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Hey. You. With the computer. You looking for an alliance? Maybe you're free floating. Tired of the same, boring, monotony at your current alliance? Don't feel like being weighed down by an alliance that has silly "rules" and expects you to have "trial periods" and "help people"? Are you an older nation? A more "advanced" nation? An "elite" nation? You mad, brah? Would you like to spend your free time talking to an active user-base about how much your particular home town/state/providence/country sucks, Kool-Aid, Alchemy, and what Mainstream News Anchors you find attractive? Are you a bad enough dude to [u]join [b]Europa[/b][/u]?

Join Europa, seriously, brah.

Europa is an alliance catering to the more "elite" crowd. Unless specifically approved by our triumvirate of "Ayatollahs", or vouched for by a current member, we have several admissions requirements:

1. Must be over 999.99 infrastructure
2. Must be over 200 technology
3. Must have a nation that is over 100 days old
4. Must have been in at least one legitimate alliance in the past (over 10 members)

[b]** We can be lenient with this. We just like to know you're not a total newbie **[/b]

The only real rule in Europa is that we'd like to see your smiling face grace our humble halls once week or so. Make one post on the forum. Log onto IRC for a second. Something, other than that, it's all up to you.

So come on down to Europa.

We're so lonely...

[url="http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Europa/index/"](Forums, broheim)[/url][/center]

Edited by TheFlyingLobster
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