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All Good Things...

Sargun II

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Sarah had been standing guard over Evan's sleeping body for much of the night, going in and out of sleep, being woken by the things going 'bump' in the warehouse and Evan's sudden jolts and gasps for air. Given the severity of his health, it probably would have been a better idea to immediately get to a hospital or at least out of a war zone. She had given him the last of the shaman's potion and he still wasn't looking any better and she was starting to get worn out herself. But out here in the wilds of Africa, where law was only a passing notion, neither of them could afford to be caught with their guards down. So Sarah stayed up through the night, watching her partner writhe in pain before finally as the dawn came up, Evan sprung up with a sudden jolt.

"Evan!" She jumped down to him, holding him tightly. "What's wrong! Wha-" Then there was a sound of shoes scrapping against the floor. Sarah turned around to see the shadow of a man standing in the darkness. He stepped forward out of the shadows, a gun in his hand pointed towards the ground. Instantly, Sarah jumped up and pointed her gun at his head and narrowed her eyes.

[i]"Leave him, Tintagyl."[/i]

"Like Hell I will...who the $%&@ are you? One of Breya's swines? Get lost before I put a bullet between your eyes."

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Vladimiro swung to the side and placed his back against a large crate. Sarah was now aiming at a thick metal crate with only Vladimiro's gun visible as he spoke. "[b]My name is Vladimiro, and it will be the last name you ever hear![/b]" With unnerving accuracy, he fired a blind shot that missed Sarah's shoulder by only a few inches. As he pulled the pistol back out of view, he chuckled and tossed a flash-bang grenade over his shoulder. The grenade hit the ground and exploded with an incredible noise and flash of light. Vladimiro dived out from behind his cover and let loose a trio of bullets, then slid across the ground and behind another set of crates. The warehouse was providing all the cover he needed.

"[b]Breya will be angry that you survived the bombs. Maybe once I'm done with your bodies he won't know the difference![/b]" He laughed with a maniacal glee as he started to climb noisily up on the loose metal that was piled in convoluted ways. The dark clouds blocked the weak sunlight from penetrating what little areas of light that could be given off, and Vladimiro took advantage of this by tossing another flash-bang. If she got even a sliver of a closed eye exposed, her night/dark vision would be shot to all hell.

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Sarah stepped back as the first bullet flew over her shoulder, she shot towards the crates, just as blind hoping for a lucky strike, it didn't happen. Instead, Vladimiro tossed flashbangs out into the small corridor that she and Evan had been hiding in, she covered her eyes in the nick of time, but even then it wasn't enough to completely remove the brightness from her vision. The world went white for a moment as she fell back towards the wall. But making sure to put up some kind of fight, Sarah kept her gun level firing into bright white light, hoping again that Vladimiro would screw up, miscalculate his movements, anything that would help her bullets find his heart. The trio of bullets struck around her, above, and to her left and right and she was at his mercy with her vision blurred. Just as the first flash was starting to fade, Sarah could see his shadow just beginning the ascent up the metal 'ladder' and another flashbang fell to the ground. She tried to cover her eyes again, yet still more light seeped in as the girl nearly fell to her knees covering her eyes. "Ugh." She groaned, holing the pistol weakly, but all she could think about was how vulnerable she would be to Vladimino from down where she stood.

Trying her best to remove the blur from her vision, Sarah sprinted off down the corridor, her gun aimed in the air, at what she believed to be the shadow of her enemy climbing towards the ceiling of the warehouse. Things were blurry still, so she took crap shots where she could get them, her finger almost mechanical against the trigger. Bang! Bang! Bang! The gun echoed through the warehouse, she pulled the trigger once, twice, three times at the fuzzy shadow in the distance. Then fired more as she ran towards the 'ladder' that Vladimiro was ascending. Firing at the blurry shadow and praying that it was Vladimiro and that her vision hadn't completely failed her.

