For those looking for data tables and further details I'm available for discussion on the Creole forums.

1% Translates to #250, ~102K
5% Translates to #1244, ~67K
10% Translates to #2491, ~50K
25% Translates to #6226, ~23K
50% Translates to #12451, ~6K

[b]Nations in the Top 1%
1 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 30
2 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 24
3 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 9
4 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 8
5 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 8
6 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 7
7 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 6
8 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 6
9 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 5
10 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 5
11 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 4
12 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 3
13 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 3
14 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 3
15 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 2
16 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 2
17 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 1
18 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 1
19 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 1
20 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 1
21 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 1
22 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 0
23 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 0
24 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 0
25 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 0
26 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 0
27 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 0
28 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 0
29 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 0
30 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 0
31 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 0
32 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 0
33 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 0
34 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 0

Nations in the Top 5%
1 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 72
2 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 55
3 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 48
4 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 39
5 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 36
6 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 27
7 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 23
8 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 23
9 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 22
10 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 20
11 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 19
12 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 17
13 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 17
14 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 17
15 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 16
16 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 16
17 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 16
18 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 14
19 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 14
20 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 12
21 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 12
22 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 12
23 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 11
24 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 11
25 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 9
26 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 8
27 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 8
28 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 8
29 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 8
30 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 7
31 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 6
32 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 5
33 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 3
34 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 2

Nations in the Top 10%
1 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 92
2 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 89
3 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 78
4 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 62
5 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 58
6 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 55
7 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 55
8 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 52
9 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 51
10 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 48
11 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 46
12 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 44
13 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 38
14 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 33
15 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 32
16 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 32
17 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 32
18 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 30
19 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 30
20 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 29
21 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 28
22 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 27
23 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 26
24 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 24
25 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 23
26 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 23
27 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 21
28 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 19
29 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 18
30 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 18
31 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 17
32 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 13
33 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 13
34 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 9

Nations in the Top 25%
1 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 171
2 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 171
3 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 144
4 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 143
5 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 132
6 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 132
7 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 129
8 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 128
9 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 122
10 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 116
11 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 110
12 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 104
13 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 98
14 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 91
15 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 80
16 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 79
17 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 78
18 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 76
19 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 71
20 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 68
21 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 68
22 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 68
23 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 66
24 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 64
25 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 64
26 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 61
27 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 60
28 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 56
29 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 54
30 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 54
31 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 54
32 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 53
33 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 53
34 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 48

Nations in the Top 50%
1 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 380
2 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 349
3 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 314
4 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 263
5 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 248
6 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 229
7 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 222
8 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 209
9 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 203
10 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 201
11 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 195
12 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 192
13 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 189
14 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 183
15 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 182
16 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 172
17 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 165
18 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 160
19 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 160
20 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 157
21 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 141
22 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 141
23 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 125
24 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 125
25 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 119
26 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 115
27 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 109
28 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 107
29 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 105
30 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 104
31 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 101
32 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 96
33 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 89
34 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 68

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In percent of alliance form...

[b]Percent in the Top 1%
[spoiler]1 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 12.44%
2 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 12.15%
3 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 8.70%
4 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 4.48%
5 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 4.27%
6 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 3.52%
7 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 2.47%
8 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 2.42%
9 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 2.27%
10 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 1.50%
11 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 1.47%
12 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 1.44%
13 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 1.37%
14 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 1.16%
15 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 0.88%
16 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 0.83%
17 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 0.71%
18 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 0.68%
19 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 0.43%
20 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 0.42%
21 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 0.16%
22 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 0.00%
23 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 0.00%
24 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 0.00%
25 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 0.00%
26 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 0.00%
27 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 0.00%
28 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 0.00%
29 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 0.00%
30 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 0.00%
31 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 0.00%
32 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 0.00%
33 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 0.00%
34 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 0.00%

Percent in the Top 5%
[spoiler]1 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 56.52%
2 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 29.15%
3 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 28.50%
4 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 18.70%
5 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 14.53%
6 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 10.88%
7 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 10.45%
8 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 9.93%
9 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 9.86%
10 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 8.76%
11 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 8.54%
12 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 8.33%
13 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 8.23%
14 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 8.21%
15 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 8.00%
16 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 7.80%
17 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 7.05%
18 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 6.98%
19 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 6.67%
20 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 6.39%
21 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 6.35%
22 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 5.75%
23 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 4.35%
24 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 4.12%
25 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 3.57%
26 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 3.56%
27 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 3.25%
28 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 2.76%
29 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 2.55%
30 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 2.51%
31 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 2.11%
32 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 2.01%
33 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 1.28%
34 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 1.03%

