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Tabloid Tribune #157 | NPO ICA

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I would imagine the biggest issue of allowing you to rearm is whether or not you'd continue to pay reps or start another war. As it is many of the Karma alliances have lost a lot of NS due to this cute little war and now would be a perfect time for Pacifica to rearm and seek out her revenge. Sadly it's hard to rearm when you're not allowed to maintain any military and every alliance out there is watching you...it is, however, a lot easier to rearm when being watched if you're ALLOWED to rearm.

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[quote name='Libera' date='18 March 2010 - 02:26 AM' timestamp='1268893878' post='2229080']
As it is many of the Karma alliances have lost a lot of NS due to this cute little war and now would be a perfect time for Pacifica to rearm and seek out her revenge.
I would argue the exact opposite. With NPO's allies even more crippled from the war, this would be the worst time for them to pull a move like that.

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I don't like the parallels being drawn between the recent war and the FAN war. The difference is that here, one alliance manned up, and in FAN's case... I hate to troll an interesting announcement like this, so I will just play the old broken record of [i]"LAWL NPO IS EBIL UBER WAR VICEROY KILL FAN 20% OF FORGEIN AID CAUSES ANARCHY"[/i] and let the people who know a bit of CN history fill in the remainder of my argument.

(I'm not saying you guys are evil, I am saying you don't have the right to call people out over stuff that happened ages ago since the NPO has some questionable history as well)

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[quote name='Libera' date='18 March 2010 - 01:26 AM' timestamp='1268893878' post='2229080']
Sadly it's hard to rearm when you're not allowed to maintain any military and every alliance out there is watching you...it is, however, a lot easier to rearm when being watched if you're ALLOWED to rearm.

Yes, because to send out orders to draft soldiers, tanks and CMs it takes such a long time.[/sarcasm]

[OOC]If we or anyone under terms wanted to rearm and come back and attack, it would take a matter of seconds to buy up in-game and attack. The only downside is the restrictions on how many nukes a nation can purchase per day.[/OOC]

Edited by Bilrow
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[quote name='Bilrow' date='18 March 2010 - 06:38 PM' timestamp='1268951916' post='2229609']
[OOC]If we or anyone under terms wanted to rearm and come back and attack, it would take a matter of seconds to buy up in-game and attack. The only downside is the restrictions on how many nukes a nation can purchase per day.[/OOC]
Navy too.

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[quote name='flak attack' date='18 March 2010 - 10:36 PM' timestamp='1268969745' post='2229904']
Navy too.
We don't have navies in my nation. We even do not allow our children to play with toy boats. Strictly forbidden even if there were no terms.

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[quote name='Bilrow' date='18 March 2010 - 11:38 PM' timestamp='1268951916' post='2229609']
Yes, because to send out orders to draft soldiers, tanks and CMs it takes such a long time.[/sarcasm]

[OOC]If we or anyone under terms wanted to rearm and come back and attack, it would take a matter of seconds to buy up in-game and attack. The only downside is the restrictions on how many nukes a nation can purchase per day.[/OOC]

Perhaps not. But as you've stated, nukes take a long time to build up. Nukes are [i]generally[/i] a big factor in deciding the outcome of a war. As it is...yes you could buy a bunch of troops, CMs, and aircraft, for a single nation. Multiple nations will take time [OOC] as people aren't on CN all the time [/OOC] and you'd be noticed and struck down if you tried any mass scale mil build-up...plus tech would need purchased (if you wanna be effective in a war) and that would take time.

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[quote name='Libera' date='19 March 2010 - 12:50 AM' timestamp='1268977792' post='2230041']
Perhaps not. But as you've stated, nukes take a long time to build up. Nukes are [i]generally[/i] a big factor in deciding the outcome of a war. As it is...yes you could buy a bunch of troops, CMs, and aircraft, for a single nation. Multiple nations will take time [OOC] as people aren't on CN all the time [/OOC] and you'd be noticed and struck down if you tried any mass scale mil build-up...plus tech would need purchased (if you wanna be effective in a war) and that would take time.
Enjoy your delusions of security built in a house of sugar that melts in the rain.

Edited by Bilrow
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[quote name='Bilrow' date='19 March 2010 - 03:50 PM' timestamp='1269039015' post='2230610']
Enjoy your delusions of security built in a house of sugar that melts in the rain.
Now, now, the Order was selected as the most feared alliance of 2009 because that year revolved around containing the Order. If Liberia thinks that an alliance with no tech and no allies will have the ability to smash G15 and their allies with a few nukes, tanks and soldiers, we are well on our way to earning that award for 2010.

On an offical note, applications for apprentice close March 31.

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A fun read. They work better when you aren't trying to score political points.

Regarding instant re-armament, you really can't do that alliance-wide on one day, never mind five minutes. With nations all round the world, many governments are not able to issue orders (OOC: players are offline) at the 'correct' time, and several won't even show up for a vote on the right day (OOC: players are inactive).

I'm sorry we couldn't pick that rogue up for you sooner but you may have noticed we were fighting a war at that time.

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[quote name='Libera' date='19 March 2010 - 12:50 AM' timestamp='1268977792' post='2230041']
Perhaps not. But as you've stated, nukes take a long time to build up. Nukes are [i]generally[/i] a big factor in deciding the outcome of a war. As it is...yes you could buy a bunch of troops, CMs, and aircraft, for a single nation. Multiple nations will take time [OOC] as people aren't on CN all the time [/OOC] and you'd be noticed and struck down if you tried any mass scale mil build-up...plus tech would need purchased (if you wanna be effective in a war) and that would take time.
Whether or not allowing rearmament would give Pacifica the ability to pull off a sneak attack is a moot point. Why? Because it would be suicide. Call NPO what you want, but they are not suicidal. Quite the opposite... They choose their actions based on (percieved) self-interest. Certainly they've made some stupid decisions, but not out of a desire to inflict harm upon themselves. Some have described the attack on OV as suicidal, but I severely doubt that NPO started that war with an expectation of losing. It's just not what they do. Attacking the G15 would not be in their self-interest, and there's no possible way that anyone there, even a complete idiot, could believe it to be so. They have no allies, no nukes, no tech, and any friends who might care to come to their aid are reeling from the walloping they just took in the Cluster$%&@ War. No, the only reason that an alliance in Pacifica's position would attack the G15 would be out of a desire to do as much damage as possible on their way out of Planet Bob. I've been mistaken before in my beliefs on what drives alliances to act, but I think we can be reasonably certain that Pacifica is not suicidal and does not wish to exit Planet Bob.

The only way that it could be in Pacifica's self-interest to attack the G15 would be if the G15 were in a very close war where Pacifica could be the kingmaker. And that absolutely will not happen for many, many months, because it takes so long to rebuild these days. And even then it would be a [i]huge[/i] gamble, because if they lost, they would probably be crippled for years, if not permanenly.


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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='22 March 2010 - 05:18 AM' timestamp='1269260321' post='2233090']I'm sorry we couldn't pick that rogue up for you sooner but you may have noticed we were fighting a war at that time.[/quote]
Who would have figured you might have to fight one in the year that we'll be under terms? Ah well...

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