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[i]Bang! Bang! Bang![/i]

The bullets were hitting the wrong kind of shadow - but creating new ones. The bullets let in tiny holes of faint, faint light that peppered the ceiling. The gun had a large amount of ammunition in it because of the design, but as she fired at the ladder her clip ran out. Vladimiro laughed and fired his pistol down in Sarah's direction, not caring if he hit her or not. The bullets that hit the metal below him would cause a shift that would destabilize it, making it impossible for her to safely come after him. Vladimiro took it upon himself to jump across from one crate to the next and ended up going a little high. He stumbled and slid, then wheeled around and pointed his pistol in the direction he had come from.

"[b]Come out, come ouuut![/b]" He reloaded his own clip and tossed the empty one across into the dark. It hit something hard. Things started sliding. "[b]I hope your boyfriend can run![/b]"

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Sarah jumped back away from where Vladimiro had jumped, paying no attention to going after him anymore and instead running to save Evan from the crates and heavy boxes which had been tossed down by the clip striking one of the ledges. Though a clip wouldn't have been able to do it itself, Sarah's blind shots had been the main cause of the faulty infrastructure on the shelves. She ran through the dark towards Evan as the boxes slid fast towards where he lay against the wall. Grabbing him by his arms, she yanking up as hard as she could, throwing him to the side and into the corridor as one of the boxes came down throwing her hard against the wall. Sarah groaned loudly as she hit the wall and slid to the ground before, with all her strength, pushed the crate away from her chest, that had pinned her against the wall. Evan was laying against the ground, Vladimiro's haunting voice was still echoing through the building, and...she licked her lips. "Goddamn..." She tasted blood, the !@#$%^& had got her good.

Shaking off the pain, she stood back up, weary, but most definitely still alive. Reaching down, Sarah pulled out a clip from her belt and punched it into the gun. Maybe he thought she was dead, she had been hit pretty hard after all. So she stayed low, surveying the darkness and the small rays of light that came down from the ceiling. Vladimiro could make his next move.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vladimiro heard the click of the clip into the gun and smiled. The woman was wounded, that much he knew, but how she was wounded and if he could just leave her to bleed to death he didn't know. The killer jumped down onto a loose crate and held steady as it slid down into the floor. His footsteps echoed through the building as he closed in on Sarah's position; Vladimiro knew the footsteps wouldn't give him away. The man walked slowly, almost sauntering down the halls as he laughed again, thriving in the spotlight he had fought to let Breya give to him. [b]"This was far, far too easy, Sarah. You disappoint me."[/b]

He fired. [b]"If I find out that I killed you via box, I'm going to be very angry. Don't... don't disappoint me again."[/b] He fired again. And then he left - just as quick as he appeared, the strange man was gone. Sarah and Evan were safe.


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"Evan. Oh thank God." Sarah jumped up after Vladimiro had left and ran over to the man laying against the ground and lifted his head up smiling down at him. "Are you okay? We have to think of something, you have to help me do this cause I'm not going to be able to be Breya by myself, we need to help each other." She smiled and kissed him on the cheek lightly, she was a bit beat up, a few bruises on her arms and legs, but other than still managed to profess her smile to the man laying in front of her, much more beat up then Sarah had ever been in a long time.

"You need to stand up Evan, we need to get moving, we're sitting ducks here. Do you know where Breya is? We need to get to him and end this."

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  • 1 month later...

"Yeah, he's... University Hospital. Kisangani, up the river." He latched on to Sarah's shoulders and pulled, knowing that she could hold his weight. After a moment's hesitation he stood and groaned. "I don't know what the hell just happened but I have a feeling we'll be seeing that guy again. You're right, we should just go to Breya. Not much time left." His voice was steadily getting smaller but he kept himself conscious for Sarah.

"Get to river, pay boatman... honest folk." He hugged Sarah then let go of her and pointed in a direction south. "River that way." He started walking, a furious pace made comical by a slight limp.

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She was hurt, she was in pain, but nowhere near the pain that he was going through. After lifting him up off the ground, it dawned on her that Evan was in no condition to finish this journey. The problem was, it was his journey to begin with, she was only here for backup really. But throughout the entire adventure, they had bonded in a way that they hadn't for a long time. It just sucked that the only way Sarah and Evan ever rekindled their love was when she had a gun strapped to her hip. "Father, would have never, ever approved of this." She said following him out of the warehouse.