Percent in the Top 10%
[spoiler]1 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 79.71%
2 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 40.41%
3 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 36.03%
4 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 30.89%
5 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 25.64%
6 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 25.55%
7 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 24.12%
8 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 22.79%
9 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 22.45%
10 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 21.64%
11 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 19.05%
12 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 18.25%
13 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 17.44%
14 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 16.79%
15 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 15.76%
16 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 15.73%
17 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 15.07%
18 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 14.39%
19 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 14.17%
20 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 14.00%
21 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 13.92%
22 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 12.77%
23 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 11.69%
24 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 11.41%
25 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 9.94%
26 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 9.64%
27 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 9.52%
28 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 9.20%
29 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 8.73%
30 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 6.86%
31 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 5.44%
32 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 4.64%
33 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 3.99%
34 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 3.37%

Percent in the Top 25%
[spoiler]1 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 98.55%
2 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 68.38%
3 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 63.44%
4 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 60.10%
5 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 55.84%
6 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 53.44%
7 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 49.25%
8 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 48.78%
9 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 44.85%
10 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 44.53%
11 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 44.44%
12 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 44.30%
13 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 44.19%
14 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 43.54%
15 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 40.91%
16 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 40.21%
17 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 39.55%
18 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 38.79%
19 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 36.67%
20 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 35.85%
21 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 35.50%
22 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 35.06%
23 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 35.05%
24 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 34.16%
25 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 34.04%
26 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 29.23%
27 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 28.49%
28 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 27.08%
29 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 23.27%
30 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 22.92%
31 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 22.59%
32 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 20.84%
33 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 19.54%
34 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 16.26%

Percent in the Top 50%
[spoiler]1 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 98.55%
2 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 94.30%
3 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 89.74%
4 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 88.55%
5 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 85.05%
6 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 84.19%
7 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 83.94%
8 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 83.89%
9 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 82.58%
10 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 82.19%
11 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 82.11%
12 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 81.98%
13 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 80.95%
14 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 80.40%
15 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 80.00%
16 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 79.85%
17 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 79.22%
18 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 76.19%
19 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 75.15%
20 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 73.76%
21 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 73.06%
22 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 72.68%
23 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 68.94%
24 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 65.83%
25 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 65.69%
26 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 60.90%
27 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 59.66%
28 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 58.04%
29 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 57.79%
30 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 57.26%
31 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 54.31%
32 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 52.76%
33 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 50.66%
34 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 45.45%

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And for those looking at direct matchups...

[b]Heavyweights (>1%, 102K+)
[spoiler]1 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 30
2 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 24
3 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 9
4 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 8
5 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 8
6 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 7
7 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 6
8 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 6
9 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 5
10 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 5
11 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 4
12 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 3
13 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 3
14 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 3
15 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 2
16 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 2
17 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 1
18 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 1
19 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 1
20 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 1
21 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 1
22 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 0
23 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 0
24 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 0
25 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 0
26 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 0
27 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 0
28 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 0
29 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 0
30 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 0
31 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 0
32 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 0
33 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 0
34 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 0[/spoiler]

Cruiserweights (1-5%, 67-102k)
[spoiler]1 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 42
2 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 40
3 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 33
4 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 31
5 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 27
6 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 23
7 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 23
8 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 20
9 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 18
10 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 17
11 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 15
12 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 15
13 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 14
14 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 14
15 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 14
16 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 13
17 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 12
18 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 12
19 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 12
20 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 10
21 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 10
22 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 10
23 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 9
24 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 8
25 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 8
26 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 8
27 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 8
28 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 8
29 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 7
30 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 7
31 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 5
32 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 5
33 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 3
34 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 2

Middleweights (5-10%, 50-67k)
[spoiler]1 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 44
2 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 42
3 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 35
4 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 31
5 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 30
6 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 29
7 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 28
8 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 25
9 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 23
10 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 20
11 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 19
12 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 19
13 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 18
14 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 18
15 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 18
16 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 17
17 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 17
18 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 17
19 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 16
20 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 15
21 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 15
22 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 15
23 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 14
24 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 13
25 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 13
26 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 13
27 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 12
28 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 12
29 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 11
30 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 8
31 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 7
32 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 7
33 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 7
34 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 4

Welterweights (10-25%, 23-50k)
[spoiler]1 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 125
2 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 122
3 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 86
4 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 85
5 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 81
6 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 79
7 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 78
8 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 76
9 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 60
10 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 59
11 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 59
12 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 53
13 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 51
14 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 50
15 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 50
16 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 49
17 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 49
18 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 46
19 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 43
20 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 43
21 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 41
22 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 40
23 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 40
24 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 38
25 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 38
26 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 36
27 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 36
28 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 35
29 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 33
30 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 31
31 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 30
32 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 24
33 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 22
34 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 13

Featherweights (25-50%, 6-23k)
[spoiler]1 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 237
2 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 178
3 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 143
4 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 131
5 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 121
6 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 120
7 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 119
8 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 113
9 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 112
10 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 107
11 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 105
12 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 104
13 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 103
14 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 97
15 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 89
16 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 71
17 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 66
18 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 65
19 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 63
20 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 62
21 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 61
22 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 59
23 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 57
24 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 56
25 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 55
26 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 55
27 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 54
28 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 54
29 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 54
30 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 41
31 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 40
32 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 35
33 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 25
34 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 0

