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Remembering Karma


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It was the most fun since GW3 for me, though as usual the way CN revolves around 6am was pretty annoying. But I, along with the old Grämlins European crew, were involved in the #collective mess before it was too much of a mess, the preplanning, the strategic chats and so on. (I was Executor at the time so I was an official representative for once.) I implemented the strategy of cross-declaration after IRON started to attack us at around 1600 game time, and with a few exceptions it worked very well, with Grämlins able to coordinate and IRON seemingly not.

Things were very nervy for the first few days, when we didn't seem to have good coverage on NPO and IRON, and weren't sure where TOP, MHA and NpO were going. (Not having that coverage was a real problem which is why we, Grämlins, had to cut that deal with IRON – Karma really didn't have any other answer to IRON's formidable top tier otherwise. It was imperfect and I wish there had been another way, but we did the best we could for all parties in a tough spot.) Then NPO attacked in the middle of TOP-mediated talks and we became confident that TOP and MHA would stand with Citadel, and NpO probably wouldn't be siding with Hegemony either. My eternal thanks to whichever NPO official made that decision! After a couple of days it became clear that all the neutral or swing alliances were falling to our side, and Hegemony's terrible strategy (leaving NPO out on its own for 3 days) had lost them critical combat effectiveness, and we could begin to relax and work towards a clear victory. But those first days of not knowing, of trying to plan out the best route to improve the odds, were very exciting.

You can remind yourself of my thoughts on my blog entries from the time [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=20&showentry=652]here[/url] and a retrospective from July 2009 [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=20&showentry=825]here[/url].

Voytek ... that really puts our in game experience into perspective!

Edit: regarding my actual fighting, that was fun too. IRON attacked me so I put myself into the cross-declaration group, and hit 3 other IRONers who had attacked Grämlins, and had their three targets declare on the one who attacked me. (We were 4v4 where possible.) The guy who declared on me forgot to build GCs before doing so, so I sat on the GA screen until I saw him deploy, immediately deployed myself and F5'd it, brought his troops home and then between us we anarchied him. That was the most satisfying moment of war I have had in CN.

I ate a nuke each day, of course, but my luck in GAs (I didn't lose an attack, in either direction, until the last day) and the advantage of coordination meant that I gained significant amounts of land, and increased in NS overall until the last few days when most of my targets were turtled. On one day three of my targets were on the top 5 biggest losers, I think I have a screenshot of that somewhere.

After the first round of war I was out of range of all but Matt Miller (whose slots were pre-booked well in advance; he was no. 1 at the start of the war and a prestige opponent), as was most of Grämlins, so the war became an operation of putting our lower members on unstaggered or fresh IRON nations in their mid tier, and chasing up MHA or Fark nations to help with coordination. And fending off angry Grämlins who'd been put in PM for the first wave as a strategic reserve and who were out of range of all targets when they came out!

Edited by Bob Janova
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Hello, I'm kriekfreak and I was an iFOK triumvir at the time. I destroyed GGA's top tier by myself (most of them were double my size in infra :smug: ) and brought Karma the victory it deserved.

Thanks for listening to my story.

But really, those initial days of #collective were the most fun in CN I ever had. It was exciting to see that many different leaders all pushed into 1 channel. Like Bob said, we didn't knew where some of the major players were gonna fall and that made it even more exciting. I remember my "WTF" moment of the war when I woke up, logged in and heard NPO attacked during the negotiations they had with TOP and OV.

Pretty fun time.

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Same person, same alliance.

I remember the political climate charging to an utterly massive critical point, then watching it explode spectacularly.
I'm just glad I was part of it.

Perhaps I'm dissatisfied with the current situation.
However, I would not go back.
Sure, it's a little boring now, but that's just the cool-down period.

Edited by Heyman
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I was in Elysium 2.0 with mhawk and Shurukian. Only time I ever pulled off a successful 6 on 1 campaign. Can anyone bring up Stumpy's trashcat edition? It had pretty much everything.

