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Imperial Announcment

Zoot Zoot

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To members nations of the following Blocs that the Empire is currently signed into to:
[b]Confederation of Arctic Nations
Hudson Bay Maritime Instite
Any individual nation the Empire is in a treaty with[/b]

After the nuclear attacks on my nation, I no longer feel it beneficial to the Canadian people to be a apart of these blocs.
Our military and civilian services are tied up in war, or rebuilding my devesated homeland and none can be spared for our duties with your organisations.

Consider this the 72 hour notification of our leaving the blocs.

Also all individual treaties the Empire are involved with are cancelled With the exception of the following:
Non Agression Pact agreements.
Economic Agreements.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte I
Canadian Empire

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"Blue Heaven sends its condolences to those killed or injured in the nuclear attack on the Canadian Empire and is willing to send in several hundred civilian engineers, doctors, HAZMAT teams and the like, as well as $2 billion to help the Canadian Empire recover from the nuclear attacks."
- Roger Smith (BH Prime Minister)

Edited by kitex
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The Kingdom of Cochin offers Canadian Empire an interest free loan of $5 Billion to paid back whenever they feel they can. We are also readying an aerial armada of medicines and radiation clean up equipment to be sent to Canadian Empire, if they choose to accept it.

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