When he slipped, that was when she acted. Sarah ran over to her partner and placed his arm around her neck. They were about the same size and she was stronger. "Here, just relax, I got you. We'll be okay. Breya's ours Evan, I'm not going to let him get away, not after what's he's done to us here. Okay." She kissed him on the cheek and started off down the path towards the river with him. The burning buildings of the black market all around them, they were in a war zone and there was no one that Sarah would rather have been with than Evan. Though she did wish she had a few vials of Raging Nostrum with her, there was still the potion, but whatever that did, well, that was for a time of desperation, she wasn't about to test anything out in the open and for no reason.

The walk to the river took longer than usual with Evan limping along, but eventually they arrived and she walked up to the boatman. "[i]Excuse me sir.[/i]" She said in perfect French. "[i]My husband and I are looking for a passage up to Kisangani. I can pay you, but we have to leave as soon as possible, its very urgent, my husband, he is very sick.[/i]" Sarah put on her best sad-charm face, it had worked for Tanzband during the Nordic conflict, surely it would work here as well. "[i]Please, it would be a true blessing.[/i]"

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"[i]Une chose est sûre.[/i]"
[i]Sure thing.[/i]

The boatman was old but wiry and springy, much like many of the other men around. He had muscle but no fat, and his body was almost twig-like; his skin was wrinkled but firm in that suntanned way. He gave a kindly smile to the two and quickly let them onto the boat. The old man had a sort of small speedboat, large enough to fit four passengers but it looked old. The man probably got it from a junkyard and restored it. "[i]Montez![/i]" [i]Get in![/i] Evan smiled back at the old man with a grimace and simply collapsed into his seat, half-curled so he was somewhat sprawled out. He sighed in relief and put his hand out to the neighboring seat. After Sarah got in, the old man jumped onto the boat, started it up, and started going to Kisangani. "One hour," the boatman said in a halting English as he looked back at the two. "Forty credit."

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"Here." Sarah pulled the credits out of her pocket, handed them to the captain of the boat and then went and sat down besides Evan as the boat slowly took off down the river.

"Listen to me." She said stroking his hair. "I don't want you worrying about this anymore, you tell me where to go and I'll personally make sure Breya pays for what he's done. But Evan, I can't lose you like this, you're so worn and tired, we've both been through so much and I need to know that you're going to be safe." Sarah closed her eyes and shook her head knowing that he wasn't going to listen and cursed herself for even trying to dump the responsibility onto her shoulders. "Just promise me." She took his hands. "You'll play this safe, even if you do come with me, even if we both see this to the end, promise me that you'll be there at the end, I...I don't think I could go on without you anymore Evan. I think my heart might break." The Lady Protector kissed him deeply on the lips and closed her eyes, small crystals of tears reflecting like rainbows off her sapphire irises. "I should have known, hanging with the likes of you, Albert and even Michel would turn me into this. But whatever this is, I'm happy to be it next to you."

She looked up at the passing jungle over head as they drifted up the river, checking her pistol, the last clip of bullets she had. Shaking the liquid of the Shaman's potion in the canteen and just staring wide-eyed at the river ahead. Sarah had never felt as nervous in her life, but looking back at Evan she smiled. "I'd walk through Hell..."

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"You're riding in it," Evan replied with his eyes closed. The boat slowed down as the sounds of city life came near. They could hear cars, planes, see other boats, listen to the sounds of children playing near the river and the cries of animals being disturbed. The sky above them boiled with the rage of thunder, an empty threat - no rain would come. The old man clapped his hands twice as he pulled into a stringy-looking dock full of rope and chains, half-staffed and unchecked. Hard men with guns patrolled the dockway, stopping each person and demanding to see some sort of identification. The old man looked back at the two and hopped out of the boat and onto the dock; he stopped and spoke with one of the men, who brightened and hugged the old man. The old man waved for Sarah and Evan to get out of the boat, and he spread ten of the credits to the armed guard who gave the two a look but nothing more. Evan muttered something in Kikongo about thanks, and the guard gave a slight smile.