Edit: [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=55026&st=0&p=1450827&fromsearch=1&#entry1450827"]Found it![/url]

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Best time I've had in CN. There was a lot of anxiety in VE because a month or so before the war, we canceled on NPO and IRON canceled on us so there had been a feeling that our number was up and we might get rolled at any time. But, there was this sense of calm about the whole thing and we were ready. I give a lot of credit to Impero because he had for months worked at turning an unprepared general membership into a group who were ready to fight at a moments notice.

When the war started, I thought we were done. There was a lot of bravado on our part, but when you looked at the big picture during the opening hours, it didn't look good. I was ordered into peace mode which was disappointing and I begged and pleaded to come out and after five days into the war, I was given the green light and declared on some MCXA nations. No offense to those guys, but they weren't ready and it was obvious there hearts weren't in it. It was like a hot knife through butter.

Then I got to go at NPO and that was awesome. I was at 4999.99 infra, $185 million war chest, no nukes, and no SDI. It was pitched back and forth. I gained 200 tech in the first two weeks while having my hands full with some good fighters. By that point, the Pacificans knew their way of life so to speak was on the line and those who weren't in peace mode went nuts. It was like kicking a hornets nest. Eventually, their larger nations were knocked down to my level and their WRC's, AADN's, and nukes played havoc on those of us who had few military wonders. I declared on guys who I had no business tangling with, but every now and then, I'd get a good GA or bomb raid in and do some damage. I took my first nuke and ended up taking 18 total when the war ended. I had been reduced to 127 infra at one point and lost most of my tech. It was a bloodbath, but it was pure fun and enjoyment.

I will say my Pacifican opponents were fun to talk to and I think it was WorldConqueror who sent me a message that he had to sell off his air force to lower his nation strength so he could declare on me. He then proceeded to nuke the heck out of me. I felt honored.

We can all debate on how NPO played the game and go back and forth about how evil they are, but I learned that they're just everyday people who are just trying to do the best they can. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of NPO, but on an individual level, they have good people. I can't wait for them to get out of terms and become and active part of Planet Bob again because they will again do something to make us all hate them and that to me just makes this whole thing that much more enjoyable.

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I was the original CB, sat through those pitiful excuse for negotiations, saw NPO hit us that night in the middle of another round of talks.I think I got about 50 queries from people offering to personally rebuild me if I would just accept the ZI because literally nobody thought we were going be able to win this one. Then I remember how hard I laughed due to the fact that they had pretty much cost themselves the war with that little blunder.

Took over a pretty much sole leader about 2 months in due to the fact that my other government had went inactive because of RL. Sat through endless hours of negotiations with NPO, gotta give a shoutout to GeorgetheGreat for keeping me sane during that period with his amazing sense of humour.

Probably should write more but my Computer is messed up and I'm writing all this from mobile, so excuse any typos. :P

Edited by sethb
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[quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' date='22 April 2010 - 01:51 AM' timestamp='1271915495' post='2270376']
Karma will forever be remembered as the war that changed nothing about Planet Bob.

Anyway, I was in MK when it was still a decent alliance. I then left and formed FAIL.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='22 April 2010 - 09:29 AM' timestamp='1271950141' post='2270724']

Anyway, I was in MK when it was still a decent alliance. I then left and formed FAIL.[/color]

RV! I spent forever and a day in the NPO with you on my old nation, forever ago, well way way before the Karma war at any rate.

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[quote name='Bill Wallace' date='22 April 2010 - 04:32 PM' timestamp='1271946757' post='2270678']We can all debate on how NPO played the game and go back and forth about how evil they are, but I learned that they're just everyday people who are just trying to do the best they can. [/quote]
No, actually we are aliens from the planet Tritiniotypidationgradwtf prime delta megashorts. Yes, its a mouthful not our blame your language is so simplistic.