Flyweights (<50%, <6k)
[spoiler]1 - [color="#ff0000"]New Pacific Order[/color] : 244
2 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/color] : 236
3 - [color="#800080"]The Legion[/color] : 187
4 - [color="#0000ff"]New Polar Order[/color] : 163
5 - [color="#800080"]United Purple Nations[/color] : 159
6 - [color="#48D1CC"]The Democratic Order[/color] : 156
7 - [color="#ff8c00"]Independent Republic Of Orange Nations[/color] : 154
8 - [color="#ff8c00"]RnR[/color] : 150
9 - [color="#663300"]Global Alliance And Treaty Organization[/color] : 141
10 - [color="#ff8c00"]Orange Defense Network[/color] : 100
11 - [color="black"]Sparta[/color] : 97
12 - [color="#008000"]Viridian Entente[/color] : 82
13 - [color="blue"]Multicolored Cross-X Alliance[/color] : 82
14 - [color="black"]LoSS[/color] : 65
15 - [color="#8b0000"]Random Insanity Alliance[/color] : 53
16 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Order Of The Paradox[/color] : 48
17 - [color="#008000"]Green Protection Agency[/color] : 44
18 - [color="#48D1CC"]Fark[/color] : 43
19 - [color="#48D1CC"]Ragnarok[/color] : 40
20 - [color="#ff8c00"]FOK[/color] : 39
21 - [color="blue"]The Foreign Division[/color] : 37
22 - [color="#c0c0c0"]The Order Of Light[/color] : 31
23 - [color="orange"]The International[/color] : 30
24 - [color="gold"]Federation of Armed Nations[/color] : 29
25 - [color="maroon"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations[/color] : 28
26 - [color="#ff8c00"]The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons[/color] : 27
27 - [color="#48D1CC"]Mushroom Kingdom[/color] : 26
28 - [color="#48D1CC"]Athens[/color] : 24
29 - [color="black"]Nordreich[/color] : 23
30 - [color="#0000ff"]Nueva Vida[/color] : 22
31 - [color="#c0c0c0"]Siberian Tiger Alliance[/color] : 22
32 - [color="black"]Poison Clan[/color] : 12
33 - [color="blue"]World Task Force[/color] : 11
34 - [color="black"]Umbrella[/color] : 1

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You decided to openly ignore alliances not in the Sanction race this time around, despite the fact that some of us would fall within these clumpings. The title of the thread is a slight misnomer, it's not "Alliance Strength Distributions" so much as "Strength Distributions of Sanction Race Alliances"; as largely evidenced by anybody not in the race not included. Whatever floats PhysicsJunky's boat.

EDIT: But seriously though, nice work on the stats.

Edited by Mixoux
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[quote name='Mixoux' date='09 May 2010 - 11:19 PM' timestamp='1273461545' post='2293130']
You decided to openly ignore alliances not in the Sanction race this time around, despite the fact that some of us would fall within these clumpings.[/quote]
At a quick glance GOD doesn't fall better than 16th in any of the first set of categories. :P

If it makes you feel better go to Alliance Alliances Display and sort by nukes.

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[quote name='Mixoux' date='09 May 2010 - 11:19 PM' timestamp='1273461545' post='2293130']

EDIT: But seriously though, nice work on the stats.

Now heres where the PHD (thats Piled High and Deep) is earned.

Apply distribution to political alignments, and predict the outcome of the next war :P

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Can anyone else PM him stats for the midtier? Just because you aren't a top 34? alliance doesn't mean you don't wanna see how you stack up against your fellow midtier :P

I think this may be a job for Unspeakable Evil though (who, in retrospect, is the best choice for superhero from supercoolyellow's poll)

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[quote name='Axolotlia' date='10 May 2010 - 09:26 PM' timestamp='1273541184' post='2294247']
no Gramlins? :( thats no fun lol
If people are willing to help me out with the data collection we can schedule a day and do an abbreviated census of the top 200 alliances, for which I'll go ahead and crunch out the numbers. Figure I need eight people at 25 alliances apiece. With simplified categories (>100K, 75-100K..). That translates into about an forty minutes worth of time per person.

I'm not sure how useful people would find the result.

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[quote name='Owned-You' date='10 May 2010 - 10:29 PM' timestamp='1273526936' post='2293912']
NV's middle tier is pretty beast, if the No CB War didn't happen we'd have an equally beast top-tier too. Furthermore, we just got 2 100k nations today.


You forget that if those wars didn't happen, then everyone elses top tier would probably look better, still leaving you behind.

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[quote name='Owned-You' date='10 May 2010 - 05:29 PM' timestamp='1273526936' post='2293912']
NV's middle tier is pretty beast, if the No CB War didn't happen we'd have an equally beast top-tier too. Furthermore, we just got 2 100k nations today.


Now everyone has been beaten down at least once so that doesn't really make sense. Everyone else would have a much better upper tier too if they hadn't been curbstomped.

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