Evan pulled out his near-empty canteen and told Sarah to stop for a second. He walked up to a station and filled his canteen with clean water. He took several deep gulps and then splashed the rest on his face and neck. His eyes widened at the cold splash, and a few seconds later he was back with Sarah. "The hospital flies... um... !@#$ - oh yeah, the flag of the White Cross. It will be easy to see." Thankfully, the hospital was also only four blocks away from the river, and the two reached it in a little over five minutes. As Evan and Sarah stood in front of it, Evan turned to Sarah and gave her the tightest hug he could bear to give; his muscles strained as he poured out all the love he possibly could with only a hug.

"Why is it that I seem to love you more whenever I feel like I'm about to die?"

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"I think that's cause I'm my best in these situations Evan." Sarah wished that it was a lie, but in truth, she found herself in those situations more often than not, where death was always just a few steps away. But it was like a drug, the thrill of guns firing, of her body moving, of the sweat and the danger, it was a side of her life she wouldn't give up no matter what. "And we're not going to die Evan, you're not going to die. Now, lets go. But when we go in, go wait for me away from the front desk, people might know you, they won't know me. Or, well..." Sarah grimaced, White Cross...founder...hell they probably had her picture somewhere on a wall in the hospital. "...I'll think of something."

They walked into the hospital, hand in hand, it was a shabby institution, which made Sarah quite angry inside. She was after all the founder of the organization, so when individual hospitals seemed to be operating at sub-par standards, she found it unacceptable. The regional director would be hearing from her once she got back to Transvaal. Nevertheless, she walked up to the receptionist, after Evan was out of sight, and smiled. Then began in French. "Excuse me, Madame, I apologize for bothering you, but I have a friend who needs to see the General Breya, is his room open for a visit. Its quite urgent about a few things that happened in the recent past. Would you be able to take myself or my friend to his room?"

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The receptionist looked at Sarah, looked at the stylized brochure on her desk that featured Sarah's face, and then back at Sarah. She blinked and rubbed her eyes. That couldn't be her - all grimy and with... blood stains? And her nose seemed a little off, and her hair was different. And maybe she seemed a little shorter than she was on TV - that couldn't possibly be Sarah Tintagyl. Could it? Maybe it was a trick, an imposter... hm. The receptionist was silent for a long time as she studied Sarah's face, and then she remembered what the woman had said. A friend for General Breya? It was either a trap or Mr. Hiley was here, and if-

Oh, Lord.

"Oui, oui, oui!" She jumped up and bowed a little spastically to Sarah. Evan, hearing these high-pitched agreements, put his head around the corner and smiled. "You'll think of something, huh?" As the receptionist hurried around her desk and started walking into the hallway, Evan limped over to Sarah and started walking after the receptionist. He grabbed Sarah's hand - a little forcefully but not hard - and continued to walk. "I'm sure you can feel my heart beating right about now," he told her.

The two were directed to a room all the way in the back. The door was opened by the receptionist and she ushered the two into the room and closed the door behind them.

[i]"...Hello? Who is there?"[/i]

A deep voice came from a man lying in a bed, his eyes straight at the ceiling.

[i]"Ahh... it is my children who come."[/i]

General Breya closed his eyes and smiled.

Evan froze.

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"We'd like to be alone." Sarah said to the receptionist in perfect English, her piercing blue eyes eating into the young girl's soul. Once the receptionist would leave, there was no waiting, Sarah put her hand on the hilt of her pistol and pulled back the hammer. "I've had enough of these games, you've been hurting my family for far too long and you've done enough sins in the past for execution, even in the Hansa, seven times over. You've been in my husband's mind for his entire life and frankly, I'm tired of it."