I know you will not believe me, but rather, that we are like everybody else just some people with spare time to waste on a browser game for some fun.
I assure you, that is not the case.

[quote name='Bill Wallace' date='22 April 2010 - 04:32 PM' timestamp='1271946757' post='2270678']I can't wait for them to get out of terms and become and active part of Planet Bob again because they will again do something to make us all hate them and that to me just makes this whole thing that much more enjoyable.[/quote]
More likely, you will be fed something to hate about us again and go along with it. Objectively I dont see NPO making any controversial moves any time soon. Or any moves,...then just out growing all of you and counting sheep. There is nothing else to do, other then again getting jumped on.

Armageddon was fun time and war. I intended to leave the game prior to it, and was actually set on it, but then the entire thing erupted so I stayed.

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='22 April 2010 - 09:21 AM' timestamp='1271942466' post='2270636']
My eternal thanks to whichever NPO official made that decision!
Thank bigwoody.

Anyway, I was Invicta VP at the start of the war. And sadly, due to the rampant paranoia that is still endemic here, most of the best stories I have are still classified. Ask me again in another year, maybe it'll be OK then.

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I spent most of the war laughing that NPO attacked in negotiations and blew any chance they had of winning the war straight away.

Similar to how TOP played this war (less negotiations more uninvolved parties)

TPF put up a good fight that war so well played to them. :) I think i had the most declarations from a MK member that war (only took 2weeks off due to RL holiday)

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I'm pretty sure Bigwoody wasn't an NPO official ;) though I suppose considering ex-Heg's reliance on LM in the last couple of wars, perhaps they did give him all the control.

No, actually we are aliens from the planet Tritiniotypidationgradwtf prime delta megashorts. Yes, its a mouthful not our blame your language is so simplistic. [/quote]
Lol, someone should sig that :). But yeah, here in the OOC forum, I'm looking forward to NPO coming back into the game, some of you are annoying here too but mostly you're a good opposition within the game and make things more interesting.

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[quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' date='22 April 2010 - 12:51 AM' timestamp='1271915495' post='2270376']
Karma will forever be remembered as the war that changed nothing about Planet Bob.
Wow, really? I suppose you didn't really recognize the changes that Digiterra underwent before and after Planet Bob.

I suppose you never really felt the tension that alliances who were at odds with Pacifica felt. I still remember back in 2006 and 2007 being a member of GUARD and just trying to maintain the peace. We had founded the GUARD for the purpose of maintaining independence from the MDP Sphere, but once Great Wars II and III broke up, people started expecting us to join in against The Initiative to balance it out. Overall, we were more partial to Aegis's cause, but GUARD members only held MDP's and higher with other GUARD members so we weren't connected to that case.

You would think that this would mean that we were just spectators in this conflict, which is technically what we were, but politically The Initiative never stopped putting pressure on us after Great War III. As the second biggest bloc at the time, they kept us on tabs even though we usually kept to ourselves. I'm pretty sure GPA members can attest to the same feeling of being watched and constantly threatened and insulted by a hegemony of alliances led by Pacifica for no reason other than you didn't belong to them.

I suppose you never had the privilege of enjoying the choking atmosphere that was the NPO Domination era, Brookbank. You never had to have "diplomatic talks" with GOONS in the days of The Initiative because one of your diplomats told them their forums were weird and they wanted to curbstomp you in response. Hell, I think GGA once had a leader get drunk and come on #CSN and threaten to roll us for no reason; just because he could.

You never had the Sanctioned Alliance of your team have all of its members put onto a PZI list until further notice. I'm not sure how it was for you, but it was really frustrating having an alliance I had no connections with and wanted nothing to do with breathing down my neck all the time.

I participated in the Karma War as a footsoldier in the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations, I didn't have much of a leadership role when the time came, but it was a pretty bittersweet moment. I had wanted to see NPO fall for a long time after what they did to ONOS (which I still think was borderline illegal), but it was too easy. Not like the hard fight for justice that I had long envisioned.

