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[quote name='greene345' date='19 April 2010 - 02:10 PM' timestamp='1271700616' post='2266505']
[ooc]I'm trying to figure out if Amer is actually serious or not...[/ooc]
Everything that is said by me, here, is dead serious.

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[quote name='Uralica' date='19 April 2010 - 02:28 PM' timestamp='1271701712' post='2266532']
[ooc]Somehow I think he is. But that is of no consequence. If what he said earlier is true, he won't last much longer ;)[/ooc]
You actually think that I won't last long? I'll last longer than NPO. Yeah the New Pacific Order.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='19 April 2010 - 02:11 PM' timestamp='1271700658' post='2266506']
[color="#0000FF"]You clearly don't know much about anything, do you? Now Terra Cotta may not be huge like CnG, SF, or NOIR, but they are made up of some good alliances. If you want a horrible bloc, look at Nexus.

Also, how exactly do you plan to win? This is really just an insignificant speck (you) wailing against Rome. Really, you're not that big of a problem to them. If you think you are, then I am sorry, but you are seriously deluded.[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]He is.[/color]

I am probably saying more than I should but do some research on how Rome defeated Hannibal in the Carthaginian Wars. Look it up. That's my tactic.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 03:17 PM' timestamp='1271704659' post='2266584']
You actually think that I won't last long? I'll last longer than NPO. Yeah the New Pacific Order.
[color="#0000FF"]Somehow I doubt that.[/color]

[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 03:19 PM' timestamp='1271704755' post='2266589']
I am probably saying more than I should but do some research on how Rome defeated Hannibal in the Carthaginian Wars. Look it up. That's my tactic.
[color="#0000FF"]You plan to salt the earth?[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Lennox' date='19 April 2010 - 02:59 PM' timestamp='1271703558' post='2266566']
I wonder who's next on the list.
For now, Rome is our only enemy. Once we deal with them, we'll become peaceful and neutral.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 02:19 PM' timestamp='1271704755' post='2266589']
I am probably saying more than I should but do some research on how Rome defeated Hannibal in the Carthaginian Wars. Look it up. That's my tactic.

You mean that you can use war elephants to beat death stars?!?! :blink:

I will be mind-blown if you can actually accomplish this.

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So your demands of Rome are:

First, surrender unconditionally, and then:

1. Cancellation of all their treaties.
2. Reduce their membership to 50 nations.
3. Reduce their NS to under 100K.
4. Other, as of yet unspecified, regulations.
5. Pay $90 million
6. Pay 1,000 Tech
7. Have shiny boots.

Is all that correct?

*Edit: After thoughts.

First, where are the Flowers forums? I might be interested in stopping by as a diplomat and also to see how your leadership skills are impressing the rest of the alliance.

Second, you must have a secret weapon or otherwise face the reality that you have no reasonable way to impose your will over such a larger alliance. Determination is a wonderful thing, but determination alone won't win a war. Even if you were to max out all of your 6 nations slots, you won't be able to take 129 nations.

Third, you might want to be careful about being so high profile, without a protector and with the low nation count in your alliance, you are prime raider bait. In fact, you may want to check your war screen right now.

And one last thing to consider, even if you were somehow miraculously able to get Rome to accept your demands, they are markedly draconian and you would suffer an enormous public relations backlash that would more than likely set more predatory and aggressive alliances against yours.

Just some things to think about there.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 08:23 AM' timestamp='1271679788' post='2266179']
Vilien, you're a mercenary. You got $3 million, of which I took about $2,700,000 or so in Ground Battles. And you're Communist and I'm in Anarchy.
I take offense to you calling me a mercenary. I'm attacking you out of a misguided sense of justice, not because I'm getting paid to do it.

In addition, I'm destroying you by myself. The idea that you can even begin to touch Rome is laughable.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 07:25 AM' timestamp='1271679913' post='2266182']
I didn't make it up. I will ask them all. They wanted both and they shall never get both. Nor white peace. Right now, they are looking at disbandment or about $90 million and 1,000 Tech in Reps. It's a take it or leave it policy. So, be it.

that was directed at Rome not you. also, you don't have the strength to do anything let alone forcefully disband any alliance. not to mention, that right there will lose you any support you could have possibly garnered. good job.