She began to unloosen the strap of the holster, though if she wanted to, Sarah could have had it out and a hole in Breya's face before he could say 'Harlot'. The Lady Protector liked to play nice, that was all. "So, its us and you know, and probably some of your cronies around somewhere." She was on her guard and kept Evan out of sight of the window, just in case of a sniper. "Well, Evan, what's it going to be, blow his brains out execution style or do we want to wait for him to say a few last words. Personally, I think his actions speak louder than anything he could possibly say. Personally, I think its like to say 'au revoir'."

"What do you think...General?" Her eyes narrowed.

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Evan clenched both of his fists and kept them by his side, shaking.

The General Breya continued to smile as he heard the hammer get pulled back. He smiled as she talked tough. He smiled as she called him General. "[i]At least you understand respect, girl. Very few live when they do not call me General.

"Do you know what's kept me alive all of these years? Evan does. Fear. Someone steals from me, I cut off his hands. He offends me, I cut out his tongue. He rises against me, I cut off his head and rearrange his body. It preserves the order of things. Do you know who Evan is? He is a coward. I killed him twenty years ago.

"It was the finest beating I ever game to a man. His face was pulp. His guts was pierced. His ribs were swimming. But when I came to kill him, I couldn't look him in the eye. I spared him, because I wanted him to live in shame. He could have been a great man. So he cut out his soul and sent it to me, wrapped in pretty blue paper. And now he has risen back up and is trying to bury me in my own blood. But he can't. He's dead.

"He was the only man I ever killed who was worth remembering."[/i]

Evan suddenly rushed forward and raised his fist.

[i]"You won't do it. You can't do it, BECAUSE YOU ARE DEA-"[/i]

Evan's fist connected with Breya's lower jaw with a shatter. The bone crumbled under his knuckles. Evan raised his fist again and continued to punch, each one shattering the bone on contact. Almost instantly the machines connected to his body went crazy, but he continued to beat on Breya's face with his fist even when the skin over his knuckles was ripped away. Their blood mixed as his raw fists continued to make contact with Breya's lifeless head, eventually moving up as he beat it into an unimaginable mash. Breya's skin broke and bone pierced into the air, ripping at Evan's fist.

And then Evan stopped, let out a yell that was half-pain and half-sorrow, then took Breya's bed - on wheels - and rammed it into the machines. Breya's body was flipped over and Evan flipped the entire bed over onto the body. He tore the machines off of the wall and slammed them onto the floor, continuing his roar of raw rage. He fell to his knees and pounded the ground with the bottom of his fists, then quieted.

He raised his right fist and looked at his exposed knucklebones. "I don't feel anything," he said as he started to grin. "I don't feel a single... damn... thing. I'm... I'm free." He laughed.

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Sarah put down the pistol as she watched horrified, unnerved, unmoving, and a bit captivated at what was going on in front of her. All the rage, all the history that was sure to be built up in Evan's psyche exploded at that very moment, Breya lay there on the floor, dead, a broken body and his cruelty in the world finally ended, everything ended, including his grip of Evan's mind. He was free, like he said repeating to himself on his knees, but it unsettling to listen too. Sarah was familiar with the tone, it was the same tone she had used when ramming her rapier through the throat of Mykep the Younger. It was the same tone she had said to him as she licked the blood from his lips and kissed him, the dying man, as she was bleeding out of her hip. But it was a tone that, while scary and unsettling, was the call of freedom. Of a soul that had been oppressed for so long and all those sleepless nights, all those times where he had woke up in the night screaming or shuddering, when he had abused pills, and when she had laid their crying herself to sleep because of what he was doing to himself. All of those nights were over. Finally, there was just him...and her...nothing else. Nothing else mattered.

Sarah walked over quietly, her boots, blood stained, muddy, her body covered in scars and cuts, her blonde hair caked to the side of her back. She was a mess and so was he, they were both a mess. But Breya was dead, they had survived, at least this part.

