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The Return of the Gentle Queen

Cybil de Blanc

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[i]- The Lillia Palace, Darwin, Australia -[/i]

"And...we're go. Your Highness?"

"Thank you," said Cybil to the cameraman, before turning her attention to the camera in front of her. She sat in a chair in one of the palace's private rooms, trying not to look too tired from the medication she was taking. She was smiling at the camera, hoping she didn't look too ragged to the world. It was morning in Australia - roughly time for people's supper around the world - and the broadcast would run three times throughout the day, so that all time zones could see the address of Queen Cybil de Blanc.

"Good morning, afternoon and evening denizens of Planet Bob, wherever you may be," began Cybil. Her hair was set in a cyb - consisting of braids looped around her ears and a low-tied ponytail - so that the world would recognize her better. "My name is Cybil de Blanc. Many of you know me as the former Queen of the country of Cyneriice Northan. I disappeared roughly two years ago, after my boat, the [i]Steel-Clad Gar[/i], was attacked by terrorists. I was taken captive and then forcibly kidnapped by another terrorist group, who I remained under the custody of up until a few days ago. It was due to the heroic efforts of Queen Hannah Asgeirsson and the Duchess Sarah Tintagyl did I escape them."

The Queen took a breath.

"I am not well. I realize Cyneriice Northan is in the midst of a brutal civil war. I realize that my cousin, Alysandra Lacroix, acting Queen of Cyneriice Northan, has been exiled and is somewhere in the Arctic Ocean. I would attend to these matters with utmost speed, but I am ill from the trauma I have undergone for so long. If I were to rule, I would not be able to guarantee I would be of sound mind and body, and frankly, a nation needs a sound leader in order to be ruled peacefully. History has proven time and time again this fact."

Again, another breath.

"Until my cousin can reclaim the throne and take back the government, I have asked the CAN to take care of my lands. Please note that all treaties signed are still in effect for my country, and for those of you who instigated the instability of Cyneriice Northan, you [i]will[/i] be punished. I applaud those who have survived so far and who have not tried to contribute to the chaos; rest assured, you will be compensated for any damages and losses by myself when I can return to a seat of power with a clear mind and a strong body. Consider yourself, those who overthrew my cousin, enemies of the country and of myself. You [i]will not[/i] be welcome in Cyneriice Northan.

"That is all. Long live Cyneriice Northan, her allies, and all of Planet Bob."

The screen cut to black.

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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