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Aw, man, that !@#$ was jacked up, yo. I remember most of it as clear as day, skirmishes aside, it was the first major battle of my career.

First, our ally LoSS canceled on us, which was a surprise because we thought they we're pretty close with us. Then, just before the eve of battle a bunch of cowards jumped ship, half of them in leadership positions, including a Triumvir and our MoD. Not a murmur of discontent before, then up and they're gone, like thieves in the night. It's was chaos leavened with the stench of desperation. We knew it would be a pounding before either of those two things, but after they happened... it was like sitting in the trenches waiting for the air bombardment to happen and suddenly hearing the whistles of falling nukes. After some of the leadership bailed, it was like opening the floodgate, and people were running to save their skin left and right. People we're leaving for days.

However, the oath to defend one's ally is not dependent upon a condition of convenience, but an absolute.

Thankfully our remaining leaders knew how to keep everything in order. Suvorov took over the military, Duncan King was the diplomatic lead and spokesperson, and Metictype handled logistics. We declared on Poison Clan in defense of TPF, and in return got declared on by Argent, Umbrella, RAD, and Internet Superheros.

We didn't tangle with Umbrella too much, but PC, Argent, RAD and IS all showed their might on the battlefield and each proved to be worthy foes.

Crippled before the first shot was even fired, we didn't last long. Maybe a week and a half. Grossly outnumbered, we suffered terrible losses. I busted skulls for about 3 or 4 days before my opponents finally wised up and started coordination attacks.

Thankfully, white peace it was. But the fallout put us through a long dark time. As for Mr. O of Kzoppistan, well, war made man out of me. ;)

Ah, the memories.

Also, I wrote a blog entry on this forum about it:

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Kzoppistan' date='22 April 2010 - 12:20 PM' timestamp='1271956800' post='2270822']
Then, just before the eve of battle a bunch of cowards jumped ship, half of them in leadership positions, including a Triumvir and our MoD. Not a murmur of discontent before, then up and they're gone, like thieves in the night.

Who were they and are they still around?

Good stories all around everyone, I especially enjoyed reading, Rush, Janova, Bill Wallace, and Alfred's stories

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I was in WAPA. I was just a diplomat to the NOVA,VA and some others. A day or two before we attacked TFD our MoFA, 1 member of our trium and our DMoD left and formed their own alliance, "House Atreides". I was asked to act as MoFA along with President Allan for the duration of the war.We white peaced with TFD. It was my first alliance on alliance war.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='22 April 2010 - 02:30 PM' timestamp='1271957436' post='2270830']
Who were they and are they still around?

Mmmm. They know who they are. But personally, I'm going to leave it in the past. I don't see any point in dragging their names through the mud in public anymore.

I'm sure you understand.

*Edit: partying all night makes 12 o'clock words hard. I hate you words.

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I remember being completely, 100% out of my mind in the coalition channel. Some of my darkest days (IRL) lead to some of my worst actions (in CN). I still feel really bad about being a hindrance rather than the help I know I could have been.

I also remember the the the DoW happened, feeling like it was a joke or something. I remember when I asked Chill "Do we have Gremlins?" and he responded with "Yeah" and I felt so damn happy.

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I was a then largely disillusioned and slightly retarded cog in the NPO war machine, Karma was my last hurrah for that side.

I started the war with about 12k ns, I fought sethb, antothecheese and some other Viridian I don't remember the name of, then a nuke rogue named Joque Straap who was previously a member of the Centurian Brotherhood but was now a proud (and only) member of the great alliance "Dinner Naked", who nuked me to ZI, then I fought a long list of RoKkers I don't remember (I fought quite a few wars with RoK, I don't remember how many exactly). I think when Karma broke I was still at war with some guy from FAN.

After the war was over I decided to discuss my feelings about the war on OWF, which somewhat hurried along my departure from NPO. I think the war was somewhat cathartic for me.

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