[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 08:03 AM' timestamp='1271682188' post='2266210']
'Reroll' what is that. The thing is people, Rome needs to understand and display their knowledge of the fact that they are loosing the Flowers War. The longer this war goes on, the more reps and the harsher the treaty will be. And, I can't remember your name - the guy with the picture of Osama Bin Laden - you may be right.
And to Magnetar and Richard, the Flowers have their defensive war slots filled. So, that's basically useless. And isn't it just ironic that an alliance that was in Terra Cotta for 2 or 3 weeks is in so much crap?

so because a member of the Flowers attacks Rome and refuses to pay reps, Rome is the bully? not to mention, you are demanding much more than Rome ever wanted.

also, Rome is not even the bottom of their foot deep in crap from you or the Flowers.

[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 10:32 AM' timestamp='1271691156' post='2266309']
I don't know. I can only inference. But I think they will becasue it's wrong for an alliance 400 times stronger than you to bully on you. I also think that they are just, reasonable and honorable people - the leaders of the alliances. However, if we don't get support, the Flowers can still win this war, hands down.

infer... not inference... i would also put in there that it is just stupid for an alliance 400 times smaller than another alliance to attempt to bully that other alliance. and no, you won't win unless Rome gets bored with you and even then, you still won't win as you will never get a thing from Rome.

[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 10:46 AM' timestamp='1271691948' post='2266325']
Death before surrender is my motto. I will live by it. And the Flowers has been battling and winning Rome for about 2 weeks now. Thats an alliance 400 times weaker and smaller. Come on. It's like the Battle of Marathon or Thermopylae: the battlefield is as big as the amount of people you can fit in the valley. In this case, Rome can attack the Flowers with a maximum of 18 nations. So far, we're at war with about 6 or 7 nations. Rome will surrender or accept White Peace.

looking over the battle screens, yeah you are only at war with a handful of Rome nations. do you honestly think that means you are winning? i mean come on. if Rome decided to just end this farce of a war, they pretty much could quite easily and with little in cost to them to hold you guys at war until either you are ZIed for being rogues or until you agree to pay some reps and leave them alone.

[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 10:50 AM' timestamp='1271692228' post='2266329']
White peace can also mean that they are so shattered they can't fight anymore. So, then I'd demand their unconditional surrender, apology, and a bunch of other stuff.

no, white peace simply does not mean that one bit. white peace means no terms at all. and has nothing to do with the state of Rome. also, you can only hit 18 nations at a time, which means that every other nation can rebuild while you war those 18 nations. so yeah, your fantasy about wrecking Rome is just that, a fantasy.

[quote name='Krunk the Great' date='19 April 2010 - 11:54 AM' timestamp='1271696035' post='2266394']
Where are your treaties I would like to know?

And where are Rome's?

Enough Said.

Might want to quit while you're behind.

Maybe get a protector to save you from future embarrassments such as this thread.

honestly after this, i doubt any alliance would want to touch the Flowers with a ten-foot pole.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 08:25 AM' timestamp='1271679913' post='2266182']
I didn't make it up. I will ask them all. They wanted both and they shall never get both. Nor white peace. Right now, they are looking at disbandment or about $90 million and 1,000 Tech in Reps. It's a take it or leave it policy. So, be it.

Aren't you cute.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='19 April 2010 - 03:04 PM' timestamp='1271707442' post='2266638']
/me looks at goons

One of the Flowers is already getting hit by a GOONS raider

Edited by Ashok
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The saddest thing here is no matter how much you argue and prove to him that he is wrong, he keeps saying he is right. I will be truly sad if this topic makes it to double digits, which I am pretty sure it will if he keeps replying to each post with a new post.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 02:20 PM' timestamp='1271704823' post='2266591']
For now, Rome is our only enemy. Once we deal with them, we'll become peaceful and neutral.