"Evan." She laid her hand ever so gently on his shoulder, as to not surprise him. "Evan, darling, c'mon, get up, we have to go. We...we have a life to live finally." Sarah smiled down and then kneeling kissed the top of his head. "Thank you, thank you for coming back, thank you for opening my eyes like this." And she wrapped her arms around him and started to hum into his ear all the sweet songs they used to sing when they had just started dating, all the melodies that they missed and that their innocence had left. At least for one moment, on the blood soaked floor, they were both free. "C'mon we have to go home."

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[b]Two years later.[/b]

He was pacing.

The sun was beginning to rise very slowly, almost as slow as his heartbeat right now. He thought it would be beating furiously, trying to escape from his chest, but he almost didn't feel it at all. He had an important decision to make right now, and in his head he was debating the pros and cons. Well, there really were no cons - I mean, come on - but at the same time he was worried. What was he worried about? Not much, it was more him worrying about... well, worrying. The worst part was the worrying, and despite there to be very little to worry about everything was an inflated sense of worry.

And then he thought of the pros and decided to do it.

Evan kept fumbling his hands around, unable to keep them still. He walked slowly and his heart continued to beat even slower. The first tendrils of sunlight were barely starting to peek over the hills. He climbed the stairs silently and walked down the hallway and swiftly into their room. The blinds were folded back and the first rays of light were just starting to illuminate the room. Evan, who had not slept all night, slid silently across the floor and stood over Sarah.

"Sarah," he said in a hushed tone, and he put his arm on her shoulder and rubbed it to wake her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Uhhhhhhhh..." Sarah lay peacefully on her side of the bed, cuddled up in a small ball against the edge, her pink nightgown trailing down past her knees, the covers tucked between her legs. It was the only she could fall asleep during the summers, it was too hot to wear the covers, but if she didn't have something to hold onto she could never fall asleep. Then she felt something touch her side and her eyes slowly began to part open, the first thing that she caught was the clock on Evan's dresser on the other side of the bed. 'Six Thirty.' "Uhhhhhhhhh..." She groaned and rolled over further on her side, now her face buried into the pillow trying to shield out any light from the windows that might actually wake her up. She wanted to sleep, she hadn't slept last night, being out all night with a few of her friends from a neighboring estate to the south near Bloemfontein. But the hand that continued to nudge her shoulder was relentless, soft, but relentless. She yawned and turned her head over to look at however was trying to wake her.

The figure started off as a fuzzy blur, then just fuzz, then a fuzzy male figure and finally after fluttering her eyes a few times, Evan came into focus. She sighed and yawned again. "Evan, its six-thirty in the morning, what's wrong?"

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"Remember... two years ago? You told me everything would be fine, and that you [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=84972&view=findpost&p=2281447]promised[/url] to make it fine if it wasn't? Well, it isn't fine. I'm not fine. I've been the best person I could be since then - and I've never felt more human in my life. I kept thinking to myself how I wanted to be remembered, how I wanted [b]us[/b] to be remembered, how I wanted Heather and... Terra to remember us." Evan sighed and smiled at the same time, half of his face in a confused smirk. "And, well... what I remember of myself, I remember being away. I remember being gone for months or even years at a time, I remember abandoning you so that I could die, and then I remember coming back home to a family all grown up. What I mean to say is that I wish I could remember something more than not being here before we went to Africa."

He bent over the bed and placed a kiss on her forehead and pressed gently her shoulder as he bent one knee and placed it lightly on the floor.

"What's wrong is that I want to remember something more. And I want you to too. Sarah Tintagyl," Evan reached his free hand slowly under the bed and grabbed a box that he had placed there the night before. He raised the box up and pressed his index finger on the back of the box; it flipped open and revealed something rather dazzling.

"Marry me."

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Nothing surprised her anymore, nothing ever surprised her. Things used to, when she was a little girl they used to surprise her, when she would wake up and her father would take their whole family on a trip through Northern Finland. Things like when, so many years before, Larsa Solidor had knelt down on one knee in the Diet Gardens to propose to her and the next day the Hansa was at war with the Imperial German Reich. Things like feeling her homeland in the storm of nuclear holocaust, only to meet the man of her dreams in the very capital of a country that had been responsible for the holocaust in the first place. She was a lover, a politician, a general, an adventurer, a mercenary, she was a woman of the world, both hated and loved by it and yet through all that, there had only been one thing she had truly relied on, the love of her family and her friends. Sarah's love life, could for all accounts be considered quite volatile, Evan Hiley, Albert Tanzband, Luis de Luit, Anthony Harlem, Larsa Solidor, and as she went through the names in her head, she started to feel dizzy and weak.