Amer.....Isn't your alliance made of 7 nations, compared to Rome's 129 nations? Also, isn't the only reason your buried in the earth is due to the fact your filled to the limit in wars? Maybe, you should cut yourself and beg for peace in hopes of no ZI or such. You might even get a White Peace.

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As entertaining as this started out to be, it has quickly taken a turn into being outright annoying. Amer Kurtovic, it's obvious by now that you refuse to take into consideration any advise given to you, and would rather remain as an ignorant, know-it-all noob who knows absolutely nothing as far as running an alliance, and alliance wars go. As such, I have no sympathy for you what-so-ever, and you will deserve whatever you get. You may think this thread is actually helping you in some way, but all you are doing is sealing your fate as another laughing stock in CN, adding to the list of those who came before you placing stock in some non-existent power they thought they had.

Have fun burning, Flowers.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='19 April 2010 - 03:19 PM' timestamp='1271704760' post='2266590']
[color="#0000FF"]Somehow I doubt that.[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]You plan to salt the earth?[/color]
Yeah. No!!! They outlasted him.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 06:50 PM' timestamp='1271721036' post='2267006']
Yeah. No!!! They outlasted him.

Who outlasted who? Besides Amer your being handed your $@! on a silver platter cut your losses and try again another time. Besides Rome might let some of Terra Cotta's new blood take a crack at you :smug: They need to flex their muscles :smug:

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' date='19 April 2010 - 03:40 PM' timestamp='1271705986' post='2266609']
So your demands of Rome are:

First, surrender unconditionally, and then:

1. Cancellation of all their treaties.
2. Reduce their membership to 50 nations.
3. Reduce their NS to under 100K.
4. Other, as of yet unspecified, regulations.
5. Pay $90 million
6. Pay 1,000 Tech
7. Have shiny boots.

Is all that correct?

*Edit: After thoughts.

First, where are the Flowers forums? I might be interested in stopping by as a diplomat and also to see how your leadership skills are impressing the rest of the alliance.

Second, you must have a secret weapon or otherwise face the reality that you have no reasonable way to impose your will over such a larger alliance. Determination is a wonderful thing, but determination alone won't win a war. Even if you were to max out all of your 6 nations slots, you won't be able to take 129 nations.

Third, you might want to be careful about being so high profile, without a protector and with the low nation count in your alliance, you are prime raider bait. In fact, you may want to check your war screen right now.

And one last thing to consider, even if you were somehow miraculously able to get Rome to accept your demands, they are markedly draconian and you would suffer an enormous public relations backlash that would more than likely set more predatory and aggressive alliances against yours.

Just some things to think about there.

First: Yes. The terms are not take it or leave it. Instead they are negotiable. Considering the damage they caused (we've caused much more) it's a fair sum, but we'll willing to compromise.

Second: Of course I have a secret weapon. I may be radical, but I'm not s fool.

Third: The thing is, we are currently negotiating an MDP, which could turn into an MDoAP with another alliance protected by a superpower. I don't want to jinx it by saying any more or revealing anything more. So, that would be an attack on us would be an attack on the other alliance and their superpower friend.

Fourth: No alliance is going to go against that superpower and us. Well, unless they hated their alliance. What do you mean by "markedly draconian"? And I'm sure it won't be that bad of public relations. Look at the stuff NPO had to pay and do after Karma. Compared to that, this is nothing. Also, compared to Karma, we're nothing. And we have that superpower. And the terms are negotiable.

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[quote name='Ashok' date='19 April 2010 - 08:03 PM' timestamp='1271721780' post='2267028']
Who outlasted who? Besides Amer your being handed your $@! on a silver platter cut your losses and try again another time. Besides Rome might let some of Terra Cotta's new blood take a crack at you :smug: They need to flex their muscles :smug:

Rome outlasted Hannibal becasue they couldn't win him in a battle. Guerrilla tactics. Hit and run. My motto is death before surrender and I intend to keep it until the day I die.

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