Everything was happening so fast, one moment she was waking up, the next moment her eyes were wide in surprise staring at a brilliant diamond ring and she gulped. "Evan...I...I don't know what to say." She pushed herself up and sat on the bed looking at him, pushing her hair back behind her ears. "This is...I mean I guess I wouldn't say its a surprise given that we've been living together for at least three, four years now, but, it really is a surprise. But I have to ask, why?" She chuckled and shook her head. "Neither of us have ever been good at commitment." Sarah slowly reached for the box, enclosing it in their hands, together and looked up at his face her face beaming. "I love you Evan, more than I have ever loved anyone in my life, but are we ready for something like this? Marriage?"

She leaned her head forward, resting her forehead against his own. "But no matter what, you know that I love you and you know I would go with you anywhere you go."

OOC: Also, 5000th post !@#$%*es.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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"The first times we tried marriage, we both... messed up. To be fair, I think I was responsible for both, but..." He smiled and chuckled. "I asked myself if I could do this, if I was ready. I kept asking myself for a month and then I wondered if I would ever know. So one day I ran out of questions and ran out of answers. I sat down and I stared at those kids who play soccer in our yard every day, and I saw a little boy and a little girl holding hands and walking down near the trees. I went over there and I asked them why they weren't with the rest of them and the little girl looked up and smiled big as the sun and said that she was getting married."

Evan pulled back just a bit. "I don't know why but that night I went out and I paid more money than most people make in a lifetime so that for just a single moment I can kneel down here and ramble about children and flash a rock at you and tell you that I'm ready to do the one thing in my life that I have yet to experience with you." A grin unfolded on his face, "I want to go into a cathedral and I want to say 'I do'. Will you?"

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"Oh lord, another huge wedding." Sarah looked up at the ceiling and shook her head. "Evan, we've been doing so well for ourselves because we haven't been up in the world's business. I don't think I've made a better decision with my life then let go of the world and retire, the last thing I want is my face in the tabloids again about another marriage for the Harlot of Europe or whatever they call me now. Hopefully nothing. But if we're going to do this, please, I don't want to be put in front of the cameras again. The only people that I care about to know this, is you, Heather, Terra, and maybe a very, very, very small select group of friends. But even then, if you wanted to simply say that our engagement, wedding, and honeymoon would all take place right here as well. I would be fine with that too." She smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Now." Sarah said pushing her hair back behind her ears again. "To make everything official." She stuck out her hand and let him slide the ring on her finger. "Evan Hiley, I would want nothing else in the world."

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"I said cathedral because there's lots of space - not because I want there to be cameras and tabloids." He left out the part about not liking tight places as he slowly slid the ring down her finger. "Besides, I didn't want to have to wait for months to do this while somebody plans it and all that. What do you say to three months? Gives us enough time to call our friends and it isn't too far away?"

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She smiled and pulled him close for another kiss, passionate and deep. "All right, well so long as we can keep it decently small, I don't have any real problem with it. But please try to do this, letting the world go was probably one of the best things I could ever do with my life." Then Sarah sighed and looked at the ground, still smiling. "Of course, now we need a guest list, we need to think of who we want to invite, food, invitations, goodness I need a dress and get my hair done, I need to tan." She sat up and jumped off the bed running towards her vanity to drape the pink satin robe over her shoulders. "I'll have to tell Heather and Terra too, to come back here, I think Heather is still in France at the estate and I think Terra is maybe in America right now, I'm not totally sure."

Then she stopped for a moment and looked back at Evan. "I'm doing to much already aren't I and I really just need to relax."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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